Tag: Thiosmit

Chapter Four TCA: Sojourner by D.X. Machina

“All right,” Lauryna said, “so how long will this work for?” “With the power we’re using? About thirty minutes, forty-five, max. But that’s enough to confuse them,” Bres Gdiordo said. She was wiped out, and clearly exhausted, but she was still exhilarated by the idea that this might just work. The Captain’s idea was a …

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Chapter Two TCA: Sojourner by D.X. Machina

One Month Later “Computer, run Program Gwenn Zeta-Three please, password…troublemaker,” Crewmate Gwenn said into the center console as she stood outside the unoccupied holosuite. She had just passed Commander Tam on the way, who by the looks of it was just coming off the high of a work out. If there was one thing that …

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Chapter One TCA: Sojourner by D.X. Machina

Communication Chief’s Log, Gwenn, Lauryna SC3C ISS Tez Magilna MZK-01, Grelau 21-08-2109 I was not expecting to be promoted, and definitely not to end up on the lead ship of the Magilna class, patrolling Sector 25. And though I’m happy to be communications chief aboard the Magilna, I have Izzy with me every day to …

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