Part 7: The Reception Wedding of the Century by Johnny Scribe

Folkvangr Station’s reception hall was loud with the raucous laughter and conversations of Rixie and Alex’s wedding guests. Long tables of food lined either side of the hall, filled with Earth and Archavian dishes. (Each table being color-coded so the guests could know which food was real and which was holographic.)

The bride and groom were at the large table in the front of the room. At their table sat Ryan and Thyllia; Emily and her family; and Lemm and Asteria.

“I must say I never realized how big Titans were,” Alex’s niece Katniss said. “I mean, I hope you all don’t take this the wrong way; I don’t mean to offend. It’s just, you read about how tall Titans are and it doesn’t sound that big, but… well, seeing you move around is… it takes a bit of getting used to.”

“Believe me, I understand.” Thyllia smiled gently. “I’ve been through a hologram simulation of the size difference, and actually experiencing a giant walking around is like nothing you expect.”

“And we were at shoulder height.” Jordan added. “I can’t imagine what it would be like from the ground.”

“I can show you, if you like.” Rixie replied with a smile.

Jordan’s fork paused halfway to his mouth. “You know, I might just take you up on that…”

“Oh Alex…” Emily interjected with a smirk. “When did you change your middle name?”

Alex swallowed the bite of food in his mouth abruptly and fell into a coughing fit. “I don’t know what you mean…” He muttered evasively when he’d regained his voice.

“Oh no…” Emily’s voice dripped sweetness. “I’m pretty positive I heard the Empress call you ‘Alexander Edward’.”

Rixie turned towards her husband. “Your middle name isn’t Edward?”

“Em… don’t…” Alex muttered helplessly.

“No wait…” Rixie said, turning towards her new sister-in-law. “What’s his middle name?”

“Oh well, his real middle name…” Emily said, grinning.

“Em no!”

“Is Elizabeth.”

The table was dead silent, save for Alex’s palm smacking into his forehead.

“Elizabeth, huh?” Rixie smiled slyly. “Now whyever would you want to change that?”

Alex groaned but didn’t reply.

“I don’t understand, what’s so bad about that?” Thyllia asked Ryan quietly.

“Tell you later.” Ryan replied while keeping his eyes glued to his parents.

“Look… There was some family drama on Dad’s side. Some promise made to a relative and well… long story short I got saddled with Elizabeth for a middle name.”

“Interesting…” Rixie purred. Her amusement was written all over her face. “I’ll have to get the full story from you later.”

Lemm, who had been silent up to this point, turned towards Rixie with a sardonic smile dancing on her lips. “You know… I’m not sure you really have the grounds to make fun of his name… Phaelarix.”

And instantly all the color drained from Rixie’s face. “Lemm… you swore you’d never…”

“I did no such thing.” Lemm responded. She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back in her seat, obviously pleased with the shocked look on Rixie’s face.

“Phaela… what?” Alex’s brow creased as he took in the unfamiliar name.

Rixie sighed and rubbed her forehead. “That was the name the Hoplites gave me after I was brought to them. It’s an old Ankelan word. Means, I don’t know, prosperity or good conduct or something. The point is I hated it so I shortened it to Rixie.”

“She tried to go by ‘Phaela’ when we were younger, but it turns out that’s a nice little bit of profanity in Korafian.” Lemm added helpfully as she took a sip of her drink.

“Thank you Lemm.” Rixie muttered. “Yes, okay. I went through a couple identities before finally settling on Rixie. Which, as it turns out, is actually a Jotunn name. So, to be perfectly honest, it’s the name I should have had to begin with.”

Those at the table fell into an awkward silence.

“I like Rixie better anyway.” Alex said quietly, placing his hand over his wife’s.

“And Elizabeth is a perfectly nice name.” Rixie replied smiling. “But so is Edward.”

“So where are you going on your honeymoon?” Julia asked to try and change the subject.

“We haven’t decided.” Rixie replied, smiling. Pryvani has helpfully suggested a number of locations. Mostly to places where she has a vacation home we can use. Or have. She wasn’t specific…”

Alex chuckled. “We might just spend some time on Archavia. Other than business trips, I haven’t really seen a lot of the planet. Especially now that I can go there as a real person.”

“So, short answer, we haven’t a clue.” Rixie said. “Frankly, we’ve been too busy to really think about it.”

“Well, let me know if you want any concert tickets or anything.” Thyllia said with a wink. “I know a guy.”


Tiernan was glad that the novelty of being in the same room as the Emperor had begun to wear off for most of the other guests. He had spent the first few hours of the reception being pulled into a number of conversations by people who had something that “absolutely required his attention.”

But now, everybody who was bold enough to approach him in such a manner already had done so. So Tiernan had a rare moment to sit and watch his fellow guests.

His thoughts were interrupted as Rajenlif approached where he sat and held a glass of pale pink liquid out to him.

“Thank you.” Emperor Tiernan took the drink that his wife offered him with a smile. “What is it?”

Rajenlif lowered herself into the chair across from him and sipped from her own drink. “It’s a watermelon wine that is produced on Avalon. It used to be somewhat rare, humans tending to prefer to use grapes, but they ramped up their production when they realized that we Titans had a taste for the stuff.”

Tiernan grinned. “Well, they have a point. Remind me to order a case of it before we leave.”

The two of them fell into a companionable silence as they watched their children-and their children’s spouses- conversing at a table across the room.

“You did very well today.” Tiernan told his wife.

“Thank you.” Rajenlif replied. “It was nice to perform the ceremony again. I haven’t done it since Antero was married. Felt a bit out of practice, really.”

“Not at all.” Tiernan demurred. “Although I will admit I was a bit… distracted.”

Rajenlif turned towards her husband with a curious expression on her face. “And what was so distracting?”

“You.” Tiernan grinned. “I’ve never seen what a Titan looks like to a human, let alone what you look like to a human. I must say, being fifty units tall suits you.”

Rajenlif snorted in amusement. “Are you saying we may need to upgrade the holosuite at the palace?”

“Perhaps…” Tiernan shrugged. “I daresay we will be interacting with humans much more from now on.”

The Empress rolled her eyes and smiled sardonically. “Oh yes and I’m sure that’s the only reason.”

Tiernan didn’t say anything. He merely raised his glass to his wife and took another sip of his wine.


The group at the big table in the corner knew they were running a risk, meeting freely out in the open the way they were. It wouldn’t take much for someone to get suspicious that so many people who seemingly didn’t know each other that well were all sitting at a single table and socializing freely as if they were all old friends.

Of course, some at the table had known others for years. Still more had known some for years, without even realizing it.

“I tell ya Surfer Boy I still can’t believe that for all these years I never knew it was you under that creepy skull mask.” Darren Xanthopolous grumbled while idly playing with the empty bottle of beer on the table in front of him.

Taron chuckled and took a sip of his drink. “I’m sorry. I just find the secret so entertaining.”

“If it makes you feel any better, I only found out because Brinn let it slip before they left for the tournament in 2105,” Rixie grinned.

“She apologized for hours after that happened.” Taron shook his head. “Like I’d be upset you knew.”

“You’re lucky I didn’t know after that cheap trick you pulled in the quarter finals of 2118!” Leny grumbled crossing her arms over her chest. “Using gravitics to create an artificial whirlpool in the middle of my armada! I couldn’t believe it.”

“Still sore about that, huh?” Taron laughed. “And it’s more like you couldn’t believe it never occurred to you to do the same.”

Leny glowered. “That too.”

Aisell giggled. “Then I guess that I should say thank you to you, Taron. That loss knocked Dibilique out of the running and let me nab my second championship.”

“What are friends for?” Taron saluted mockingly. “Although, you could have thought of a better way to thank me than trouncing me three to one the next round!”

Aisell only smiled serenely and shrugged.

“Ah you kids don’t know how good you had it.” An older gentleman sitting at the head of the table grumbled, though the twinkle in his eye betrayed his own amusement. “Back in my day-”

“Oh here we go.” Rixie sighed snarkily. “Grandpa’s telling stories.”

Back in my day,” Teustus Zyn continued over his former subordinate. “The simulation software wasn’t nearly sophisticated enough for those kinds of outlandish tactics. We had to rely on innovative troop placement and weapon usage to outsmart our opponents.”

Rixie made mocking snoring noises.

“You guys are just a press conference waiting to happen, aren’t you?” A voice said from behind Rixie. She turned around to look and found a quiet unassuming woman standing behind her.

The woman was dressed in a light blue wrap which offset her orange colored eyes. Her brown hair was cut short which brought attention to the multiple piercings in her right ear. She was a short and slender woman.

“Myrgenn” Rixie’s smile widened and she pushed out the chair across from her. “Sit, please. We’re just swapping war stories.”

“Well well.” Leny grinned. “Myrgenn Tankarth, the elusive Spirit herself. Glad you could join us.”

Myrgenn, also known as three-time champion Spirit, lowered herself into the offered chair and set her drink on the table in front of her.

“You’ve been kind of scarce lately.” Aisell observed. “You didn’t even play in the Champion’s Tournament.”

“To be honest, I’d lost a lot of the spark I once had for Tol-bot, and…”Spirit shrugged. “I don’t know… I decided to take a few years away from the game, to see if I could get my passion back.”

Taron cleared his throat. “And did you?”

“Possibly.” Spirit smiled mysteriously. “I’ve taken on a protégé.”

More than one person at the table leaned forward with interest. It wasn’t unusual for a tol-bot player, especially one as decorated as they were, to take on a student or two.

“Who?” Leny asked, her eyes narrowing.

Myrgenn chuckled and shook her head. “Now where would the fun be in telling?” She paused to sip at the drink in her hand. “I will say that they’re someone you all know. …Or at least know of.”

The rest of the players glanced at each other, as if trying to assess whether any of them knew anything else. They all knew better than to keep pestering Spirit for answers. Every tol-bot player had their secrets.

“Well I guess we’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?” Darren muttered as he reached into his pocket. A moment later he plunked a battered deck of cards onto the table.

“Any of y’all want to play some poker?”


“I here Victor graduated the academy.” Molly Olson said to Brinn as she paged through the other woman’s picture file on her data pad.

“He will soon.” Brinn said with a smile. “He’s just finishing up the last little formalities before the actual graduation starts. But, he’ll be finishing at third in his class.”

“Pretty amazing.” Molly smiled warmly and handed Brinn her data pad back.

The two of them, along with Sophia and Zara were sitting at a table together humble-bragging about their kids. Molly was graciously losing, but only because she was outnumbered and they had more kids to brag about.

“I hear Lilly is pretty close to graduating too.” Zara observed. “Does she have any idea what she wants to do?”

“Oh ever since the Zeramblin Act passed, Lilly has her mind set on visiting California to see where Charlotte and I used to live.” Molly sighed exasperatedly. “I can’t say I blame her of course. I mean I wanted to go off and explore the world too, when I was her age. Or, her physical age anyway.”

“Do you ever miss it?”

Molly’s brow furrowed at the question and she turned towards Sophia curiously. “Miss what?”

Sophia shrugged and smiled. “The lavish Hollywood parties. Hanging around celebrities, riding in limos, drinking champagne…”

Molly laughed and shook her head. “Honestly? That almost never happened to Charlotte and me. That party we were at with Sam right before we were taken from Earth; that was our second so-called ‘big party.’ And really, we only got in because the bouncer was a sucker for a couple of pretty… faces.”

“Doesn’t matter what species they are…” Zara giggled.

“But really, our day to day life was mostly auditioning and scraping by on whatever money we could get during the week. Life with the tribe is simple, but I like it.”

Zara nodded.

“Besides,” Molly continued with a grin. “If I ever miss it, I can just go visit Charlotte and hang around with her for a while.”

“I don’t know how she can stand it.” Brinn sighed. “I watch the photographers and journalists hounding Pryvani and… well, I mean having that much money is nice I’m sure, but she sure pays a price for it.”

“Oh it’s not all bad, darling.” Came a voice from behind them, a moment later Pryvani pulled out a chair and sat down beside Sophia. “I actually don’t notice them much anymore. Of course, I’m not the wild party girl I was in my youth.” The heiress said with a twinkle in her eye.

“I don’t know…” Sophia cast an appraising eye over Pryvani. “I’m sure you still have a wild side in there somewhere.”

Pryvani’s only response was a wink. Then she turned to Molly.

“It’s nice to see you, my dear.” She said warmly. “I trust all is well with Maris farms and the Tribe?”

“Better.” Molly replied. “There’s a rumor going around that the council is debating whether to expand or not.”

Pryvani’s eyebrow raised. “That sounds wonderful, but I feel like there’s something you’re not saying.”

The red haired human laughed. “That would be because there is something I’m not saying. What I’m not saying is that the land they’re considering purchasing to make this expansion is the old Prenn ranch.”

Brinn’s eyes widened. “Well.” The doctor muttered. “That certainly would be… poetic…”

“That’s one way of putting it, yeah.” Molly smirked and took a sip of her drink.

“Good for them.” Zara said emphatically. “Lyroo Prenn may have been doing what she thought was right, but that father of hers deserved every stroke of bad luck that he got. I hope the tribe plants a hundred bushes all over his ranch.”

“Well, nothing’s been decided, yet.” Molly shrugged. “But I’d be surprised if the council didn’t decide to do so. We have the funds available.”

“Have their Elder Business person drop me a line.” Pryvani said as she finished her drink. “I have some connections that might help them get a better deal.”

“Well I never would have guessed.” Zara deadpanned.


“It was a nice ceremony.” Charlotte Cassano said to Sam Rodriguez as they sat at the bar, sipping idly on illuminated glasses of glowberry brandy.

“Hm.” Sam nodded.

Charlotte laughed and nudged him playfully. “Oh stop it. I haven’t gone all starry eyed over weddings and I’m not about to start hounding you for a ring. So just relax, okay?”

Sam chuckled and took another sip of his drink. “Good. We don’t have time to plan a big wedding anyway, we both got principle shoots coming up in a few weeks.”

“Oh god, don’t I know it.” Charlotte sighed. “My agent has just been going nuts now that I have the prospect of getting paid by someone other than Pryvani, which of course means more commission opportunities for her. I mean I’m happy for the work, but it’s exhausting.”

Sam was about to respond when he heard the tapping of a pair of heels as someone walked up behind him.

“Hey there, movie star.”

The actor groaned inwardly. He had been hoping that, since this night was not about him, he could avoid dealing with fans. He turned in his chair, fake movie star smile already plastered on his face and ready to deal with his admirer as quickly as possible.

He hadn’t expected to see a ghost from his past.


She grinned down at him. They’d spoken several times over the years, and had often sent each other letters to keep the other informed of their lives, but this was the first time they’d actually been in the same room together in a very long time. Longer than either of them cared to admit.

“Surprised to see me?” Renna asked cheekily.

“Well, in a way, no.” Sam laughed. “I mean you’re the face of Alex’s business, it’s not surprising you got an invitation.”

“Well I couldn’t resist the chance to come see you, either.” Renna gushed. “And plus I finally get to meet Charlotte.”

“Very nice to meet you too, Renna.” Charlotte’s smile was dazzling as she shook Renna’s hand. “Sam has told me all about you, of course, and what you did for him.”

Renna bit her lip. “Oh well, I only did what any decent person would have. The most I risked was a really awful job…”

“I think you underestimate how important having a Titan who is willing to stick their neck out for you can be to humans like us.” Charlotte said gently.

The Titan blushed and shrugged, suddenly at a loss for words.

“Well,” Charlotte said rising to her feet. “How about if I give the two of you a chance to catch up?”

Renna backed up a step and shook her head. “Oh no, I didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation!”

“Nonsense,” Charlotte turned and offered her seat to Renna. “I actually just saw someone I really should go say ‘hi’ to. Sit, please! You two haven’t seen each other in years!”

Renna smiled and slid into the chair. Charlotte plucked her drink from the bar and gave Renna’s shoulder a friendly squeeze before disappearing into the crowd of guests.

“So I suppose Alex has you pretty busy, huh?” Sam asked after signaling the bartender to bring a refill and a drink for Renna.

“Yeah.” Renna grinned. “I knew after the first time I tasted some of his food in Oldtown that he had something amazing, but even I never pictured it would turn out like it has. I’m just glad that he and Pryvani were willing to give me a shot.”

“You earned it.” Sam said firmly. “All they did was put you on the path. The same way Pryvani did for me.”

Renna smiled and nodded.

“Are they putting a Rixie’s here on the station?” Sam asked.

“Of course.” Renna chuckled. “I may even run it myself.”

Sam took a sip of his drink and turned to his old friend curiously. “Are you thinking of retiring?”

“No.” Renna shook her head. “Now that Alex can run things himself, there won’t be as much need for me to be a ‘face’ for the company. I can step back and take on duties more in keeping of a vice president. Plus, there’s talk about the Empire terraforming Herakleos III for Titan habitation. Which means the first residential zones will probably be going down in about fifteen or twenty years, when I am ready to retire. I’d like to be able to get in at the start of that, and then ring off a pretty piece of land to build a home on.”

“That sounds nice.” Sam said.

“What about you, Sam?” Renna asked, leaning her chin against her palm. “What’s your plan?”

“I am going to keep making movies until either I can’t move or they stop hiring me.”

“I expected nothing less.” Renna grinned, before finishing her drink.


“Hey do you want to dance?”

Vanser Nix looked up at the question and found himself gazing into a pair of brown eyes that were very familiar. He smiled wryly at his ex-wife and took a sip of his drink, more to give himself a chance to formulate a response than because of any actual thirst.

“Sam won’t be jealous?”

“No. And even if he were, he’s not dumb enough to pick a fight with a man over a hundred feet taller than he is. And I know Leny won’t have a problem with it because, well, that was part of the deal.”

“I’m glad I wasn’t present for those negotiations,” Vanser replied wryly. “I hope you got a good price for me, at least.”

“Two head of cattle and your second born daughter.” Charlotte laughed and held her hand out to him. “Where is your wife anyway?”

Vanser smiled and took her hand, pulling himself to his feet. “She ditched me to go hang out with the tol-bot Hall of Fame over there.”

“Ah, you poor baby.” Charlotte teased. “I’ll keep you company then.” She led him out onto the dance floor, where many couples were carefully swaying to the soft music. There was a brief awkward moment as the two of them fumbled with how close to get to each other, before Charlotte just decided to lay her head on his chest and pull herself in tight against him.

She couldn’t hear his heartbeat, the holograms weren’t quite sophisticated enough for that; but she felt the rise and fall of his chest and there was a very small ache of familiarity. The two of them danced together in silence for several minutes, before Vanser finally spoke.

“You look nice tonight.”

“Thank you.” Charlotte murmured.

“Is that the dress you wore to the sevra awards?”

Charlotte leaned back so she could look up at him. “No.” She giggled. “It’s similar, but this is a new one.”

“One of Tapp’s?”

“Of course.”


“Vans, I know you don’t care about fashion.” Charlotte smiled ruefully. “So, out with it. What’s on your mind?”

“I…” Vanser swallowed. “What? Nothing…”

Charlotte rolled her eyes and poked him in the chest. “You can’t lie to me. I’ve seen all of your tells. There’s something on your mind and you’ll dance around it all night if I let you. And that’s not the type of dancing I want to do with you.”

Vanser sighed exasperatedly. He should have known better than to try and hide something from her. “It’s… well, it’s stupid, but… Are we okay?”

Charlotte looked up and peered at him through narrowed eyes. “I think so, but in what way are you asking?”

Vanser bit his lip and looked away. “Maybe this is way too late to be asking this, but after the way things ended… I mean, I guess the children are grown now so if…”

“You’re wondering if I hate you.” Charlotte observed.

“Well, no, not hate.” Vanser muttered. “I don’t think we’d be here right now if you did… but…Well, I mean you don’t, right?”

Charlotte laughed and smiled sympathetically. “Of course not. We’re both to blame for how things turned out. There are things I wish had happened differently, of course; and there are things that did happen that I regret. …But I don’t regret the relationship, Vanser. And not just because it gave us three great children. I’m happy that you and Leny are happy together. I don’t hate you, no one does.”

“Lana hates me.” Vanser winced.

“She does not.” Charlotte sighed. Their younger daughter could be… spirited… at times. “She took the divorce the hardest, that’s true. If anything, what made her the most upset was that you couldn’t be around every day.”

“I saw her as often as I could!” Vanser said defensively. “But I had to go where they stationed me! I-”

“I know.” Charlotte soothed, putting a hand on his chest. “And deep down she does too… she’s just decided that anger is easier to deal with than the fact she misses her daddy.”

“I just wish I knew what to do.”

“Be there for her.” Charlotte answered, squeezing Vanser’s shoulder. “Trust me, there’s a daddy’s girl in there somewhere.”

Vanser smiled sadly. He was about to reply but the song they were dancing to had come to an end.

“Come on.” He said instead as he took Charlotte’s hand. “Molly’s around here somewhere and I haven’t seen her in ages.”


Rixie leaned in the chair she sat in at a table at the back of the room. She smiled as she watched their guests enjoying the reception. Alex was on the dance floor with Asteria so Rixie was given a rare moment alone. She smiled as she watched her husband and daughter. Asteria danced exuberantly and Alex was struggling to keep up with her.

Not that he’d want it any other way.

“Has it sunk in yet?”

Rixie turned towards the voice and saw Zhalem Ro standing behind her.

“What’s that?” Rixie asked, pushing out a chair next to her so her old friend could sit down.

“The fact you’re a married woman.” Zhalem clarified as she plopped into the offered seat.

Rixie laughed. “I know Alex and I both sort of avoided talking about it, but we both realize we’ve been ‘married’ for years; at least since we adopted Ryan.”

Zhalem smiled. “Well, I’m glad you found it anyway.”

Rixie raised an eyebrow. “‘it’? What’s ‘it’?”

“The one thing every hoplite secretly wants, whether they realize it or not.” Zhalem responded. “A family.”

“Not all of us.” Rixie shook her head. “Not Lemm, for example.”

“Yes, even Lemm.” Zhalem said, laughing. “Maybe especially Lemm. And believe it or not, she’s found it. Granted, they all call her ‘ma’am’ but you try threatening someone under her command and see if she doesn’t remind you of yourself if someone tried to harm that little girl of yours.”

“Fair point.” Rixie conceded.

There was a polite cough from behind them and Zhalem and Rixie turned to find a dark haired woman in the dress uniform of the defense corps.

“Reevah!” Rixie smiled. “I hope you’re enjoying yourself. You’re here as a guest, after all. Not to work.”

Reevah inclined her head, the barest hint of a smile appearing on her face. “I am, Rixie.” She said softly. “Thank you for inviting me.”

“You’re welcome, of course.” Rixie said and pushed out a third chair. “Please sit, Zhalem and I were just discussing our experiences with being hoplites.”

The smile on Reevah’s face grew just a little bit. “Actually, I was about to turn in for the night. I just wanted to say congratulations.”

“Thank you.”

Reevah turned to face Zhalem. “Are you going to be long?”

Zhalem grinned. “No, I was thinking of going back to the room soon too. But, you go ahead. I’ll be along in a minute.”

Reevah nodded. “Very well. I’ll see you up there.” She turned to face Rixie. “Good night Rixie.” With that she turned and left her fellow hoplites sitting at the table.

Rixie, meanwhile, was doing a good impression of a fish. Zhalem turned back to face her and erupted into a fit of laughter when she saw the expression on her friend’s face.

“What’s the matter, Rixie?”

“You and Reevah?!” Rixie spluttered. “You’re not… I mean, great if you are but… how?! When?!”

“We both work in the dodecahedron, and we both work very close to the Emperor and the Royal family.” Zhalem said with a shrug. “And of course being hoplites we have quite a bit in common. Really, it can’t be all that shocking.”

“No I suppose not.” Rixie chuckled, shaking her head. “Well, I’m happy for you both.”

“Thank you.” Zhalem said, and then her face split into a cheeky smile as she turned to walk away. “I guess I just can’t resist a woman in uniform.”


“Daddy! Come dance with me some more!”

Alex suppressed a groan. “I will Star. …Soon. Daddy just has to rest a bit. Why don’t you go and have a seat at that table over there. I’ll get you something to drink.” Alex took a deep breath and wiped his brow. He was very glad he’d swapped his kilt for a pair of slacks before the reception.

Asteria watched her father disappear into the crowd before turning and walking in the direction Alex had vaguely indicated. There were a lot of tables around, however, and she wasn’t quite sure which one her father had meant.

So she went to the one with the nice looking lady sitting at it.

“Hi!” Asteria said cheerfully as she walked up to the table. “Can I sit here?”

Lezah Maris looked at the little girl that had suddenly appeared next to her. “Well, I don’t see why not. My name is Lezah. What’s yours?”

“Asteria Lemm Carey.” Asteria said as she climbed into the chair across from where Lezah sat. “But Daddy calls me Star.”

“Well, Asteria Lemm Carey also known as Star, it’s nice to meet you.” Lezah chuckled and leaned forward so she could converse with the little girl.

“Would you like a piece of candy?” Lezah asked genially as she took a handful of plastic-wrapped candies from her purse. She smiled in amusement as Asteria’s eyes widened at the small treasure trove of glowing sweets.

Asteria reached out, but hesitated.

“Go ahead and take one, kiddo.” Alex said from behind his daughter. “They’re really good.”

Thus reassured by her father, Asteria grasped a piece of the candy, unwrapped it and popped it into her mouth. Alex couldn’t help but smile at the look of joy on his daughter’s face.

“What do you say?”

“Thank you!” Asteria mumbled around the candy in her mouth.

“I hope she’s not bugging you, Lezah.” Alex said as he set a glass in front of Asteria and pulled out a chair for himself.

“Of course not!” Lezah laughed. “She’s adorable.”

“And she knows it.” Alex laughed, Asteria nodded.

“I’d offer you one, Alex.” Lezah chuckled. “But, well…”

Alex grinned. “It probably wouldn’t taste the same.”

Lezah smiled wistfully and looked around the room. “It’s so easy to forget… You know, I’ve never gone through a ‘human simulation’ program before. I knew intellectually what we titans looked like to you but… I mean seeing Rixie and the Empress… Even Asteria just towering over you like that… I’m just amazed.”

Alex shrugged. “That’s just… how things are for me and for humans who live in the Empire.”

“I know.” Lezah nodded. “I’m sure you haven’t really thought about it in years. I’m just saying it was eye opening. When you rode in on that tuppskemah… When I was a child my friend had one as a pet, I remember holding it in my hand. And today one flew right over my head and blocked out the light.”

“That’s Watermelon.” Asteria said, helpfully. “He’s my friend.”

“I’m sure he’s very nice too.” Lezah grinned.

“Where’s your husband?” Alex asked.

Lezah smiled and shrugged. “Well, while he sends his congratulations, his workload was a little too heavy to be able to take any time off. Frankly, mine is too but I have children who can shoulder my load for a few days.”

“That’s understandable. I’m certainly glad that you and your sisters could make it, at least.” Alex said, tipping his glass in salute. “But you tell Eyazon that at some point he has to make it up to us. Maybe when Folkvangr officially opens. I’m sure he’ll be interested in seeing the Earth fauna up close.”

“Oh don’t tell him that.” Lezah laughed. “I’ll never get him out of here.”

Before Alex could respond, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking up, he saw his wife standing over him.


“Hi.” Rixie responded, before turning to the other adult at the table. “Lezah, I don’t suppose you’d mind keeping Asteria company for a moment?”

“Not at all.”

“Thank you.” Rixie grabbed Alex by the hand and led him out onto the dance floor. It was at this point that Alex realized he was taller than she was. Before he could comment on her sudden diminishment, Rixie had wrapped her arms around him and pulled herself in tight against his chest.

“This night has been wonderful, but very exhausting.” She sighed leaning her head against his shoulder. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in hours.”

“Because you haven’t.” Alex responded. “Too many guests to greet, we had to divide and conquer.”

Rixie’s laugh turned into a yawn. “Oh yeah.” She murmured. “Fortunately, I think people are starting to call it a night.”

“Not your daughter.” Alex observed, looking across the room to where Asteria was chatting animatedly with Lezah and Loona who had apparently appropriated Alex’s vacated seat.

“One day, we will find her off switch.” Rixie observed.

“Sure. When she’s a moody teenager.”

They danced in silence for a few minutes, before Rixie leaned back so she could look him in the eye. “So;” She said, conversationally. “Any regrets?”

“About marrying you?” Alex asked. “Just that we waited this long. Sorry, but I think you’re stuck with me, Mrs. Carey.”

“Could be worse, I guess.” Rixie laughed.

Alex didn’t say anything, he merely held Rixie tighter and they lost themselves in the music.

The End.




























































































































































































(Post Credits Scene)

The First secretary to the High Dronung, and keeper of the Throden Lineage paced in her room aboard Folkvangr Station. Dronung Rajenlif and the rest of the royal family were down below attending the reception; and while Aud Bjalki had of course been invited to the event for the sake of propriety, she had respectfully declined the invitation and had saved everyone the effort of an awkward affair that neither she nor her erstwhile hosts really cared to endure.

Aud shuddered at the idea. The more she learned about this wedding, the more she objected to it. And not only because High Dronung Rajenlif had invited a clanless one into the Throden house. What Aud hadn’t realized, was that the woman was marrying one of the nissen. A human.

Aud was perfectly fine with humans, generally. She understood that they were now to be taken as equal to any other citizen of the Empire. Indeed, she’d seen ample demonstration of human intelligence. However, she felt that the cross-breeding of the two species was a step too far. As far as she was concerned, there was a reason that no other sentient species could produce offspring together. Aud felt that there were some things that science wasn’t meant to accomplish, and the creation of a hybrid of Titans and humans was definitely in that category.

She was well aware of the fact that Princess Rhionne had also taken a human husband, and borne half-human children. She knew it, and she didn’t like it, but it would have been career suicide for her to voice those objections to the High Dronung.

So, instead, she voiced them to another. The face on her vidscreen was Skorsjad Aljansen. He was first in line to succeed his mother, Jarlkon Vudjalven, leader of one of the oldest and most powerful Clans of the Jotunn. He and Aud and found themselves of a similar mind with regards to the current direction the Empire seemed to be taking.

“It’s not right, Skor.” Aud said as she paced in front of the screen. “I can accept that humans are smart enough to be considered Class One. I can accept them as equal citizens of the Empire. Where I must draw the line is this… infiltration into Titan society. Just even society; they are infiltrating the Titan race!”

“I agree.” Skorsjad sighed. “I mean, where will it end? These halflings are in our military, there are some who are heirs to great fortunes, they sit in succession to Senatorial seats, and now even the Royal throne is no longer beyond their grasp. Will we one day have an Emperor or Empress that can be held in the palm of one’s hand? It’s insane!”

“Exactly!” Aud snarled, gesturing wildly from frustration. “And really, how is anyone to know? As time passes more and more of these creatures appear like the changelings from the old stories, and there’s no way- short of a genetic reading- to discern who is and isn’t a real Titan. What’s to stop one of them from being elected to the House of Representatives? From becoming Floor Leader? Or a Praetor?”

“Something has to be done about this.” Skorsjad agreed, pounding his fist emphatically on the desk in front of him, momentarily causing the screen to flicker. “And soon, before it’s too late.”

“But what can we do?” Aud sighed helplessly. “So many in the Empire don’t see the hybrids for what they are. Most Titans see them as, at worst, a mere curiosity. They don’t see the danger. And with the High Dronung and her husband similarly blinded… what hope is there?”

“I don’t know.” Skorsjad admitted, shaking his head. “But we must do something, before it’s too late.”


  1. Captn Krunch.... says:


    “Aud was perfectly fine with humans, generally. She understood that they were now to be taken as equal to any other citizen of the Empire. Indeed, she’d seen ample demonstration of human intelligence. However, she felt that the cross-breeding of the two species was a step too far. As far as she was concerned, there was a reason that no other sentient species could produce offspring together. Aud felt that there were some things that science wasn’t meant to accomplish, and the creation of a hybrid of Titans and humans was definitely in that category.”


    Hmmm that old CULTURE thing is rearing its (eventual) head…, color me surprised…

    Perfectly fine? thats rather mild … but you know co-existence and all ……

  2. Captn Krunch.... says:

    Ahh such a nice Titan family reunion… But someone IS forgotten. I’m the only one that missed it?

    Hint: someone very close to Pryvani ..(that is waay to easy a hint)

  3. Storysmith says:

    I feel is the as if thisstory was a test of my knowledge of characters. so many to go through, so many to remember that I found myself having to look up some in order figure out what and who some of them were

    A testament of a good series I suppose. That it has so many great people in it it is impossible to remember them all. Lol

  4. Diet says:

    I so enjoyed this story. Looking back at Rixie and Alex over the course of the series, its wonderful to see how their relationship developed and strengthened over time. Gives hope that humans and Titans can not only live and work together, but also love each other as well.

    Thought the reactions of those from Earth about meeting Titans for the first time was also perfect. It’s true, I can read the stories, look at numbers indicating height, but were I to actually meet a Titan, honestly, I’d be scared witless.

    Reading all the conversations of those at the reception was so interesting. All the relationships and experiences they had over the course of the series bonds them together.

    As for the end, sad, I guess we always need someone to hate.

  5. Rapscallion says:

    Great chapter, lotta feels, Asteria is a ton of fun…then ominous foreshadowing! Was not expecting that, interesting stuff.

  6. Nostory says:

    Titan Phase 3 is on! Also, when will we read the story about Vanser and Charlotte’s falling out? Last thing, Hunger Games must be really popular if Katniss survived as a name.

    • Rapscallion says:

      Just in time for Marvel Phase 3 lol!

      Speaking of, anyone catch Captain America Civil War? Great movie.

  7. Kusanagi says:

    Lots of great stuff, loved that we got some closure expanding on Charlotte and Vanser since they’re unique in the series in that their marriage didn’t work out. Also bringing back Renna for the first time (I think) since Arena. Loads of complicated feelings there.

    Tolbot hall of fame table was great too, shame we didn’t see Loona fangasming over it. Maybe Aisell will take some pictures.

    Post Credit scene is a fantastic tease. Not only more Jotun (who have been mostly quiet in the series), but opens new conflict. The insectoids already tried to weaponize hybrids, it makes sense that there would some genuine hate/fear of them especially since they’re already in line for royalty/noble family’s/and heirs to mega corporations.

  8. NightEye says:

    Was that the entire living cast of the good guys ? Did we miss anyone ? Very nice ending anyway. 🙂

    But, I must repeat myself : Garçon ! There is some foreshadowing in this chapter ! Again ! 😀

  9. Barrowman says:

    Interesting. I can understand the fear. The Hybrids are 3 times stronger than a normal Titan and learn faster and they are not per sé loyal to pure Titans. Humans are infiltrating the Titan Society. They are probably one of the Illuminati members who ordered that video to be seen all over Earth.

    • Rapscallion says:

      @ Barrowman
      It is interesting to think of the long term fear that comes from the continued growth of Hybrids, although these two didn’t express fear at their strength but more a speciest/bloodline aspect. They are objectively superior to both species and could be a threat to Titan way of life, but they are such a statistical blip on the radar right now, but as further integration happens that could change rapidly. As a person in this universe, I’d be more concerned that these people pulled a Khan from Star Trek, a few hundred “supermen” following a leader in a destiny to rule both races. Seems like we’re a long way from there and the the human sized hybrids don’t seem to have those advantages though.

      @ JS
      Out of curiosity what “advantages” does a human sized Hybrid have? I get they have slightly longer life spans that LE humans, but there doesn’t seem to be any besides that.

      • Johnny Scribe says:

        Human hybrids have near perfect memory recall and faster reflexes than either humans or Titans. They also tend to be able to think a little faster than either species. because of this They often display genius or near genius level brainpower

        Also to correct a point someone else made, Titan hybrids are not typically more intelligent than normal Titans. Sorcha is because she’s Sorcha (and had the benefit of being created before a lot of this was hashed out)

        The basic gist is human hybrid= brain Titan hybrid = brawn

          • Ponczek says:

            Taron was saying that in Debate (in narration) so i think in few decades in universe pretty much of pilots, or copilots would be human-sized hybrids.

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