Chapter Twenty Three: Lessons well learned Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat

Sorcha looked out over the city from her second floor office of the small Titan compound on the colony. It was rather spartan, even by Sorcha’s usual standards. The walls were cold metal as they were throughout the entire compound. There was no money in the budget to even add a basic aesthetic layer; the cash was needed elsewhere.

Not that Sorcha cared what her walls looked like. Most of the walls were decorated with possible layout maps for the ever expanding city, resource requirements, population projections, mass transit maps, sheet after sheet of scribblings that only made sense to Sorcha and a list of rather concerning numbers.

The number concerning her at the moment was one hundred thousand.

The as of yet unnamed capital city of Tau Ceti E had according to the latest census reached one hundred thousand mid-way through this morning’s arrival of the latest wave of refugees. Or ‘settlers’ as some at the Department of Interior had asked they be referred to from now on. In the city were now ten thousand Avalonian support staff, fifteen thousand mentors and seventy five thousand refugees. The last ships were due within the week and that would be wave one completed and would take the population up to almost one hundred and fifty thousand.

She could just about make out almost a dozen figures moving on the far side of the city. The Titan building crews, Joseph among them, working hand in hand with the Avalonian crews to throw up hundreds of near identical modular building units to house the imminent arrivals.

Sorcha shook her head and sighed unsure if she should get down there and offer her extra strength carrying units or if she should spend the rest of her day poring over city plans and schematics in attempt to make the burgeoning city nicer for its inhabitants.

Her decision was made for her as her desk monitor started to chime. Sorcha rushed over and opened the transmission.

“Call for you ma’am.” The Avalonian comms technician said.

“Who is it?”

“Ambassador Bass ma’am.”

“Put her through.” Sorcha said settling into her chair.

“Aunt Eyrn, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Sorcha asked as her aunt’s face appeared on her screen.

“I just wanted to see how my favourite niece is getting on?” Eyrn replied with a smile.

Sorcha raised a brow. “I’m your favourite? I figured after I punched your husband it’d be Mylisa for sure.”

“Don’t be silly! You’ve always been my favourite.” Eyrn dismissed the remark with a wave of her hand. “Besides, he’s used to being punched. And he did deserve it a little. How is the colony coming along?”

“Surprisingly well actually. We’re slightly ahead on the building schedule. The Avalonians have power, comms, orbital traffic control, sewage, food production and transit up and running. Classes started last week for the first group of arrivals and Lessy is pleased with their progress.”

“And how are they coping? The ex-pets?” Eyrn asked.

“The vast majority aren’t really ex-pets.” Sorcha said. “We’ve got around seventy five thousand in total and I think less than a thousand have ever been in a Titan family home. Most are either young men or women from breeding farms who were about to be shipped to be sold or Humans in the care of HOS who they identified as good candidates for early settlement.”

“The farm born people are having a harder time with it as they expected to arrive in shops and go to families and are now being told that everything they’ve spent their lives expecting to be is totally wrong. Reactions have been mixed, which is understandable.”

“Mixed? That sounds worryingly vague.” Eyrn asked.

“Well…some are pretty excited. They wanted more for themselves and though they’re a bit scared they’re embracing their chance at their own lives.” Sorcha explained.

“That’s what I thought people would be like.” Eyrn said.

“Us too.” Sorcha grimaced. “Alesia said otherwise and was right as usual. That’s only about half of the farm born group.”

“And the other half?”

“Again a mix of reactions. Day three nearly ended in a stampede but luckily one of our Titan workers was a farm hand and ended that with just a bit of whistling before anyone got actually hurt.” Sorcha explained.

“Gods…I didn’t see that coming.”

“Nor did I. But luckily Manka did and put an end to it. That was far from the worst reaction though. Anger…anger I can sort of understand, the suicides I can’t.”

“That’s…that’s just awful…” Eyrn said, the colour draining from her face.

Sorcha nodded. “It is. And I remind our people it’s not their fault. These are terrible circumstances we did not create. There’s blame to go around but it doesn’t fall here. We’re doing the best with what we’ve got.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Don’t vote Green and Black?” Sorcha responded glibly.

“I meant as an Ambassador.”

“While I would love to call upon the assistance of a neighbouring world with a large amount of people who would probably be quite capable in assisting it’s been agreed by the higher-ups to keep quiet to Earth about the colony until it’s self-sufficient. Something about avoiding unnecessary diplomatic issues?”

Eyrn nodded. “I’m one of those higher-ups I think. I advised the Deputy Floor Leader not to bring it up with Earth. There’s a sense of optimism here following the class one announcement. Telling them that the Empire has half abandoned several hundred million Humans would likely trigger yet more disorder and a political backlash.”

“It bloody well should…”

“Well since I can’t offer you diplomatic support maybe I can offer you something else instead?” Eyrn said.

“Oh? And what would that be?”


“Polymnia? How can Polymnia help? Isn’t she at college?” Sorcha said confused.

Eyrn nodded. “She’s on break for the next few months…to a year. She’s still…drifting a bit. I know you drifted for a bit. I was hoping maybe you could help give her a little push?”

“I’d love to aunt Eyrn I really would but this really isn’t the place. And from memory I can’t remember Polymnia being that patient with Humans. She always tried to get me to ditch Lessy when we hung out.”

“I know, I know. She was a bit of a brat for a while. But so were you. She just needs a bit of direction and you need an extra pair of hands. It could be win, win. You wouldn’t even have to pay her.”

Sorcha paused for a minute, chewing over the idea in her mind.

“I’m sorry aunt Eyrn, I really am but I don’t know how it could work. We’ve no space for any more Titans here and everyone here is well trained, Poly isn’t. She’d need to go through weeks of training just to get on the applicant list and because of all the political wrangling around this I have to keep everything above board and in the open. I’d love an extra pair of hands but it’d likely cause no end of bother.”

“Rats…” Eyrn said biting her lip.

“I’d offer to talk it over with her the next time I’m home but I’ve no idea when that will be. She could well have her PhD by then.”

Eyrn chucked. “No, no it’s ok. You’ve your hands full from the sounds of it. Long distance parenting is just making it difficult. Aerti is away a good chunk of the year and I don’t get back too often. Even with your Grandma’s firm hand…well, while Poly didn’t have your ‘active streak’ she’s passively starting to disappoint her grandparents.”

“You could always see if Berosus is going on a dig any time soon? She’s little and he always talks about how some of his digs are delicate work. It’s why he’d never let me go!” Sorcha smiled.

“You know, that’s not a bad idea actually.” Eyrn said.

“So I’m still your favourite niece then? Even if I can’t help you?”

Eyrn smiled. “Of course you are. You always have been. We’re too alike for you not to be.”

“Good to hear it!”

“I should probably get back to it but if there’s anything I can do for you, unofficially or otherwise just give me a call. I’m not far at all.” Eyrn said.

“Just get uncle Aerti to send a ship through here once in a while to make it look like the Empire still gives a crap about the place will you?”

Eyrn laughed and shook her head. “You don’t track your ships?”

Sorcha shrugged. “Avalonians are responsible for it. I’ve my eyes on the ground, not on the sky.”

“The Minotaur has been assigned to a weekly patrol through the system. Qorni may have said no troops but local patrols are the Navarchos’ decision. He’s got your back.”

“Well now I feel really special.” Sorcha said.

“And so you should. Take care Sorcha. Give Lessy my best.” Eyrn said.

“I will. And good luck with the Poly problem.”

Eyrn rolled her eyes. “Thanks. I’ll need it.”

The screen went blank and Sorcha turned her chair a looked out the window. She missed her aunt Eyrn. She really wished she was here. Eyrn was quick, sharp and not afraid to give her an ass kicking when it was required. And not just figuratively. Literally on one occasion not long after the embassy opened on Earth…

Three years earlier…

Eyrn sighed and rolled out of her single bed in her rather drab room. As she did every morning she reached to her bedside table and picked up the picture of her family. She stared lovingly at it for a minute before kissing each of the happy faces in turn and set it back down. She made a mental note to call her mother in law to discuss Polymnia’s post-school academic possibilities. And possibly to call Loona Armac after to see if she wanted to take on a young, inexperienced intern.

She grabbed her pad and looked through the list of messages she had received and her schedule for the upcoming eighteen hours.

A meeting with representatives of the World Health Organisation to discuss what common diseases were out in the Empire and what they should do to counter them. That sounded productive and worthwhile. Sorcha would come in handy there. She had finished her community service and had proven more than useful when it came to coming up with action plans for the various areas she’d been involved in. She’d managed to convince her to stay on a bit longer and Eyrn was more than tempted to offer her a job but she doubted Sorcha would accept. Not until her father was a citizen anyway.

After that there were minor meet and greets with representatives from a few nation states to keep things cordial and to show the Titans weren’t favouring anyone in particular. Not the most exciting of appointments but well worth her time.

And lastly, a meeting with Li Wang to discuss whether or not to share the status of Humans within the Empire with the public on Earth. A few world leaders were sabre rattling and threatening to go public. Eyrn suspected they were likely politicking and trying to get extra UN subsidies for one area or another within their country in order to buy their silence. This needed to be handled delicately. The last thing they needed would be for that news to come out in an angry rant before the UN and embassy had a chance to get their ducks in a row. It didn’t matter what world you were on. Politics didn’t change.

Eyrn grabbed her towel and headed to the bathroom.

“No…not quite yet.” Eyrn said to herself and instead dropped her towel and quickly changed into some exercise gear and headed to the holosuite. Most of the Titans would be asleep. She’d have an hour or so to let off some steam and not be bothered by anyone or what they wanted from her.

She tapped her pad. Combat program, level eight, two opponents attacking at once, safeties on.

Eyrn hit enter and dropped her pad.

She looked left, then right. Two assailants. One male, one female.

The man ran at her. She ducked his lunge and spun round under his arms and came up placing a boot in his behind, pushing him towards the female attacker. The holographic woman rolled out of the way and flung herself at Eyrn, firing punches left, right and everywhere. Eyrn blocked with her arms and dropped to the floor, sweeping her leg and taking her opponent’s feet from under her.

Eyrn rolled out of the way as a large, male fist landed beside her. She jumped up, dodging another lunge and kicked the man in the head, sending blood flying from his mouth. As she landed her arm was grabbed and she was tugged into the grip of the holographic woman with her arms bound behind. The rather bloodied and angry holographic man stood and approached her, looming over her as she struggled to free herself from the grasp of the woman holding her.

She jumped, and squirmed trying to take the edge off the blows to her gut. They stopped as the hissing of the door opening distracted them. All three looked over to a rather bemused looking Sorcha.

“Need a hand?” she asked.

“No, no…I got this.” Eyrn responded with a slightly strained voice.

The two holographic opponents turned back to Eyrn, having been programmed to attack her only and resumed their onslught. Eyrn jumped as hard as she could, brought up her legs and slammed them into the chest of the man punching her. He staggered back while Eyrn and the woman holding her, fell backwards to the floor.

Sorcha whistled. “Nice move!”

Eyrn bounced back to feet and ran at the male attacker. He pulled back his arm to catch her as she approached but Eyrn spotted it, ducked it, grabbed his arm and used the momentum of his swing to flip him over. As he hit the deck, she braced her leg on his chest and twisted as hard as could, snapping the man’s forearm in multiple places.

He howled, cradling it before vanishing into thin air.

Eyrn took a second to catch her breath as the female attacker slowly approached, cautious now she was on her own. They circled one another for a minute and then Eyrn decided to end it. She swung a kick, which was blocked and then returned with a punch. Eyrn countered. The two traded blows, blocking and swinging. The attacker was fast but was wearing out. Eyrn pushed on, going faster and faster. First a fist connected, then a leg, then another fist. After a few more seconds fist after fist connected with the holographic face which now offered no resistance. The holographic woman fell to the floor and vanished leaving Eyrn panting, sweating but feeling quite pleased with herself.

Sorcha applauded limply. “Nice job aunt Eyrn. I thought I was going to have to step in there for a second.”

Eyrn smiled wryly. “It was just a light warm up. I’ve taken on more than that. What are you doing here anyway?”

“Oh…nothing. Just I usually wake up a few hours before everybody else. I thought I’d do some sightseeing.”

“Where were you thinking?” Eyrn asked, mopping her brow down with a towel.

“Reykjavik. My dad’s always wanted to go. He insisted I did. They have emitters installed around their parliament building so I thought I’d go see for myself.” Sorcha said.

Eyrn smirked. “You don’t look dressed for it. A tank top and some denim shorts? It’s called Iceland for a reason.”

Sorcha just shrugged. “I tend to run a little hot.”

“I bet you do.”

“Oh har har! That jokes getting a little old now. I get it. I have a temper. I’m trying to work on it.” Sorcha sounded less jovial all of a sudden.

Eyrn held up her hands. “Ok! Ok. I meant nothing by it. I tell you what. I’m already using the holosuite. Spar with me. If you can beat me I’ll head back to my room and let you have it.”

The taller woman stifled a laugh. “Really? IF I can beat you?”

“Why’s that so funny!?” Eyrn asked, her voice going up.

“I’ve seen you fight. You’re good.” Sorcha took a few steps forward. “But I’m stronger than a full grown Titan man. I could really hurt you.”

Sorcha remembered taking another step forward, trying to use her height to intimidate her aunt a little. The next thing she recalled was being flat on her ass on the floor, with no idea how she got there, looking up at her aunt who was smiling down, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

“Sorry Sorcha…did I hurt you?” Eyrn gloated.

Eyrn bounced back and allowed Sorcha to get up.

“Come on, don’t hold back. Show me what you’ve got!” Eyrn bounced around Sorcha.

Sorcha rubbed the back of her head and turned, keeping in line with Eyrn. She charged and swung her fist but found nothing but air. She cringed as she felt a jab in her side. She spun to see her aunt bouncing back with a smile on her face.

“Don’t worry Sorcha, I won’t hurt you too much. Your mother wouldn’t forgive me.” She joked.

Sorcha growled and moved towards her springy adversary. This time she was slower, watching Eyrn carefully. She launched a quick jab to Eyrn’s face which Eyrn blocked. Eyrn then ducked, punched Sorcha in the gut and took her legs out from under her.

Eyrn didn’t have time to jump away. Sorcha grabbed her ankle and pulled her to the floor. Sorcha sat up and pulled her aunt towards her in an attempt to flip her and pin her. Eyrn spun her body round, catching Sorcha in the face with her foot.

“Ow! Fuck!” Sorcha spat blood.

“You ok?” Eyrn quickly switched to parent mode.

The reply was direct. Sorcha charged at the smaller woman. Sending angry, uncontrolled punches at Eyrn. She ducked, parried, and took a couple, being forced back a few steps before she managed to find her balance. She watched as a very angry Sorcha raised her left arm in an attempt to deliver a stunning blow. Eyrn watching it carefully pass her by. She lifted her right arm and caught Sorcha’s on the way back and twisted.

“Ow! Ow! Ow!” Sorcha squealed, not used to being the one who has her arm in a vice.

“Tap out.” Eyrn suggested.

“Ok! Ok!” Sorcha said tapping frantically.

Eyrn released the taller woman and took a step back, doing her best to keep the smug grin buried to save Sorcha’s dignity.

“It’s not often I lose…” Sorcha said quietly, massaging her arm.

Eyrn chuckled. “You should try it more often. You learn much more from losing than you do from winning.”

“I’ve learned a lot. Done a lot…”

“You have. Your parents have a rather large trophy cabinet that’s filled with more of your achievements than their own.”

Sorcha blushed. Something she did as often as losing.

“You’ve learned a lot. There’s no denying it. But you want to learn more? Don’t you?”

Sorcha nodded.

“Well accept that it’s ok to lose. Accept that Sorcha Freeman isn’t the best at everything. Accept that to become better, she has to lose to those better than her.” Eyrn raised her hand a put it on her niece’s shoulder. “No one expects you to be perfect.”

Sorcha sighed. “I expect me to be perfect. I’m the first of my kind. I’m not Human, I can’t ever be Human. I’m not Titan and no matter how well I can blend in with them I’ll never be Titan. So I have to be the best. If I’m not they’ll never let me forget that I’m weak because I’m human.”

“Sorcha.” Eyrn Bass looked her niece in the eyes. “FUCK people.”

Sorcha stopped. Her aunt was eloquent. Her aunt was a woman who could use long, flowing, beautifully weaved sentences to make points that left pundits lost for words. Her aunt didn’t swear.


“People are assholes Sorcha. On Earth. On Archavia. Pretty much everywhere. If you start caring what they think about you then you start doing things for them. Not for you. Fuck them Sorcha! Do what you want to do!” Eyrn said to her niece in the most honest tone she could muster.

“I dunno…I’m not sure how…I’ve always thought…”

“You always thought by working to your own expectations you’re ignoring theirs. But you’re not. You measure yourself against their expectations of failure. By refusing to allow yourself to fail you let them win!”

“I…I…” Sorcha stammered.

“Sorcha.” Eyrn stared dead into her niece’s eyes. “Go back to Avalon, and let Rixie kick your ass. Let Rixie kick your ass until you either beat her or you give up. But either way win or lose on your terms, not theirs.”

Sorcha nodded and smiled a little. “I can do that.”

“Good…” Eyrn relaxed somewhat. “Good. I’m going to get a shower. The holosuite is all yours.”

Sorcha half smiled. “Nah…that’s ok. I’m going to go back to my room and call my mum. She’s probably up and I don’t call her as much as I should.”

“What a good daughter you are. Mind if I join you?”

“I’d like that.”

“Ok, give me a few minutes and I’ll head by your room.” Eyrn said leaving the holosuite.

“Aunt Eyrn…” Sorcha said quietly.

Eyrn stopped and turned. “Yes?”

Sorcha rushed to her aunt, dropped to her knees and pulled her into a tight embrace. “Thank you…I love you…a lot…”

It took a second. She couldn’t remember Sorcha hugging her like this since she was a toddler. She ran her hands through Sorcha’s thick, dark hair, then down to her back and pulled her in. “Any time Sorcha. I love you too.”


Sorcha sighed. It had been a good lesson. And a lesson well learned. She had gone back to Avalon and let Rixie wallop her every few days. Until she managed to beat Rixie. Though Rixie didn’t lose often, no matter how much Sorcha tried.

She looked back to the charts on the wall and felt her stomach twist into knots.

“Fuck it. I could do with the exercise.” She said and headed for the city.


  1. Ghost of Comments Past.... says:

    Civilization building.. not for amateurs. But at least they have the Avalonians with expert assistance…

    BTW Earth probably knows or will know about the colony quite shortly since the Acolyte project is moving to Tau Ceti …and no the earth politicians will not be happy about it and yes….they will NOT SAY A WORD of it to Los Titanos for obvious reasons..

    Bueller?,…….Bueller?,….are you there? ………..

  2. mynameisjacob says:

    Liberty or death, what we so proudly hail
    Once you provoke her, rattling of her tail
    Never begins it, never, but once engaged…
    Never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage

    Don’t tread on me

    So be it
    Threaten no more
    To secure peace is to prepare for war
    So be it
    Settle the score
    Touch me again for the words that you’ll fear evermore…

    Don’t tread on me

    Love it or leave it, she with the deadly bite
    Quick is the blue tongue, forked as the lightning strike
    Shining with brightness, always on surveillance
    The eyes, they never close, emblem of vigilance

    Don’t tread on me

    * sorry dudes* but this seems so coincidental from what is happening now with the humans. The song is “Dont Tread on Me” by Metallica

  3. NightEye says:

    It might be a bit ghoulish of me but I’m wondering exactly how can people commit suicide on that planet ? The “easy” ways out have been barred (the special windows) and it’s not like uneducated ex-pets are gonna think of complex ways (poison and such) to end their lives.
    Again, maybe ghoulish.

    I advised the Deputy Floor Leader not to bring it up with Earth. There’s a sense of optimism here following the class one announcement. Telling them that the Empire has half abandoned several hundred million Humans would likely trigger yet more disorder and a political backlash.
    Really ? REALLY ? This again ?! Have they learned absolutely nothing ? Jeez !

    • Soatari says:

      Quite literally none of Earth’s business. They are Imperial humans, not Earth humans. Earth also opted out of helping the emancipated. On top of that, I can see Earth trying to exploit this colony for political gain. Finally, Earth already knows, or at least the leaders do. The Avalon/Earth joint fighter project is based there, something Sorcha is going to be furious about when it comes out.

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        The Avalon/Earth joint fighter project is based there, something Sorcha is going to be furious about when it comes out.

        Probably true but as Secretary Xanthopolous would be quick to point out, one has to be alive to be furious 😉

      • Ghost of Comments Past.... says:

        That is assuming she is going to find out. She already has her hands full with the colony so placing a top secret joint Avalon-Earth military project there, the last place where the Titan government would expect to find it, is a stroke a genius. It is literally right under their nose (or ankles) *now envisioning OHH head swelling to the average size of a Saturnian moon*

      • NightEye says:

        I don’t think that would work here. Not with so many mentors and tutors around, you wouldn’t be alone long enough.

        • sketch says:

          Well if you want grim, this one comes from the Doll Maker arc from the Catwoman comics. (Inspired an episode of Gotham, though this scene didn’t make it into the show.) Quick summary, the villain is gathering up homeless in crime alley, Catwoman is pretty much only one who cares to stop it and needs to convince one of the last good cops on the city to help. One of the homeless victims captured by the villian bites his own wrists and bleeds out between checks. The desperate will find a way.

        • TheSilentOne says:

          If you didn’t want to eat, I seriously doubt anyone would force feed you, either by mouth or intravenously. As grim as it sounds, I think they have too many people there to care that much about an individual. Still, Sorcha said these were the “best” candidates for starting the world, so I’m not really sure.

          • OpenHighHat says:

            Hanging, drowning, poisoning, wrist slitting and the old fashioned step in front of a bus/Titan. Lots of ways for those who are determined to end their life to do so.

            From an author’s perspective I’m rather fascinated by this discussion. I expected the talking points to be around Sorcha and Eyrn. It didn’t cross my mind that this could end up as the main discussion.

          • sketch says:

            Hanging would take some cultural knowledge to work out I think, is it even a viable means for humans on Archavian gravity? How would they know it could kill you on Tau Ceti? But I could see crude ways of self strangulation/suffocation or injury being tried. Poisoning would just take getting into cleaning supplies. Death by Titan sounds like it would be pretty tramatic for the workers on a successful attempt. I think Sorcha would have had a vacancy if that became a thing.

            I also figured they would have exclusively pulled volunteers from HOS’s candidate list. Mixing in unprepared humans from breeding farms to establish the colony’s anchor city speaks volumes about the bad government policies that led her in the first place.

            Sorcha and Eyrn is an important peice of character development. I just think its placement feels a little like filler.

        • NightEye says:

          @OpenHighHat : well, it’s just that, it’s striking to me, the dichotomy, you know ? Between former pets who are so upset about not getting the life of having nothing, amounting to nothing, being nothing, that they were expecting that… they get surprisingly “creative” and able about killing themselves.

          Death by Titan is a possibility (Darren thought about it in Exile) but would be very cruel to the titan in question. I don’t think Sorcha would have failed to mention it if it had happened.

          ps : since the planet has an Earth-like gravity, the titans have to be wearing anti-grav thingies all the time right ? Outside anyway. So why are they carrying heavy buildings around ? Surely they brought an antigrav forklift or something, that would be a basic tool, no ?

          • OpenHighHat says:

            “Between former pets who are so upset about not getting the life of having nothing”

            I don’t think that’s it at all. They’ve been indoctrinated. Told from, birth that they are animals, pets and need to be well behaved so that godlike beings will provide everything they need for them. It’s kind of like being in a cult. And the cult leader has been proven a fraud and is in jail. Some of the cultists will be ok, the rest…not so much. It’s happened time and again.

            “Death by Titan is a possibility (Darren thought about it in Exile) but would be very cruel to the titan in question. I don’t think Sorcha would have failed to mention it if it had happened.” Most definitely cruel to Titan. But similar to death by train. Cruel to the driver but people still do it.

            “since the planet has an Earth-like gravity, the titans have to be wearing anti-grav thingies all the time right ? Outside anyway. So why are they carrying heavy buildings around ? Surely they brought an antigrav forklift or something, that would be a basic tool, no ?”

            They do have anti-grav. But these units aren’t that big. And are essentially empty. When the bigger units for larger buildings come in then there will be equipment. Don’t forget they’re also working in a tight space so there’s that to take into account.

          • Locutus of Boar says:

            So why are they carrying heavy buildings around ? Surely they brought an antigrav forklift or something, that would be a basic tool, no ?” They do have anti-grav. But these units aren’t that big. And are essentially empty.

            The units’ stated weight is 50 tons which I assume is 50 earth long tons weight (not mass). On Tau Ceti E that’s 53 Earth tons equivalent or 116,000 lbs weight. Scaled down by 24 cubed that equates to 8.4 lbs equivalent to a titan size human or a bit more than that for a hybrid. A full blood titan’s muscle strength would sense 3 times the force due to gravity squared to account for the difference in muscle strength or about the equivalent of a human trying to lift 75 pounds in Earth normal gravity. Without any gravity offset a strong titan might manage to carry and lift one unit. With any significant gravity assist handling two units is no problem. Four a hybrid like Sorcha lifting one unit into place is like lifting a 10lb bag of sugar over her head.


    • Rapscallion says:

      @ Nighteye

      Yeah Eyrn must have lost a few brain cells. First off, its keeping the secret that helped oust many of the previous governments on Earth and led to the current xenophobic one. When they find out that the Titans are instituting Empire wide segregation it will get worse. And yes, I say when because in all honesty they should already know. The decision for resettlement and the plan for it were PUBLICY discussed and PUBLICLY voted on. It is news throughout the empire. 15ish human years after First Contact and you think that with all the integration on Titan station, humans from Earth travelling to the Empire, Avalon and Earth’s relationship (seriously don’t think Avalon is requesting help from Earth? They have nothing to gain by not including them and lose nothing if the “secret” is revealed) spies, informants, and every incentive to reveal this to their own populations to support themselves next election cycles that Earth shouldn’t already know?

      Besides impossibility and Avalon certainly wanting them included this decision smacks of the same arrogance and secretiveness that I’d never expect of a character like Eyrn, especially when lives are on the line. “We don’t want to be embarrassed again for something wrong we are doing..again. So we will deny the colony vital personnel and funding that could come from Earth.” What…? We’ve seen they NEED help, but they are avoiding embarrassing themselves by releasing public information that would lead to that help. Its nonsensical.

      • Ponczek says:

        As i said few chapters before, i dont see any particular reason why there weren’t any volonteers from earth yet. At this time propably some sources (hello McLure?) already leaked the information about colony to public, or its at least a rumour-level… So enough for some people to decide to jump in it…

        • synp says:

          Whether people want to or not, it’s not up to them. The colony is Empire territory and unless the empire allows them to immigrate or visit, they can’t come.

          I wonder if our favorite pilot is an illegal alien.

          • Ghost of Comments Past.... says:

            How dare you say that!! That is a racist statement…..such insensitivity..

            The correct term is lawfully present individual

        • Rapscallion says:

          synp’s reasoning makes sense, although I doubt the Empire would stop them. However, the lack of sense comes from the Titan side. Earth will know and almost certainly already knows about this, or at least should. They have every incentive to leak it to the public. It will cause deeper distrust against Titans while simultaneously depriving the colony of much needed funds and personnel. All so they don’t get embarrassed again? Good job Eyrn.

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