Chapter Twenty Eight: Happy Birthday Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat

“Here you go.” Sephonie said setting a mug down on the top of the control panel.

“Thanks,” Duas said taking a sip and then winced a bit. “Why do you always make it so weak?”

Sephonie let out an audible sigh despite expecting the comment. It was the same every night they were on shift together. She would make the tea an hour or so after midnight while Duas ran through the status checks on the reactor. And every night she’d have the same response.

“Well you can make your own bloody tea then!” she dropped in to her seat, rolled it back and kicked her legs up on the panel.

Duas, a balding, shiny headed fellow in his early thirties who was still trying to come to terms with the fact that his large sized frame didn’t fit well into a medium sized jumpsuit anymore, shook his head.

“I will if you do the nightly checks.”

“Nah, they’re boring.” Sephonie groaned.

Sephonie wasn’t quite as old as Duas but they had gone through university together and interviewed together. They had become good friends but no more. Neither was really interested in the other that way. And Duas would never wed a woman who didn’t know how to make proper tea.

“And get your feet off the console! You’ll turn off the magnetic containment if you’re not careful!” Duas scolded.

Sephonie tutted and rolled her eyes in a manner that a fourteen year old girl would approve of.

“Really? I don’t know why I put up with you sometimes.” Duas said.

“Because I’m the only woman who’ll tolerate you?”

It was like this every night.

Duas snorted. “Hardly. You’ve a face like a slice of stale wholegrain bread. And a personality to match.”

“Well at least I still have some room left in my medium sized jumpsuit.” Sephonie fired back.

Duas looked shocked. “I’ve plenty of room!”

“Keep telling yourself that…”

“I’m stocky is all! I’ve been working out!” Duas protested.

Sephonie raised a brow. “The only time I’ve ever seen you break is a sweat is half way through a Titan sized portion of Buffalo wings at Rixie’s.”

“That’s not very nice.” A third voice chimed in.

The pair turned in their seats to find the source of the voice. It came from a rather pretty young woman with blonde hair, perfect complexion and wearing what looked like very uncomfortable janitorial overalls. She held a mop in one hand and a bucket in the other.

“It’s just how we banter. We don’t actually mean it.” Duas said.

“I mean it.” Sephonie added.

“What’s your name?” Duas asked ignoring his friend’s remark.

“Pri…” the newcomer said.

“Well I’m Duas and this obnoxious woman is my good friend Sephonie.”

“Nice to meet you both.” Pri said and performed a perfect curtsey while still clutching her mop and bucket.

“I’ve not seen you around here before. You new?” Sephonie asked.

Pri nodded. “First night…no idea what I’m doing. Seems like I just move warm water around really. And collect the rubbish.”

“Well welcome to the dullest place on the planet.” She motioned with her thumb to her friend. “And if you find any crumbs around here they’re always his.”

Duas sighed. “She’s right. I do my best…but they still get everywhere…”

Pri laughed. “Well I don’t mind. I have to mop up anyway. Just keep me right. I have no idea what I’m doing and I want to please my supervisor. Maybe get moved elsewhere or get more training.”

“Oh, are you a settler?” Seph asked. “You’re very well spoken.”

“Why thank you!” Pri smiled. “I am so very glad you noticed. I’m from a specialist breeder. We got extra education on conversation, language and etiquette.”

“Oooooh very fancy. Maybe you could teach Duas some manners!” Sephonie joked.

“Har, har.” Duas said. “Tell me this Pri, your education didn’t happen to include how to make tea did it?”

“I’m afraid not.” Pri said. Duas looked disappointed for a second. “But growing up we were given better food and drinks and taught how to look after ourselves. I know how to brew several types of tea perfectly.”

Duas got up and pulled over a spare chair and patted its base. “Take a seat Pri. I’ve a feeling we’re going to get along very well.”


It was Sorcha’s day off.

These were rare. Very rare in fact. A day off for her usually meant sixty hours in her office reviewing population projections, resource requirements and progress reports. All of which needed to be summarised, condensed, and repackaged into a format that could be sent back to Tuaut to review.

But today was different. Today was her birthday. Her twenty second birthday to be exact (though she counted herself as twenty six or twenty seven in her head). As a present Manka had swapped shifts with Joseph, giving them both the day off together. And they intended to take full advantage of that fact. Especially since protocol dicatated that only two Titan members of staff were off at the same time. Which meant that the entire compound was empty, save for the two of them (not that they had taken efforts to hide their affair anyway).

“Oooooohh…mmmmmm…” Sorcha groaned unconsciously while gripping at the covers with one hand and slapping the other against the metal wall. The only limbs she was actively controlling were her legs, and that was out of self-interest.

Joseph hadn’t realised far enough in advance that his sort of girlfriend/bed partner/convenient bit-of-stuff’s birthday was approaching and as a result could not have a present delivered on the last supply freighter. He instead offered a booklet of “special favours” and was currently engaged in providing one of these “special favours” and had his head buried between her legs. Which is why Sorcha was had a vested interest in not kneeing him in the side of the head.

On the bedside table sat a near empty bottle of royal berry whiskey. The last in the small case that Loona had sent her a few weeks back. She’d been saving this bottle for today; to split with Joseph to give them the energy needed to make the most of the eighty four hours they had work free. And she had to say, both were perfoming fantastically. Her head was swimming with a perfect alcohol buzz, her heart was pounding and her body was shuddering with pleasure as Joseph pressed each of her buttons, one by one, in perfect order.

It was bliss.

And then her pad started to chirp.

She ignored it at first. As did Joseph but the chirping didn’t stop. She wasn’t quite sure how long it had been going on for. It could have been minutes or it could have been seconds but it was becoming quite intrusive and ruining her buzz. She reached out with her arm, slapping randomly on her bed side table trying to stop the source of the noise.

And that’s when things went from ‘mildly annoying’ to ‘oh please Emperor no!’.

“Hello? Tuppy?” A familiar voice said from the pad.

Sorcha swung her legs out over the bed, sitting bolt upright and grabbing the pad in one swift movement. She managed to only mildly bash Joseph’s nose with her thigh as she did so.

“Hi! Mummy!” Sorcha said out of breath and doing her best to act naturally.

“Ohhhh it’s so nice to see you!” Naskia beamed. “I know things are busy there but we wanted to call and say happy birthday!”

Sorcha nodded as she caught her face in the picture-in-picture window. It was bright red and her hair was a mess. She tossed it with her free hand, trying to make it seem natural. All the while trying to keep the camera above the level of her bare shoulders that would hint that she wasn’t entirely clothed. Or even clothed at all.

“Awww…thank you…” She grinned through gritted teeth. “That’s nice. What you mean we?”

“Happy Birthday daughter.” Her father said as her mother settled the pad on to a desk and knelt down beside Niall.

“Oh! Hey daddy!” Sorcha said and died a little inside.

“So how are you!? How’s Tau Ceti? Is it going well?” Naskia said. “Loona doesn’t tell us much. She’s pretty busy herself these days now she’s Deputy Floor Leader.”

“Oh…it’s you know…” Sorcha struggled for a train of thought. Between balancing the camera at the perfect angle as she wandered around the room trying to keep Joseph out of shot as he stumbled for a towel to clutch to his nose and the alcohol in her head, she was not exactly following the conversation completely. “…it’s wet…”

“Wet?” Niall asked puzzled.

“Yeah…it rains a lot.” Sorcha covered. “It’s wetter than Tannhauser but warmer at least. Where we are anyway.”

“I didn’t think that was possible. You couldn’t have found a nicer spot for them?” Naskia asked.

Sorcha rolled her eyes.

“Alright, alright.” Her mother replied. “I’m sure it’s the best spot.”

“It is. I didn’t pick it for the weather. Besides, it’ll be spring soon. It will be sunny for a whole month or so. Hopefully anyway.” Sorcha said.

“So how are you getting on? Not obsessing on your project too much I hope?” Niall asked.

“Not any more than you do when you’ve been asked to consult on something Dad.” She replied.

“Busy then?” he said.

“Yeah pretty much constant.” Sorcha sighed. “We’re understaffed and underfunded but everyone is working hard to make up for it where we can. The first hundred thousand are settling in well and we’re on target. In a few more years there’ll be a hundred million or so here and hopefully I’ll be able to hand it over to the locals to run themselves.”

“Awwww…” Naskia gushed bursting with pride. “I knew you could do it! You were always so smart and driven when you were young. But always so caring.”

“Well…we’re not there yet. And it’s not just me…” Sorcha said.

There was a groan as Joseph dabbed his bloodied nose.

“What was that?” Naskia asked.

“Oh nothing! Just this in an old prefab unit. The walls make funny noises when the heating is on…” Sorcha said doing her best not to look panicked.

“Sounds like my old room at university! How’s Lessy? Her parents hardly hear from her anymore. I suppose she’s busy as well.” Naskia asked.

“Yeah, she’s pretty much a full time teacher, full time department head and full time mentor. Though she and Moze have finally moved in together.” Said Sorcha.

“Awww, that’s lovely. I’m glad for her. She’s always put everyone else before her. It’s about time she did something for herself.” Naskia smiled. “I might give her a call and wish her well.”

“I’m sure she’d like that.”

“What about you, daughter?” Niall asked. “No man for you?”

“Nah…” Sorcha shook her head and suddenly felt very guilty. “…I’m just too busy. Besides, there’s only a half dozen men of my stature on this rock so not exactly an overwhelming selection.”

She felt even worse saying that.

“There’s tens of thousands of Humans there as well. And the girls.” Naskia said.

Sorcha jumped as Joseph poked her in the back in revenge. She just about managed to keep the camera in place.

“Girls are definitely not for me…and please don’t take offense, but I don’t think Humans are either.” Sorcha grimaced and waited for the reply.

“Ack, don’t look so scared, girl.” Niall said. “Since you were old enough to walk I knew you would need someone bigger and tougher than you to keep…”

Behind the camera Joseph flexed and nodded in approval as Niall continued to talk about his hyperactive, mischevious baby girl.

“Stop it!” Sorcha mouthed to him and slapped his chest with the back of her hand.

She looked back at the screen just in time to see her father’s brow furrow and her mother’s face go red. She may have let the camera slip just a little bit as she batted her partner away.

Naskia quickly grabbed the pad and walked out of the room.

“Well!” she said exhaling a large breath. “It’s been lovely catching up with you but your father and I have some errands to run so we’ll have to leave it there.”

“Ok Mum…” Sorcha felt ready to bury herself.

“Don’t worry about your father…” Naskia whispered with a grin. “…I’ll take care of him. He won’t remember it by the time you come home.”


“You think you’re the first girl to accidentally flash her parents on her pad?” Naskia laughed quietly.

“Thanks Mum…and sorry.” Sorcha breathed a silent sigh of relief.

“Don’t worry. Just enjoy your birthday. Love you Tuppy.” Naskia said.

“Love you too Mum.” Sorcha said back.

“And give my love to Joseph!” Naskia said and terminated the call before she could see the look of shock on her daughter’s face.

“Well…that went well…” Joseph stood grinning and naked.

“You absolute bastard!” Sorcha yelled and punched him hard enough in the bicep to make his arm go dead.

“Hey!” He said rubbing his arm. “It’s not my fault! You’re the one who answered the damn call!”

“But it’s your fault that I just flashed my Dad!” Sorcha said feeling a little queasy as the words left her mouth. “Oh gods…”

“It’s not like that was entirely my fault.” He protested. “You could have slapped me after. Not during. Besides, between that, the dig in the arm and the busted nose I think I’ve been suitably punished!”

Sorcha cringed. “Is it ok?”

Joseph shrugged. “I’ve had worse. It’s not broken. Just a little tender. I may skip out on the rest of my present for you today though.”

“That’s fine.” Sorcha said. “Though I get to keep that coupon for another day.”

“Works for me.” He replied.

She gently pushed him so he sat down on the edge of the bed.

“And one other thing.” Sorcha said.

“What’s that?” he asked.

Sorcha dropped to her knees in front of him.

“I think I should apologise properly.” She said looking up at him.

And then it was Joseph’s turn to groan.


Nas Xmas


        • sketch says:

          I don’t know. As bad as her temper and human angst were for her, they also made up one part that was interesting about her. The other part was her role as a duo with Alesia.

          Now the team is no longer front and center, and the anger has mostly been extinguished. Sorcha is having to develop an identity though her job and a series of personal interactions. (Eyrn, Manka, Joseph, ect.) It’s just felt a bit flat for me because her job is basically a bureaucrat, and honestly most of those other characters seem more interesting to me, so they outshine her.

  1. sketch says:

    “Girls are definitely not for me…and please don’t take offense, but I don’t think Humans are either.”

    Bit of an odd position to take after pushing Manka to give dating humans a chance. I mean it wasn’t an understanding “well dating humans isn’t for everyone,” or even a probing “besides the size difference, how do you feel about the guy?” It was an outright shove to find the guy and say yes before she even knew his name. I’m going to chalk this up to being flustered with Joseph in the room.

    Marry Christmas and Happy Holidays

    • Soatari says:

      Well the difference between her and Manka is that she’s speaking from experience. She’s dated humans before. She’s encouraging Manka to give it a try before just writing it off altogether.

  2. Angel Agent says:

    A very nice and fun chapter. I enjoy seeing Joseph messing with Sorcha and that he can drive her a bit crazy as he plays around.

    Not much to say about Pri maybe she will make it out of this ok and find a nice life after a wake up call that will come to her.

    Merry Christmas to you as well.

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