Chapter Two: Haven’t you Heard the News? Titan: Hybrid by Openhighhat

“So what’s next for you? You set out to achieve Human equality all those years ago. Now it’s here.” Naskia asked Loona as they settled into their seats in one of nicest restaurants in Tuaut. It was late and the restaurant was virtually empty. Like many of the higher end restaurants in Tuaut it stayed open late to cater to legislators and their staff who were often happy to spend large sums of credits after a hard day’s work. Sorcha was busy folding napkins to act as chairs for the Humans in the group. Dhan and Nonah were busy pe¬stering their daughter on when they’ll be invited to Avalon to meet the lovely young man she was dating.

“I don’t really know for certain…” Loona swallowed. “I just made a deal to make Forna Qorni Floor Leader…with me as her deputy.”

Naskia’s eyes widened. “Is this the same Forna Qorni who was just on a broadcast telling people not to give up their pets as she’s going to get this law repealed?”

“The very one. The Empire is split over this. We got it passed because Zeramblin sacrificed himself. I’d love to say this is where I take a step back and relax but it’s where the real fight begins. I’ll be her deputy. We’ll have a national unity government to keep stability and I’ll make sure the Zeramblin Act is fully implemented.”

The colour drained from Naskia’s face. In a matter of moments she’d gone from elation to terror. “You…you’re saying that Niall could lose his rights?”

“No…” Loona sighed. “It’s technically possible. But it’d take a major swing by voters against Human equality and the polls are only moving in one direction there. Both sides are digging in here. Lines are being drawn and a fight is coming. There’ll be an election within the year. I want to make sure when it comes that rolling back on Human equality is a red line that cannot be crossed.”

Naskia nodded still looking concerned. “Ok…ok…”

“But that’s not something you should worry about. You let me worry about that. Tonight is about celebrating!” Loona smiled.

“She’s right petal.” Niall smiled up from the table. “It’s done. No one ever tested our marriage. No one will test this.”

“We need something to drink!” Sorcha said.

“Do they have any royalberry whiskey?” Niall asked.

“No whiskey!” A chorus of voices chanted. His daughter’s was not among them.

“Kapavi would be nice.” Alesia chimed in. “A good bottle.”

“Oh! They have a bottle of 2104…wow that’s expensive!” Naskia winced.

“But it’s a special occasion!” Alesia said nearly hopping. “Sorcha, flag down a waiter!”

“This is a pretty fancy place…are you sure I can just grab one?”

“It’ll be fine! You don’t usually have trouble making yourself heard.” Alesia joked.

“Fine…fine…” Sorcha said making eye contact with a young man standing beside the bar and raised her hand.

The young man walked swiftly over to the table and stood with a practised posture at the top of the table. “Good evening ladies, my name is Malor and I’ll be your waiter for the evening, would you like to hear our…”

He paused for a second looking rather uncomfortable.

“I’m sorry ladies but we don’t allow animals in the restaurant. Only those for assistance purposes.” He said.

Sorcha let out a rather irate growl.

“Sorcha…” Naskia chided. “Young man, these a four citizens of the Empire you cannot refuse to serve them.”

“I am sorry ma’am.” He said in an official manner. “It doesn’t matter how well dressed your pets are, we do not serve animals of any kind. Not Humans, not tupps, not…”

The waiter didn’t have time to complete his sentence before he found himself hauled aloft by his collar. He was dangling from the end of an arm of one of his guests. Panic struck him. He’d never been manhandled by a guest before. He was used to dealing with entitled senators and their staffers but the worst they did was poke their fingers into his chest. He didn’t expect to be dangled above the ground by a woman who looked far too scrawny to lift her own weight never mind his.

For Sorcha it was all too much. She had hoped and deluded herself into thinking that tonight would instantly mean that encounters like this were a thing of the past. That had all ended with two sentences. And so too had two years of hard effort of reining in her temper.

“Sorcha!” several voices shouted at once.

Loona buried her head in her arms hoping no one would recognise her.

“Put him down and pick me up!” Alesia said in tone that wasn’t meant to be argued with.

It took a few seconds but Sorcha did as she was asked and gently lowered Malor until his feet were firmly on the ground. She turned around and allowed Alesia to step on to her hand and lifted her in front of the waiter’s pale face.

“Please excuse my friend, she gets a little bit upset when she, and her family, are referred to as animals.” Alesia started.

The man nodded, still dumbstruck that the rather pretty brunette who stood only slightly taller than him had quite easily lifted him with one arm. The fact that an equally as pretty Human girl who was rather well dressed was talking to him in the manner that his junior school teachers used to seemed normal in comparison.

“We have just come from the Imperial House where my very good friend…no sorry…my aunt…” She corrected herself. “…Has just helped to pass a bill that extends the Dunnermac Equality Act to Humans. You might recognise her. Her name is Loona Armac.”

Loona looked up and smiled, slightly worried her name was being used.

“Do you know who she is?” Lessy enquired.

Malor nodded again. “The Deputy Floor Leader…”

“She is. She’s a Deputy Floor Leader who has just passed a major piece of legislation that extends The Dunnermac Equality Act to people like me, who you just called an animal. Do you know what the Dunnermac Equality Act states as the penalty for discriminating against a person based on their species?” Alesia carried on.

“No…” Malor shook his head nervously.

“I’m not surprised. Most people don’t. Why would you? It’s not been needed for decades. You personally can be fined ten thousand credits and could be subject to rehabilitation in a Dunnermac facility for several months. Your employer could be fined ten times that amount.” Alesia scoffed at his ignorance.

“Oh…I didn’t know that…” Malor said unable to take his eyes off the very well-spoken and well composed woman standing on a palm in front of him.

“And I don’t blame you. What we need is a chance to educate people. Perhaps a news story? About a renowned restaurant that refused to serve the Deputy Floor Leader and her friends in violation of Dunnermac Equality Act the very night it was implemented? That would certainly make the news wouldn’t it Malor? How are you with live on-air interviews?” Lessy stopped and placed her hands on her hips waiting for the now terrified looking Malor to reply.

“Please…please…I’m sorry.” He spluttered. “I didn’t know! It’s the restaurant’s policy!”

Alesia held up her hand and Malor stopped his babbling. Below on the table Alesia’s parents found themselves filling up with pride at how their little girl handled herself.

“It’s ok Malor. I believe you. You can stop worrying.”

Malor breathed a small sigh of relief.

“I would ask that you tell your manager that the restaurant policy will need to be updated in line with current legislation.” She continued.

“I can do that.” He nodded enthusiastically.

“And we’d like a bottle of the Selena Farms 2102 as well…” Alesia added.

Malor’s eyes widened once more.

“But…that’s almost a thousand creds! They’ll take that from my wages! I don’t have a thousand creds.” Malor said almost hyperventilating.

“Ok…ok. Calm down Malor. Bring the bottle. I’ll pay for it.” Alesia said.

“You have a thousand credits?” Malor said still breathing quite heavily much to the amusement of Naskia and Niall.

“I’m the Secretary of Education for the government of Avalon, they pay pretty well. Bring the bottle.”

“Ok. I will Madam Secretary.” Malor said and attempted to rush off.

“Malor?” Alesia stopped him.

“Yes Madam Secretary?”

“You can call me Alesia. And I’d appreciate it if you were as polite to every Human you meet from now on as you’re being with me now.”

“Yes Madam Secretary.” Malor scurried off too quickly to see Alesia Nonahsdottir roll her eyes at him.

“I will admit you handled that better than I did.” Sorcha said setting her friend down on the table. Alesia was immediately grabbed by her mother who hugged her tightly.

“I am so very proud of you!” Nonah beamed widely.

The expression was mirrored by her father. “My little Lessy. All growed up.”

Alesia blushed red. She didn’t like fuss and attention. “It’s easy to be composed with Sorcha standing behind me.”

“Especially after I’ve put the fear in ‘em!” Sorcha added.

Alesia smiled “And that. But I mean it. When there’s a Titan behind you it’s easy. How many Humans out there even have a Titan who will back them? Or will know that they have rights? Today was a victory for us but it’s really only the beginning.”

Loona nodded in agreement. “You’re right. If you weren’t right I would retire and finally try to write a novel. There’s a lot of people out there in need of educating.”

“Human and Titan.” Dhanyle added.

“Do you know what you’re going to do?” Niall asked.

The Deputy Floor Leader grimaced. “I think so. We’re looking at passing legislation to fund rehabilitation centres across The Empire that the liberated Humans can be sent to and gradually taught and introduced into society. We’ll probably use the Aenur Foundation’s model. Those who can become active members of society will likely go to halfway houses, probably with a Titan to give them support. Those that can’t we’ll just have to do our best to support or see if they can resettled in an environment suitable for them.”

“Not a bad plan.” Alesia replied. “I’d be happy to look over an education plans you have. We’ve spent a lot of time on our rehabilitation curriculum on Avalon.”

“I might take you up on that. I’ve got Gae and Yamanu Neutha coming in the day after next with draft proposals.” Loona said.

“Sounds like you have it all figured out. Do you know how many Humans you’ve got to take in?” Niall asked.

“Well it’s not compulsory. If they choose to remain with their families that’s up to them. But any that are in farms or shops will be coming into us. From what we can tell from the various registries of owners and breeders we’re dealing with around two hundred and fifty million individuals.” Loona replied.

Dhanyle whistled. “You have your work cut out for you then.”

“We do indeed.” Loona half grimaced but then smiled as she saw the waiter approaching with their bottle. “Which is why I’m looking forward to this nice bottle of kapvai Lessy has gotten for us.”

Malor carefully set the bottle of burgundy liquid down in the centre of the table and placed three glasses in front of each of the Titan (or apparently) individuals.

“I’m sorry but we don’t have any glasses that would be suitable for Humans…” he said looking like he may vomit out of terror.

“Don’t worry dear. I got used to carrying cutlery long ago. Thank you.” Naskia said popping a small wooden case on the table.

“Is there anything else I can get you for now?” He asked.

“We’re fine for now.” Sorcha said softly as her mother started to pour drinks.

The waiter left and Niall picked up his glass.

“To Pryvani Tarsuss.” He started. “To Eyrn Bass, to Naskia Freeman, to Aerti Bass, to Hussel Bass, to Aisell Maris, to Lezah Maris, to Rixie Tam, to Taron Dande, to Kir Oden, to Rodrec Zeramblin and to Loona Armac. To every Titan who has worked, sacrificed and bled and died to help us reach this day.”

He raised his glass and his wife gently tapped hers to his. Around the table group of friends as close as a family toasted and smiled. They knew today was a good day but there would be hard ones to come but it didn’t matter. Today was a good day.


On a remote farm on a continent far to the south of Tuaut another extended family gathered after a long day’s labour. Some of the family worked in the trees as gatherers, some worked in offices as counters, some taught in schools as teachers, some scribbled in the library as chroniclers and some laboured outdoors as builders. The Tribe that once inhabited the Great Tree now numbered over three thousand strong, counted six Titans among its members and no fewer than three hybrid children.

They gathered in the schoolyard behind the Great House. It was the largest, most secure outdoor space on the farm and it was here that every person among the tribe gathered to hear the weekly updates from the Elders and to vote on the issues affecting the Tribe. A group of a dozen played traditional string, wind and percussion instruments as a large group danced around them.

“Where is she!?” Lezah Maris grumbled. “She’s forty….you’d think she’d have learned to be on time by now!”

“She’ll be on her way.” Her husband replied calm as warm summer night.

“It doesn’t take this long to get from the Capital to here. I’ve done it dozens of times and never have I been as long as this.” Lezah carried on.

“Not after a major vote you haven’t. The Capital is full of demonstrators. There were over fifty thousand people in Imperial Square. It’ll be a nightmare trying to get an autocab.” Eyazon pointed out.

“We’re happy to wait a while longer. We shall have our meeting and then we shall feast and celebrate. We have waited for generations for this day. We can wait a little longer.”

“I know but you shouldn’t have to. That girl! Even as a kid she was always wandering off…” Lezah stopped and looked up as she heard the sound of an autocab descending.

“Finally!” Lezah gasped.

Aisell rushed from the autocab having paid the fair and hurried down the cobblestone path at such a pace that Aisell the Wise thought it best to stay seated in her hand.

“Sorry, sorry, it took an age for the autocab to arrive.” Aisell said as apologetically as she could. She placed Aisell the Wise on the ground with the rest of the Elders.

“Every time pup.” Lezah said.

“Eyes Like Ice has apologised enough for one day. I’d ask you to leave her be.” Aisell the Wise said to Lezah, sensing the tension.

Lezah looked up from Aisell the Wise to her sister. Her skin was pale save for the dark bags under her eyes, which were bloodshot red. Lezah pulled her sister into a hug and squeezed. “Sorry pup, you know how I get about tardiness.”

“I know.” Aisell smiled as she broke the hug. She looked down into the school yard at the mass of people who had stopped their dancing and their celebrating and were now looking at the two Titans with anticipation. “I think we should get started.”

High Seer Calvinus took this as his cue and stepped to the front of the roof of the school house. He looked out across thousands of his Human brothers and sisters and several Titans and young hybrids standing at the back. He raised his hands up to the sky and said a brief prayer to the Great Spirit as the Tribe silently watched.

“We celebrate our oneness today. For the Great Spirit did not stop with just our tribe; it continues to try to unite all peoples in peace and harmony. Let us celebrate our oneness. Let us celebrate our togetherness. Let us celebrate this day we enjoy together. So say we all.” He finished.

The High Seer lowered his hands and the crowd responded, “So say we all.” The Seer turned, and Halbir Rockfist the Leader stepped forward with the Council of Elders.

“People of my Tribe.” He began. “Today is a day for feasting and for celebrating. I am sure much of the last batch of glowberry wine will find its way into our bellies this day.”

The people laughed.

“And tomorrow I declare to be a day of rest. No work will be done tomorrow! And on this day forth every year.”

And the people cheered.

“Before we celebrate, Lezah Hair Like Fire wishes to address you.” He said and turned to the red headed Titan.

“Thank you leader.” She said and took a step forward. “As you all should remember we had you fill out your citizenship applications which we submitted on your behalf to the Department of Citizenship who approved your requests for full citizenship pending the yes vote from the Imperial House. Thurfrit?”

Thurfrit, Climber of Tall as Tree, Elder Chronicler stepped forward and held up a pad in his hand. “Dear Ms Maris. I can confirm that following the passing and immediate implementation of the Zeramblin Act which extends the Dunnermac Equality Act to cover Humans we have granted the citizenship status to all three thousand four hundred and ninety six Human applicants. Please find attached their electronic IDs. Hard copies will be sent to you shortly.”

The Tribe cheered and applauded. Lezah waited a few seconds and held up her hand and the crowd settled. “I didn’t dream years ago when I made this arrangement with Drugar the Benevolent that I’d be here today with what is pretty much an enormous extended family. I know all of you by name. I helped raise a lot of you. I love each and every one of you.”

There were cheers and shouts of appreciation.

“Now, the deal Drugar and I made was that we would split the profits of the Royalberry sales evenly between us. Fifty, fifty. Legally we owned the land and everything on it…including you. A horrible legal fact, but one that has let us keep you safe. But now we have a new legal reality to deal with. We own the land and everything on it, but thank the Emperor – and the Great Spirit – we no longer own you.”

“We have had to come up with a new deal.” Halbir Rockfist spoke loudly.

The crowd looked tense and muttered to one another.

“Under the new deal we have transferred all land and property, save for the house, to a new company. We’ve kept the name the same as the old one to keep our established brand identity, Tribe Maris Farms. The new company has then been divided into shares. Half of these shares will go to Aisell, Aezhay and myself. The rest will be split between all of you. We will own this land together.”

The Tribe stared at Lezah Maris in disbelief.

“Yes, yes I know it doesn’t seem fair that three of us are taking sixteen percent each but it costs a lot more to feed us!” She explained feeling rather embarrassed.

“All who approve this deal please raise your hand.” Halbir spoke.

Almost every member of the audience lifted their hand. Few raised theirs against it.

“Can I speak?” Aisell asked taking a step forward.

“You may.” Halbir said.

“I’d like to receive the same share as a normal tribe member. Split mine up fairly. I have more than enough money already.” Aisell said.

“Mine too.” Aehzay chimed in.

The crowd cheered and applauded.

“That is very kind of you both.” Halbir said and turned back to the crowd. “All those who approve this new deal raise your hand.”

Every man and woman raised a hand. When it became clear there were no objections they stood and burst into rapturous applause.

“It is agreed then.” Halbir shouted above the din which was amplified by several of the Titan family members applauding as well.

“Congratulations.” Lezah smiled. “You all just became quite rich.”


  1. Ghost in the Machine says:

    “Now, the deal Drugar and I made was that we would split the profits of the Royalberry sales evenly between us. Fifty, fifty. Legally we owned the land and everything on it…including you. A horrible legal fact, but one that has let us keep you safe. But now we have a new legal reality to deal with. We own the land and everything on it, but thank the Emperor – and the Great Spirit – we no longer own you.”


    I have an idea for the Tribe; take the proceeds from Royalberry sales and use it to buy the land their tree is located on from the Maris sisters. They would then have ultimate control on their destiny, more than economically. Would cement their rights.

    • Soatari says:

      Right now they, collectively, own a majority of the company.

      And technically, there is some legality in them having at least a partial ownership. The land belongs to the Maris family, and one of them is married in to that family.

      • Ghost in the Machine says:

        Perhaps. However executed legal documentation would clarify the situation and eliminate any doubt and potential legal challenges. I could see that old rascal Lyroo doing something unpleasant against the Tribe down the road as revenge against Aisell..

        *wonders what Lyroo looks like now, Christie Brinkley? whoa*

    • Locutus of Boar says:

      I have an idea for the Tribe; take the proceeds from Royalberry sales and use it to buy the land their tree is located on from the Maris sisters.

      This is probably not necessary. The Maris sister volunteered to become member of the tribe. Now that all the members of the tribe are class one by default they all hold communal property right to the land and the improvements previously owned by the Marises. Essentially all they need do is record the decisions to reapportion they’ve just taken. Given the open nature of marriage within the empire I am guessing the communal property laws in the empire are already structured to deal with situations like that of the farm once the class one issue was resolved.

  2. smoki1020 says:

    Thurfrit, Climber of Tall as Tree, Elder Chronicler . this title is just priceless lol.

    Good reply Lessy! Sorcha is, well, Daddy’s girl !

    Loona is so right: The fight has just began!

  3. sketch says:

    Thurfrit, Climber of Tall as Tree, Elder Chronicler 😀

    I’m surprised Lezah didn’t also divide her shares up given her embarrassment. How much does the tribe make? Whether she keeps the full 16% or not, that’s a difference of less the half a 100th of a percent to the remaining 3500 or so other share holders. They are each worth anywhere form hundreds of thousands to millions of credits a piece now.

    Ah Sorcha and Alesia, never change. Where are her brothers by the way?

    250 million is a lot of people, especially with some still treating them as animals. I’d be worried about disgruntled titans shooing a poor nude human, technically owning no possessions, out of their home on a cold night.

    • NightEye says:

      Lezah probably cannot afford to be that altruistic. Aisell can. But Aezhay ? When did she become rich ?

      As I understood it, 250 million is “just” the number of humans in breeding farms, pet shops and shelters, not counting the ones already “adopted”.
      I still want to hear the plan about those titans who will refuse to give up their pets, or hide the fact they even have a human and all those humans who live in the wild, in secret, like the Tribe used to.

      • TheSilentOne says:

        Aezhay never claimed she was rich, or really even how much she had. All she said was “mine too” in reference to not taking 1/6 of the shares. As far as Lezah is concerned, she’s the eldest daughter of the family, and, at least as far as I know, holds ultimate responsibility for paying all costs of the farm.

        Regarding humans, there (was) really no reason to hide a human, so it’s likely nearly all humans held as pets are registered. As far as wild humans go, if they’ve managed thus far, there’s no real logisitical concern, and legally they would be free now. However, depending where exactly they are living, issues might come up regarding whose land they are on if anyones. Again though, my reasoning is that any group that’s managed to survive somewhere (and I mean multigeneration, not just camping out) will just continue to do so, but legally now.

        • sketch says:

          That’s an issue too. Would humans scavenging from farms now be arrested for theft? (Assuming a farmer doesn’t bag them and toss them in a river.) Would titans need to go in with HOS gear and gather them up? Would they need to send humans in, and what if these “wild” humans become distrustful of these humans seemingly working with the titans? Next thing you know someone could get their heads bashed in with a rock. Hey, it could happen.

          • Ancient Relic says:

            Would humans scavenging from farms now be arrested for theft? I hope so. The rights and due process that go with that would be a big improvement over (Assuming a farmer doesn’t bag them and toss them in a river.). Having said that, actually implementing that could be a pretty big challenge (along with everything else).

      • Ghost in the Machine says:

        They are all owners in the Maris Farms so yeah they all have some $$ or “~ o*&~@$r or whatever Titanos call money

        *ghosts prefer gold bullion*

    • Ghost in the Machine says:

      Ya’ll are ignoring something that will appear (or not) almost immediately….. (and has not been addressed)

      Black market humans…….

      Oooooooooooh *erp*

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        I don’t think there’s going to be a large scale domestic black market for humans. The existing large scale farms will be shut down so whoever does enter the market on a big scale will have to invest to make it work. Beyond that there is the question of economic value of uneducated humans. Slavery persists on Earth because there was always some economic value to the slave owner whether manual labor, prostitution, or desperate refugees willing to pay. Human trade will become a boutique type market probably mostly centered in the Federation where it will be more a matter of defiance than by the desire to keep pets.

        Where the real black market will happen is with smugglers posing as assisting human resettlement diverting refugee humans destined for Avalon or Earth to buyers for the Hive.

        • Ghost in the Machine says:

          Black market precludes large scale. Earth analogies does not apply. Culture does not change overnight so Titanos who are loath to give up their pets will turn to another source, especially if it is for a small child as a gift.

          The black market will be a lot bigger in the majority of the empire as compared to the Federation

          • Locutus of Boar says:

            You’d think seeking out humans as pets for titan kids would be a source of demand but I see a couple of things working against this. First, there will be formal education for titan children explaining the change to class one status and resulting peer pressure from the greater number of families who will liberate their pets. Secondly, titan kids talk just like human kids talk and it would be risky to clandestinely give a child a pet they might reveal. Thirdly with no legal vet service its going to be hard to keep a human long term any place except where the vets are willing to do the illegal which they might in Fed territory but less so elsewhere. No, all the economics and the risks will outweigh the benefits for having a pet human to placate a child. There will be a run on far less expensive replacement pets though. As most titans realize this some will try to profit from it be off loading humans to smugglers who’ll take the risks in return for the rising market price of humans to the Hive.

          • Ghost in the Machine says:

            Not just for kids, anyone who thinks humans are cute and need protection and make wonderful pets (considering one myself)

            You can educate till the cows come home..Some people (Titans and others and myself) still may want the cute little suckers and you know if Vito or Louie (the equivalent) can provide they would pay..

            Humans would still need vet service as no Titan docs are up to speed on human physiology so eliminating vet service right away would be stupid..

            Also economics adapt to market conditions – hence black market arises..You think I’m wrong? How come the “war” on drugs is still raging after 100 + years in various forms….

            Attitudes and viewpoints do change over time….emphasis on time… hence the culture will change, eventually

  4. Locutus of Boar says:

    Let us celebrate our togetherness. Let us celebrate this day we enjoy together. So say we all.

    So, did the Tribe take in a shipload of refugees from the colonies too? 🙂

    • Nostory says:

      Wow she is strong but thats the human in her! Awesome stuff there, big even for a titan and far stronger than most of them.

      • Ghost in the Machine says:

        Foolish girl..thats no way to make friends and influence people….

        That waiter did nothing wrong, he was just doing his job. He didn’t know the law had just changed..He didn’t deserve that abuse

        • Kusanagi says:

          Not knowing the law is not an excuse for not following it. Though to be fair to the server, that does fall more on the owners of the establishment ESPECIALLY since a lot of their customers work in government, kind of helps to know what’s going on especially when it can get you sued.

          • Ghost in the Machine says:

            You mean all the tens of thousands of laws and regulations (i’m projecting the US reality onto the Titan empire) that are passed or approved everyday? Hmmm would YOU know all the (new and old) laws and follow them? I bet right now you are violating a couple dozen and don’t even know if we apply that logic you should be prosecuted, even sent to jail …sorry there is NO excuse for not knowing….Off to jail you go……

            These laws were just passed so the average Titan (the server) may not be aware of it

          • Kusanagi says:

            That’s literally the law of the land, ignorance is not a defense. Unlike a famous Dave Chappelle sketch you can’t just say ‘I’m sorry officer, I didn’t know I couldn’t do that’ and get away with it.

            More importantly it doesn’t apply here, this law was not made in secret.

            Considering this law had been building for titan years and was even available up to the moment it became law on tv (remember Lyroo was watching aspects of the debate on tv and had a response ready immediately following the passage), then yes a restaurant like this should not have been ready for the law that night, they should have been prepared WEEKS ago. Seriously it’s stupidity on their part.

            This was not a random event, this had weeks of buildup, and caused a major division between the majority and minority parties. You would have to be an immense idiot not to pay attention to this when it directly affects your business. So while I’ll give the server a pass, he’s just there to wait tables, the business itself is immensely stupid.

          • Kusanagi says:

            My kingdom for an edit button: If this was some random restaurant I’d agree with you, but this is a five star restaurant that I’ll repeat from the story “Senator’s regularly attend”.

            So when the bill that causes the majority to split, empire to side with the minority, and causes the floor leader to retire, passes you can’t plead ignorance.

            It would be like me ignoring the Cats are now full citizens bill, and oh yeah Obama decided to retire months early on the same day. There’s ignoring news, and then there’s being stupidly ignorant.

          • Kusanagi says:

            third edit: CAUSE I CAN’T HELP MYSELF

            It’s a silly/stupid understanding of US Law, stuff that you could be ‘violating right now’ is typically big civil rights news and is pretty hard to ignore. Stuff like that is insanely hard to pass, given it usually requires a constitutional amendment or requires a trip to the supreme court.

            States can pass their own stupid shit, but even then that has severe limits, and is usually huge news. Even then it’s not usually stuff that goes on in your own home.

            Other stuff most people violate in their own home is usually obvious, pirating (what getting free stuff that most people pay for is illegal?), drugs (you mean stuff that’s been illegal for decades is still illegal), etc. Saying these laws are stupid is one thing, ( drug laws in the US are insanely stupid) but at the same time no one can claim ignorance and claim sanity. Cause those laws are everywhere.

            Usually secret/surprise laws are the stuff that was on the books from the 1860s that’s rarely/never enforced.

          • faeriehunter says:

            In fairness to the waiter, the Zeramblin Act was passed just a few hours ago. While ignorance of the law is never a valid defense, it’s not surprising that not everybody is aware of the humans’ new status yet.

            The waiter’s assumption that Alesia and the others were just pets was surprising though. Human capability is such a hot topic in Imperial politics right now that I’d have expected anyone working in a restaurant often catering to government personnel to be well aware that there is a sharp division between those who regard humans as people and those who regard them as pets. Bringing some well-dressed humans to the restaurant should have been a sign that these titans are on the ‘humans are people’ side and will therefore be strongly offended by calling the humans pets. It’s possible though that the waiter used to work elsewhere and just started in this restaurant.

            As for restaurant policy, first I’d like to point out that humans are a divisive issue. No matter how they’re treated, you’ll offend someone. Therefore it’d be understandable if the restaurant’s policy was determined by which standpoint is the most common among their customers, which could easily result in the policy stated by the waiter. Another possibility is that the policy was the result of the owner’s (or whoever else set the policy, could be a manager) own opinion regarding humans. And a third possibility is that the waiter was only told that no pets are allowed and just assumed that that included humans.

          • Ghost in the Machine says:

            Passage of the law was not a Fait accompli, even Pryvani was biting her nails. So you could say yes they had knowledge of a pending law that made news and might possibly impact their business, afterwards.

            DEVILS ADVOCATE MODE: *Muwahahahahaha * *ha?*

            I said might above since I highly doubt there were many well dressed humans with thier owners patronizing said establishment before. So seeing one would be unusual in t he eyes of the server. The owner could calculate that even if the law was passed, training his/her/its personnel and retrofitting it to meet the needs of possible new patrons was most likely an unnecessary expense. He/she/it would do it now it as it is the law of the empire. In other words why spend money if one doesn’t have to.

            Also I believe the law is being challenged in the courts and if they get their version of a TRO (temporary restraining order) implementation of the law could be delayed

            *My kingdom and my neighbor’s kingdom for an edit button*

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