Site Update – New Email Notification D.X. Machina

Well, the email notification system seems to have become rather inconsistent, so I’ve added a new email notification option — the email widget will appear below posts, you can simply select your options and enter your email to receive updates. I’m hoping this works, but if not, well, there are more plug-ins out there, and by golly, I won’t quit until we find one that does.

I’ll keep the old notification system online for a couple weeks during the transition, so you may see two updates for a single post, although the way things have been working of late, probably not.

Incidentally, you’ll need to subscribe to each author/topic individually (probably easiest to do so by author, so you can subscribe to posts from JohnnyScribe, OHH, and Dann, but avoid my mediocre stories), and you may need to do so more than once. When you get to your dashboard, you can choose whether to receive updates immediately or daily.


  1. soatari says:

    Now we just have to wait for Dann and OHH to make new posts. It won’t let me subscribe using their previous postings, just you and JS.

  2. Kusanagi says:

    Thanks for the alternative. Was weird that the previous worked for months without issue then collapsed.

    • Locutus of Boar says:

      “Shaka. They’ve cut comms,”

      “Right,” Aerti said. “All comms are locked out.

      Well, the email notification system seems to have become rather inconsistent

      Coincidence? Tobin Gernhatt wouldn’t think so. 🙂

  3. soatari says:

    The sudden failure of the existing system is kind of weird, but nice to see you’ve found an alternative.

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