Morning folks,
This isn’t a story post but a question from me. I’m proposing to hold an ask me anything session (spoilers excluded) on Friday evening at 2300 (GMT). That’s 1800 (EDT).
What I’m looking for in the comments below is feedback. I’m proposing to do it in the Titan chat. So if you think another time is best, a better venue or anything else post in the comments below.
I don’t think I can make it at that time so if you don’t mind I would like to ask a question that has been weighing on me for a while, right now…..being a Christian I was wondering if you guys were planing anything involving what ramifications earth meeting Titans would have on religion. Throughout many stories I get hints and guesses that you guys don’t exactly believe in God, which is fine I am not here to debate that, but I refuse to believe that even after140 years Of development religion is dead. Especially since it intertwines throughout many nations culture and history, so I believe it has a place in a series that has so much realism to it. The Titan NOVELS, and I say novels because these books have so much depth to them, so much realism, so many symbols of realistic problems in today’s society it is hard to believe, hard to even imagen even, that they got their start on what was essentially a fetish site. Even though I have followed you Guys since JS Wrote the first chapter……
But I’m getting off topic and. Rambling a bit more than I should. I guess that you could sum up my question simply with: “how are the religious practitioners of the earth going to be affected but the fact that earth is not alone in the universe, and tat one of our neighbors looks just like us?”
I think religion is a sensitive topic , no matter what the setting and given the fetish nature of this series( it did start that way) , it might be best not to focus on it too much. However there are references to the impact on religion, Contact mentions some people in India worshipping Rixie as an avatar of Kali.
it will be 1 AM in Europe Central Time. It’s late but I’ll try. Otherwise, can I ask if you already wrote Hybrid parts without throw them in paperbin after?lol
I had about 25,000 words. Of which I kept 5000. I’m back to about 20,000 but it’s coming much faster and better now.
I probably won’t be there since 1 in the morning in Europe is 9 in the morning in Singapore. Damn, would have loved to ask you a few questions.
Could I just ask you here and you answer it in the chat itself?
I posted a very early question. I’ll come and check when I have time on Saturday.
Pm me at city and I’ll answer that.
Ah thanks for that man! I got a contractor coming over so going online is out for the entire session!
Im afraid i wont be a able to annoy you guys with me presence, becouse i start a 9 hour shift at work at that time… Well around it at least, and i dont think that after it, at 3am i would be too useful in chat. Im hoping to read some interesting things after i wake up though
And well… Now we cant say there was no updates.
Sorry you can’t make it. I think D.X is planning one. JS might as well.
At time i finish my shift it would be after 9pm in EDT… if you would be still answering at such time, ill just login and ask while on my way to home.
Should be ending around 1.30am GMT. Hope i get a night bus soon
I agree about the chatroom here. If everyone else can make it, we could have quite the party.
Sounds good, but when you say spoilers how heavy would we be talking about? Don’t want to arrive at the chat at 6:30(edt) and have Hybrid spoiled for me.
I’m happy to discuss who is in it and when it is set but no actual details.
Nice idea !
As for the timing, 2300 GMT is 1 in the morning in continental Europe (for the countries which are on daylight saving time). That might be a bit late. But then again, on a Friday, that can work.
Move it back an hour, maybe? That would be perfect for me.
2300 UTC (GMT) is actually 1900 EDT. OHH, can you clearify which time is correct?
According to Google I an currently 5 hours ahead of the American eastern seaboard. We’re on summer time so that’s likely where the confusion is coming in.
If I push it forward an hour I could disadvantage our american friends. It’s late for me too as I’ve an early start on Saturday.
I’d like to include as many people as possible.
I just checked myself and you’re right. I’m in CDT and 6 hours behind London, so EDT (the next time zone) would be five hours behind. So, 2300 GMT is 1800 EDT and 1700 CDT.