Chapter Twenty-Five: Full House Titan: Exile by Dann

The initial week of cohabitation went relatively about as smooth as it could have gone, which was perhaps about as smooth as a gravel road in an ice storm with three flat tires. Tapp and Degu didn’t get along, Degu was abrupt and confrontational, and Tapp was belligerent, vocal and rude at every possible interval. Darren made for an interesting wild card, as for the most part he remained observational and agreeable, if not a little condescending due to his mental savvy over the two unsophisticated, yet remarkable fit specimens of human athleticism.

It was boarder lining remarkable! Darren had mentioned more than once over the course of their time, which to date was little over one titan week, that Tapp and Degu moved about the precarious “cat tower” dwelling as if they were born to climb, leap great distances, and balance in areas no man had any right to balance. It was the sort of construction that would get the best of half his recruits, and terrify the rest. But the two domesticated humans not only took to it with the utmost grace and agility, but actually seemed to enjoy it.

The platinum blonde Tapp was far more interesting to Darren than Degu, who was fond of Darren, but also a fair bit competitive. Tapp kept her distance, and eyed Darren with a strange paranoia. She didn’t approach him often, and rather than snark at him like she did to Eyrn, Bedra and Degu, she shied away from him, and took almost every chance she got to avoid him as if he were the plague itself.

The slender, picturesque specimen of a woman had all the skills of an Olympic gymnast, with all the poise of a British royal, and all the attitude of a contemporary celebrity Diva, and to deny she was gorgeous would be a lie Darren was both unwilling, and unable to properly tell.

Bedra and Eyrn had put themselves through a rough first week, but seemed to have mended bridges rather well, and it was in no small part thanks to Bedra’s easy going and mostly laid back attitude. The dark skinned Titan had a care free and friendly personality, despite her less than stellar outlook on his entire species as a whole, Darren had no trouble speaking to her, and she seemed to enjoy engaging in conversation with him as well. Bedra entertained, what given her cultural upbringing had to be the most outlandish of idea’s, and politely responded in a manner that made her bigoted enslavement of his entire species almost tolerable. Darren was smart enough to understand they were playing a different ball game, concessions and bridges had to be built if they were to survive and Bedra was as good a person as any. Eyrn…did not have the same understanding, and had gone in full force on a number of occasions.

Bedra, seemed more than willing to engage in return, and frustrated Eyrn with a calmness that Darren himself had to respect. It was evident there was very little that rose this woman’s blood pressure, and she kept her tone in such a way that was hardly condescending as much as it was nonchalant.

It had taken coaxing from Darren’s behalf, and a bit of cultural education to convince Eyrn she had to lower her guard a bit. Bedra had actually a very relaxed and liberal outlook on humans as far as mainstream Titan society was concerned. It was frightening to imagine what a more grass roots conservative outlook was, neither Darren nor Eyrn were convinced they wanted to find out.

The cultural differences were hard to overcome, but the longer the two spent together the more they were able to look past such. Eyrn was comforted in the fact that Bedra at least had an open mind, and Bedra enjoyed the fact that Eyrn was polite and engaged her in conversation civilly. While Eyrn had actually made progress in educating Bedra on the merit of earth and the humans who dwelt there, where they were unable to come to an accord was in regards to the humans who were born and raised on Archavia.

Bedra insisted that humans that were born and raised on Archavia as Pets were not equipped with the same skills as those who were born from the genetic pool on earth. She insisted that the universe outside the Sol system was a hostile place for humanity, and that there simply was nothing else that COULD be done for the domestic stock. Returning them to earth would forever change the landscape and evolution of the species, for better OR for worse, and straight out emancipation would lead to a lot of dead humans.

There were a number of species who preyed upon humanity, and not all of them were held by the tight leash of the empire. Military enforcement of the red zone was all that kept earthlings blissfully unaware of the dangers of the galaxy, and the homes that opened themselves up to humans as pets was the only thing that kept the empire even remotely interested in the welfare of the domestic stock. Humans as popular household pets gave them a reason to be protected.

Bedra didn’t seem to view humans as Pet’s as much as she saw them as weaker smaller beings that needed protection. Her whole relationship with Degu seemed almost maternal. She avoided calling him a pet, but used words like “her human” and “guardian”. Eyrn thought it was just semantics, but Darren saw clear differences in her thinking than he did the nurses on Titan Station. She was not as open minded as Captain Bass, but she was somebody he could trust, and an ally regardless of the differences in their thinking. Degu seemed to be on no leash himself, and her treatment of him was as close to fair as he had seen on Archavia so far. They almost had a Cat/owner dynamic. Degu did what he wanted, and Bedra did her best to accommodate him. He was a prisoner of her walls…but like most Cat’s he’d ever known…Degu didn’t seem too eager to leave that cage. It was still horrible just…less…horrible.

Eyrn had not even been remotely satisfied with the conclusion Bedra had come to, but no amount of back and forth discussion seemed to get either of them any closer to an accord. Eyrn insisted that humans were humans and that intelligence and potential intelligence was not something that could simply be bread out. A universal right to an education had changed the face of the world in fact, her parents had fought for simple freedoms generations before them had simply not had. Yet, every time a little ground was gained, a little more was lost. Bedra was able to counter with very real obstacles to Eyrn’s thinking. While Bedra kept a calm head about it, Eyrn only grew more frustrated and angry with each failed attempt at convincing her housemate of her own logical fallacies. But the bigger picture was far more intimidating than one simple housemate. Eyrn had come to understand that there were different opinions, debates, conversations and disagreements even within the realm of human ownership and their role in Archavian society. One Titan’s opinion seemed to mildly differ form the next, the very same logic that humanity often applied to politics and religion seemed to settle in on the human debate. Most Titan’s felt entitled to their beliefs, and were not very open to debate about it. There was a live and let live attitude, agree to disagree, and the very notion that such a basic and useful tool for co-existence had managed to cement humanity’s place under the heel of the Titans. It made Eyrn sick to her stomach, and filled her with despair. The only way she could starve off the hopelessness was to try not to focus on it all the time, which lead to her taking Darren’s advice, against her better judgment. There were battles she would have to fight, and there were those she would have to forfeit, while she was still new and inexperienced she was hardly in any position to change the world, how could she change people’s minds if there were so many different opinions and justifications for those opinions, it was daunting.

But the biggest obstable Eryn face was her lack of objection to how Bedra treated the humans in her care. She asked their opinions on things, gave them choices and for the most part left them to their own devices. When they came to her with a concern or a question she did her best to accommodate them, and in all the time Eyrn had been there, Bedra had not once even so much as raised her voice at either of them. It was frustrating still; that Degu…even Tapp didn’t seem bothered by their submissive role in the household. Eyrn had attempted to approach them both on multiple occasions but found they just didn’t see anything wrong with the way the world around them worked. Even Darren seemed strangely complacent. It was discouraging, and maddening.

Day to day life was remarkably void of abrupt confrontation for the most part, Eyrn had settled into the notion of overcoming a bit of the culture shock and assimilating into mainstream culture before she decided to fight any liberation wars. She hadn’t abandoned her opinions, and still remained vocal when given a chance, but her greatest obstacle was first and foremost assimilation. She felt out of place, and until she could carve for herself a rightful place in Archavian society, she would have to put her convictions on hold.


“Your slow…do you come from a place where slow people are born? Because you’re really slow!” Degu jeered as he effortlessly leapt from one suspended platform to the other, the man simply had no fear of heights, and absolute confidence in his balance. Darren was not quite as confident, but just reckless enough to keep things interesting. The lower gravity was something that Darren was just now getting used to, it changed his perception, how far he assumed he could jump, and what sort of risks he was willing to take. This was why Degu was so much faster and more confident, Degu knew the way of things, Darren was simply learning.

The tower was known as an agility tower, and it came in multiple makes and models. It was a complex series of platforms, ledges, climbing obstacles and minor physical puzzles one had to overcome in order to reach the top. There was normally a treat, or a reward of some from at the top. Bedra didn’t keep snacks or anything up there, Degu and Tapp seemed to climb it for their own enjoyment, and Darren because…well hell if he was going to let them outshine him!

It reminded Darren of a Cat Tower, void of course of the scratching post and little ball of catnip dangling from a string. The whole thing was immense and intimidating to look at from the bottom, as it stood well over the head of Bedra, it had to be at least 160 feet in height, which was larger than most apartment buildings! There were no safety guards, no nets, and no harnesses. It was free climbing at its most exhilarating. There were tunnels, ropes; just about anything one could think of to make it as intimidating and daunting as possible.

And this was apparently what these “pets” did for fun? Darren, had no ill words to say about them, it was a training regime that put the navy seals to shame…and the way Degu went about it, he was having more fun than a kid in a candy store.

“Shut yer yap! If ya spent less time talken and more time climbing you’d be at the top already Mop Head!” Darren grumbled as he pulled one arm over the other up the knotted rope, Degu had chosen the unaided vertical climb, given only a few sparse hand and foot holds to work with, Darren had went with the rope climb, his triceps and biceps burned and he was soaked in his own perspiration, his shirt had been abandoned about 35 feet ago, he was running on adrenaline and testosterone now.

“I can talk AND beat you!” Degu grinned, pulling himself over the ledge and up out of sight.

Darren growled and swung his leg up and over the ledge, jolting himself off the ground and after his opponent.

Degu lowered himself and began to shimmie through a tight tunnel that was tilted up, the higher he climbed, the tighter the tunnel and the steeper the slope, until it was a near vertical climb, the clever athlete braced his arms and legs against the side of the plastic tube and continued his vertical assent.

Darren took the riskier path, which upon a quick eyeing was the most direct path, but seemed a far bit more challenging. Darren leapt onto one suspended platform, and then onto another slightly higher and a fare distance away, to his surprise when he landed on the simple platform, it wobbled and tilted a little, but the seasoned soldier was not to be discouraged and upon gaining his balance leapt onto the next platform, which was further and higher than the one previous. This time he was quite prepared for the wobbly obstacle and began to make the jumps with more and more confidence every time. The low gravity made what on earth would be a super human task, more like a casual game. It was hard to deny he was having fun.

Degu had hardly poked his head out of the narrow tube he was climbing, and Darren had hardly made it onto the final platform, when a near blur of movement caught his eye. The third path to take and perhaps the most dangerous of them all was a rotating series of platforms attached to what looked to be a wheel. Each platform wobbled and tilted when weight was placed on them, and if weight remained on for too long, the platform gave out altogether! It was not a path Darren felt comfortable taking; even Degu seemed to avoid it.

Like a spider monkey up a tree, Tapp defeated the daunting obstacle and breezed path both men to the final leg of the tower. A long open chasm, further than any of them could leap, to what appeared to be the summit of the “mountain”, the only way to reach it being a Tarzan like swing from an unknotted rope, that would require near perfect timing upon dismount. The slender cream skinned woman moved with fluidic perfection, taking hold of the rope and swinging across, dismounting at just the right time and landing in a crouching position, she then stood and sprinted to the finish, where she examined herself over, and then looked down threw her nose at the two simpletons who had stopped their progress to gawk.

“Heh.” The arrogant young woman scoffed and flopped down in the bean-bag-chair that sat atop, regal and proud of her accomplishment, but with little actual doubt that it was ever much of a race to begin with.

“Well ah’ll be….” Darren laughed to himself. “Ah didn’t see that coming!” The Texan let out a bit of a holler and clapped his hands together; he knew when he’d been licked.

Degu on the other hand reacted with scorn and disdain, grumbling as he slid down the tube with ire.

“You shouldn’t feel bad; there really is no difference in the sexes in regards to physical performance here.” Bedra’s voice spoke almost out of nowhere, Darren looked around at every angle, but he couldn’t locate her, until he looked down. Well above her head he was perched on a wobbly platform; she was standing below him, her arms at her hips, she was looking up. The very notion that he was above even her head made him feel just a little bit amazing. He had done this, on his own…like it wasn’t any trouble at all; it was enough to make him feel like Super Man

Bedra had remembered from a conversation her and Darren had before, that on Earth Males were generally more physical fit and athletic than females, in some areas anyhow. Bedra educated Darren to the contrary in regards to Titan’s and Humans on Archavia. The idea of gender identity was almost unheard of. There were some men who were stronger and faster, and there were some women who were stronger and faster, gender had very little to do with it. Tapp, while not overtly bulky and thick, was agile and swift, and preformed with confidence.

One thing Darren found interesting was the lack of gender separated lavatories in public areas. Apparently on Archavia, men and women of any species crapped in the same bathrooms.

“Who said ah feel bad? That was a blast…ah might be up fer round two!” Darren chuckled, trying to maintain his focus and not lose his balance.

“It’s nice to see you enjoying yourself.” Bedra smiled and watched Darren leap from the last wobbly platform to solid secure ground, where he took a seat and let his legs dangle off the ledge, peering down at Bedra casually.

“Eh, passes the time ah’guess.” Darren shrugged and wiped his arm across his brow. The truth was Darren was restless; there was not a whole lot to do when Eyrn wasn’t around. Her long awkward sleep schedule made for a lot of free time, and Darren had very little meaningful interaction with Tapp and Degu. Tapp was only interested in complaining and being awkward and Degu was obsessed with working out, running and doing athletic things. Even for a soldier, there was only so much of it he could do before that too became mundane.

Bedra chuckled modestly, while keeping her pseudo respectful tone. She had managed to hit it off well with Eyrn’s Human. He was a lot like Degu, bold, independent and a bit of a grump. She respected his unique outlook in the same way she did Luke Palmer, Aisell’s unfortunate ward who had met an untimely end at the jaws of some wild beast. She didn’t wholly agree with his outlook, but he was entitled to it.

“If I didn’t know better Darren, I’d guess you were a little uncomfortable with heights?” Bedra hummed wistfully as she watched Darren manipulate the tricky platforms as he began his decent.

“Trick question ‘Smiles’, we’re all born afraid of heights…some’a us just do a better job gett’n over that fear.” Darren spoke, he was clearly fine with a conversation, but it was clear most of his concentration was on getting down the building sized tower alive. ‘Smiles’ was the nick name he had chosen for Bedra, on account of how much she seemed to smile, and how pretty her smile was at that.

“Are you one of those people?” Bedra asked with interest.

“Sure ah am. Ma pappy taught me’long time ago that there wern’t no use in letting what spooked ya control ya. Sides the adrenaline feels good.” Darren miss-stepped and caught himself off a portion of platform, pulling himself to his feet. Bedra simply watched.

“I see, makes sense.” Bedra watched in silence before gesturing to Darren. “I know you generally like to do things on your own but I’m going into the other room to relax, care to join me?” Bedra offered Darren a hand, gently placing it just off the platform he stood on, palm up.

Darren eyed the palm invitingly. Oh it would be so easy! She could get him down in a fraction of the time! He was already sore and worn and exhausted too. He looked to her, a grateful smile on his worn face. He wasn’t shy around Bedra, in fact he had warmed up to her before Eyrn did. Darren figured Titan’s were big enough that if they wanted to cause him harm they would. He chose the path of least resistance and choose to judge by character…and treat them no differently than he would any stranger he met back home. It worked so far anyhow.

“Naw, I need ta do this mah’self. But thanks anyhow, ‘Smiles’.” Darren nodded a bit and kept moving.

Bedra pulled her hand back and smiled with a shrug. “Ok, I’ll go off all by myself then.” She didn’t sound offended, just teasing. “You three are the most aloof humans I’ve ever seen. You make a good trio!” Bedra laughed.

Darren had been about to respond, when he was cut off by the uppity but all too familiar drill to his head sound of Tapp.

“Bedra! I’m hungry! I would like to be fed now!” Tapp spoke, descending down from her perch above the room swiftly, nearly over taking Darren seemingly out of nowhere.

“Well look who’s decided to come down off her pedestal and grace the common folk wit-er glory! Princess, Koranatappestrina Anghell Rozlan Debborruh!” Darren snickered.

Bedra’s smile tensed up as Darren spoke. Tapp was still her ever present abrupt and rude self, but she was growing easier to tolerate, when Darren and Degu didn’t get her even more fired up!

“Did I ask for your opinion!” Tapp snapped harshly. She avoided Darren mostly because unlike Degu he always had a smart and witty retort to her bitchness.

“Angry when we say it right, angry if we dont…yer just a ball-O-sunshine arntcha?” Darren ran his arm over his brow to mop up some sweat, and leapt off the final platform to solid ground.

“Well at least you remember how to say it!” Tapp moved past Darren with purpose and huffed as she did so. She held her hand over her nose and made a sour face. “You smell! Why you smell so fowel!” Tapp more demanded than asked.

“Ah smell like what a real man smells like sweetheart.” Darren chuckled, giving his pits a bit of a sniff.

“I’ve never smelt anything as disgusting and revolting!” Tapp grumbled as she slid down a long steep slide that cut the trip down to the floor nearly in half.

Darren gave his head a shake as he watched her go. He could see Degu off in the distance on the curve of the tower, he was snickering as well.

“Apparently she ain’t never smelled you Mop Head!” Darren shouted in jest.

Degu made a gesture towards Darren that he recognized as the middle finger, and laughed as he continued his descent.

“The hell you learn that Mop Head!” Darren took after.

“If you’re hungry why don’t you eat? There is food in your social room where I left it isn’t there?” Bedra asked as she watched the tiny human woman storm over to her.

“I don’t know how many times I have to make this clear, but I won’t share food with those…those two!” Tapp looked up at Darren who was peering over the edge of the tower amused.

Bedra sighed as she knelt down and set her hand on the floor. Tapp wasted no time in climbing aboard and made herself comfortable in the Titan’s hand

“That is what you do in a social room dear…you eat…socially….” Bedra half smiled.

Degu rounded the corner and lowered himself next to Darren. The bare chested Degu was dry, and looked ready for another 10 rounds. “So yappy…she talks too much!” Degu gave his head a shake.

“Yer all a regular bunch yappers is what….but whatever right?” Darren shrugged and slapped the taller man on the back, taking off at a sprint. “An’ now’m gonna get down b’fore you!”

“Oh no you’re not!” Degu scowled and took off after Darren.


Eyrn sat on her feet, nestled into the large arm chair as she looked over the information on her data pad. Her face was a mixture of annoyance and confusion. She hardly noticed Bedra’s entrance, only when Tapp began to complain did the petite Titan look up with interest.

“I don’t know why I have to share a dwelling with them!” Tapp demanded ruefully.

“That unit was built for a family of 5 Tappie…I don’t understand how you still feel crowded?” Bedra spoke, upbeat but worn.

“Well it’s the smallest house I’ve ever had to live in!” Tapp spoke with annoyance, rolling her eyes. “And don’t call me that! I have a proper name and I intend you to use it!”

“Well it will have to do. Besides those two gave you the whole third level and then some, you’ll adapt.” Bedra nodded, as she peeked over to her housemate.

Eyrn half smiled and followed Bedra with her eyes.

“How’s the studying?” Bedra asked with a warm smile.

“This language is annoying…how does anyone speak this? Why isn’t there any definitive difference between masculine and feminine verb tense? And there are so many exceptions to the rules it makes English look basic!” Eyrn grumbled as she tossed her data pad down and sighed, crossing her arms.

Bedra laughed as she set Tapp down on the kitchen counter. She watched Eyrn from the kitchen; the two rooms were close enough to carry on a conversation with out shouting. “If you think Archavian is hard you should learn the language of the Lur….” Bedra chuckled.

“No thanks you.” Eyrn huffed.

“You’re doing well considering you just started though!” Bedra tried to sound encouraging.

“Bah…why can’t this translator do-dad just do the work for me?” Eyrn sulked.

“Would you be satisfied not being able to read street signs?” Bedra asked knowingly.

“A minor detail!” Eyrn avoided answering.

“I suppose then I wouldn’t get those little ‘Bedra I’m lost come get me!’ calls every time you wander out for a run though…hmmmmmm I would miss them….” Bedra hummed.

“It’s not my fault this place makes no sense! All the buildings look alike!” Eyrn half laughed.

“If you could read the signs you’d….”

“Stop being so logical!”

As Bedra prepared left-overs from the previous days dinner for Tapp on a small plate, Tapp waited impatiently.

“You really don’t remember any of it? You likely spoke it at one point didn’t you?” Bedra asked, making small talk mostly.

“Should I? I don’t remember much of anything before waking up. Heck I don’t remember much before the age of 32.” Eyrn shrugged. “Besides I highly doubt language rules have remained consistent from my thousand year old toddler babble.” Eyrn chuckled.

“Wait what? 32?” Bedra cleaned her hands, pushed the plate towards the impatient Tapp and headed into the living room.

“Sorry…I keep forgetting you are all on wonky time…I suppose 32 for me was….5 by your math?” Eyrn looked up as Bedra entered, taking notice to the missing human.

“That must be hard…not remembering where you come from?” Bedra sat in the chair across from Eyrn and made herself comfortable.

“I remember what matters. My Mom, my Dad…I mean the ones who raised me.” Eyrn smiled longingly.

“But nothing of your birth parents? I mean your Titan parents?” Bedra asked, looking empathetic. “I mean…at one point you were no different than me or anyone else…you had a mother, a father…they held you and rocked you to sleep…loved you….” Bedra was cut off.

“My human Mom and Dad loved me too…maybe they didn’t hold me and rock me to sleep but Marcy and Zebulon loved me fiercely.” Eyrn didn’t sound offended, just nostalgic.

Bedra nodded and listened, she wasn’t sure how to take that, it just seemed so impossible.

“They yelled at me like parents do…laughed with me…taught me things…told me stories…made me mind my manners…chased away the monsters…kissed my boo-boo’s….” Eyrn shrugged. “I didn’t know I was different when I was with them…it was nice.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean that….”

“No, it’s ok. I mean it seems strange? My parents were smaller enough to fit in my hand…from your point of view it has to seem impossible. But it is what it is.” Eyrn looked up and shrugged.

“Well they did a good job! You’re nothing like…well….” Bedra blushed.

“I don’t eat dirt and pick bugs out of my hair?” Eyrn grinned.

“Sorry I didn’t wanna say it but….” Bedra sunk into her chair.

“If you knew my parents you’d think I was a rebel! Mom was so strict on insisting I act like a proper lady I sometimes wanted to put her under a glass!” Eyrn giggled. “Mother wore nothing but dresses and kept her hair in the most beautiful up doo’s she walked slowly, talked carefully and was so soft and gentle. I sometimes wished I could just curl up in her lap and fall asleep. She was just beautiful and amazing…a real gentile lady.”

“And you could have too!” Bedra laughed. “Put her under a glass I mean.”

“Oh I’d never of dreamed of it! Daddy insisted I mind mother. There was never any question in my house. I always minded my parents, when I was told what to do, I did it.” Eyrn nodded.

Bedra nodded with fascination. “I was a brat…my parents didn’t know what to do with me…you’re earth family’s lucky I didn’t end up in your place!” Bedra chuckled.

“Momma always wanted a big family…but that never happened. All she had was me, so I guess I wanted to make sure I didn’t disappoint.” Eyrn shrugged softly.

Bedra nodded in amazement. “Wow…you had all that power and you still did what you were told? Your adopted parents must have been nothing short of amazing!”

“It was a different time then. Kids listened to their parents…because family was all you had. But it was more than that Bedra…see they had my back. They gave up so much for me, went to bat for me when people wanted to lock me away or worse, all they wanted was for me to feel like a normal little girl…I figured least I could do for them was act like one.” Eyrn shrugged. “Sure I could have ran the show, bossed them around. But they were my parents…they didn’t deserve that….”

Bedra took a moment to digest all the information she had been given, these chats were always educational, Bedra liked the insight on her new housemate.

“So, how is it you ended up locked up anyhow? I mean in the end? Did you do something wrong? Slip up?” Bedra asked carefully.

Before Eyrn had a chance to answer Darren cut in, when he had arrived and for how long he had been there was a mystery. But in typical Darren fashion he arrived when he arrived regardless of logic and purpose.

“Hardly, the Twat has a clean record…well save fer a bit of an awol nearing her 97th birthday…well that was the only one what she managed to get’er self into trouble on…but naw, Eyrn was never any trouble t’anyone else.” Darren had crawled onto the arm of Eyrn’s chair and was sitting cross legged.

“The hell did you come from!?” Eyrn looked in amazement.

“Yer all s’dang loud an elephant could’a come through an you’d never hear!” Darren scolded.

“So, why was she kept in isolation?” Bedra returned them to the topic at hand.

Darren took a moment to think, he looked to Eyrn, and then Bedra. “Times changed ah guess. She was easy’t hide when times were simple. But technology advanced an’ the world became a much smaller place. Mounting international tension meant the existence of a ‘hunnerd’ foot alien was harder t’hide. Sometime long b’fore ah got there they stopped letting anyone see her wit’out military clearance. Too many people to trust with’er existence.” Darren shrugged.

“But why was her existence kept a secret at all?” Bedra asked, curious.

“For’er own protection I guess. The world wasn’t ready for’er Bedra. It was best keeping her where no harm could come to’er.” Darren sent Eyrn a contemplative look, and to check her mood gauge given the conversation at hand.

Eyrn seemed relaxed, she was still sitting back with her legs to the side, and her posture suggested she wasn’t fazed by the conversation topic. She did however reach out and quickly apprehend Darren, setting him on her outstretched hand before her face. “I think it’s cute when he gets all worried about me. He would never admit it but he cares, and it’s adorable!” Eyrn teased, making a scrunched face at the small Sarge, who was battling to regain his composure after his sudden altitude change. “Darren took good care of me Bedra, all my caretakers after my Mom and Dad passed away did. But Darren has to be the best!”

“Well you two get along famously, I’m not sure I would be so accommodating had I been in your place Eyrn.” Bedra chuckled, she adored watching the unique interaction between Darren and Eyrn, and they acted more like siblings than anything else. Their dynamic was hard to gauge, but it was warming.

“There yew go again gett’n all grabby! Just b’cuse were off the base don’t mean ah can’t whoop yer ass!” Darren grumbled, attempting to fend off an encroaching finger that was aimed to mess his hair, which had grown longer since his time on Archavia.

Eyrn allowed him to fend her digit off and set him back on the couch arm, she didn’t like to get him too worked up. He could be fun when amused, but annoying when angry. “Sir-yes-sir!” Eyrn repeated and sent Darren a faux salute before making herself comfortable again.

“So where’d you drop Princess sassy-pants?” Eyrn asked with amusement. She didn’t get along with Tapp, disliked her and it was clear.

“Oh don’t call her that. Geeze for such a human activist you’re so mean to poor Tapp.” Bedra spoke, whispering so the human in the next room wouldn’t hear her.

“I’m not required to like everyone…especially if there a prissy stuck up snood!” Eyrn mocked and folded her arms. For Eyrn it was a simple matter of not liking another person, and she felt no shame in that. After all why should she? Bedra saw things differently.

“It’s not her fault she’s the way she is, her former guardian conditioned her to be that way. She needs a bit of understanding, and sometime.” Bedra spoke softly, and pleaded almost.

“Beh, still don’t like her…she’s snoody and entitled and rude.” Eyrn crossed her arms tighter.

Darren chuckled and leaned back against the base of the arm chair, letting his legs stretch out casually. “No harm’n not liking someone, but Bedra’s got a point. From what I gather the poor girl can’t help being like she is.” Darren had a nasty habit of looking a thing’s through multiple lenses, which annoyed Eyrn to no end.

“Oh why do you always have to give everyone the benefit of the doubt? Can’t she just be a horrible person because she’d a horrible person? There’s nothing wrong with not liking someone.” Eyrn was making no attempt to shelter Tapp from her words.

“Keep your voice down, she might hear you.” Bedra whispered harshly.

Eyrn made an annoyed face and adjusted herself roughly in her chair, she made a compliant but annoyed gesture with her eyes and looked down to Darren, who was chuckling softly at the engagement between Bedra and Eyrn.

“The Twat’s not used to being forced’t get along with anyone ya’see. Mostly if she didn’t like someone, they were reassigned someplace else. No need in upsetting the giant after all right? It was one’a the luxuries she was afforded.” Darren shrugged. It meant a lot really, considering he was a less than desirable personality and she had never complained about him.

“Oh I never used that veto power not even once! So get off it!” Eyrn grumbled.

“Well there was that one time….” Darren reminded.

“Hush that doesn’t count!” Eyrn snapped.

“Fine fine, if you say so.” Darren made a diplomatic hand gesture and chuckled.

“I just love listening to you two argue! You’re a real pair! My friend Aisell would love you!” Bedra giggled and fell back against the chair she sat in.

“Who?” Eyrn and Darren spoke in tandem.

“A good friend of mine, she’s a lot like you actually Eyrn…I think you’d really like her!” Bedra calmed down and sat up.

“Hmmm, maybe.” Eyrn clammed up right away and went tense; she was still quite shy around Titans, at least ones she’d never met.

“It’ll do ya good’t meet new people! Yer turning into a hermit!” Darren scolded, in his ‘Master Sergeant’ tone.

“He’s right, you need to get out…all you do is read, jog and sleep!” Bedra joined in, her tone matching Darrens.

“Get off it you two I’m just an introvert…I get my energy from my alone time.” Eyrn defended boldly.

“Then you should be quite full up by now! Come on, I’ll invite her over for supper…she’s really nice I swear…and she thinks like you do about humans…even knew a human from earth!” Bedra spoke eagerly.

“Wait what?” Darren spoke up, leaning forward quickly.

“Oh…well knew I mean…he…well he passed away not so long ago…unfortunate story actually….” Bedra sighed softly.

Darren deflated and leaned back against the chair, his interest still peaked. “Ah thought there weren’t too many of us Earth folk around?” Darren asked, somewhat discouraged.

“There isn’t…only two I know about were Luke, and that Professor from the big Tanhouser Scandal a few months back.” Bedra shrugged. “And now you.” She smiled.

“Tanhouser scandal?” Eyrn asked curiously.

“Well, I don’t know the whole story but a human physics faught the system for the right to work as faculty at the university, actually won too. Most say he’s just a joke teacher…or a mascot…but I’ve known a few who’ve taken his class and its one of the hardest ball busting courses at Tanhouser Gate University…he’s a real tuff teacher.” Bedra nodded.

Darren and Eyrn looked to one another, impressed, then back to Bedra.

“Still…some think it’s all an act…that his assistant is the power behind the throne…others think his owner/girlfriend does all the hard work….” Bedra shrugged

“Owner…girlfriend?” Darren spoke a bit taken aback.

“What do you think?” Eyrn asked, seriously.

“I don’t know…I’ve heard a lecture or two…I don’t know dung about physics so he could be making it all up and I’d never know…but he’s the most articulate human I’ve ever met and he has a loyal following among the student body.” Bedra looked back to Eyrn in thought. “What reason would he have to lie…for that matter why would his girlfriend put herself on the line for a hoax…I guess I believe it.”

“Wait, so there are Titan’s what date humans? That’s what you said right?” Darren spoke up, stuck on that small detail of the story the two Titaness’ skipped over.

“Happens more than you think actually…mostly liberal minded liberationists but yea it happens…I guess?” Bedra looked back to Darren; she had an amused look across her face.

“That jus seems strange is all…ah mean how’d that even work?” Darren narrowed his eyes.

“Oh don’t tell me that’s never happened where you’re from! Gorgeous 25 year old beauty like her and nobody ever hit on her?” Bedra winked to Eyrn, who went red in the face and shrank in her chair. “You’re kidding me…never? I won’t believe that! You’re young; beautiful…you’d be a catch for anyone…human or Titan!” Bedra spoke, aghast.

Darren looked to Eyrn then back to Bedra, and wiggled in his seat, the topic of Eyrn’s love-life never came up, and it made him uncomfortable to think about.

“Heh…well it’s not that nobody took notice…I grew up on a military base around horny soldiers…I got hit on plenty.” Eyrn spoke shy and meek, embarrassed.

“I changed ma’ mind lets go back’n talk about that teacher guy….”

“Then what happened? 25 years alone and it never once crossed your mind?” Bedra pursued.

“I don’t know if we should be talking about this.” Eyrn wiggled uncomfortably.

“Oh you have to tell me now! You can’t leave me hanging! What, did something bad happen?” Bedra looked insatiably curious.

“No…nothing bad ever happened…and that’s why!” Eyrn spoke, wishing she was talking about anything else, anything!

“What…were you afraid?” Bedra asked softly.

Eyrn nodded shyly and turned away.

“Yer make’n the gal uncomfortable we should change the topic….” Darren groaned.

“I just…you don’t understand. I was always the big one, the one who stood out. I never wanted to be that, but I was. Sure ok I always had desires like anyone else…and I got curious and you know…did things…but never with anyone else! I couldn’t…Bedra I was always afraid of hurting someone…or losing them. I was used to living a long time and watching everyone fade away…I couldn’t watch that happen to someone I let in that close…a…and it would have happened…they’d get old so quickly and die in the blink of an eye and I’d be alone again…that’s if they survived in the first place I mean there so small and fragile Bedra I could never…I mean it just….” Eyrn stood quickly and hugged herself bashfully. “I have to go…to the bathroom….” Eyrn darted out of the room quickly.

Bedra sat back, looking to Darren, who was studying his feet, trying to pretend he had not heard any of that. “Guess that was a red button issue eh?” Bedra asked softly.

“Guess sooo…..” Darren coughed and wiggled uncomfortably.

“Should I go after her?” Bedra asked, she wanted to help, but didn’t know how.

Darren gave his head a shake. “When she runs off like that she normally don’t want no one’t catch’er till she’d ready….” Darren cleared his throat and sighed.

Bedra huffed softly and nodded. Her new roommate was fascinating…but very confusing.