Chapter Three: The Chase Titan: Sovereign by JohnnyScribe

As Pierce trekked across the landscape of the gargantuan living room, he couldn’t help but look around in awe. It felt like he’d fallen asleep and woken up in some weird fairytale. And not a Disney fairytale, one of the original Grimm fairytales where the little kid always ends up eviscerated.

Furniture the size of skyscrapers towered over him, casting their massive shadows over his miniscule form. In the distance he could see the edificial couch, which was the source of the strange sound he was inexplicably deciding to follow.

As he neared the couch, he craned his neck up to see the barest outline of a body splayed across the piece of furniture. From the angle he was at, however, he couldn’t make out much more than the edge of a shoulder or elbow.

It was enough to tell him that some Titan was obviously sleeping on top of the couch, and that was enough for him. He wasn’t stupid enough to want to get any closer than that.

A tremor shook the ground underneath him and Pierce glanced over his shoulder towards the staircase. Just as he’d feared, a trio of titanic women was descending from the upstairs floor, no doubt on the hunt for him.

Well, he wasn’t about to let that happen without a fight. Before he could give it a second thought, he dashed underneath the couch.

He found himself in a shadowy environment, covered in a thin layer of dust. Pierce wasn’t terribly surprised that a home full of young women wasn’t the neatest- he had sisters, after all- but it was rather unfortunate for him, nonetheless.

Despite this, he trudged through the filth under the couch, making his way towards one of the legs in back. Occasionally, the array of springs above him would creak as the sofa’s enormous occupant shifted in her sleep.

The sounds of footsteps drew closer, and Pierce doubled his efforts.

Soon, he could see several pairs of feet just beyond the edge of the couch.

“Daz?” A voice spoke up. “Daz wake up a second?”

“…huh?” A sleepy grumble, accompanied by movement above. After another moment a pair of bare tan feet appeared on the floor. “What’s going on?”

The sneaker glad pair of feet shifted nervously. “Pierce has gone missing.” Tylum’s voice sighed.

“You should have put him in a cage.” Daz yawned distractedly.


“What? It would have been for the best. Now you don’t know where he is or what danger he could be in do you?”



“Oh Daz…” Another voice spoke up. “Um, I’m not sure now is the time we should be having this discussion. We really need to find Pierce before he hurts himself.”

“Oh oh!” The sandal clad feet bounced excitedly. “Maybe he just wanted to play a game! First one to find him wins!”

And without further comment, the owner of the sandals dashed into the other room.

“Someone needs to find her off switch.” Daz muttered.

By this point, Pierce had made it to the back left leg of the couch and was hiding behind it, trying to catch his breath.

“Hey! What are you…?” And not a moment too soon, apparently. A beam of light cut through the dusty gloom under the couch, and Tylum’s face appeared, peering into the darkness.

“I don’t see him under here…” She sighed, after a moment the flap was lowered again.

Pierce breathed a sigh of relief. All he would have to do now is wait for them to move on and he could find his way out of this crazy place.

“Come on, maybe he went towards the kitchen…” Tylum and the other Titaness moved away and out of sight, but the bare feet that belonged to Daz didn’t go anywhere.

“All this fuss over a human…” the girl muttered, before the feet lifted out of view and she settled back onto the couch.

Pierce stayed stock still, heart thumping in his chest until the commotion above him quieted and Daz’s gentle snoring began again.

Cautiously, Pierce crept towards the opposite edge of the couch, and peeked out into the light, turning his head and searching for any of the giant occupants.

Seeing no one around, except for Daz, he carefully stepped out from under the overhanging piece of furniture and began to look for some way to make his exit from the giant house.

He crept along the floor of the living room, keeping as close to the walls as he could- which he figured would lessen his chances of accidentally being stepped on- and made his way towards a gigantic doorway that he could see in the distance.

He couldn’t be certain, but he hoped the doorway in front of him might lead somewhere useful- like an exit.

A tiny nagging voice in the back of his head wondered- if these titans were big, and presumably the environment they lived in was proportionate… just what exactly was waiting for him out there?

Pierce filed that thought away for the moment. Once he got free of the giantesses’ house, then he’d worry about what was waiting for him outside.

That’s stupid, the voice scolded him.

Pierce shook his head and kept his eyes on his goal, the doorway in front of him.

Faster than he could blink, the image of a (relatively) short young woman with curly red hair and a beaming grin appeared outlined in the doorway.

Pierce pulled up short and plastered himself flat against the door, trying to quell his rapidly beating heart and shallow breathing.

“I didn’t find him in the basement!” The young woman yelled happily.

Pierce glanced around desperately, looking for cover. He spotted a potted plant the size of a pine tree and cautiously made his way towards it.

His eyes were glued to the massive young woman as she sauntered into the room, having not a care in the world- in stark contrast to Pierce’s own predicament.

“Hmmm…” The giant girl mused playfully. “If I were a teeny tiny little human, where would I hide from the big scary Titans?”

Pierce breathed a small sigh of relief as he made it to relative safety behind the giant potted plant.

“Maybe over… Here?!” Pierce watched as the playful giantess leaped into the air and threw herself halfway over the back of a chair in her search for him.

“Hm… no. Not there.” She climbed down off the chair and resumed prowling around the room.

“Here!” Next the girl flung open the door to what appeared to be a coat closet. After furiously shuffling through the coats, hats and boots stored within, she gave up and closed the door again. “Nope.”

“Slag it Myona!” A voice from atop the couch moaned. “Will you shut it already? I’m trying to take a nap here!”

“Whoops!” Myona giggled. “Sorry Daz, guess I was a bit loud, wasn’t I?”

“Hrmph.” Daz grunted in reply.

Myona resumed looking around the room, walking with exaggerated tiptoe movements. Pierce was almost to the point where he hoped she would find him, just so his heart could stop pounding for a few minutes.

Almost. But not quite.

He stayed completely still and as silent as he could while the redheaded Titaness seemed to draw ever nearer. Every few minutes she would stop to investigate some potential hiding spot or another, but every time she would soon move on as the particular spot proved fruitless.

Pierce instinctively flattened himself against the plastic side of the pot, as if hoping by some miracle he could merge with the surface and avoid detection. She was close enough that he could see the edge of her shadow on the floor just to the side of the plant.

“Here little human…” She called out in a sing-song whisper. “Nobody’s going to hurt you, especially not me… I just want to play a little…”

There was a part of Pierce that almost wanted to believe her; she seemed so playful and innocent… like a big kid.

A big kid that’s over a hundred feet tall, he reminded himself.

She was close now. Pierce could almost feel her presence looming above him. Fortunately, he was hidden from above by the plant’s overarching leaves.

That wasn’t going to stop Myona from trying, however. A moment later a feminine hand with long delicate looking fingers, each tipped by a sparkly purple nail the size of a serving platter, appeared around the out edge of the pot.

Pierce watched with apprehension as the appendage carefully felt around the ground behind the pot, probing fingers and their long nails scratching gently at the carpeted floor.

Pierce held his breath, afraid to even twitch lest he somehow reveal his presence to the searching Titaness above him.

The hand kept roving, and a moment later the other hand appeared, searching along the opposite side of the obstruction that Pierce was hiding behind.

With a sudden, unexpected movement, the hand flew to slap gently against the pot, a few feet above Pierce’s head.

Instinctively he crouched down to make himself as small as possible. The hand slid down the pot’s surface and Pierce barely leaped to the side in time to avoid it.

“Myona, now what are you doing?”

“Looking for Pierce!” The voice chirped above him. “Maybe he’s hiding behind here.”

“Then why not just lift up the plant and look?” Daz wondered, her voice filled with annoyance. At the same time, Pierce was contorting himself to avoid the grasp of Myona’s other hand, which was creeping along the bottom of the pot.

“Well, that wouldn’t be very fair, now would it?” Myona responded matter-of-factly, as if this should have been obvious to anybody.

“…I give up.” Daz groaned. There was a whump as she slumped back onto the couch.

“Hm, oh well.” Myona’s hands suddenly slipped out of view. The floor creaked underneath her as she pushed herself back to her feet and skipped out of the room to continue searching for him.

Pierce, meanwhile, felt almost faint with relief. That had been far too close for his comfort, especially when he realized that, had it been someone who wasn’t treating the search as some kind of game with rules and fair play- he would have been swiftly discovered.

Still, there was no sense in looking a gift horse in the mouth.

Pierce took a cautious look at the room from behind the plant and, not seeing any more searching giantesses, quickly dashed out from behind the plant and towards the door again.

He made it the rest of the way without incident.

Pierce stood at the threshold of the door which led into what looked like the house’s dining room. In the center of the room was a long oval-shaped table with two chairs pushed in at both side, and a single chair on each end.

Pierce walked over to the table and found himself in a jungle of dark brown table and chair legs. He cautiously moved among them, always on the lookout for any more titanic searchers.

He’d made it to the middle of the table when more footsteps sent tremors through the ground again.

“I think we’ve checked everywhere.” A soft voice spoke, and the brown leather boots reappeared walking into the room.

“I know Fara, but unfortunately I don’t think he’ll oblige us by staying in one spot.” Tylum sighed as her sneaker clad feet walked to the other side.

“Damn it.” Pierce muttered quietly, suddenly finding himself trapped under the middle of the table.

There was a deafening scraping sound as one of the chairs was pulled out and Fara lowered her frame into it. Her legs suddenly slid under the table on either side of Pierce, blocking his escape.

Pierce bit his lip nervously as he tried to think of his next move.

Then the chair behind him was also pulled out, and Tylum sat down, her legs corralling Pierce into an even smaller area.

Pierce clenched his jaw to hold in the curse he wanted to yell. Tylum’s foot twitched, which brought it a few inches closer to him.

“Okay, let’s think.” Tylum sighed. “I think we should start with the last place we looked and go back down the list in reverse order.”

“You think that’ll work?” Fara asked, the toe of her boot absentmindedly tapping.

“I don’t know.” Tylum moaned. “But I’m worried and it’s the only thing I can think of.”

“Okay.” Fara replied. “Then that’s what we’ll do.”

The Titaness made to stand, but her foot slid out in a way that Pierce hadn’t anticipated. It struck him a glancing blow that knocked him from his feet. He fell to the ground with a surprised cry.

There was a moment of frozen silence. Neither Pierce or the giant girls moved. Then, as one, both of the young women’s billboard sized faces appeared below the table, peering down at him.

“There he is!” Tylum yelled. She and Fara both dove under the table at the same time to grab him, unfortunately in their eagerness they forgot to look out for each other. Their heads collided with a loud thunk that left them both splayed on the floor groaning in pain.

Pierce, meanwhile, had thrown all caution to the wind and pelted out from underneath the table, knowing full well that he had mere seconds before both of the Titan women would be after him again.

At the other end of the room, he saw it; the door that he was certain led to the exit. The coat rack and row of neatly paired off shoes all but confirmed it.

It was also shut tight.

Pierce had no time to worry about that, though. Behind him he could already hear the two girls sorting themselves out. In a few seconds, they’d be chasing after him.

And Pierce wasn’t sure he’d be able to stay ahead very long at all.

Then his head start was up. He felt the tremors of the two Titans footsteps as they tried to catch up to them.

Of course, they had to be careful not to overtake him too fast. They didn’t want to accidentally step on him.

A shadow loomed over him. Tylum was almost on top of him. Taking an insane risk, He darted to the side, underneath the shadow of her raised shoe.

He heard the young woman gasp and the shoe shot sideways to avoid him. This in turn threw her off balance and she stumbled, bumping into Fara and momentarily slowing both of them down.

It wasn’t for long, but it was long enough.

Pierce was almost to the door, which was still shut tight. He wasn’t even sure why he was still running. Maybe he just wanted to prove to himself that he still had an ounce of control in this screwed-up place.

He was just about to give up and let the girls catch up to him, when a miracle suddenly happened.

The door opened. With only a few dozen meters left for him to run, the door swung open and Myona stepped inside.

“He’s not outside!” She called out cheerfully. “Oh hey girls did you find-”

“Right there Myona, Stop him!” Tylum shouted, pointing at the ground in front of her.

“Huh?” Myona looked down but she didn’t react fast enough. Knowing he had nothing left to lose, Pierce put on a last burst of speed and ran straight between the redhead’s legs.

A moment later he was outside. He could smell fresh air and feel the sunlight. He leaped down the steps that led to the sidewalk, even as he heard the three women hot on his heels behind him.

Pierce didn’t care, he was out. Free. He’d won. He ran down the walkway, glancing over his shoulder at the three giants who were trying to spot him amidst the debris.

Pierce couldn’t help but grin as he watched them. He’d escaped. Unbelievably and against all the odds he’d actually managed to-


Pierce felt like he’d run straight into a brick wall. Whatever it had been had stopped him dead in his tracks and knocked him flat of his back. After a moment his head cleared enough that he could see what the offending obstruction had been.

It was a boot. He’d run into, of all things, a boot. A black leather boot that looked to be about twenty feet high. After that the footwear gave way to a leg, which stretched up into a torso, and atop that was a the underside of a chin, framed by a blonde head of hair.

After a moment, the head tilted down and he was greeted by a pretty face and intense green eyes.

“Well hey there little guy.” The giantess spoke, her mouth spread into a playful grin. “You better be more careful, I almost stepped on you. That would not have been good for either of us, I’ll bet.”

Before Pierce could gather his senses and try to continue his escape, the Titaness’s incredibly tall frame collapsed on itself and he found himself enwrapped in a slightly calloused set of fingers with neatly trimmed nails.

The unknown giantess raised herself up to her full height and considered the little human in her hand.

“You okay, little guy?” She asked, stroking his back gently with a finger.

“I uh… um.” Pierce rubbed his head, still a little dazed by the fall.

There was a thunder of footsteps and the other three giantesses joined them, forming a ring around Pierce.

“Oh you got him.” Tylum gasped in relief. “Thank goodness!”

“Yay!” Myona shouted, bouncing happily. “Aezhay wins!”


  1. Alternate_Histories says:

    This really was a perfect chapter; cute, but with a sense of danger, more than a hint of playfulness thanks to Myona, and, of course, the Chase.

    Best of all, the lowly human won!
    … Until he didn’t.
    I actually thought he’d give up a few times, and the reactions of the Titans seems realistic: they remind me of a time when we found some stray kittens. Our instincts were to take them in and protect them from the big mean world, no matter what the kittens thought of the huge monsters hunting them down.

    Well done!

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