Loona and Aisell – Part Three by Openhighhat Nomad Vignettes

Aisell had been quite enjoying herself. She had found herself quite lost in Loona. Her mind had misted over and her conscious self had been buried under a heady combination of lust and flesh. She loved it. Aisell found it hard to get close to people. She could count on one had the people she’d been intimate with (including the one she could hold in her hand).All that was violently pulled from her by a loud bang and the sound of glass shattering.

She shot bolt upright, adrenaline surging through her, looking for the cause of the noise. The picture of her sisters was missing from her desk. It was now lying on the floor with the glass broken around it. On the desk where the picture had been she spotted movement. A Human sat up and rubbed his head then looked at her.

Aisell stared daggers back. She was furious. Not only had he managed to smash a beloved picture but he’d done it in the process of violating her and Loona’s privacy. Something that was not only an enormous violation of their agreement with the Tribe but it was also something that could put Loona off coming back. She couldn’t quite make out who it was at this distance. They were young. It likely wasn’t Luke. There was no way it would be. Quendra would kill him before she could. Definitely a male.

“Stay. Right. There.” Aisell snarled and pushed herself to all fours and turned to her quarry, her eyes not leaving him for a second.


Rognar ran. He ran like he’d never ran before. He was definitely not for quietly handing himself over to the rather irate looking Titaness. It was only a couple of seconds before he hit the edge of the table. Without a thought he leapt through the air. As he fell he saw Aisell jump off the bed and start towards him. She wasn’t just going to let him go.

He landed on something soft and fragrant smelling. Aisell’s discarded dress. The young hunter quickly got to his feet and bolted for the door as he felt deep thuds rumbling through the wooden floor. He ran as fast as he could. Each step he took propelling him almost three times the length of his body as he desperately tried to make it for the door. He’d heard stories of hunters who’d been chased by shaars or kips. How they feared for their lives. He’d once had to jump out of the way of a charging sarnai but he’d never actually feared for his life before. Until now.

He was almost at the door. The ground was shaking as Aisell stormed down upon him. He could hear the sound of her bare feet slapping down on wooden floor behind him as well as the enormous, booming thuds caused by her colossal mass hitting the floor.


The gap between the door and floor wasn’t big. Only about as high as his knees. He was almost there when a huge, pink wall slammed down in front of him, blocking his escape.

“Oh shaka!” he yelled and leapt forward with all his strength.

He flew over the foot. He felt the air rush past behind him as the angry Titaness grabbed for him. He hit the floor just past her foot and slid forward under the door and appeared in the hallway outside. He wanted to believe it was over. That he was safe but he knew it wasn’t. This was just beginning. He got up and he ran down the hallway as fast as his legs would carry him. It couldn’t have even been ten seconds before the door opened.

“Do not make me chase you, you little pervert! You’re only going to make this worse for yourself!” She shouted angrily.

Rognar dared to look back. Just for a second. Aisell was red faced and fiery eyed. She hadn’t even stopped to put a top on. He gulped. She meant business. He kept running. He knew he couldn’t outrun her but he had to put some distance between them and find a safe place to bed down.

“Think…think…” he said to himself as the ground started to tremble with titanic footsteps once more.

“Get back here!” Aisell shouted at the top of her lungs.

Rognar turned the corner at the top of the hallway and ran towards the living room. The door was shut. He’d slide under, buying him a few precious seconds and then find somewhere to hide. Just as he approached the door and made ready for his slide, the enormous white wall opened revealing a massive pair of sneakers attached to a huge pair of legs that rose up into the sky.

“What’s going on out here!?” Lezah asked puzzled. She was even more puzzled to see Aisell running down the hall wearing nothing but a pair of briefs.

“Move!” Aisell barked.

Lezah stood her ground. This was not the first ridiculous situation she’d dealt with involving one of her sisters.

“What are you doing!?” Lezah gasped. “What could possibly be so urgent that you’re running around the house in the nip!?”

“There was a human in my room! And you’re letting him get away!” Aisell shouted red faced.

The penny dropped for Lezah immediately. This was a gross violation of the agreement with Drugar. She’d be having strong words about this with Quendra but she needed proof. She needed the culprit. She turned and walked into the living room and looked around. There was no Human in sight, unsurprisingly. Closest to the door was the large, three seat sofa. It offered the best hiding spot and was conveniently close to the door.

“OK…OK. Go get some clothes on, I’ll look for the bugger.” Lezah said to her sister while simultaneously motioning towards the sofa with her eyes.

Aisell nodded. “I’ll be back in two minutes. Don’t lose him!”

Aisell didn’t move but instead couched down and locked her eyes on the floor by the sofa.


“Ohhhh shaka…” Rognar said to himself. He was breathing heavily and he was finding it hard to tell the difference between the vibration of Lezah’s shoe clad footsteps and his heart pounding in his head.

He had pressed himself tightly against the foot of the sofa furthest from the door.

She stopped at the top of the sofa just on the other side of the leg he was hiding behind. He heard her breathing get louder and closer as she bent down. She was right on top of him. He had to keep his cool. If he lost it and bolted she would spot him.

“You’re cornered. Trapped. Surrender to me and I’ll bring you to the Great Tree without handing you over to Aisell. She’s pretty pissed…I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes when she catches you.” Lezah spoke to him.

He could hear she was knelt down talking right to him. Maybe he should hand himself in. Aisell had chased him without regard for herself or for him. Who knows what she would do to him. But then again, who knew what Quendra would do to him. Rognar thought it better to take his chances.

“Suit yourself.” The Titaness spoke.

Rognar listened and dared peak out from behind the leg. He could see her shifting position but not moving. With a crunch, two huge hands grabbed the underside of the sofa.

“She’s going to lift it!” his mind screamed at him.

He took off as fast as he could towards the opposite end of the sofa, hoping to hide behind the opposite leg before Lezah spotted him. There was an enormous rumbling and the ceiling above him started to rise and rise. He was only half way. He wasn’t going to make it.

“Plan Beta!” he said and took a sharp turn and ran out into the open. He hoped he’d have a few seconds as Lezah looked under the sofa for him. If she did spot him she’d have to let the sofa down again. He might just be able to make it to the centre table and hide there.

“Rognar you little piece of tupp shaka.” A familiar voice spoke.

The Human stopped in his tracks and turned to face the origin of the voice. He was met by two icy eyes glaring at him. The Tribe often spoke of how clever Eyes like Ice was. Quendra had even gone as far as to say that if Aisell were a Human tribe member she would likely be the Elder Huntress, or even leader in her place. Rognar was beginning to understand why. She’d tricked him. Made him think she was leaving and he only had Lezah to worry about. She had lain in wait, like a shaar patiently stalking its prey for Lezah to flush him out into the open. And he’d fallen for it.

“Great Spirit save me…” Rognar whispered and took off once more.

He looked over his shoulder as he ran, terrified. Aisell uncoiled like a spring and flung herself at him, her hand outstretched. Rognar ran as fast as his legs would carry him. As her hand approached he jumped, praying he would escape her grasp.


“Got you!” Aisell shouted as her palm slapped the ground trapping her quarry beneath it.

She gripped him quickly and tightly, not willing to risk him escaping. He’d interrupted her time with Loona, violated her trust and had made her chase him through the house. Now he was going to pay.

The angry Titan lifted the dazed man to her face, only his head was visible through her grip. She could see it was bobbing up and down. He must have hit his head hard.

“Good…he deserved it.” She thought.

Aisell squeezed her hand tighter and Rognar’s head arched back and he let out a yelp.

“Wake up you piece of terg dung!” Aisell shouted at him, holding him directly in front of her mouth for full affect.


Rognar cried out terrified. He stammered and begged as he felt his ribs and arms scream at him in pain.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t break every bone in your fracking body.” She hissed at him.


Lerwin sat behind a large cup on the desk and awaited his fate. It wouldn’t be long now.

He sighed wearily. This wouldn’t be good. He could hear Aisell’s partner getting dressed. When she was finished he’d surrender himself.

He heard footsteps as the Titaness started to head out of the bed. He stepped out.

“Excuse me!” he shouted to her. “Miss!”

She stopped and turned around, her mouth falling open slightly in confusion and then a look of realisation as she put two and two together.

“Have you been there the whole time?” she asked him calmly and took a step forward.

Rognar examined his feet as the unfamiliar woman stood over him. “Yes…but it’s not what you think.”

Aisell’s friend lowered herself, bringing her eyes to his level. “Look at me.”

Lerwin looked up.

“My name is Loona, what’s yours?” she asked.


“Ok Lerwin, why is not what I think?”

“My friend snuck in here…to watch. I tried to stop him but I couldn’t. Aisell spotted him and she chased after him.” Lerwin explained.

Loona felt more than a little bit violated. No wonder Aisell had taken off so quickly. “And you didn’t watch?”

Lerwin shook his head. “No. Aisell’s my friend. I couldn’t do that to her.”

Loona examined the little man for a second. He didn’t look afraid, just ashamed. She decided he was telling the truth. She exhaled a little and stood up, setting her upturned hand on the counter. “Come on, let’s go find Aisell before she kills your friend.”


Rognar felt just a little bit like he was on fire. While in a vice. And that every bit of fluid in his body was trying to fit into his brain at once. All at the same time.

He cried out. Trying to stammer an answer to Aisell’s question. She was staring at him coldly as she applied what must have been to her a miniscule amount of pressure but to him it was almost enough to crack his ribs. He shouted and pleaded but she would not release him.

“Because it’s wrong.” A voice said from behind Aisell.

Aisell turned and Rognar turned with her. He breathed an enormous sigh of relief as the pressure let up.

“I wasn’t actually going to hurt him. Just scare him.” Aisell said.

Rognar spotted Lerwin standing in the hand of the short haired woman. His friend looked to be in a much better way than he was right now. It was a bad idea to think he could outrun a Titan. Especially Eyes like Ice.

“Rognar I am very disappointed in you.” Lezah admonished him with a scowl on her face. “Your mother raised you better than this.”

“What are you going to do with him?” Loona asked.

Aisell spotted Lerwin, standing facing away from her in Loona’s palm. She remembered she needed to get dressed.

“First I’m going to get dressed. Then we’re taking them both to see Quendra.” Aisell said.

“Please…not Quendra…” Rognar groaned. “I’ll make it up to you.”

Aisell raised him higher and stared him down. Rognar tried to hold her gaze but he was just too broken. “You’re lucky I’m even taking you to Quendra. I’ve half a mind to stick you in tank and take you to the nearest pet shop! You hear, you pervert!?”

Rognar nodded without looking up.

“As for you Lerwin…” Aisell started.

“He says he didn’t watch. He was trying to stop his friend.” Loona said.

“I don’t know…” Aisell replied.

“I believe him. He seems rather ashamed.”

“I am. Take us to Quendra. She will be fair and just.” Lerwin spoke without turning.

Aisell grumbled, annoyed at learning her room had been violated by a second person. “Fine! Let me get changed…”


“Quendra the Leader, Screams like Kipp! Get out here! Now!” Aisell shouted angrily as she approached the Great Tree.

In one hand she carried Rognar and the other Lerwin. Loona followed a few paces behind her.

Aisell waited impatiently. Huffing and occasionally muttering profanities. Rognar did the best he could to try to sink into himself.

“Is there any particular reason you have come to visit us, while our children sleep, yelling and scream…” Quendra started, rather annoyed but stopped as she spotted the two nervous looking tribe members Aisell’s hands.

“Rognar? Lerwin? Are you not supposed to be on a hunt?” Quendra asked.

“Oh they were on a hunt alright! But rather than quietly stalking tupps they were hiding themselves away in my room to spy on me and Loona!” Aisell shouted.

Quendra studied the two men. From their manner there was clearly truth to this.

“Explain yourselves.” She ordered.

“We were out on a hunt…” Lerwin started.

Rognar cut over him. “We were out hunting near the wide river when Aisell and her friend scared off our prey. Lerwin wanted to go home but I wanted to watch what they were doing. I snuck into their bag and Lerwin followed as he didn’t want to abandon his hunting partner. He didn’t have a choice. When we got to their room I watched them and Lerwin hid away. I wanted to see them…in a state of undress.”

“Is this true Lerwin?” Quendra asked. She could see Aisell seething as Rognar spoke.

“It is…”

“Very well.” Quendra glared at them both. “Aisell, I apologise. It is completely without excuse that members of my tribe should violate your space. If I had caught one of them watching me in this manner he would likely not be alive to face judgement.”

Aisell calmed a little. The apology helped. As did the fact that Quendra would likely be ok with her putting the fear into Rognar a little. “Apology accepted.”

“Lerwin, Rognar. You are both assigned to picking duty for the rest of the year. Neither of you will get your masks this year.” Quendra spoke.

“That is fair.” Lerwin said.

“Rognar, for bringing this tribe into disrepute and for your wilful violation of the privacy of our friends while pursuing something so beneath us I feel you must learn an extended lesson.”

Rognar gulped.

“You have acted like a base and uncivilised creature. Like a pet Human who knows no manners or boundaries. You need to decide what you are. A man or a pet.” Quendra said and then looked up to the Titaness holding him. “Aisell, I would like you to hold him in bondage as your property. Treat him how you feel he deserves to be treated. You can return him to us when you feel he is ready.”

Rognar felt like he was going to be sick.

“I can do that.” Aisell said, her mind whirling with ideas.

“This doesn’t sound very fair to me.” Luke of Earth said as he stepped out into the shadows.

Quendra’s eyes narrowed and he studied his expression. He had something he wanted to say. “Explain your meaning.” She asked.

Luke turned and looked to Lerwin. “Why did you choose to follow Rognar?”

Lerwin looked to Rognar, then to Quendra and finally to Luke. “You don’t leave your hunting partner. It is too dangerous. No one goes alone. That is our way.”

“So even though Rognar left you, you followed him into Aisell’s room rather than choose to return to the Great Tree and explain why you were alone?” Luke quizzed.

“I did…”

“And when you reached Aisell’s room did you try to alert her to your presence?” Luke asked.

Lerwin shook his head. “No…”

“Why not?”

Lerwin paused and looked to Rognar. “I did not wish to give away my friend. He would have been punished and would have blamed me for this punishment. I did not want to lose his friendship or trust.”

Quendra’s face hardened. She had not considered Luke’s line of thinking.

“Sometimes we have to upset our friends in order to do what’s best for them.” Luke said noticing Aisell make eye contact with him momentarily. “Rognar is your friend, but is Aisell not your friend?”

“She is, Teacher.”

“So you tried to help conceal that one friend grossly violated the privacy of another?” Luke pressed on.

“I’m sorry Aisell…” Lerwin said without looking up.

“Lerwin your loyalty to your friend is admirable but ultimately foolish. A wise hunter does not think what is best for his friends but for the Tribe as a whole. Aisell is a member of your Tribe, as are her sisters. You both violated their trust despite the kindness and protection they have shown us. You risked our agreement with them and risked our Tribe.” Quendra spoke, firmly but not angrily.

Lerwin said nothing.

“Since you are so loyal to Rognar, you can share his fate. Aisell you may take him too.” Quendra finished.

Aisell closed her hands a bit making the space a bit more claustrophobic for her captives. “Thank you Quendra. You are just. I apologise for waking you.”

Quendra gave a single nod. “Your apology is not needed. You were well within your rights. Is there anything else?”

“No. Thank you.”

“Goodnight Aisell.” Quendra said and took Luke’s hand.

Luke waved and gave half a smile and followed his wife inside.

Loona stepped forward and grinned down at the two Humans in Aisell’s hands. “Interesting system of justice you guys have.”

The two Humans did not reply. They both felt rather sick and abandoned. They found themselves rising up along the torso of their new ‘owner’ until they were floating in front of her eyes.

“What are you going to do with them?” Loona asked and kissed Aisell on the cheek.

Aisell grinned wildly. “Oh, I’ve a few ideas. Nothing these two will like. I can promise that.”


It had been several days since Loona had left. In spite of all the trouble she had enjoyed herself and eventually the pair had gotten some alone time. Loona was especially happy that she would be able to spend some time on Grelau during the Tribute. And share a bed with someone while she was at it.

Aisell was lying on the sofa reading a trashy thriller novel on her pad.

“Think you can finish your chores pup?” Lezah asked, her arms folded over chest looking down at her sister from the doorway.

“I am.” Aisell smiled and turning back to her pad.

“Really? This again?”

“It’s only fair.”

“Yes, I’m sure. But I’ve just spent the last thirty eight hours gutting out the old barn. I’ve got grit and dirt in places I didn’t even know I had and I would quite like a long soak in the tub!” Lezah grumbled.

Aisell sighed and got up. “Fine! I’ll check for you.”

Aisell marched down the hall and into the bathroom. She leaned over the bathtub and the two worn out little men below looked up, leaning on their mops.

“Hello pets. How’s the bath coming along?”

“Please Aisell!” Lerwin shouted.

“Master.” Aisell reminded and furrowed her brow.

Lerwin sighed. “Please master, we’re worn out. It’s too big.”

Aisell looked the bath up and down. They’d actually done a pretty good job apart from the bits towards the top they couldn’t quite get to. Lezah should be happy enough.

“Ten more minutes. Keep mopping. Then you can go to sleep in your tank.” Aisell said in as patronising a manner as she could muster.

“C’mon Aisell! This isn’t fair!” Rognar shouted. “Let us go!”

The Titaness smiled. “You just earned you and your friend another week! Enjoy boys!”

Aisell turned and left them to it and returned to Lezah who was half lying on the sofa. “They’re almost done. Should only be a few more minutes.”

“How long are you going to keep this up?”

Aisell shrugged. “I leave tomorrow night…I’ll probably bring them back then. But I don’t want them knowing that. Unless you want to keep them?”

“Nah. I’ve enough to do around here already without torturing them. Besides, Quendra could use more pickers.” Lezah said wearily, reaching down and slipping her socks off. “Ohhh my poor feet. These new boots are killing me.”

Aisell smiled slyly. “They look really red and sore. Smelly I suspect too?”

Lezah nodded. “They’ll probably blister.”

“You know what? You could use a foot rub. Not too hard. Nice and soft. Delicate. It’ll help you relax.”

Lezah smiled as she cottoned on to what her sister meant. “That’d be lovely.”

Aisell turned on her heel and walked back towards the bathroom.

“Oh boys!” she sang.


  1. Njord says:

    Was worried toward the end that this was going to branch off into a tiresome “poetic justice” extended punishment, a la the Omega universe or something like that. Thankfully we remained tonally consistent with some good old-fashioned community service (albeit with a fetishistic bent).

    • OpenHighHat says:

      No fetishistic bent whatsoever. The idea of going near sweaty feet of any scale sound like hell on Earth (and/or Archavia) to me.

  2. soatari says:

    I’d be surprised if the two are still good friends after this. What Rognar did was fairly despicable, and Lerwin spent the whole time trying to stop him. Sure, Lerwin could have spoken up and alerted Aisell, but he was trying to get out of there, rather than disturb the two titans.

  3. Nitestarr says:

    Lerwin got a raw deal….For punishment I think they should fight each other and the winner get to play hide and seek with Aisell and the looser… well plays hide the tomato with a giantess of his (mine) choice……

    Quendra is such a sourpuss..

  4. sketch says:

    Well that escalated quickly.

    Still kind of feel sorry Lerwin, we all are capable of making stupid decisions when we’re scared, but Luke makes a good point. (Though I will note just a couple years later that both Luke and Disa violating the privacy of her room agreement is considered notaproblem.)

    I was a bit concerned that we appeared to go from almost “the worst thing Nas ever did” into the “Lyroo treatment.” Completely sanctioned, and not one person raising a moral objection. In practice however, this looks more like spending the summer pulling weeds for the neighbor lady after you broke her lawn gnome. Afterall, pets don’t usually do chores.

    So it’s interesting that the tribe outsources punishment, incarceration duties to the sisters. As well that they’re comfortable enough that they can play around with the pet/master theme and not worry about damaging the mutal respect they have for each other’s personhood.

    • TheSilentOne says:

      As Quendra pointed out, had it happened to her, the punishment would likely have been death. (Hopefully not, but in a fit of rage you never know). I don’t really consider this outsourcing. The Maris family is, if not family, very close to the tribe, and since the wrong was against Aisell, Quendra let her deal with the punishment. They didn’t escape from punishment from the tribe either though. They were reassigned from hunting duty to the lower picking job for the rest of the solar year. Not sure what season it was, but probably 3 or more human years. As well, they weren’t allowed masks for that year. All in all, seems like they got a fair treatment.

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        It’s not the sort of statistic to be found in the Wiki but how many people has Quendra put to death? Not killed in combat or personally out of anger but actually given out a judicial death sentence? As angry as Aisell was she never lost control and if it had happened to Quendra she wouldn’t have lost control either so a death threat would be of little value as a deterrent beyond the guilty party.

        What Luke proposed, Aisell agreed to and Quendra decided was extremely humiliating, almost as much as the crime itself and most certainly sets precedent for a very real deterrent. In this case the victim was a Maris sister but it could be applied for any other victimized member of the tribe. Loona took note and while she did not comment, if asked she would probably note that Aisell was only the victim and prosecutor in this case where Lyroo was perpetrator, judge, jury, and jailer all in one.

        • faeriehunter says:

          I’m all but certain that at this point in time Quendra hasn’t put anyone to death. Quendra hasn’t been Leader for very long, and the Tribe used to be so small that a crime serious enough to warrant a death sentence was probably committed once a generation at most. I imagine that the punishment for such crimes was then determined by the Tribe as a whole, and it might not have taken the form of an execution. Banishment for example would have been tantamount to a death sentence.

        • D.X. Machina says:

          Let me put it this way: if Quendra thought that Aisell would actually give them the “Lyroo treatment,” she never would have turned them over to her; indeed, she would have broken the alliance long ago. This is to put the fear of the Great Spirit into them, and I suspect it will work.

          As for putting them to death — the Tribe has never been big enough, and never had people to waste. She wouldn’t have *really* killed them. Injured them? Maybe. But not killed.

          • Nitestarr says:

            Fear the great spirit? So they are Christianized? never understood that concept

          • Dann says:


            Christianity is not the only religion to worship a “great spirit”, who’s to say the tribe’s religion is not monotheistic? I’m sure I should know the answer to that…however just because “the great spirit” is mentioned, doesn’t really mean other great spirits are not also a part of their religion(s).

            I wouldn’t call them Christianized.

          • Nitestarr says:

            I was referring to a fear of a deity. Different religions have different takes on it, I understand. But to ‘fear’ one’s god is a concept I don’t understand. People who subscribe to this view live in fear (of violation) and behave accordingly. Its a sad way to live one’s life IMO..

            I think its a christian concept thats why I made that comment, although other religions may have similar views.

        • Ancient Relic says:

          “It’s not the sort of statistic to be found in the Wiki” Were we not dealing with someone as meticulous and enthusiastic as DX, I would agree with you.

      • sketch says:

        I don’t know. Between Luke, Darren, and Quendra’s feelings on the matter, it’s at least eyebrow raising that they keep a tank around at all.

        • Locutus of Boar says:

          For those rare occasions when they officially transport a tribe member with public knowledge (especially around Lyroo) they’d need possession of a travel case to keep her from trying anything. It’s not the sort of thing that any human on Archavia isn’t going to be seeing regularly. Qwendra probably wants the young members of the tribe that didn’t experience it firsthand in Nomad to get a look at one as a learning experience. Between Luke and Darren it’s safe to say no other titan in the empire has more nightmares about those things than does Aisell.

          • sketch says:

            Second epilogues of Exile and Nomad: Aisell walks out of Lyroo’s office with Quendra and Thrufrit in her pocket. And Lezah tells the leader it’s just a fine to have a human without a carrier, and she’d rather pay it than put them in one.

            Aisell trashed Darren’s tank. I imagine Luke’s got destroyed too rather than be kept as a reminder.

        • faeriehunter says:

          My guess is that the tank is the same one Luke was kept in after Aisell took him from Titan Station. After Luke’s apparent death it probably ended up in the attic.

    • Ancient Relic says:

      “both Luke and Disa violating the privacy of her room agreement is considered notaproblem” It could be that Luke and Disa weren’t watching Aisell have sex.

  5. Nostory says:

    These Titan words of the moment, are they something DX created from scratch or is it just Greek?

    • sketch says:

      Just noticed them, refresh. Pretty cool, refresh. I also wonder how they come up with them, refresh.

    • Northwest says:

      I’m sure some or even most of it’s from scratch, but the word for “mother” is apparently transcribed as “matar,” which is way too close to Indo-European languages to be a coincidence. (I mean, I know it’s common for entirely unrelated languages to have some version of “mama” and “papa” mean “mother” and “father,” but that’s only because those syllables are some of the simplest ones for babies to learn.)

      • Ancient Relic says:

        I’d say it’s an invented language heavily influenced by ancient Greek with some Slavic influence. In other words, an Indo-European Alien Language.

        • D.X. Machina says:

          Archavian is a Proto-Indo-European language. Indeed, in the Titan universe, Archavia is the Urheimat of P.I.E. In the real universe, I’ve been putting it together slowly but surely; it has a vocabulary of about 250 words so far.

          • Locutus of Boar says:

            The only real questions to ask of every so called point of origin is what came before, where and who did it come from and of course how and why did it come to be? Answering those questions about the Archavians and their language might prove interesting and important to the future course of events in the Titanverse.

          • Northwest says:

            Aside from the lexicon and alphabet, what else are you doing for Archavian, grammatically speaking? A nerd who minored in linguistics wants to know. Being related to PIE, I’d guess it’s a heavily inflected language, except there’s probably also been 1000s of years of linguistic evolution since it diverged from PIE proper (like English, to give an obvious example).

          • Ancient Relic says:

            I’ll be watching the wiki for updates as you figure it out. Some thoughts:

            1) It sounds like Archavian will be the ancestor of PIE. That would put it some time before 4000 BC. That would also mean that the grammar is something that can evolve into the Cowgill-Rix system and the potential archaisms in Anatolian, and that the words at that time would look like PIE words with laryngeals and ablaut and all that, unless they’re going to become later innovations.

            2) For the Greeks to pick up their alphabet from them, it would mean that there’s been Titan influence on Earth from the sixth millennium BC to the 9th century AD. I say that, because that’s when the Cyrillic letters we’ve seen were invented.

            3) This ancient language isn’t going to be the same at contemporary Archavian, though I imagine that Titan languages would change very slowly. From what has been revealed so far, I’m reading this as a very complicated Classical Archavian, with Standard Galactic Archavian as a simplified descendant. Kinda like the relationship between Homeric Greek and Koine Greek.

            This is starting to resemble what Tolkien’s legendarium might have been had he fully fleshed out all the stories in The Silmarillion. After two years, no less.

          • TheSilentOne says:

            @Ancient Relic Earth was freely open for Titans to visit from 7750 BC or earlier to 5475 BC, and partially open until 4800 BC

          • D.X. Machina says:

            I’ll probably do a full post on this at some point, but Standard Galactic Archavian, which is the lingua franca of the Empire, is a simplified amalgam of a number of Archavian dialects — not just Aementi Archavian and Tannhauseran Archavian, which were the two big ones, but a number of different dialects that cropped up throughout the Empire, making communication very difficult.

            Orthographically, Archavian is similar to Greek and Cyrillic, though not identical to either, and some letters map to different sounds (an Archavian z makes the sound of a Latin m, for example). The Greeks and Phoenicians borrowed from Archavian when they created their new Alphabets (it displaced Linear A, which was the dominant writing form at the time). There was not as much penetration of Archavian orthography in Asia, although Archavian numbers are the basis for modern Indian numerals, and are nearly identical to Gujarati numerals.

            As for grammar, I’m working on it; conjugation is done through ablauts as one might expect (Rixie runs, for example, is “Pιxi pαjα,” or “Rixæ raya.” Rixie ran is “Pιxi pijo,” or “Rixæ ræyo.”) The first vowel sound in a word is changed to reflect tense, the closing vowel is changed based on whether the subject is first-, second-, or third-person.

            Let’s see, what else — there’s no T-V distinction, because I’m an English-speaker and I don’t like it. 😛 Also, Archavian for “good day” is jojαt, or “yoyat,” and its short form — their version of “hi” — is simply jo, “yo.”

            And all this is happening because I get obsessed with little details and run with them, so…yeah.

        • Ancient Relic says:

          Yeah, I agree about the T-V distinction, though at the same time it would be handy to have 2sg and 2pl pronouns.

          Otherwise, sounds good. Making Greek and Cyrillic orthography similar but not identical would make it easier to deal with timeline issues with more recently developed letters. It’s like the Cherokee Syllabary, where you can see the English influence, but you can also see that it’s clearly not an exact copy.

          • D.X. Machina says:

            It also makes it easier to communicate via existing fonts that people on the internet can read. 😛

          • D.X. Machina says:

            No, just detail-oriented when it comes to stuff that doesn’t actually matter. 😛

  6. Nostory says:

    Heh, Aisell looked pretty scary in that picture but then any building sized person being mad at you would! Fun stuff!

  7. NightEye says:

    I actually disagree with the punishment.
    I’m with Quendra on this one : a broad punishment for both of them, plus an extra punishment for Rognar alone.

    While Lerwin did something wrong too, it is not nearly as bad nor ill-intentioned as what Rognar did.
    How is it fair that they get the exact same punishment ?

    • TheSilentOne says:

      In Lerwin’s case, it wasn’t what he did, but what he didn’t do. Protecting the tribe, in this case relations with the Maris family, should have superceded sticking up for a friend. Since he stuck with Rognar, he got the same treatment.

    • Ancient Relic says:

      I actually agree here. Lerwin did what he thought was required of him, and that should have been taken into account. Having said that, he could’ve saved a lot of trouble by announcing their presence right away. Had they not been pissed off at him, he might have been able to ask for help in finding the sarnai that got away. Instead, this.

  8. Kusanagi says:

    Probably the first time I was actively rooting against the humans in the entire series. Aisell finally gets some well deserved happy time and that happens.

    While I was sympathetic to Lerwin, Luke was 100% right. The two should be glad they aren’t dead.

    • Locutus of Boar says:

      A slightly humorous, mostly bittersweet story. The most important lesson Luke taught was collective responsibility of the team and the tribe. The most poignant moment: Aisell found it hard to get close to people.

    • TheDudeMeister says:

      They should be glad they aren’t dead? Why? I hope you mean they should be relieved they didn’t accidentally end up in a life threatening situation, and not that being a peeping Tom is grounds for the death penalty.

        • TheDudeMeister says:

          Sorry, took it a little too literally. I’m still a bit miffed at how severe the punishment the two are getting is. Doing the equivalent of community service? That’s fine, thought maybe telling them they’re temporarily pets is across the line. Being demoted for YEARS? Way across the line.

          • synp says:

            If you invade some woman’s home in order to watch her “in a state of undress”, you’d be going to jail for years and labeled a sex offender for life. That is in our society with our rather liberal justice system.

            They’re getting off easy because they are the size of her finger, so they were in no way menacing her.

          • OpenHighHat says:

            The way Quendra sees it, not respecting boundaries and stowing yourself away in Titan girl’s bedrooms are pet traits.

            Essentially the punishment is more like making them smoke the full pack of cigarettes after being caught with one.

  9. Peggy says:

    Awesome adventure! And oh, do they deserve it! Especially Rognar. But lerwin learns a valuable lesson as well. Hehehehehe.

    And Loona is funny. She is not a diligent journalist when it comes to her friends, is she? She misses all the important points they might cover up. Easy to fool, when one is a champion player… Aisell is sweet as usual. She makes me smile. And I love the opportunity to see Luke in action, even if just for a minute.

    Thank you for a great chapter…

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