Chapter Three: The Dark and Desolate Valley Titan: Contact by D.X. Machina

“Ill news is wing’d with fate, and flies apace.”

–John Dryden, “Threnodia Augustalis”

Aertimus Bass simply stared at the viewscreen. There was nothing else he could do.

The report from Titan Station was not itself a disaster. Disasters were far less destructive. No, the report Centurium Oden gave was a gorram black hole of awful, a singularity of failure so dense that hope could not escape from it.

“So…with all of that said, I hereby offer my resignation, sir,” Kir said, quietly.

Aertimus ran both hands across his temples, hoping that he could keep his head from flying apart. “Sorry, Kir,” he finally said. “You’re not getting off that easy. You say the shuttle’s what, 15 minutes out?”

“Yes, Navarchos.”

“Treating that human is your highest priority. And this time, when I say ‘highest priority,’ I don’t mean ‘thing that can be done half-assed because hey, what’s the worst that can happen?’ This. This is the worst that can happen, only it gets worse if you let her die.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I’m going to have to talk to Navarchos Imperii Solis,” he said. “I don’t even want to know what his reaction will be. I want reports on the hour. Bass out.”

You could hear a pin drop in the CIC. A human-sized one.

“Alright, back to work,” Aerti said, quietly. “Comms, get me the Navarchos Imperii, in my ready room. Belay that – he’s just getting in, it’s early in Tuaut. Contact his office in thirty-nine minutes, mark. When you get him, send the call to my quarters.”

“Aye, sir.”

“Archiploiarchos Tam, the CIC is yours,” Aerti said, and as the lift doors closed, he felt very, very tired.

Honestly, he should be pushing the issue. This was a disaster, and there was no reason not to interrupt the Navarchos Imperii. But Aerti didn’t want to talk to Ziah Solis. Not quite yet. He needed a bit of advice first.

He exited the lift, and walked down the corridor, opened the door to his quarters, and stepped through. He hadn’t gotten four units inside the door when he was tackled from behind and flipped onto his back. His assailant straddled him, and leaned in close, smiling.

“You’ve really gotta stay more alert, Navarchos Bass,” she said. “Now you’re gonna pay.”

“Drat,” Aerti said, grinning back, as the woman leaned in and kissed him.

Eyrn broke long enough to help her husband up. “Sometimes I think you’re letting me win,” she said.

“Only sometimes, Dr. Bass,” Aerti said, giving her one more kiss for luck. “I only let you win when you don’t beat me. I’d take that greeting every other minute if I could.”

“Yeah, well, you’d miss out on some other things,” Eyrn said, grinning.

“Those sound nice,” Aerti said, sighing. “Wish I had time, shorty.”

“What’s wrong?” Eyrn said, as Aerti’s face fell.

“It’s…well, obviously I can’t tell you,” he said.

“Well…tell me something hypothetical, then.”

Aerti laughed in spite of himself; he’d told Eyrn enough “hypotheticals” over the years to get himself court-martialed.

“All right. Let’s say that some lovely day, the people of Earth sent a couple spaceships to Saturn, and one of our spaceships kinda ran into one. How do you think they’d take it?”

For one of the few times in her life, Eyrn Bass was dumbstruck. When she picked her jaw up, she said, “Any hypothetical casualties?”

“Just for fun, let’s say there was one seriously injured human who we decided – just to make it ridiculous – to bring back to Titan Station to treat.”

“Well, if it was explained to them….”

“Oh, no, we’ve been hypothetically maintaining hypothetical radio silence per Order Gama-1. Hypothetically.”

Eyrn brought her palm to her face. “Oh, criminy. If they still have nukes on Earth, you’ve got all of ‘em trained on you.”

“You think they’d go to war over this?”

“You think they wouldn’t? Imagine if some giant ship came in and ran into the Gyfjon, stole a crewmember and left without a howdy-do, and you saw where they went, and it was just to Archavia. How many Star Carriers would be in orbit, and how fast?”

“Yeah, that’s how I see it,” Aertimus said, sitting down heavily. “Gorram, this is a clusterfuck.”

“That it is.”

Aertimus sighed. “So what would you do, if you were in my shoes? Hypothetically, I mean.”

“Well – hypothetically – I’d say you need to talk to the humans, and quick. Tell ‘em the truth. At this point, you’ve just gotta make contact and let the chips fall where they may.”

“You think that’ll work? This is already a disaster.”

“Naw, they’re a forgiving lot. I assume, hypothetically, this was an accident?”

“Of course. We’d never deliberately ram a human ship.”

“Well, then. Tell them that. Tell them you ran into them accidentally, saw the crewmate, got her back to base where you could save her. The humans will forgive that. Not saying they’ll be doing dances and cheering, but shit happens; it’s life.”

“’Shit happens?’ Is that a real human saying, or are you making that up?”

“Now how could I make that up? You know, living on an army base wasn’t the best, but at least I got to learn some fun phrases. I always liked ‘snafu.’”


“English acronym. Situation Normal All Fucked Up. One of Darren’s favorites. ‘Cept he usually skipped the shorten-it-to-an-acronym part.”

“That sounds like Darren.” Aerti sighed. All right. This could be fixed, maybe, with a little luck. “Thanks. I swear, Eyrn, you understand them better than anyone I know.”

“Nah, I think Niall probably gets humans better, being one and all. Not to mention, oh, eleventy dozen other humans we know.”

“Doubt it,” Aerti said with a half-smile.

“All right. Flattery will get you everywhere. I’m gonna make you some hot gok’ma, and then I assume you’re gonna go talk to the Navarchos Imperii, and leave me to my writing?”

“Not my first preference,” he said, gathering his wife into an embrace. “I mean, the gok’ma, sure, but leaving you alone while I talk to upper brass…well, if flattery gets me everywhere….”

“’Sokay,” Eyrn said, grinning. “We’ll find time to get you everywhere later tonight.”

* * *

Rixie had to admit, she was a little impressed.

She had been standing face to face with Pryvani for almost four minutes, on guard, waiting. By this point, her employer usually had long since lost her patience and attacked, and Rixie had successfully parried the attack, and Pryvani was on the ground firing her again. Same old, same old.

Not this time. Pryvani’s gaze was steel, her face marble. Rixie flinched, just a bit, just to get a read, but the heiress remained motionless. No – not exactly. She was up on the balls of her feet, balanced well, not frozen in place. Pryvani was loose, and sitting in a potentially effective stance.

Fine, Rixie decided. If she thinks she can actually defend against me, she’s nuts. And without betraying so much as a hint of it, Rixie suddenly moved forward, aiming for an easy punch on Pryvani’s chest.

It never connected. As Rixie attacked, Pryvani sidestepped, grabbed her and threw her off-balance. Rixie hit the floor and popped back up, coming back into an attack position as Pryvani moved herself back into balance.

“That the judo Darren said he was gonna teach you?” Rixie asked.

“Maybe,” Pryvani said, though her eyes never wavered.

“Bit passive,” Rixie said, and adjusted her technique; this time she tried a Ler-inspired attack, but the heiress turned, grabbing Rixie and sweeping her plant foot. Rixie’s balance could not overcome the abrupt change in momentum, and she fell again.

“When’s the last time you got me down twice?” Rixie asked, springing back to her feet and turning.

“When’s the last time I got you down before you got me?” Pryvani said. “You losing a step?”

“Are…are you trying to get under my skin?”

“Maybe,” said Pryvani, and this time she adjusted her pose to one Rixie had taught her.

Before Rixie knew what hit her, Pryvani was coming in, feet and arms moving in a blizzard of combinations. Rixie recognized them, parried them, but Pryvani was throwing them with abandon, and more than a couple broke through. Finally, Rixie was able to land a hard shot on Pryvani’s jaw, but that just made the heiress smile; she dropped and swept Rixie’s legs, and before Rixie could recover, Pryvani had her thighs wrapped around her employee’s neck in a tight submission hold.

Rixie considered briefly whether she could get out of it, but decided discretion was the better part of valor. She tapped the floor, and Pryvani let her up.

“Want to go again?” the heiress said, moving back into position.

“What got into you today, boss?”

Pryvani held her attack position for about two seconds more, before she sighed, and slowly slumped.

“I needed to get this out of my system. I’ve had better weeks,” she said, suddenly looking less like her usual self and more like a forty-something woman. Which she was, but…she didn’t usually look it.

“You’ve had worse ones, too.”

Pryvani nodded. “Much worse, but still. Sorcha and Alesia recommended we end our mission to Avalon. Turn everything over to the Avalonians.”

“Didn’t we do that 20 years ago?”

Pryvani laughed in spite of herself. “Well, for the most part…yes. We’ve been aiding at their request, coordinating with the government. And it’s worked well…at least recently. But this is more than that. This is withdrawing completely, telling them they’re on their own.”

“And what do you think?”

“I think…I think they may have a point.”

Rixie sat down next to her employer and friend. “They always have a point. Doesn’t mean they’re right.”

“Honestly, Rixie, they might be. But I worry. They’ve done so much – they’re amazing. But there are a million things that could go wrong. If we’re here to protect them…but of course, that’s the point, isn’t it.”

Rixie nodded. “I think so, boss. We keep looking at them like kids. Fine – kids have to grow up. Don’t get me wrong, if it was up to me, Ryan would still be living at home, bubble-wrapped. But I think he’s happier as a productive adult, even if he is a pilot with Alex’s bravery and my respect for authority….” Rixie sighed. “I’m sorry, I was trying to argue that we can trust the Avalonians.”

“We can,” Pryvani said. “Quite as much as the Avalonians trust Chilaearch Carey. They’re smarter than I was when I was pretending to be a goddess. They’ll be fine. That’s not all, though, but…gorram, this sounds so selfish.”

Rixie didn’t say a word. Pryvani would talk if she wanted to.

“Rixie…this moon, the one we’re on right now – it’s the only moon owned by one person in all the Empire.”

“Right, sure,” Rixie said, not certain where her boss was going with this.

“My family founded the mines on Simtani a thousand years ago, and began terraforming this world around the same time. It’s been our legacy – for good and for ill – for half as long as the Empire has existed. And if I turn things over to the Avalonians, completely….”

Pryvani shook her head sadly. “It sounds selfish, but…I mean, I don’t need Avalon. It’s not about me. But there’s part of me that feels like I’m letting the family down somehow if I just abandon it.”

“Avalon is yours, for better or for worse, Pryvani. This is your call to make.”

“That’s the problem,” Pryvani said, quietly. “It shouldn’t me my call to make. It never should have been. It should be theirs. They’re the ones who live here. Who built this society. I’m…I keep thinking back to when I decided to stop pretending to be a god.”

“Still one of the bravest things I’ve ever seen anyone do,” Rixie said, meaning every word of it.

“Yeah, well…I didn’t step down as god just to become queen. And I’m afraid that’s what happened.”

Rixie put her arm around Pryvani’s shoulder. “Look, I can’t tell you what to do, but I know this much: All of us trust you. Including the humans on this rock, you may recall.”

“Well, I don’t know if they should. I know I talk a good game, but I honestly have no idea what’s going to happen next.”

“Nobody does. Not even you. So that’s a good sign.”

Pryvani smiled weakly. “I know what I have to do. I just have to get over it. And if my heirs hate me, they hate me.”

Rixie laughed. “Your heirs are half-human, Pryvani. If anyone would understand….”

Pryvani’s smile grew a bit. “That’s a very good point, Rixie. A very good one indeed.” She stood, and offered a hand to Rixie. “All right. Well, I feel better. And not just because you let me hit you. Ooh – sorry, I think I got you in the eye.”

Rixie felt the incipient shiner, and grinned. “You were bound to win one eventually. But don’t think I’m going to forget this next time.”

“Are we done?”

“Yeah,” Rixie said, grabbing a towel. “I need a bath.”

“Uh huh. Give my love to Alex.”

“Always do,” Rixie said, grinning. “You give mine to Zhan.”

Five minutes later, she walked into her apartment, began to disrobe, and was promptly greeted with the loving sounds of her…well…her Alex.

“Hey, Rix, how was the training – wait a minute. Did Pryvani kick your ass?”


“You’ve got a black eye, a bloody nose, more bruises – yowza, did she get you in a leg lock? Around the neck? …Do you have video?”

“Don’t you have an opening in Tremarla to plan?” Rixie sighed.

“Nah, Renna’s got that covered,” Alex said. “Besides, how could I worry about work when you need me to help you feel better? Why, my sweet, innocent, frail flower has been hurt. By Pryvani. Oh my God, Pryvani kicked your ass! How did she hey wait why are you mgmpfh….”

Rixie silenced Alex by scooping him up in her right hand and – carefully and lovingly – pushing him into her opposing armpit. Ah yes. That did make her feel better.

After a moment, she was aware that Alex was still attempting to talk. She pulled him back just enough to hear him.

“Great,” he grumbled. “And now I’m gonna need a bath.”

“Hope so,” Rixie said, and pushed him back in…just to be sure.

She walked toward the bathroom, when she paused, and then chuckled. And then laughed outright. Alex was attempting to tickle her armpit – it was really his only defense – and the sad thing was, it was working.

She pulled him back out, and set him gently on the floor. “Well, fine then. If you don’t want me to carry you to the bath, I don’t have to; I’ll see you in half an hour when you get there. If I’m still in the tub.”

Alex sighed. “If you didn’t want me to make it there before you got out of the tub, you wouldn’t have set me down this close to the bathroom.”

“Well, we’ll see,” Rixie said, lighting out, and leaving Alex far behind.

“Sure,” Alex grumbled, as he trudged after her. “Can’t get found by Pryvani or Eyrn. Have to get found by the girl with the longest legs in the Empire. Which…okay, was incredibly lucky. Bah! Stupid Rixie and her being perfect and not giving me anything to legitimately complain about.” He heard the water cascading into the tub. “Don’t use too many bubbles!” he shouted, as if Rixie could hear him. “I don’t want to get lost again!” Okay, he felt a bit better after that.

After a good ten minutes, a good two or three minutes after the water stopped, he reached the door of the bathroom. The bathroom itself was larger than many studio apartments in the capital. Rixie had closed the door most of the way, adding a minor road block; he was forced to walk along it before looking back.

“I’m serious! If I can’t see you through the bubbles I mmff —!”

Alex did not get to say that he was still going in, but under protest, as he suddenly found himself slurped upward into a wet, sticky world.

It had happened so quickly that he barely had time to realize Rixie had sucked him up into her mouth as soon as he’d rounded the door; by the time he realized it, Rixie had spat him out into her hand.

“Bleagh. You taste like someone’s armpit,” she said, making a face.

“Well. That’s weird. I wonder how that happened.”

“No idea. Probably need to clean you off, though. All right,” she said, getting close enough to the tub to make it safe. “One…two….”

“You wouldn’t….”

Chapter Three“Three!” Rixie tossed him gently into the tub, giving Alex just enough time to get his arms and legs together as he went under.

He paddled upward quickly, and broke the surface, only to curse.

“I told you, not this many bubbles! I can’t see anything!”

“I know….”

“Oh, crap,” Alex said, as Rixie threw herself in to the water, setting the lake-sized tub into chaos. When the churning slowed, Alex finally righted himself, just in time to see a hand rising in the opposite direction from where the tidal wave had hit him.

“Don’t you dare, Rix….”

Rixie dared, pushing the water back toward her, pushing Alex ahead on a wave that finally broke on a soft, warm island, one of two in the chain.

Alex gasped for air, and turned toward the head which sat equidistant from the two islands, and addressed the grinning goddess. “It’s lucky for you,” Alex said, “that I really, really like your breasts. Or I might be upset.”

“Well,” Rixie said, beaming. “I certainly wouldn’t want to make you upset. So while I lay here and relax…you make yourself at home.”

“About time,” said Alex, as he trudged toward the island’s summit. There was something soft and pink up there. He thought he’d give it some attention.

* * *

Kir Oden felt as if he’d aged two hundred years in a few hours. He never imagined he’d actually be worried about a human pulling through surgery. And yet here they were, with his career likely hinging on the skill of the vet.

When he came out the operating room, Kir practically leapt to his feet. “How is she?” he asked.

“Well, she’ll make it,” said Dr. Nhaven, allowing Kir to exhale. “She had a subdural hematoma, but we managed to repair the damage; a bit of concussing in the frontal cortex, too, but that just meant I had to get some cortexifan from the doctor – thanks again for making that available.”

“Navarchos’ Bass’s orders. Her other injuries?”

“Nothing too bad. We set her arm, gave her some bone grafting agents. The rest was just bad bruising and a cracked rib. You won’t want to have her doing much climbing for the next week or so. Good you got her to me when you did, though. Another hour, that brain bleed would’ve started to cause serious damage. You probably would’ve had to put her down.”

Kir hoped that he didn’t smile when the vet said that; it would have been wildly inappropriate for him to find that funny.

“When will she come to?”

“Well, we’ll keep an eye on her; my guess is about nine hours or so. Maybe more, maybe less.”

“Keep me posted.”

“Lotta trouble for a human, if you ask me. Not that she isn’t a pretty little girl. And I’m glad to put her right. But still, your bill’s gonna be more than it would be to treat most Titans.”

“Fair enough, doc,” said Oden, musing that he’d gladly surrender a year’s pay, just as long as this particular human pulled through.

* * *

Admiral James Harwell, meanwhile, felt very much as if he had taken five shots of Islay whisky, chased down with a cricket bat to the skull.

The series of messages from the Lem grew increasingly surreal. In the span of half an hour, they had gone from running experiments above Enceladus, to nearly crashing on Enceladus, to the likely loss of Hala Nejem, to….

…to aliens. Intelligent, highly developed extraterrestrial life. There could be no doubt of it. At present, every nation on Earth with orbital capability – that is to say, every nation on Earth – was united under the umbrella of the Joint Terrestrial Space Agency. There was nobody left to launch a ship, let alone one bigger and faster than the Lem.

That the stream of messages, one after another, were reaching Earth one-way nearly an hour and a half after the fact made Harwell sick to his stomach. He could do nothing to help them; they may all be dead already, or they may have made First Contact.

He had stopped and started seven messages to the Lem, and so he waited for just a minute or two longer to be sure no more updates would change his response. Finally, he signaled the comms officer that he was ready.

Stanisław Lem, this is Houston Actual,” Harwell said in his genteel accent. “I do not know whether today is going to be one of the worst days in our species’ history, or one of its finest; I am certain it will be one of the most consequential. Shang Xiao Xú, you and your crew have already justified our faith in your abilities. Rest assured, we will do everything we can to render assistance as needed.

“We understand the Sally Ride is heading to Titan, and that you have been attempting to contact the unknowns. You don’t need my approval for that, but it is given; indeed, you are authorized to take all reasonable steps to recover Maj. Nejem. We will be transmitting further instructions soon. Godspeed. Harwell out.”

He nodded, and the comms officer sent the message. Then, to his adjutant, he said quietly, “Execute Folder Epsilon.” His adjutant nodded, and she went to talk to the security officer. Clearly, there would be no news of this going out. Not yet.

He checked his watch. The Secretary-General should still be up. He supposed he’d better get this over with.


  1. Alternate_Histories says:

    I know it’s already been mentioned, but didn’t the vet listen when he was told how important that particular human is?
    Even if they couldn’t tell him all the details, emphasising how vital her life was could have been the difference between life and death, given how casually he talked about euthanising her.

    I also have to disagree with the treatment of Avalon. For one, abandoning the moon before the humans can defend themselves is dangerous, but I’d have thought that after 100 years, the Titans would have learned to ask the humans what they wanted before deciding their fate?

    Still, it’s interesting reading.

  2. Snowball says:

    First off I want to thank DX for these brilliant stories. I truly try to avoid commentIng as I am selfish and do not want ruin the experience in the work that has been carefully crafted into these novels. That said, I can’t help wondering about the legal aspects of this situation. Although the American Civil War ended slavery it wasn’t until 1954 when Brown vs The Board Of Education when we US citizens began to examine the end of descrimination. This court ruling I believe brought about the Civil Rights act of 1964. This,was brought about with the help of Hubert Humphrey and a,plethora of Republicans who challenged Sen Byrd and the Dixie crats. I know this story is already writhen, but based on the definition of what a class one species is and the evidence provided through earth space craft, if the ruling of the Titan courts could change the status of human rights in the empire and let the conservativees in the legislature off the hook.
    I was just curious. Thanks!!

  3. sketch says:

    First off called it, way back in Physics, that Eyrn married Aertie. She has a very good point. Yes humans might go to war over this if the Titans appear to be a hostile presence in their solar system. Doesn’t mean they would win. At the same time I don’t believe Titans have the stomach for a war that kills humans. I picture it going something like the Babylon 5 movie, where humans fight bravely, but ultimately are pushed back to Earth where at the pinnacle moment the superior technological species suddenly surrenders.

    It would suck if this was how humans gain recognition, but then dead humans could be seen like starved Dunnermacs. There’s also the possibility it could turn into a civil war. The ships in this sector are under Navarchos Bass’s command. He at least would have the humans back. Wonder if the Navarchos Imperii is a wise and even tempered man.

    • faeriehunter says:

      Well, luckily humans don’t have warp drive yet*. Hard to go to war with an enemy you can’t reach. I do expect humanity to go to the highest level of war readiness in anticipation of an invasion though. Especially once the Sally Ride or the Stanislaw Lem send back images of Titan Station and its ships.

      *: Yet. The Stanislaw Lem has among them a number of physics experts, including Hala. If she can get a good look at Empire warp theory… Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Lem‘s crew could convert the Stanislaw Lem into humanity’s first warp ship if they had the right knowledge.

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        I expect we will find that at least some of the Lem’s crew will already have detail knowledge of old Titan FTL tech given the United States has had possession of a non-functional Titan warp drive since 1867 AD.

        Depending on what else was in Niall’s letter home to mom via Reese Jones the Terrans may have knowledge of both current and potential future Titan tech including a much smaller power source than the Titans themselves deploy.

        Either way, Aerti needs to have his brother-in-law standing on the dock when the Sally Ride gets to Titan and any other earth born humans he can get there in time.

        Contact is off to a rousing start. Well done.

  4. Naoru says:

    I knew it!!About Eyrn and Aertimus I mean. I shipped them ages ago, hope they will get more on screen(?) Time. And lovely new hybrids of Rixie and Alex and quite possibly Privany and Zhan make my life happier.

    If there are mistakes here Im unable to see them this is perfect and im squeaking like a teenage girl.
    Thank youuuuu

  5. Nitestarr says:

    “The woods are lovely dark and deep and I have promises to keep……..”

    Hm well .. …ok now…..

    – I thought that Aerti was married? (Ref: Early Exile) Did he get divorced? Or does Titan society allow polygamy? (that would be different)

    – Sooo everybody has a Phd? What… no carpenters or plumbers? Or how bout’ a good ole fashioned hover-antigrav craft mechanic?

    – Nukes are just sooo 20th century… By now the Terrans should have particle beam weapons, super lasers, fusion bombs and the like..nothing that would be pleasant for the Titans

    • NightEye says:

      Earth has (had ?) weaponized nanomachines. Which are banned on Earth after the Short War a few decades ago. Even Titans and Insectoids agreed a long time ago to ban those weapons because they are so dangerous.
      So, in a moment of despair, humans could be tempted to use those, the problem would be to send those nanomachines to Titan station and elsewhere. It took years for the Stanisław Lem to arrive to Titan, so, yeah, Eyrn’s remark was probably rethorical.

    • faeriehunter says:

      While I think that titan society indeed allows polygamy (judging from the relationship between Korye, Kel and Jorm as shown in Titan: Exile chapter 68) I don’t recall any mention of Aertimus being married in early Exile. Perhaps you’re thinking of the mention from the last epilogue of Titan: Physics? That one took place many years after 2102 MA though. The only other mention of Aertimus being married that I remember was in Titan: Campaign, but that one also was a bunch of years after 2102 MA.

      As for weaponry, Eyrn obviously doesn’t know what weapons are state-of-the-art on Earth in 2155 AD (and neither do I), but I doubt they have anything that can threaten Saturn without needing years of travel time.

      • Nitestarr says:

        I think it would take months not years. Just as weaponry has evolved and improved so has space travel. Timeline could be shortened up if the urgency requires. The Lem is a research/scientific vessel not military so for her speed is not requisite.. Don’t think the earthers wouldn’t have a prototype (or two) stored somewhere.. just in case….

      • riczar says:

        I think it would depend on how fragile such weapons are. Its possible Earth could have developed a primitive warp drive, but not be safe for life forms yet.

        • faeriehunter says:

          Possible, but I don’t think so. In the biographies it’s mentioned that the Stanislaw Lem‘s chief engineer had remained awake during the journey to Saturn, spending her time working with the team developing the drive system for the experimental TSS Miguel Alcubierre. Now, Miguel Alcubierre is a real-life theoretical physicist famous for proposing what is essentially a warp drive (his theory was inspired by the warp drive from Star Trek), so obviously the TSS Miguel Alcubierre is going to be a warp ship. But since it’s labeled “experimental” I’m led to believe that its warp drive isn’t operational yet. Still, it shouldn’t take too much longer.

  6. Angel Agent says:

    I like the fact that it seems that Rixie and Alex had a titan size male hybrid if I read it right. Was a bit worried that all the titan size hybrids will be female. Ryan will be smaller than his mom but be a bit stronger due to his human size am guessing.

      • Angel Agent says:

        I hope that is true and we see her son being taller than his mom but I think I read that when it comes to titan female and human male = hybrids that the child’s height comes from the male, like Sorcha gets her height from her dad that mix with titan dna. So just thought that because Alex is a bit smaller than Rixie if she was human size that would meen that their son will take part of his father’s height and be a little shorter than Rixie.

        But it could be wrong and he is bit taller than his mom.

        • faeriehunter says:

          As far as I can tell, the father’s height is indeed a factor, but it isn’t the only one. If Niall were scaled up to titan size he’d be 150 feet tall. Naskia is 125 feet tall. And Sorcha is 142 feet tall. So she’d be between her parents in height if her dad wasn’t from a different species than her mom.

          Now, Alex would be 140 feet tall if he were scaled up, and Rixie is 152 feet tall. So one might expect their son to be somewhere between that in size, which would make him shorter than his mom. But I don’t think it’s so simple. Even between siblings there can be a significant height difference. Second, sons are in general taller than daughters. And of course we’re talking about hybrids of two different species here, which could affect growth in any number of ways. So is Ryan taller than Rixie? Maybe, maybe not.

          • OpenHighHat says:

            Okie Dokie going to give an explanation a whirl.

            Sorcha as a hybrid born to female Titan and a male human inherits the scale of her mother. This doesn’t make her a Titan by any means. Her bone density, ligaments and muscles are slightly different making her stronger but more sluggish than a Titan.

            She’s pale skinned, like her mother. Raven haired, like her mother. Has blue eyes, from both parents.

            Niall is tall for a Human and Naskia is short for a Titan. In this particular case, Sorcha has (as happens with many Human couplings) favoured her father’s side and grown to be considerably taller than her mother. It is equally as possible that Sorcha could have ended up somewhere in the middle of the two or petite like her mother. There’s no set rules governing the transfer of height traits beyond Human/Titan scale. It’s all down to nature.

            As for Ryan…you’ll have to wait and see.

  7. Kusanagi says:

    I can definitely see why this chapter was held until Exile was mostly finished.

    Aerti and Eryn! Awesome. When Exile first started I liked the pairing and was kind of hoping to see more scenes of them together, glad to see they hooked up in the years in between. Good thing Aerti has her too, poor guy can’t catch a break, and I’ll echo Faerihunter, please for the love of god do not treat her like a pet when she wakes up. If they do I feel Bass is well within his rights to fly down there and kill every one of his subordinates.

    Lots of revelations too, Darren’s still alive (though most guessed that), Pryvani and Rixie adding to the number of hybrids. On the more serious side if I had to guess ‘folder epsilon’ might be the U.S. knowledge on Titans.

    Great chapter hope we’ll get some regular updates now that Exile’s (mostly) done.

    • Dann says:


      Some things are ok to spoil, sort of a “let the readers fill in the blanks”, like Eyrn’s marriage to Aerti, Rixie and Alex’s child, but Iron Maiden as Rixie, and a few other things I wanted to be sure were revealed in Exile first.

      if this were a novel series In paper back, we would likely have to re arrange story arch’s and mesh stories together. Example, I imagine Exile and Nomad would be one book, Titan, Pandemic, and Arena would be one book, Physics and the story I am working on next would go well together.

      As it stands, episodic updates like this we deal with problems like this as they come.

  8. KazumaR1 says:

    Lol Eyrn ending up with Artemis was one of my first guesses at the end of physics. This was a fine chapter but I also think it’s kind of a deal breaker with me. I don’t like the type of life extension used in the Titanverse and the concept of half humans/half titans (no surprise to those who look at the chat). Thematically it doesn’t sit well with me. The Titanverse has a lot of diverse aliens that manage to co-exist but for the humans it seems that in order for them to co-exist with the other aliens they have to become less diverse and more like the Titans to the point where they are genetically able to breed with them. What I liked about Niall and Naskia’s relationship the most was that they managed to connect despite the enormous amount of differences between them and the consequences of an inter-species relationship but then ending of physics immediately trivialized it by removing many of Niall’s deficiencies. Since physics introduced LE so early into the universe it seems any chance to see how a main human character can co-exist with a Titan or any other alien without those benefits is unlikely.

  9. smoki1020 says:

    Eyrn as Aertimus’s wife ! Original! I hope Lemm sorted out differences with Boss’s wife hehe! Rixie beaten by Pryvani’s new moves learned from Darren! that sweet revenge hehe. Fine Chapter, I hope your updates will be regularly now.

  10. riczar says:

    A fine chapter! I’m liking how we get to visit old friends between scenes of the main action on Titan. It appears that many of Titan-Human relationships have developed as predicted. Interesting that Pryvani and Rixie were talking about Darren in the present tense, meaning he might still be alive and if he had life extension treatments, then he hasn’t fully integrated into Avalonian life. I hope we get to see what happened to him and many of the other Earth snatched humans.

  11. faeriehunter says:

    Ah, such a hypothetical mess.

    Psst, Kir. Aren’t you forgetting something? Namely telling that doctor that he’s dealing with a wild human instead of the pets he’s used to? Because right now there’s a good chance that that human is going to wake up naked in a terrarium, next to one or more giants who speak a language she doesn’t understand and who’ll treat her like an animal. And I seem to remember Aertimus telling you that there is no more room for doing things half-assed. Besides, it’s not like that doctor couldn’t have guessed it himself (although he didn’t); if I were in that doctor’s place I’d have assumed from my location and from the involvement of military bigwigs that this human was part of a thwarted smuggling attempt.

    That bit with Rixie and Alex relaxing was a bit jarring. Didn’t anybody tell them that there’s a serious situation going on a couple of lightyears away? 😉 Well, it is nice to know that they’re both still alive and kicking.

    Now I’m real curious to see what course of action the Navarchos Imperii is going to decide upon. By the way, how long will it take for the Sally Ride and the Stanislaw Lem to arrive at Titan Station (assuming they won’t be intercepted)?

    • Soatari says:

      Odds are good that the doctor had to remove her spacesuit, so unless he’s as dumb as a bag of hammers he should be able to figure it out. He just doesn’t care. Like the pilot of the shuttle.

      • faeriehunter says:

        While I can’t say for certain whether or not the doctor has realized that he’s dealing with a wild human, his remark “You won’t want to have her doing much climbing for the next week or so.” leads me to believe that he didn’t figure it out. He may have dismissed the space suit as a costume; dressing a human in a costume is practiced by some owners.

        And regardless of whether or not the doctor knows that he’s dealing with a wild human, he’s obviously treating Hala like any other human pet. Kir should have realized that that’s not a good idea.

      • faeriehunter says:

        Coming to think of it, when a titan man and woman marry in the Empire, does the woman take the last name of the man by default? Because it appears that way with all the married couples we’ve seen. This mirrors how we do it on Earth, but it’s a little odd for a culture that as far as I know has practiced gender equality since their ancient history.

        • OpenHighHat says:

          It’s an individual thing by this point. Eyrn is just a traditional girl in all likelihood growing up in the 1800s on Earth.

          Naskia took Niall’s name to help lend him credibility rather than absorb him into the Bass name.

          Pryvani is still Tarsus

          • faeriehunter says:

            Actually my earlier remark came from the fact that all the male Basses kept their name after marriage while Naskia didn’t. But looking into it some more I found that there are other families where the children are named after the woman, like Reevah Pria (mother of Trell and Brinn) and Xeum Agace (the former Floor Leader).

            Pryvani holds the primacy of the Tarsuss family. Would adopting her husband’s name even be an option? Not to mention that I assume that Pryvani’s and Naskia’s marriages of a human aren’t officially recognized, and that Naskia requested a name change to show that she considers herself married even if the government doesn’t recognize it.

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