“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”
–Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
The chair struck the bell three times, and the Imperial House grew silent.
“The House will be in order. The chair recognizes the Representative from Wedney.”
“Thank you, madam chair,” Rodrec Zeramblin said. “I ask unanimous consent to address the body.”
“Without objection, so ordered.”
“Representative Zimm, I wish to thank you,” Zeramblin said, with a smile. “If not for the information you provided this body this morning, a grave offense against the Empire might have occurred. Many of you may have heard this already; these rumors move fast. But let me confirm it officially. Earlier today, Navarchos Ziah Solis was arrested on charges of High Treason, on the personal order of the Emperor.”
The floor did not explode at that, as most every member had heard this from the Floor Leader himself, but the gallery erupted in shock. The chair rang the bell, and called for order once more, and when things calmed down, she told Zeramblin to proceed.
“Thank you, madam chair. Navarchos Solis took actions contrary to his oath to defend the Empire. He ordered officers to lie to this body, ordered them to disobey their duties to the Empire. He murdered one man in cold blood, and his actions caused the death of another officer. He did this because indeed, Earth has sent a vessel to Saturn, as Representative Zimm helpfully showed us this morning.”
Again, there was an eruption from the gallery; again, order was called for.
“This vessel is, according to information provided to me by Praetor Imperii Lagvul, currently grounded at Titan Station; it had been seized under orders from Solis,” Zeramblin said. “He was seeking to prevent first contact with Earth, and indeed, to foment mistrust between Earth and the Empire, with the aim of bringing us to war.
“Now, war with Earth would not threaten the Empire, not militarily, but that’s not the point. The Empire has an imperfect history, but over the last few centuries we have become an Empire dedicated to protecting this sector of the galaxy, to allow us all to thrive in peace and harmony. Yes, military action must sometimes be taken to safeguard that peace, but never again with the aim of oppressing any people. I say plainly, it would be better this Empire fall than become once again obsessed with military might, ruling its subjects through fear.”
Zeramblin paused for effect, while members on both sides of the chamber murmured their agreement – save for the Ler, who shouted it loudly. (This was not so much because they were being emphatic in their assent as it was because they were Ler.) “Madam Chair, the people of Earth, united together, have sent a vessel to Titan, and its crew has already met with us, in no small part because we forced them to. It is therefore obvious that we must authorize first contact, and begin to take the first steps toward diplomatic relations with the people of Earth. But of course, that is not all.” Zeramblin looked down at his notes for just a second, then continued. “We have many millions of humans living within the Empire. These humans, at present, have no rights, save what limited ones we have passed to protect them from cruelty.
“This has been the case for many hundreds of years, and it is not something that we can or should change on a whim, but with the people of their homeworld having made significant steps toward qualifying as a class one sentient species – indeed, given their level of technological development, their eventual reclassification is all but assured – we can no longer ignore the Human Question. We must decide whether humans can and should be granted additional rights within the Empire.”
That did lead to a bit of an eruption on the floor, and a veritable explosion from the gallery. When order was restored, Zeramblin continued. “This body is not ready to make that decision. It will require careful consideration of all the factors involved, from high-minded principles like freedom and liberty, to philosophical questions, such as whether a species, raised as pets for generation upon generation, can ever truly be capable of understanding freedom, to prosaic ones, like how we could transition humans from pets to people without causing harm to come to them – or to the Empire. Accordingly, as part of the emergency legislation I have proposed, I have appointed a special committee to study the Human Question, made up of Senators and Representatives who will ask the hard questions, and hopefully reach fair answers, consistent with the ideals and principles of this great Empire. Their proposals will then be placed before this body, which shall consider them carefully. I urge this body to support this committee in its work.
“Madam Chair, I move my bill, and ask unanimous consent that the floor debate for its supporters be managed by the Representative from Tannhauser West,” Zeramblin said, sitting down.
He knew this bill would pass, and knew its passage would begin the last chapter of his political career. He accepted it. As the clerk read out its title, Zeramblin smiled. His political career would end with him remembered as a crusader for basic rights. It was not the legacy he had expected, but it was a much better legacy than he’d dared hope for.
* * *
“So,” Tig said, settling Ted on the desk by her bunk.
“So….” Ted replied.
They looked at each other for a good long while, then both broke out laughing.
“Gorram, I feel like a virgin,” Tig laughed. “I really don’t usually have trouble suggesting to someone that we get into bed. Um…which didn’t come out exactly the way I intended.”
“I usually don’t have any trouble accepting,” Ted said, quietly, “but….”
“Oh, gorram,” Tig muttered. “I’m an idiot. After this morning, with those…those….”
“No, that’s not it,” Ted sighed. “They beat on me. You never would. I’m not afraid of you, Tig. I never could be. That’s not it. It’s…I’m….”
“You’re what?”
Ted sighed, then laughed. “Well…I’m a little intimidated, okay? I don’t know that I can possibly be enough for you. You’re so damn beautiful, and brave, and wonderful, and I…well, you could probably do more for yourself with one finger.”
Tig gave him a slight smile. “Ted, you will never, never not be enough for me. If anything, I’m worried that I’m too big for you to properly enjoy yourself.”
“Have you looked at yourself ever?” Ted said. “Tig…my God.”
Tigoni gave Ted a sportive smile, and sighed. “I think…I think we’re both too worried about not being adequate.”
“I know we are. You’re right, it’s like being a virgin – you’re too amazing. I don’t want to screw this up.”
“Me either,” Tig said, digging in her pack. “So let’s get over that worry.”
Ted looked at her quizzically, as she drew out a bottle, small for her, roughly as large as him. “This is Aiat Hustain,” she said. “Four-year-old Special Reserve. I think humans drink alcohol, yes?”
“Only when we want to drink alcohol,” Ted said. “That’s Titan alcohol?”
“The best Titan alcohol. I got this from my big sister for my birthday. One drink’s worth. I’ve been saving it for a special occasion,” she said, taking a small glass from her pack. She unscrewed the cap and poured the green liquid out, save for one small drop; that, she poured into the cap, trying to eyeball a proportionately similar amount for Ted.
“I’ll warn you, Titans tend to like spicier food than humans. This has a kick.”
Ted smiled broadly at that. “I told you I grew up in Santa Fe, didn’t I?”
“Well, we’ll see how you like it,” she said, lifting her glass. “Do you…on Earth, do you wish each other health when you drink?”
“We call it a toast,” Ted said, lifting the cap with both hands. “¡Salud!” he said, raising it to her.
“Prosest!” Tig replied, raising her glass to her lips, and drinking fast, letting the alcohol warm her.
She looked back down, and saw Ted looking at the cap, eyes wide.
“Are you okay? I told you, it’s spicy.”
“It’s amazing!” he said, coughing just slightly. “God damn, that is…I have a brother who runs a small artisanal salsa company. Salsa – it’s a type of sauce we use on Earth. Generally spicy. He has one that’s got Trinidad Moruga scorpion peppers, ghost peppers, Scotch bonnets, and then some habaneros to cut down on the heat; this isn’t quite that spicy, but it’s close. I’m not letting you get this stuff anywhere near Miguel; he’ll propose to you after one drink. And Imani – my sister-in-law – she would not be happy.”
“And you?”
“When I propose to you, I’m doing it up right,” he said with a grin.
“Who says I won’t propose first?” Tig said, scooping him up and giving him a gentle kiss.
“Hmm,” Ted said. “Well, whoever proposes first has to let the other one go through their proposal too. Just for fun.”
“Oh, definitely,” Tig said, unfastening her flight suit. “I think we should propose to each other regularly. And then celebrate each other accepting,” she said, setting Ted down carefully. “Now, get out of that flight suit, mister,” she added, getting up and sliding out of hers.
The small amount of alcohol was more than enough for both of them to get over their initial fears; indeed, the only thing that it may have impaired might have been the striptease, because neither one of them had the patience to disrobe in anything resembling a sultry manner. By the time Ted finished removing the flight suit he’d borrowed from Tatenda, Tig was pulling her socks off, down to just her panties, which were, she realized sadly, a rather dull, functional pair.
Then again, looking down at Ted, who was gazing at her in wonder, she saw that her knickers didn’t need to be particularly hot. She could read him clearly, and she could in his awed expression that she herself was enough.
“Wow,” Ted said, gazing up at her from his position at crotch-level. “Oh, God, Tig,” he laughed. “I’m definitely not enough for you; I’m just lucky there isn’t anyone who is.”
“Hmm,” Tig said, as she gently scooped him up in her left hand. “We’ll see. Let me get a closer look at you.” She pored over him carefully, as if appraising a diamond; Ted swallowed, hard, as she gently flipped him over, carefully prodding him with her right index finger; he lay face down in her soft palm, feeling the steady flow of blood in her hand, as she slowly drug a finger down his back, pausing only to caress his backside a little more. She repeated it a few times, and Ted sighed in pleasure.
“Well,” she said, flipping him over again, and repeating the process on his chest, “I think you just might come close, little man. And even if you aren’t,” she said, with a wicked smile, “at least you seem to be enjoying yourself as much as I am.”
Ted laid back as she rubbed carefully on his crotch; he wasn’t even sure there was a reasonable comparison to be made between this and anything else he’d ever experienced. She gazed down on him like a goddess…and like his oldest, dearest friend…and like the hottest woman he’d ever met…of course…that was just because…she was all three….
He held up at the edge, carefully grabbing her fingertip; it was nowhere near enough to stop her, of course, but she did, immediately.
“Something wrong?” she asked, with slight concern.
“No,” Ted laughed. “A bit too right.”
“Ah. Well then. You will do just fine. Plus you look hot. And adorable. And cute. And hot.”
“Is that possible?”
“I wouldn’t have thought so,” she said, bringing him up to her mouth, the spicy hangover of Hustain making her breath all the more intoxicating. “But you proved me wrong. Just one more thing….”
Carefully, she licked Ted from toes to head, pausing once more on his manhood, but not so much to bring him to orgasm. She kissed him for good measure.
“Yum,” she rumbled. “You even taste good. Yeah, you will do nicely. But then, it’s not just a question of whether you’re good enough for me.”
“No,” she said, lowering herself onto the bunk, and leaning back, setting Ted gently on her stomach. “It’s also a question of whether I’m good enough for you.”
Ted stood up weakly, getting his balance on her stomach, which rose and fell with each of her breaths. “I will confess,” Tig said apologetically, “that I’d probably smell better if I’d taken time for a shower. It’s been a long day.”
Ted laid down on her taut stomach, and kissed it gently. “True of me too. So we’ll have to take a shower before we go to the reception. But not yet.”
Remarkably, he was able to get his bearings reasonably well – Tig was not the first woman he’d kissed on the stomach. The perspective was almost – almost – reasonable. He looked around him; her breasts and head lay ahead of him, her legs and hips behind. He was astounded. She was longer than the Sally Ride by a good four meters, and the Ride herself was on the bigger end of shuttlecraft.
He began walking toward her face, not just because he was not yet ready to face her vagina, but because it was too early for that anyhow. He climbed up on her right breast – he noted that her breaths had grown a bit quicker in anticipation. It was work, of course, but he’d never climbed a hillock more happily, nor been more entranced with the view.
He sat down by her nipple, and rubbed it idly, staring up at the beautiful woman who stared down at him. She looked almost nervous, so Ted paused. “Anything wrong?”
“I hope…I know my breasts are a bit small,” Tig said.
Ted literally fell on his back, laughing hysterically. When he recovered, he began stroking her nipple a bit more urgently, and said, “Tigoni, for God’s sake, you realize that one of these could crush me if we were on Earth, yes?”
“Well…yeah, but….”
“Tig…nothing on you is too small,” he said, kissing her nipple, which perked up quickly. “And nothing is too big, either.” He massaged it again, amazed at the level of detail he saw as it hardened. “It’s you. And you are perfect,” he said, kissing it more.
Tig lay back, and Ted was stunned to find himself pushed flat by a heavy weight, though given what it was pushing him into, he didn’t complain. Tig was massaging the breast he was on. She began pushing him down, and letting her tit carry him back up, and down, and up. She giggled.
“Hmm…well, you do seem to fit nicely there. But…well, I know there’s a lot of me to cover, and yet Navarchos Bass said we should keep our tour short…would you like to see one of the highlights, and then explore in more detail later?”
Ted was caught halfway between an emphatic yes and a terrified no; he really wasn’t sure how to approach his next stop.
“Ted,” Tig said, softly, as if sensing his hesitation. “Nothing on you is too small, either.”
“I just….”
She plucked him from her breast, and held him above her face, and gave him a smile that had only one meaning. “Ted…you will not disappoint me. I promise.”
“All right,” he said, swallowing hard. “Just…if I do…tell me what I can do.”
“Oh, always,” she said, bringing him down for a kiss. “But only if you give me the same courtesy.”
She slipped her panties off with her left hand, and set Ted between her thighs with her right; she had moved herself into a sitting position, because she wanted to see him. She wasn’t sure herself how best for him to approach her, but she was determined that he enjoy the attempt.
Ted stared into the maw of her sex; he was gratified to see that her arousal equaled his, but rather daunted by it, as well. When he was a test pilot, he’d flown an F-95X into orbit once, which was impressive, especially as it wasn’t supposed to be capable of reaching orbit. He’d had to bypass three safety systems to manage it. Hey, he’d been ordered to fly as high and fast as he could.
As he’d initiated reentry, he had felt a combination of exhilaration and terror – exhilaration that he’d done something next to impossible, and terror that he’d end it by burning up on the way back home.
He felt precisely the same here.
He decided to approach things the same way he had then – carefully, slowly. Feel his way. And so he approached her, and gently stroked her.
It was soft, and slick with anticipation. He leaned in, and softly kissed her, which brought an encouraging rumble. Okay. So he was capable of getting a reaction from her. Good.
Carefully, he spread her labia, opening up the gateway to her sex; he would easily be able to slip inside her. The only real difficulty was keeping her labia open so he could get back out.
He ran a hand along the inside walls of her vagina, and got a deeper, more urgent rumble. He smiled. He remembered what he’d done once he got a feel for the plane, once he was sure he wasn’t going to be incinerated. He’d rolled it, about sixty kilometers out from landing.
Throwing caution to the wind, he dove inside of her.
Tig gasped; she hadn’t really been expecting this. Outside of her was pretty safe, but inside….
And then she gasped again, as she felt her tiny lover slide himself against her. And then she groaned. And then she stopped thinking altogether.
He had spun around, and worked his way to her pelvic floor. There wasn’t much air in here, but there was enough; he wasn’t sure whether Tig was built to orgasm from vaginal stimulation alone, and didn’t much care; if not, he was quite happy to leave this area and examine her clitoris. But whether or not this was enough to bring her to completion, the low rumblings that rang through his world told him that it was enough for her to enjoy it.
He used himself as a dildo; he figured he might be on the small side for one, but he was also sentient, which allowed him to adjust his angle of attack. He bore down on a ridge on the bottom of the pelvic floor that he suspected might be sensitive; Tig’s vocal response told him he was right. And so he ground against it, into her and surrounded by her and sanctified in the fluids which ran over him, and after a while, he found he could not hold back what Tig had started for him in her hand, and moments later, he was squeezed tightly, as Tig could no longer hold back, either.
He was squeezed tight enough that he saw stars, for just a moment, before Tig finally released him, and he found himself slipping headfirst back between her thighs. He breathed in lungfuls of air, laughing in pure amazement. Never could he have imagined that. And never could he imagine topping that.
He looked up the long body of Tigoni, who was leaning against the wall of her bunk, eyes closed and blissed out. When she finally recovered, she looked down at the tiny man leaning against her thigh, and giggled.
“You,” she said, finally, “you are more than man enough for me. I just hope I’m enough for you.”
“My love,” he said, stroking the hair which bordered her sex. “You’re enough woman for ten of me.” He kissed her gently.
She plucked him once more, and set him beside him, on her pillow, and turned to look at him. “I love you,” she murmured.
“I love you,” Ted said, curling up in her shadow. “I wish we didn’t have to go to the reception.”
“I know,” Tig said, “but think of it this way – we’ll go out, have fun, see friends. And then we’ll come home for the night. And night watch on Titan Station is 28 hours long.”
Ted grinned. “I just hope that’s enough time,” he said, as he lay down.
“Not nearly,” Tig replied, joining him. “But it’s a good start.”
As interesting as all of this is, now that humans have reached titan station all I want to see is lyroo prenn face. When she hears the news. As well as when she realizes she had been of more harm to humans than she thinks
It might be more complicated than that. Lyroo knows humans are intelligent. She said as much in Niall’s hearing, years ago.
Her twisted view is, since humans are weak and can be preyed upon, better for them to be pets and safe rather than free and dead.
Not sure how this First Contact might change her views, if at all.
Asked for a comment on the situation at Titan, HOS president Lyroo Prenn had only a single word of advice for her fellow titans: “Plastics!” 🙂
Love the panty shot render. When I zoom past it on my phone it looks like a guy on the beach watching the sun set over the ocean.
Good speech by Zeramblin, he framed it in the right way. It’s a question of when, and not if, Humans tick off all the boxes for class 1, and the only way to stop that is to militarily oppress them, which there seems to be little appetite for on either side of the aisle. Attacking a non aggressive race that, at the moment, is no threat is just non starter all around.
So, ignoring them is impossible, oppressing them unpalatable, the best you can do is deal with them in good faith, which means it’s time to address some uncomfortable questions.
And cue backlash in 3…2…1…
It’s easy to forget that the vast, vast majority of the Empire had absolutely no idea what was going on beyond the Lem being sighted near Titan station. Now that it’s entirely out there the reactions will be interesting. There will definitely be a backlash, there’s too much money in the pet industry for there not to be. Any investigation into making humans Class 1 is also those companies’ death warrant. That’s not even getting into the HOS, or how those with ties to insectoids will react.
I’d dearly love to see either a chapter, or something akin to background chatter, to scope out all the reactions. Hell you could get a good chapter just getting the reactions from all the established protagonists/side characters we haven’t seen so far in Contact.
And suddenly, hurting or killing a human would no longer be animal cruelty, it would be assault and murder.
A second Background Chatter would be pretty good here, especially if it includes Lyroo.
We kind of get that during debate. Although Lyroo is only in one small part. I’d have liked to read more about her.
Not getting the title. The popular expression is a question really, “How many times must a man look up?”, and I could see it being “Must a Man Look Up”. The current title just doesn’t sound right though.
no no, it’s “twenty six times must a man look up.” 😛
Or….”26 times a man could hook up” 🙂
With this I’d say that the most important hurdle for humanity’s emancipation, the barrier between Earth and the Empire that resulted from the Terran Conservation Act, has finally fallen. There is still a lot of work to be done before emancipation is a reality, but now Earth and the Empire can start to influence each other, giving humanity the chance to show what it’s capable of.
Tig and Ted continue to have great chemistry. It’s actually a little strange now to think that two days ago they hadn’t even met, and Tig was happily dating a titan.
Two very very long days.
Well, hopefully, the Terran Conservation Act will be amended but not brought down right away nor entirely : imagine tens of thousands of Titans tourists just walking around on Earth now that it’s legal to go there…
I can’t really, and not because of any political reason. It’s just not phyiscally feasible to allow masses of Titans on Earth. For one, the Earth is quite densely populated, way more so than it was 6500 years ago when Eyrn’s parents were settled there. Also, I assume technology is better to allow Titans to at least visit the Super-Mu planet without having a skelatal based assistance, but I really can’t see it being in common use for the average Titan. I do however expect delegations of military / political visitors to visit now on a regular basis.
Incredibly excellent. Nice renders, too. The Hustain was an added boost, ;-}, and the interaction well played. Great chapter! I love it! ;-}
My husband speculates that Tig will be a great candidate for security for the meeting on Earth. I laughed at his agreement that New York would be a good location– where would you put them? How not to destroy the city? Eyrn’s base can hold them, and terrans can commute. Area 51 could be renamed Eyrn’s Base, and redecorated for diplomatic needs. Hooray for Roddy, too!
Uh, Area 51? Frankly that seems to be about the worst possible location to receive an Empire delegation in my opinion. Area 51 was only ever furnished for one titan, not a whole delegation. It’s also in the middle of the Nevada desert, so dreary, hot and dry. Especially bad if the delegation includes a dunnermac. Furthermore, It’s likely that several if not all of the delegation will want to talk to people other than politicians and soldiers, to get to know the concerns of the average folk. Of course Area 51 is off limits to those average folk. And finally, Area 51 is the place where Eyrn was held to keep her and the rest of the world separated, a prison in all but name. Eyrn herself calls it a cage in an early Exile chapter. Showing it to a delegation of her people just serves to remind them of how we Earthlings treated her.
As for where to put the delegation, it’s might be more pragmatic to set up a couple of tents for them rather than seek out existing hangars. Or better yet, fabricate quarters custom-made for them. The delegation won’t arrive for a couple of weeks.
They don’t need to make any accommodations for the delegation. Can you imagine resting in a place with triple your normal gravity? Eyrn only managed because of her implants. She didn’t have worry about dislodging gear in her sleep.
When you take into account the 84 hour day, the most likely thing is making a shuttle tour around the globe for a few days before returning to Titan. It’s a shorter trip for them.
While a few titans might actually visit Earth wearing compensators for the photo-ops, odds are that the vast majority will do so via a holosuite in the nice comfortable 1/6th G of the moon. While its never discussed in any of the novels its a certainty that be 2155 the humans will have their own bases and facilities there and the titans can build a facility nearby that can be served by shuttle from titan station.
Ok, guys, your comments are well-considered and you are probably more in line with DX’s thoughts. The moon base would work well, I agree. I was only thinking about the space part, inasmuch as NYC could be delves gated by clumsy giants. I was lacking thought. My bad.
I hope we didn’t discourage you. We like to get in they big speculative discussions in the comments and this time one of yours was our springboard.
Imagine that…giant aliens walking around in NYC? Wow…they better be careful….theres some tuff neighboorhoods in the city…
Well Eyrn will get to finally visit…Darren promised her a long time ago…..
Honestly, they only need an area large enough to land a shuttle or small ship. That way they can host the proceedings on board that ship instead of directly on the surface and they won’t have to make special accommodations for the titan visitors. I’m sure Pryvanni has a few ships of the right size with a nice enough cabin. I’m also sure some of her ships already already retrofitted for humans to comfortably move around with ample seating in a common area.
So what other choices did the humans have at that time? Let her phone home? I guess the alternative was to let her roam free and forage food and water for herself. I mean why not expose her to the elements and to the crazies and the curiosity seekers… Let them take a couple of pot shots at her.. Sure I can see that…..
Oh I guess the army could have explained to the populace that a 114 ft tall (harmless) woman will be living among them and not to worry. Integrate her among the populace. Everything would be fine…
Those horrible earthlings..how dare they shelter and protect Eyrn!!
Now it’s interesting to see reaction & impact coming from Floor Leader’s speech. Good scenes & exciting interactions btw Tig & Ted. Does it means that all titan X-stories will be moved to here?
The politics to free humanity has begun , worse people than Solis will soon crawl out of every hole from every planet in Archavia.
On the other hand, it was balanced by a perfectly wonderful night between Tig and Ted.
Zeramblin did a good job of summarizing the political problem from the titan’s point of view: They’ve got to start treating earth natives as effectively class one immediately but how to deal with humans in the empire that range from those defacto independent now on Avalon and in the tribe to the many like Scroof who are totally dependent and unprepared for any other life.
Ted & Tig may well make themselves into the news item of the day when the delegation arrives on Earth but the real storm hits when it becomes widespread knowledge that the chair of the Tarsuss committee tells the empire she’s married to a human.
Fill in every reference to human with blacks and you will literally be appalled.