End of Discussion Titan Vignettes by Johnny Scribe

“Thyllia, I said ‘no’ and that’s final!”

The little girl who was being thus addressed stamped her foot petulantly. “That’s not fair! You’re just being mean to me!”

Pryvani sighed and rubbed her temples wearily. She did not need to have a fight with her younger sister at that moment. There were too many other things going on.

“Of course I’m not.” Pryvani kept her voice from shouting, but just barely. “I’ve told you that having a shaar around is dangerous for Zhan and the other humans. Therefore the answer is and will continue to be ‘no you can’t have one.’ End of discussion.”


“End. Of. Discussion.” Pryvani repeated with a finality to her voice, before sitting at her desk and continuing the work that her sister’s request had interrupted.

Thyllia stared at her sister for a moment, eyes wide with shock. How could this be? Pryvani was supposed to love her, she was supposed to be nicer than their mother was… how could she be telling Thyllia no? No was what their mother always said.

Her vision blurred as tears welled in her eyes, and with a muted sniffle Thyllia turned and fled her sister’s office for the sanctity of her own room.

Once she arrived, Thyllia closed the door and paced on her floor furiously. She began stewing and her anger compounded on itself until she was lost in a swirl of fantasies. She would run away. She’d hide on a shuttle and make her way to Valhalla and there she’d leave for a place where she’d be allowed to have a pet. Maybe she’d be adopted by a rich lady who would love her forever and ever.

That this had already happened to her once was completely lost on Thyllia at that moment.

But Thyllia would run away to a far-off planet where people treated her nicely and she could have shaars and keiflars and any other pet she desired. And Pryvani would realize how cruel she’d been to her poor sister, and she’d cry and say how sorry she was but it’d be too late. Thyllia would never ever come back. Then she’d be sorry.

Suddenly Thyllia realized there was one person she could call who could make her sister see reason. One person that even her sister had to listen to, no matter what.

Empress Rajenlif.

Thyllia peaked through the door to her room and into the hallway to make sure no one else was around. When she was certain the coast was clear, she snuck down the hall and into the room where a communicator was set up.

Quickly, before Pryvani could burst in and put a stop to it, Thyllia dialed in the Empress’s personal communicator code.

The screen flashed a brightly colored loading pattern for several seconds before the screen was filled with the aristocratically beautiful features of Empress Rajenlif.

The older woman’s eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the young girl who was calling her.

“Thyllia?” She spoke, her voice low and melodious. “Why are you calling me? Is everything all right? Where is Pryvani?”

Thyllia didn’t answer for a second, but her lower lip quivered and, eyes filling with tears she began to spill her tale of unjust persecution.

“Pryvani’s being mean to me, Your Majesty.” She pouted.

“In what way, my dear?” Rajenlif’s voice had a small note of concern. It was entirely possible that the little girl was actually in trouble, after all.

“She said I couldn’t have a pet shaar.”

Rajenlif’s eyes narrowed, and to anybody older than Thyllia it would have been obvious how hard she was trying to hold her amusement in.

“Did she now?”

“Yes!” Thyllia groused, crossing her arms over her chest. “And I don’t think she’s being very fair at all. She’s supposed to be nice to me!”

Rajenlif chuckled, though not in an unkind way. “My dear, I’m afraid your sister is correct. With the number of humans you have living with you, a shaar would be a very dangerous pet to have.”

“But, shaars aren’t dangerous!” Thyllia protested. This wasn’t going at all how she hoped.

“To you, no they aren’t.” Rajenlif explained. “But to your human friends, who are so much smaller than you are, a shaar is not safe to be around. Just try to imagine what a shaar looks like to a human, child.”

Thyllia blinked. She… she hadn’t really thought of it that way. “Oh… I guess they would be kind of scary.” She muttered in a small voice.

“Exactly.” Rajenlif smiled kindly. “Pryvani isn’t trying to be mean to you, my dear. She’s trying to do what’s best for you. You wouldn’t want Zhan to get hurt right?”

“No.” Thyllia answered, alarmed at the idea. “That would make me sad.”

“Thyllia what are you doing in here?!”

The girl’s eyes widened and she turned around to see a very irate Pryvani standing in the door frame.

“Why are you using the communications channel?” She asked. “Who are you trying to c-… Your Majesty!”

“Hello my dear.” Rajenlif said in an amused tone. “Thyllia was just telling me about the little disagreement you’ve been having.”

Pryvani, needless to say, was beyond mortified. “Your majesty I am so sorry that she’s disturbed you. I’ve told her countless times that she’s not allowed to use the communicator without supervision and-”

“It’s quite all right, Senator.” Rajenlif waved a hand dismissively. “I’ve explained to your sister that you aren’t some evil monster who’s trying to run her life, and that you have a very good reason for denying her request. I think she understands now, don’t you dear?”

“Yes.” Thyllia mumbled, staring at her shoes. “I’m sorry I got mad and yelled at you, Pryvani.”

Pryvani sighed and lowered herself to her knee in front of her sister, pulling the little girl into a hug. “It’s all right, Thyllia. I’m sorry I can’t get you a shaar, but there’s a good reason for it.”

“Yeah. I know. I don’t want Zhan or the other humans to get hurt.”

Pryvani nodded. “Good. I’m glad you understand.”

“You know…” The Empress interrupted. “I think if you’re okay with it, Senator, I might have an alternative for you to consider…”


The Jotnar call it a Tuppskemah.” Pryvani was telling Rixie as the watched the little furry mammal climb the potted shrub that had been installed in Thyllia’s room and munch the fat turquoise colored leaves that grew on its branches.

“It looks like a flying squirrel.” Alex remarked from Rixie shoulder. Just then, the animal leaped from the branch and, spreading the membranous skin flaps between its limbs. Thyllia watched in joyful fascination as the little creature, which was almost twice as tall as Alex when it stood erect, banked lazily and swooped down to alight on her head.

“It does. A bit.” Pryvani agreed. “But apparently they’re fairly docile and, more importantly, completely herbivorous.”

Thyllia gently pulled the animal out of her hair and held it in her hand, gently stroking the blue-grey fur around the creature’s slightly pointed ears and thick snout.

“Thank you so much for her Pryvani.” Thyllia gushed. “I love her already.”

“Now it’s going to be your responsibility to take care of her, and her trees, okay Thyllia? Zhan and I won’t do it for you.”

“Especially Zhan.” Alex muttered in Rixie’s ear.

“What are you going to name her?” Rixie asked, ignoring Alex.

“I want to name her Rainbow.” Thyllia answered sitting on her bed and setting the animal in her lap.

“Rainbow, huh.” Rixie muttered in amusement. “I guess it’s better than Sparkles.”

Pryvani chuckled.

“You know Rixie.” Alex said to her conversationally. “Someday… I think I’m going to ride that animal.”

Rixie just rolled her eyes and shook her head, a long-suffering sigh escaping her lips.


  1. Soatari says:

    I think this will be a great story to tell to embarrass Thylia one day. I mean… she called up the Empress of the titan empire to complain that Pryvanni wouldn’t let her have a pet shaar.

  2. D.X. Machina says:

    I do adore the “That this had already happened…” line. And the odds of Alex riding Rainbow are roughly 100%.

  3. faeriehunter says:

    Next time on The Titan Empire: Alex the tuppskemah rider!

    You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if somewhere in the Empire there is a human riding a shaar. An owner with a trusting human and an easygoing, well-fed shaar (that maybe thinks humans are baby titans) might be able to get them to do that.

    Trivia fact: The Dutch word for bat is ‘vleermuis’, ‘mammal-wing mouse’. Tuppskemah look to have been similarly named, given that it starts with ‘tupp’.

  4. Nitestarr says:

    Live long and prosper Mr….. Nimoy. I believe he did both..

    Good words..


    Soo whats wrong with having a pet lion? Like a really big one… I wanted a tiger when I was kid…
    Now all I want is a tall blonde..with a really big…… ..libido…. ok .. fine

    Riding a giant flying squirrel? That does sound like fun. If Pryvani still has that dawnstar she could take Thyllia out for pony rides. Just don’t ask Zahn to tag along 🙂

    • synp says:

      On the next episode of “Contact”, Alex leads Major Nejem to a vent in an open area of the station.

      Going through the grate she says, “But we’re 10 meters over the floor.” (because it’s the 22nd century and nobody uses feet any more)

      So Alex places two fingers in his mouth and whistles. Rainbow swoops out of the sky, and they both climb on.

  5. sketch says:

    At least she didn’t ask for a human pet. Ah Thyllia, when Pryvani is your sister, your mom is a jail bird and a psycho, and your father figure considers your sister his goddess, the only person over her head to turn to is the Empress herself.

  6. NightEye says:

    Very nice indeed. I loved Thyllia’s fantasy of running away across the galaxy because of nothing. I can remember having such fantasies when I was a kid. 😛

    So Pryvani has the Empress on speed dial ? Why am I not surprised ? 😀

    ps : I didn’t get an email warning of this update, is it normal ?

    • TheSilentOne says:

      It sounded like Thyllia had the Empress’s number memorized, but hard to say.

      I didn’t get an email either. It’s a good thing I hit refresh on this site like every 5 minutes I’m awake.

    • Locutus of Boar says:

      I expect Rajenlif has Pryvani on speed dial as well —> “Well.” The Empress muttered. “Looks like your network of informants is as thorough as ever.” Rajenlif scraped her whetstone across the carving knife one final time. “Almost as good as the one Pryvani Tarsuss has.”

      • faeriehunter says:

        I don’t think that Pryvani needed her information network to get the Empress’s communicator code. Rajenlif immediately recognized Thyllia, knew about Zhan and waved away Pryvani’s mortification. Presumably Pryvani and Rajenlif are acquaintances who’ve exchanged communicator codes. I assume that Thyllia used a contact list similar to the one in my smartphone (except that mine doesn’t have anyone famous in it) to call the Empress. Note that Thyllia called the Empress instead of the Emperor.

        Interestingly enough, while Rajenlif and Pryvani addressed each other by title, Rajenlif said “Where is Pryvani?” early on, using Pryvani’s first name. It may be that the two would be on a first name basis if protocol were looser.

        • Locutus of Boar says:

          The telling point is that Rajenlif herself immediately picks up a call that was presumably from Pryvani and that she recognized Thallia on sight and knew about Zahn. She knows Pryvani has some of the best intel in the empire and no doubt relies on Privani as a source. I expect most of the calls between the two are initiated by the empress seeking information.

        • TheSilentOne says:

          It could also be a cultural thing, or just personal habit. Note that she uses the name Pryvani when addressing Thyllia, and she greets Pryvani with “Hello my dear”. I doubt she’d be saying the latter if they weren’t good friends.

          • Locutus of Boar says:

            Pryvani followed protocol: On presentation to The Queen, the correct formal address is ‘Your Majesty’ and subsequently ‘Ma’am’. Even Darren knew and followed that rule to the letter. I would expect her to do that as an example to Thallia and likely even when alone with the empress even if they are close friends. When Pryvani went formal Rajenlif returned the respect with Pryvani’s title, also likely for Thallia’s benefit. No real way to tell so far if the royals are true friends or simply have common interests and share some of the same goals.

        • Ancient Relic says:

          I don’t have definitive proof that they’re close friends, but there is one other thing working in favour of that: Pryvani is a multi-gazillionaire and the holder of a hereditary Senate seat, so while Pryvani isn’t royalty, she might be close enough.

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