1. NightEye says:

    Forna Qorni has violet eyes…

    Is there any way she could do enough damage to be the main villain in Hybrid ? More than Federationists ?

    • Rapscallion says:

      I’d really doubt it’s her, she’s been completely ineffective the entire time we’ve known her, and she’s not necessarily evil or malevolent towards humans, just stubborn and ambitious and a bit speciest (more afraid of losing cultural identity and power as much as anything). Your main villain, judging from the prominence on the poster, cannot be someone you spent a year laughing at for being constantly schooled and not really wanting to destroy humanity (or control it or w/e the reason it is looking at Avalon/Sorcha).

      I really think it would be interesting if it were a human or hybrid actually. Playing on the title, because hybrids are, in effect, a sort of superior species (think X-men logic, smarter and stronger than both individual species of Titan/Human) it might be interesting if one of them gets some Magneto ideas, although there’s probably not enough of them to justify that story.

      Another that would be fascinating to speculate on is a hybrid who, like Sorcha, rejects one half of their “identity”. This could lead for a desire to control or destroy the side they don’t identify with. This could mean going all in and acting like a superior to humanity and wanting to dominate it in a pure Titan-esque society (would find plenty of help from Titan Party), or a sort of more radical Sorcha that wants to show Titans that they are not the greatest and that that person/humanity is superior. They could play on the resentment of humanity towards their treatment by people like Qorni and point to how fast humans develop and to a degree multiply 😛 compared to Titans as their justification.

      I think my point is that it would be a bit stale for it to just be another “outsider” from our beloved characters that is the main antagonist. That detracts from viewing the internal struggle that makes for the best villains, and the strongest heroes who overcome them.

  2. gman says:

    These are pretty good renders. My only complaint is that they don’t seem to be interspersed within the chapters of the story or something. Like I’ve seen a titan physics render floating around of one of the scenes in the story but when I go to that chapter in the novel the render isn’t there and I haven’t been able to find it on this site. I would at least like a separate section for renders or something, if they can’t be included within the chapters of the story.

    • OpenHighHat says:

      Well Hybrid isn’t posted yet so it may or may not have renders in it…depends on how busy I am recently.

      We did consider a gallery at one point but the problem is bandwidth. We fund the site ourselves and adding galleries increases the bandwidth use a lot so we can’t afford it. Maybe one day though.

      • gman says:

        I see that makes sense. If you wanted to you could start a free photobucket account or twitter where you post the images (and link that here). It’d be nice, maybe you could take fanart too, I’ve been thinking about drawing some titanverse fanart. But I realize that too is a chunk of work added to your schedules on top of regular updates and actually making the renders.

  3. Nostory says:

    Best update on this site for some time and I wonder who exactly could go to the dark side since my favourite hybrid holds the fate of Archavia in her hands.

    Lessy? I think its human, a human antaognist from Archavia is one we haven’t seen before. Probably not Lessy, too outragerous.

  4. Kusanagi says:

    Soooo many questions, which means the teaser is doing its job. Are you still shooting for a September release?

    • sketch says:

      To comment on the image itself. Looks like that’s Sorcha holding what I’m guessing is Archavia. There’s a ship firing weapons, looks like it could be a human design, but not really a titan design.

      Some ominous eyes, violet in color… Calling it now, one of the Clan is seduced by the dark side of the force, a la Jacen Solo. But what would Fleita’s Darth name be? Wait, those could also be Forna Qorni’s eyes I guess. Nah, so I’m going to go with Darth Pandora, you know, as a call back.

      • OpenHighHat says:

        I’m glad you spotted the reference. I was a big fan if the Jacen and Jaina books growing up and I wanted to try to emulate the style. That and the Star Trek: Destiny series.

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