Tag: Danae Lektas

Chapter Six Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? by D.X. Machina

“You don’t mean that,” Danae said. “What, that we’re awful? We are, Day. Ammer didn’t say it, but I know why he didn’t want to press charges against mom. Not because he was forgiving – though he is, Day, he is – but because he couldn’t. I could press charges against mom, for damaging my …

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Chapter Five Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? by D.X. Machina

A few weeks later…. Thio Smit watched his son carefully. Ammer was so very like him in so many ways. Oh, he had his mother’s book smarts – not that Thio was a fool, but Ammer had Jaya’s love of learning. True, his was focused on politics, but he had been quite successful in his …

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Chapter Three Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? by D.X. Machina

Inna stared at her mother, almost defiantly. She hated owning Ammer, even though she was proud – hell, awed – that he trusted her enough to place control of his life in her hands. And she was determined to be worthy of that trust. She hadn’t told him, but she’d given Loona a signed, undated …

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Chapter Two Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? by D.X. Machina

Xene stormed through the kitchen, where her husband was just putting the finishing touches on dinner. “Fodis, tell our daughter to take her…her…pet and go.” “What?” Fodis said, as his wife looked at him in fury. “She…she brought a…a human,” Xene spat. “That’s her boyfriend. What a sick joke.” “It…it might not be a joke,” …

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Chapter One Titan: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? by D.X. Machina

“I don’t understand why we have to come to the giants’ embassy to see Ted,” Dora said, as their car crept forward in the queue. “Ted’s got a one-day pass from Titan Station, mamá, he didn’t want to spend all of it getting to Santa Fe,” Miguel said from the back, holding his wife’s hand …

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