Part 3 Wedding of the Century by Johnny Scribe

Rixie and Pryvani waited in the hangar bay of the compound as the Empress’s sleek state-of-the-art shuttle, as well as her three escort craft, floated through the bay doors and onto their assigned berths. There was a loud clicking sound as the mooring clamps engaged and, after a moment, the doors to the four shuttlecrafts hissed open.

Rajenlif was not the first to disembark. As per protocol, a squadron of elite guards in crisp military uniforms stepped in front of the royal shuttle and arrayed themselves in two rows that were both honor guard and protective shield.

Next to leave the shuttle was a stern looking woman with blonde hair. She carried her data pad and didn’t look up save to shoot Rixie a disapproving look.

But Rixie didn’t really have a chance to worry about that, as at that moment a tall woman with long brown hair and regal looking features appeared on the shuttle’s gangplank. She was dressed in a simple tunic and breeches, fit for travel, and a small silver circlet in her hair. She gazed about the landing bay with bright eyes and a smile on her face.

She was followed closely by a middle-aged man in a crisp military dress uniform and a woman a few years younger than the man who was dressed in a similar fashion as the elder woman. Bringing up the rear of the entourage was another woman in military garb, only this was the duty uniform of the Planetary Defense Corps. On her neck was a rank insignia of two silver stars, indicating she was an Induperator. Although it had been many years, Rixie recognized Reevah Tam right away. The other two were Prince Antero and Princess Vallero.

Despite herself, Rixie swallowed nervously. One member of the royal family being involved was insane enough, but now there were three.

Pryvani bowed in recognition of the members of the royal family and Rixie stiffly followed suit. Empress Rajenlif inclined her head briefly in response to the gesture and the Titans stood again.

“Your Majesty, your Graces! Welcome to Tayas Mons and to Avalon. We are so pleased to have you arrive safely.” Pryvani, as host, stepped forward to clasp wrists with the monarch, before the older woman pulled her longtime friend into a tight embrace.

“I am so happy to finally have a chance to visit the newest province of our Empire.” Vallero said, smiling. Behind her, the sour faced assistant sniffed disdainfully, but everyone else chose to ignore her. “I’m hoping that we can squeeze in some time for me to visit and explore Atlantis?”

Pryvani’s smile widened. “Of course! I’ve taken the liberty of asking President Haerst if she could escort your highnesses on a tour of Atlantis.”

“Something for us to look forward to.” Rajenlif nodded, before turning to face Rixie. “And Imperator Tam! First let me congratulate you on your engagement.”

“Thank you, your majesty.” Rixie said, smiling. “Alex wanted to be here, but unfortunately there was a minor emergency at the restaurant that he had to handle personally.”

“Not to worry, Imperator.” Rajenlif replied. “I’ll see him soon enough, I’m sure. For now you and I will have enough to discuss concerning your wedding.”

“Fantastic.” Pryvani interjected smoothly. “Now, in the meantime, would your highnesses like a chance to refresh yourselves after your journey?”

“That sounds lovely, Senator.” Rajenlif sighed. “I would ask that you and Rixie accompany us.”

Rixie blinked. “O…of course, your majesty.”

“Don’t look so nervous, Imperator Tam.” The Empress said mischievously. “I won’t bite, I promise.”

Pryvani smiled. “Now, I’ve made arrangements for your entourage to stay aboard Valhalla platform, if that suits you.”

“It does.” Rajenlif nodded. “Ms. Bjalki and Induperator Tam will remain with us.”

“Of course.” Pryvani demurred.

The severe looking woman narrowed her eyes before turning around to issue orders to the honor guard that had landed with the Royal shuttle.

Soon enough, the honor guard returned to their shuttles and only Rixie, Pryvani, the royal family members, Reevah Tam and Aud Bjalki remained in the room.

“Shall we retire to the quarters I’ve prepared for you?” Pryvani asked, leading the way from the shuttle bay.

“Pryvani, before I forget I wanted to ask you about that second station orbiting this moon.” Antero asked, stepping forward to walk next to the much shorter woman.

“Ah yes.” The heiress chuckled. “That’s a little project I commissioned in anticipation of the passage of the Zeramblin Act. I call it Folkvangr. While the main purpose for Valhalla is mostly for shipping the minerals and other goods procured from the system as well as acting as traffic control, Folkvangr is going to be more of a hotel for those Titans that will inevitably want to visit Avalon. Because, while I certainly don’t object to hosting your highnesses, I really would rather not have my home invaded by every family of four wanting to tour the human cities. And Avalon will want to encourage people from other parts of the Empire to visit.”

“Alex is already training his staff on how to prepare some Archavian dishes. He’s also wracking his brain trying to figure out the best way of scaling up Earth food for Titan consumption.”

“Interesting.” Rajenlif nodded. “So it will have some of the holosuites you use here?”

“Naturally.” Rixie added, matching her stride to the Empress’s. “The engineers at Tremarla Lumodynamics have been very helpful in that regard. We want people from all over the Empire to be able to experience Atlantis.”

“This must be the new construction that Daz was talking about.” Vallero giggled. “She was speaking with Rhionne the other day about an ‘exciting new opportunity’ for Imperial Jewel.”

Pryvani nodded. “Yes, her company was one of four Archavian hotels that the Avalonians contracted with to build on Folkvangr, as well as five companies from Earth to build in Atlantis and other major Avalon cities. Ah here we are.”

Pryvani placed her hand on the access panel and the door opened in front of them. Inside was the grandest suite of rooms that Pryvani had available for guests.

“I love this view.” Vallero commented as she looked out onto the landscape of Avalon.

“These accommodations will suit us very nicely.” Rajenlif said. She turned and inclined her head towards the sitting room just off the entry way. “There are many things I need to discuss with you, shall we have a drink?”


“Are you sure this is a good idea, Dad?”

Alex looked over his shoulder at his son whose expression said that he was very dubious about the course of action his father was about to take. He was standing on Rixie’s desk in her office. Next to him was his daughter’s pet Tuppskemah Watermelon. Ryan was also standing on the desk, and Thyllia was standing just beyond the edge of the desk, shifting her weight nervously between her feet.

The emergency at his restaurant had, as usual, turned out to not be nearly as much of an emergency as his shift manager had made it out to be. Alex had solved the problem easily and left the restaurant, muttering about employees who were apparently incapable of solving a simple problem without his explicit say-so.

“Would you rather I tried to tame a two-hundred foot tall dragon-deer?” Alex asked pointedly.

Ryan sighed and shook his head. “Well, no but…” He pointed at the rather large rodent that his father was walking towards. “You’ve never tried to saddle a Tuppskemah before, despite telling Mom on several occasions that you were determined to fly on Rainbow.”

“For the record, I’m rather glad you never got around to it.” Thyllia said from above them. She was also rather unsure any of this was a good idea.

“Yes, well, Watermelon here is much more suited to being ridden.” Alex told them both confidently.

“And you’re basing this on what, exactly?” Ryan sighed. He was thankful that his little sister was not here to witness their father killing himself by trying to ride her pet.

“Er… things.” Alex muttered vaguely. “Don’t worry, I got this.”

“Famous last words.” Ryan muttered.

“I’ve already got him into the saddle.” Alex said confidently, stroking the top of the animal’s head. “And just look at him! He’s completely content.”

This much was true. Watermelon had barely acknowledge the harness even as Alex had strapped him into it. At that moment the small rodent was munching contentedly on the fat leaves that were his main diet.

Ryan swallowed nervously. “Come on Pop, what if you fall?” he asked nervously.

“No problem. It’s going to be Archavian G’s;” Alex assured them as he pulled himself up the harness and into the saddle on Watermelon’s back. “And really I won’t be much higher than the top of your mother’s head, so nothing I haven’t survived before.”

Thyllia bit her lip. Her instincts were screaming at her to snatch the small man from the danger he was putting himself in and hold him tight in her hands to keep him safe. Instead, she tried to convince him to stop. “But Alex, what-”

“Oh come on!” Alex said while jerking the reigns and urging his mount towards the wall where it began to climb up the vertical surface. “It’s a Jotunn wedding! What’s more appropriate than me flying in on an animal that’s native to Jotunn territory?!”

“But…” Ryan interjected helplessly. “What if you get hurt? Just stop and think for a moment!”

“Too late!” Alex crowed, hanging on as Watermelon climbed higher and higher. “This is happening.”

Alex was aiming for a high shelf which he intended to use as a launching pad. After a few moments, Watermelon scrabbled onto the horizontal platform. Alex tugged again to turn him back around. He took a moment to look out over the vast landscape that was his and Rixie’s apartment before gently urging the animal underneath him forward.

“Oh… I don’t think I can watch.” Thyllia muttered nervously.

“You’re going to have to.” Ryan responded. “You’re the only one with a shot at catching him if he falls.”

“Okay.” Alex muttered before taking a deep breath. “Here goes nothing.” He flicked the reigns in his hand and urged the animal underneath him forward. Watermelon, somewhat reluctantly, stepped forward to the edge of the shelf. The two of them teetered on the edge of the abyss for a tense moment, before the tuppskemah leaped from the shelf and out into the empty air.

Alex’s stomach lurched uncomfortably as he and his mount seemed to freefall for a second that lasted for an eternity. Then, with a sound that sounded halfway between a chirp and a growl Watermelon unfurled the membranous folds of skin between his legs and glided across the room.

Alex let out the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. They were flying! Well, okay, they were gliding but at the moment it was much the same thing. After his heartrate slowed down, Alex let out a triumphant laugh.

“I told you I could do it!” He called down to Ryan and Thyllia.

“Emperor’s beard that scared the life out of me.” Thyllia muttered, rubbing her forehead. “I thought for sure he was going to fly right out of that harness.”

“Yeah.” Ryan replied, shaking his head with an incredulous smile on his face. Sure, he’d been terrified his old man was about to hurt himself, but the larger part of him was cheering his father on and more than happy to see Alex’s little stunt succeed.

“See? There’s nothing to it!” Alex called down to them. He pulled up on the reigns and Watermelon banked sharply to turn towards the table that Alex had been aiming at as a landing platform. Unfortunately, the tuppskemah banked sharper than Alex had anticipated and he found himself sliding free from his harness and plummeting into empty air.

“Alex!” Thyllia yelled. She rushed forward with her hands outstretched to attempt to catch the falling human.


“So I understand you had some misgivings about having a wedding ceremony in keeping with your heritage.”

Empress Rajenlif watched the younger woman in front of her with interest, noting the way Rixie avoided eye contact with her.

The two of them were in a small parlor room, having left Pryvani and the younger royals in the sitting room to have a private conversation.

“A little.” Rixie sighed. “It’s not that I don’t want to participate in Jotunn culture. I’ve been trying with various amounts of success to do so for my entire life.” She added, absentmindedly twining one of her braids in between her fingers.

“I can see that.” Rajenlif smiled sympathetically. “So what’s the problem?”

“I don’t… I don’t have a clan.” Rixie muttered, turning to stare out the window they were standing beside.

“That’s true.” Rajenlif agreed, resting her arms on the windowsill and leaning forward. “And I’d like to help remedy that situation.”

Rixie turned slowly to look into Rajenlif’s eyes. The Empress was almost as tall as Rixie herself. “Your majesty… what are you saying?”

“I’m saying I want to bring you into my clan.” Rajenlif said calmly.

Rixie blinked, certain that she’d misheard. “Clan Throden? Your majesty I’m honored… but…”

“Imperator, can we dispense with the titles for the moment? I’d like for us to have a conversation as just two normal people.”

“Of course your majesty…” Rixie muttered automatically, her mind still dealing with the shock of the empress’s earlier comment.

“Rixie…” Rajenlif chuckled sympathetically.

“I mean of course Rajenlif.” Rixie mumbled, embarrassed. “But, to get back to what I was saying, I’m honored by your offer but I… I can’t…”

“Of course you can.” Rajenlif said in a matter of fact tone of voice. “I’m the head of the clan, I get to decide if anybody from the outside is admitted, and for what reason. And Rixie… I would be honored to have you join my clan.”

Rixie swallowed the lump that had suddenly appeared in her throat and she found it difficult to speak. She felt a rush of emotion well up in her that she didn’t entirely understand. Before she could fully process what was happening, she lunged forward and pulled the empress into a tight embrace.

The haze lasted for two seconds before Rixie came back to herself and realized what she’d done. Mortified by her own behavior, she started to pull away when, much to Rixie’s surprise, the empress wrapped her arms around Rixie’s shoulders as well.

After another moment, Rixie pulled away and the empress disengaged herself.

“I’m… I’m sorry…” Rixie said, embarrassed. “I’m not really sure what came over me there.”

Rajenlif smiled in an understanding way. “Not at all, my dear.”

“I… I just… I can’t say how honored I am that…”

“I know.” Rajenlif placed her hand on Rixie’s shoulders. “Now, my assistant will be very upset at me if I don’t point out that your admittance into the Throden clan is honorary only.”

“No, I… I assumed as much.” Rixie nodded.

“You aren’t in the succession line.” Rajenlif recited in a perfunctory manner. “And you aren’t entitled in any way to dictate the manner in which the clan conducts its business.”

“No, I understand.” Rixie chuckled. “I would be honored to be an honorary member of your clan.”

“Excellent!” Rajenlif’s smile widened into a grin. “Now that that is neatly taken care of, we can get down to our business.”


Thyllia’s heart hammered in her chest as she dove forward, arms outstretched, to try and catch Alex’s flailing form which was plummeting through empty air. Her eyes never left Alex’s body as she tried to dive underneath him. Even if she couldn’t catch him, perhaps she could attempt to cushion his fall.

Then, much to her shock, Alex righted himself in the air. There was a sharp snapping sound and flaps of cloth suddenly opened along his arms and between his legs. As Thyllia watched, eyes wide and mouth hanging open from shock, Alex lazily glided from the open air and towards the table that he’d been originally aiming for. Watermelon was already there, idly munching on the pile of leaves they’d left there as bait.

Alex’s landing was a little less graceful than he would have cared for, having misjudged the distance to the ground and lowered his legs a little soon. Fortunately, that had only resulted in a little bruising rather than a broken bone, or you know, death.

“What the hell was that?!” Thyllia demanded and she climbed back from the floor where she’d hurled herself in an apparently foolish attempt to save her boyfriend’s father.

“I borrowed an emergency glide suit from the Jacks.” Alex explained calmly, as if it should have been obvious. “What, you didn’t think I was going to try this without some sort of failsafe, did you?”

“You could have informed us you had that, Dad!” Ryan yelled peevishly from across the room.

“Yeah!” Thyllia agreed. “You just about gave me a heart attack there!”

“What?” Alex chuckled. “And miss seeing the look on your faces right now?”

Thyllia frowned and crossed her arms over her chest.

“All right.” Alex conceded raising his hands in defeat. “I’m sorry I scared you.”

Thyllia tried to hold on to her anger, but after a moment she sighed and shook her head ruefully.

“You’re just lucky I can’t stay mad at you for very long.” She muttered, lowering her hand for Alex to climb into.

“That’s pretty much the only reason Rixie hasn’t chucked me out of a window.” Alex laughed, climbing into Thyllia’s palm.

Thyllia rolled her eyes and raised Alex up so she could kiss the top of his head, relieved that he hadn’t hurt himself. “Still, you did scare me, so as punishment you have to make a dessert for me.”

“That’s fair.” Alex admitted as Thyllia crossed the room and plucked Ryan into her other hand. “Whatever you like, kiddo.”



  1. Diet says:

    Such a great story!

    I enjoyed the rush of emotion from Rixie at becoming an honorary member of the Empress’ clan. The orphan has found a home among her people at last. She’s certainly in for a shock seeing Alex gliding in on a Tuppskemah during her wedding.

    • Soatari says:

      If it is held at scale, all the titans are going to be in shock for seeing such a small creature at such a huge size.

  2. sketch says:

    I think we’ll need a ruling if substituting Watermelon for Rainbow counts as fulfilling his pledge. Either way, it’s almost as much fun to see him scare the kids as it is to see the empress cause Rixie to squirm a little. And I’m guessing that sour faced assistant is getting set straight at some point in the story, which will be fun to watch.

  3. Kusanagi says:

    It only took over a human century but Alex finally gets to fly err glide! Really needed this type of fluff after the last few Hybrid/Background chatter chapters.

    Only regret is no Rhinnone, Daz, or Pierce, even if they’re mentioned. I feel they’re the only main characters we haven’t seen post contact.

  4. NightEye says:

    Some fluff is what the doctor ordered 😀

    “Yes, her company was one of four Archavian hotels that the Avalonians contracted with to build on Folkvangr, as well as five companies from Earth to build in Atlantis and other major Avalon cities.”

    So, again, there IS trade between Earth and the Empire, and not just states to state but private companies too.
    So again, the information blackout on Earth is… Just saying (again).

    • Soatari says:

      Is literally a case of “eyes closed and fingers in their ears”. When have corporations ever let distasteful practices get in the way of profits.

        • Barrowman says:

          That’s right. They’re a strange versatile interesting group. Never would all of them thought their lives would be this exciting and good. I like it how size doens’t matter to them and they chose happiness instead of what society thinks of them. The holograms are super useful. Now they can party with eachother and nobody can tell if someone is human or titan.
          The writers created an interesting universe where they can add endless stories too. There are so many funny/akward situations possible with humans and titans.
          I would be wonderfull if many titans/hybrids would buy land and houses on Earth. Pryvani most own a quarter of the planet Earth by now. 😉

          • Diet says:


            I so agree with you in saying Humans, Titans, and Hybrids should attempt live near each other. While it would be complicated to work out how and where they could live, it would go a long way towards ending mistrust between the groups. It would also allow humans to get used to the incredible size of the average Titan or Hybrid. I mean, I read these stories, I try to imagine how big Titan’s are, but were I to see one actually, it’d be quite a shock.

            Course, I also agree with you that the Titan’s and Humans on Avalon have worked out an arrangement which allows them to live together having mutual respect for each other.

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