Chapter Thirty Six: The High Road Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat

The cabinet was, for once, united. Every man and woman, every Titan, Avartle, and Dunnermac in the room watched Cesil’s declaration of independence with unvarnished fury. If looks could kill, he would have been dead – and things would have been much simpler.

Looks can’t kill, alas, and Cesil had remained resolutely alive. And so the discussion had remained on its earlier trajectory – how to defeat the Federation, and right quick.

“So as I was saying,” Pane Segdi continued, “Praetor Imperii Lagvul has promised to get back to me within the hour. Unfortunately, there’s no plan in place for invading an Imperial Province that isn’t in open rebellion….”

“We don’t have to pretend the military is following the Liania Act to the letter,” Loona said. “What do their plans entail?”

Segdi smirked. “Assuming they take the obvious route and mass their defence force between Sol Profa and Sol Diona, it’s a pretty straightforward smash and run. No matter what they’ve got, they won’t be able to withstand a fleet.”

“We aren’t going to avoid it? Space is awfully big,” Berisen said.

“Better to clear it and go. Lagvul will be in to give the exact strategy soon enough, but we’ll mass at Nuvokorafia and smash through, then send the main fleet through to Sol Federation, with smaller task forces going to Pofa and Diona. Once we have the forces in place, they’ll go quickly.”

“How long?” Qorni asked.

“Two, maybe three weeks to get our forces massed. Once they’re in place, about a month for main combat operations; question is how soon we can pacify the civilians.”

“Come now,” Lali Berisen said. “We have a province in open rebellion. The longer they remain undeterred, the more it allows them to secure their position. The Jotnar managed to dig in for hundreds of years, and had they not reached out to us no force would have displaced them. Time is of the essence.”

“I agree,” Loona said. “But we can’t rush in foolishly, either. It’s not enough to invade, we have to be ready to occupy the province. Assuming that’s what we’re going to do, Madam Floor Leader.”

The question was rather barbed, but Qorni showed no sign of anger. “We most certainly are, Madam Deputy Floor Leader. Jonto, has the petition been filed?”

“I just received confirmation,” Cethje said. “Judicator Hiaganu was kind enough to get out of bed and sign it. Arrest warrants have been issued for Cesil, along with a series of ‘Jonese Alfa’ warrants for anyone helping him. He also issued an emergency ruling preventing the Federation from seceding, which gives us authority to prevent it even without a vote in the legislature.”

“Good, that lets us officially prepare before the remote vote tomorrow. Whatever constraints we were dealing with before are gone. I’ll be gorramed if I let the Federation walk away from The Empire. And I want Cesil’s arse in front of a firing squad, the frakking traitor.”

“So say we all,” Segdi said, “and….”

She paused, for a moment, looking down at her pad. “Just a moment. Madam Deputy…have you heard anything from Earth?”

“What? No, I had my pad off,” Loona said. “This seemed like it took priority.”

There was a chuckle from around the table, and from the two members of the cabinet linked in remotely. Loona turned it on, and wasn’t surprised to see 1500 messages – that was normal – but to see that there were 49 urgent messages from the Ambassador to Earth.

“Minister Berisen, you may want to check your pad as well,” Loona said, as she began to scroll through the messages. “And…oh, Dear Emperor.”

Berisen was noting the same thing as Loona. “Gorram. Madam Floor Leader…it appears our ambassador has been expelled from Earth.”

“What?” Qorni said. “Why?”

“Oh, no. No no no,” Loona said, looking deeper. “Madam Floor Leader…I’m just going to play it.”

Loona sent through the video, which popped up on screens around the room. It didn’t take long for the gist of it become clear.

“Who…where did this come from?”

“Gama Fleet says it originated within the Empire,” Segdi said, reading the notes that were coming through on her end. “Came through seven different nodes. Whoever did this was gorram good. Linked into Earth’s comms net, this was broadcast to everyone on the planet on an emergency channel.”

“Oh, great,” Qorni said, shaking her head as Yamanu Neutha’s execution popped up on screen. “Another way the Federation frakked us.”

“This whole video probably is,” Segdi said. “Timing can’t be coincidental.”

“Frak,” Loona said. “Give us something else to do. Distract us.”

“They’re probably preparing some for the Drazari and Tusola as we speak,” Berisen said. “If they haven’t already sent them, that is.”

“Our Ambassador has been trying to get in touch with us, I assume,” Qorni said.

“You might say that,” Loona replied. “I…in fact, she’s calling now.”

“Please patch it through to the cabinet, Madam Deputy.”

Loona shook her head slightly. Given Eyrn’s other communications, she thought it likely that Eyrn would not greet them diplomatically…but frankly, Eyrn needed to talk to everyone there.

So with a sigh, she pressed three buttons, and said, “Hello, Eyrn, I’m sorry….”

“SORRY!?” Eyrn bellowed.

“Eyrn,” Loona said, but Eyrn wasn’t really listening.

“Sorry? I’ve been kicked off of the planet I grew up on, and had to tap-dance around a frakking ‘Faces of Death’ video that every single human got sent to them….”


“…and the Secretary-General is telling us she wants us off Earth, and that she may just void the Treaty of Titan Station, and…and Yamma is dead, Loona. He was frakking murdered in cold blood, and you, Minister Berisen, and everyone else just leave me hanging out to dry, and….”

“Eyrn!” Loona barked. “I have the rest of the cabinet on with us. I’m sorry we couldn’t take your calls, but we are already dealing with a crisis.”

“Like what?” Eyrn snapped.

“This is the Floor Leader,” Forna Qorni said. “The Federation has declared civil war on the Empire.”

There was a very long pause.

A very, very long pause.

“Madam Floor Leader,” Eyrn said, quietly, “I did not realize that.”

“This is Minister Berisen. You’ve been dealing with a lot, ambassador,” the Minister of State said. “Your frustration is understandable. We believe, in fact, that the Federation has planted this video to distract us as we prepare for war.”

Eyrn sighed. “I probably didn’t help by agreeing to move strike fighters off of Titan Station.”

“No, that’s probably not a bad thing,” Segdi said. “Unfortunately, we’re going to need them. I know that Praetor Imperii Lagvul was already asking Gama Fleet to contribute to the task force; I’ll instruct him to transfer the Titan strike wing to the Kopus.”

“For obvious reasons, we can’t devote as much time to this as we’d like,” Qorni said. “Ambassador, your initial actions are reasonable, but I suspect you will need something.”

“I was going to ask you to come meet with them, Madam Floor Leader,” Eyrn said. “They need to be reassured that we do view them as an equal sovereign entity. Given your history with human emancipation….”

“I saw they included one of my press conferences,” Qorni said. “I can’t leave Tuaut, that’s exactly what the Federation would like.”

“I’ll go,” Loona said.

Qorni smiled. From the standpoint of what was needed, Loona was the obvious choice. The Interior Ministry would have a role in post-war occupation, but the initial assault didn’t require their input. And Loona Armac was the second-highest-ranking government official – in a time of crisis, it was a strong gesture to send her.

And if that meant Loona wasn’t in town during the invasion planning, and that later, Qorni could mention that off-handedly…well, that wasn’t a bad thing, now, was it?

“I agree,” Qorni said. “It will be a few days, but you can make the arrangements, if they’re willing to talk to you still.”

“They know I’m only going to Titan,” Eyrn said. “And they’re still talking, which is good.”

“Excellent. The Deputy Floor Leader will be this government’s point person, but please communicate that on this matter, she speaks for me. Emancipation of humans within the Empire is an internal issue. It does not impact our position on Earth. The Empire absolutely rejects this video. It is not our position in any way, shape, or form. Earth is a free and independent world, and the Empire has no interest in changing that.”

“I will communicate that,” Eyrn said. “And it will help if you can communicate that too.”

“We will. I’ll have the Deputy Floor Leader get back in touch with you within the day.”

“Thank you, Madam Floor Leader. And…”

Eyrn winced, and continued. “I’m sorry about my previous outburst.”

“I’ve been far angrier with Rep. Armac than that, Ambassador Bass,” Qorni said.

There was a beat, and then, despite the awfulness of the day – or perhaps because of it – the entire cabinet, Loona Armac included, burst out laughing.


Naskia was in the process of serving up a curried stew for dinner. As per usual there was only the two of them and Naskia had, as always, made far too much. Especially considering Niall barely ate a teaspoon full. There would easily be enough left for lunch tomorrow for the both of them and for Niall’s assistant as well.

She set her bowl down on the dinner table and Niall’s carefully down in front of him before sitting down at the chair beside him.

Niall was quiet. Very quiet. He had a lot on his mind. Earth was in uproar and civil war was looming. No one in The Empire could recall the last serious conflict. But Niall remembered the bombs and the rubber bullets from his childhood. Protests, counter-protests and riots. The Empire didn’t know what it was getting into. He hadn’t said it directly but Naskia could tell the idea of a galactic war potentially reaching Earth had left her husband a very nervous old man.

No sooner had she picked up her fork, the doorbell rang.

“I wonder who that could be?” Naskia asked. She wasn’t expecting anyone.

Niall shrugged and poked at his dinner with his fork as the doorbell rang several more times with a definite urgency about it. “I’d get the door but I doubt they’ll wait for me.”

Naskia rolled her eyes and smiled warmly at her husband and got up to answer the door.

“Alright! Alright! Keep your knickers on!” She said as she opened the door. “Loona! Or should I call you Madam Deputy…”

Loona held up her hand and it became clear she was talking to her pad. She was flanked by several aides, busy with their own pads and several nervous looking Imperators. “No…no…no…yes…and tell them it has to be ready within six hours…YES SIX! Just get it done!” She snapped ending the call and removing her earpiece.

“Sorry Nas, it’s just insanity at the moment…” Loona sighed and relaxed a bit, though it was clear she wound up tighter than a coiled spring.

“No, no, I understand completely.” Naskia smiled more out of nerves than happiness.” Do you want to come in? I just made dinner. I could probably feed a few of you, though not all.”

“I can’t stay. There’s a ship getting prepped for launch as we speak.” Loona said. “I need Niall.”

“He’s at the dinner table if you want to talk.”

Loona sighed and shook her head. “No Nas, I need Niall. I need him to come with me. We’re going to Earth.

“Earth!? What, right now?” Naskia asked, eyes wide.

“She wants me to tell everyone back on Earth that The Empire is their friend, that there’s nothing to be afraid of; that the Faces of Death broadcast didn’t represent the truth.” Niall called up from the floor.

His wife bent down and let him step into her palm in one quick, and well practised movement.

“I need someone they’ll believe…” Loona said.

“I won’t lie to them. That pet store commercial ran right up until Zeramblin passed. And Titans did eat Humans, may still do. But if you want me to come, then I’ll come…” Niall spoke with a resigning weariness.

“I can’t have you come and saying that.” Loona said frankly “I need you on my team.”

“I’ll tell them the best people I know are Titans. That my wife is one, my best friends are too. And I’ll tell them that you’re slow to change, hard headed, arrogant but in the end you’re good people. Who are starting to listen.” Niall said frankly.

“You just described yourself.” Naskia said and gently stroked his thinning hair. “I’ll get us packed then shall I?”

“No.” Loona said. “Just Niall. I need him to be seen as independent…and I also arranged for you to cover his classes…”

“Well thanks for volunteering me…” Naskia grumbled. “I thought I might put more time in to my research or the vedgetable patch…”

“National emergency Nas…” Loona said.

“Ok…ok…” She rolled her eyes. “Let’s get you packed shall we?” she said and headed for the bedroom with her husband.

“I would like it if you could come, you know?” Niall said to his wife as she deposited him on the drawers. “I always imagined my first trip back to Earth would be with you and Sorcha. A triumphant return to Belfast, my beautiful wife and daughter flanking me on a tour of my old watering holes…”

“You remember Kymie in the holographic simulation all those years ago?” Naskia said and smiled. “Are you sure you want that in the real city?”

“Yeah…on second thoughts, best not eh?”

Niall started to carefully layer in shirts and trousers into his suitcase.

“You want a nice suit?” Naskia asked.

Niall stroked his beard. “Maybe…I hate wearing them though. Think I can get away with a jacket and a shirt?”

Naskia grinned cheekily. “You’re going to be a diplomat. Best to look the part.”

“Eugh. I suppose.” Niall groaned. “Give it to one of Loona’s aides. And tell them to be careful with it. They rip it they buy it. And Avalonian silk doesn’t come cheap!”

His wife chuckled and smiled down at him. “Who would have thought it when we met all those years ago that when you finally did get to go home it would be as a diplomat? Though you were ready to act as ambassador if I recall.”

“If you had of told me the moment we met that we’d be married with a daughter I’d have maybe believed you. If you had told me that one day I’d be going back to Earth as diplomat to resolve an intergalactic crisis I’d have told you to have your head examined.” He said.

Happy with the contents of his case and picking up a couple of extra pads he zipped up the case and alighted into his wife’s awaiting hand.

“It’s a good thing somebody tamed you…” She said.

“Ha!” Niall scoffed. “I’ve not been tamed. Just won over by the most beautiful woman in the galaxy.”

She kissed him softly on the side of the head. “You’ve been tamed.”

Niall smiled. “Well…maybe a little. Though you ask my students what they think and you’ll hear another story.”

“I’ll have plenty of time to from the sounds of it.” Naskia said. “I’ve never taught a class as anything more than a guest lecturer. Think I’ll do ok?”

“You know the material as well as I do and you have spent the last twenty years living with me and Sorcha. You have the patience of a saint Petal. You’re a born teacher.” He reassured. “Now I best be on my way. We don’t want to keep the Deputy Floor Leader waiting.”

“She always used to be the one who was late…the power must be getting to her…” said Naskia.

“I’ll have to remind her that we’ve seen what she’s like with a half bottle of whiskey in her.”

Naskia chuckled. “Those were always good nights. Seems like so long ago now…”

“Another world away.” Niall sighed.

Naskia headed for the hallway.

“I love you Petal. I don’t tell you that enough.”

“You tell me every day.” Naskia replied feeling warm inside.

“Yeah but it’s still not enough. It’s been over a century and it’s just occurred to me that we’ve never been apart for more than a few days at a time.” Niall said.

“I think I’ve earned myself a break don’t you think?” She joked.

“I don’t know how I’ll cope.” Niall said unsure if he was joking or not.

“I’ll get Loona to have a busty young brunette look out for you. That should help, shouldn’t it?” Naskia teased.

“I only have eyes for you.”

“Awww.” Naskia smiled and kissed him again. “I love you too sweetie.”


  1. AlphaRed says:

    “It’s a good thing somebody tamed you…” She said.
    “Ha!” Niall scoffed. “I’ve not been tamed. Just won over by the most beautiful woman in the galaxy.”
    She kissed him softly on the side of the head. “You’ve been tamed.”

    Whenever Naskia talks about taming I think of her visiting that pet shop with all the little naked humans. I wonder if she ever made the connection in her mind or if it was so familiar that it passed unnoticed and unremarked in her mind. Lona had her Epiphany in Training Day with Alex and Nona. Aisell had hers rather early with Bedra even before meeting Eryn. Gwen, might have had one pretty soon after meeting Izzy. All the characters have come so far, changed as time will do.

    As much as peaceful protest is good for society to adjust its behavior and views I am pleased there is a possibility that humans could become kind of scary to the rest of the galaxy. Darren from Training Day called it. Imagine what it would be for one of these giant creatures, Titan, or ler, to look behind and see armed humans chasing them and having the means to do real harm.

  2. Mynameisjacob says:

    Okay Openhighhat the real question because I’m drunk as hell… Irish whiskey, or American moonshine… choose wisely.

      • Mynameisjacob says:

        Yeah right! Homie shines so good they had to make it illegal, hell they even made a movie about it Lawless, the only good movie with shia lebouf

    • OpenHighHat says:

      Never had moonshine. But I will say Americans can’t make whiskey/whisky for love nor money.

      Give me a nice Black Bush or a Laphroaig.

      • Mynameisjacob says:

        The real answer is Irish whiskey because you shouldn’t remember what having moonshine taste like, fo real people go blind drinking this stuff. A little something dem northerners don’t know bout…

        • OpenHighHat says:

          Lol – The Irish have been making Moonshine for 300 years longer than the USA has existed. Only difference is we call it poitin (pronounced pot-cheen). It’s usually about 70% ABV but goes up to about 90%.

          Moonshine is like tonic water in comparison.

  3. Soatari says:

    “I’ve been far angrier with Rep. Armac than that, Ambassador Bass,” Qorni said.

    There was a beat, and then, despite the awfulness of the day – or perhaps because of it – the entire cabinet, Loona Armac included, burst out laughing.

    No. I find this to be very unbelievable. The amount of animosity in that room would have made that joke fall flat. Maybe a few chuckles here and there, but not “entire room burst out laughing”.

  4. smoki1020 says:

    Yup attack on Earth is possible… Mukta must reveal her discovery very soon for the sake of everyone on her home planet. And let’s hope rigemont can still listen senses here. Cute scene between Niall and her wife Too.

    • synp says:

      Mukta’s discovery can lead to weapons in years, not weeks. I don’t think her discovery matters in the time frame available.

      If it is revealed, it might even push Earth’s enemies to attack sooner rather than later.

      And we’re still wondering what that “something” on Earth that the insectoids got access to all these years ago.

  5. Angel Agent says:

    One thing humans love to do with any new technology is exploit the hell out of it and to see if they can make a weapon out of it. That new reactor will make a nice one. Make enough and put them around Earth’s space boarders or find a way to shoot them at others, that can help with whatever comes for the Earth. If those reactors can blow part of a planet up like they say, than the humans can put a little fear into the others.

    Also those new air/space craft if it fly’s by ones mind than human size hybrids are perfect for it if they have faster reaction time than both normal humans and titans.

    I don’t think Niall is going to have not a happy homecoming I wouldn’t be surprise if he is called names or gets booed if he steps foot on Earth and they find out that his wife is titan.

  6. faeriehunter says:

    Well, that’s one less strike fighter wing for the insectoids to worry about.

    Funny as Eyrn’s rant was, I’m a little surprised that she didn’t even seem to suspect that the lack of communication from Tuaut might be because they’re dealing with a major crisis of their own. That’d be my first worry if I was an ambassador wishing to report a major situation only to find that no one in my government is answering my calls.

    Qorni smiled. From the standpoint of what was needed, Loona was the obvious choice. The Interior Ministry would have a role in post-war occupation, but the initial assault didn’t require their input. And Loona Armac was the second-highest-ranking government official – in a time of crisis, it was a strong gesture to send her.

    And if that meant Loona wasn’t in town during the invasion planning, and that later, Qorni could mention that off-handedly…well, that wasn’t a bad thing, now, was it?

    When I read that, I smiled too. Soon enough the eyes of the Empire will be shifting to the Empire-insectoid border, where they’ll see Loona handling the crisis of the century while Forna got distracted by the Federation.

  7. Mynameisjacob says:

    How much do you guys want to bet Rixie is about to get reactivated as an imperator for the 4th time lol.

    I swear to god, in the future when I get out of the Marine Corps if they called me back in after I be on that DD214 life I would go on a murderfest

  8. Soatari says:

    Quorni is definitely not taking this seriously enough. Political plotting during all this? Zeramblin’s advice went in one ear and out the other, eh?

  9. sketch says:

    So what are the chances any human ships will get a shot at the Federation?

    Also: “It’s been over a century and it’s just occurred to me that we’ve never been apart for more than a few days at a time.”

    Well if this doesn’t scream foreshadowing.

  10. Prisoner without a name cell without a number..... says:

    Awww thats sooooo schweeeet…I could almost gag 🙂 🙂 🙂

    AS for yours truly I prefer blondes…If Niall suggested such, Naskia would have gone ape-doodles…


    Niall my man, where the FUDGE have you been for the last oh… 100 years?!!! Your re-emergence onto the Earth scene is shall we say a tad overdue.. And don’t expect flower and kisses from the adoring public either. You might even be considered a traitor or a collaborator by some of the earth’s extremists..Some unexpected hard questions might come your way too

  11. Barrowman says:

    I directly suspected Niall sent that video message few chapters ago. He has the biggest motive to do so. The Empire will never give up territory even if the Earth plan the attack them, so I don’t believe Solis group or The Federation. For the first it would work counter productive and the Federation just don’t care what humans think.

      • OpenHighHat says:

        The irony of it would be hilarious. Man spends 15 years in a city riven with civil war and explosions only to end up dead of a bomb at almost 200 while 600 light years from earth.

        And I’d only be worried if Chief O’Brien turns up.

        • Prisoner without a name cell without a number..... says:

          I call that exiting in style..Going out with a bang. None of that suffering for decades riddled with diseases…

          and 200? thats not too shabby. Hell, he could have done worse..

      • Genguidanos says:

        Aertimus Bass: “So… I lied. I cheated. I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But the most damning thing of all… I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again – I would. Niall was right about one thing: a guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the Titan Empire. So I will learn to live with it…

        Because I can live with it…

        I can live with it…

        Computer – erase that entire personal log.”

        • sketch says:

          DS9 was my favorite of the series, though it’s all a blurr to me now. But I can hear that scene in my head and It’s going to bug the hell out me if I don’t ask. What episode?

        • Barrowman says:

          That was Deep Space Nine.
          There was also a holocaust like event at the end of the series. The Federation, Insectoids and some Titan Empire people deserve such a thing.

    • Locutus of Boar says:

      Eyrn sighed. “I probably didn’t help by agreeing to move strike fighters off of Titan Station.”

      “No, that’s probably not a bad thing,” Segdi said. “Unfortunately, we’re going to need them. I know that Praetor Imperii Lagvul was already asking Gama Fleet to contribute to the task force; I’ll instruct him to transfer the Titan strike wing to the Kopus.”

      You’re right to worry about Niall and Loona…and everybody on Earth. I expect there’s a Bug strikeforce heading toward Sol Earthas all this happens and Earth’s defense is being sent halfway across the Empire.

      • Barrowman says:

        That gap must be filled by the Earth’s army. What have they been doing since First Contact and what has Avalon been doing all this time. I wonder what creative weapons they come up with and what Niall has given them.
        The weapons build up must be massive since First Contact.
        Earth is in the process of becoming a dangerous villain. Solis and Qorni’s concerns are somewhat justified. If Earth isn’t stopped, than they will rule the Galaxy within 10 human years. That wormhole technology that Pryvani mentioned in the First Titan novel is just what Earth need to cover large distances. 11 billion humans joining the Empire, will mean that humans control the empire as the vast majority.
        But in this conflict I’m on Earth’s side. 😉 But the only good side, is the side our mixed group of human-titan-hybrids friends is on.

      • Ancient Relic says:

        I expect there’s a Bug strikeforce heading toward Sol Earthas all this happens and Earth’s defense is being sent halfway across the Empire.

        DX has added a bunch of articles on Insectoid military ships, so I think it’s all but certain now.

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