Chapter 11: Arrest and Development Tales of Avalon: Training Day, by Dann

(long delays between updates, as always I appologise. I also feel the need to remind readers, that this takes place after Exile, but before contact, Enjoy and thanks DX for the edit)

Loona had turned her back just long enough to punch in her preference into the vending machine and slip the credit chits into the slot. She turned back to the shared table, but she didn’t see Alex and Nonah cheerfully chatting away. Instead, she saw a stranger, sitting with their back turned to her. She had only looked away for a second, but that was long enough for somebody to cash in on her mistake! 

A flood of thoughts surged through her head all at once. Who was it? what did they want? Loona didn’t wait for the machine to dispense her drink, rather she sprinted over to the table to confront the stranger. She tried not to sound too distraught, as she touched the stranger gently on the shoulder. She would have to be diplomatic, she would have to be composed, she would have to try very hard not to overreact, but was ready for just about anything, should the situation call for it. 

“Excuse me, can I help….”

Loona paused as the stranger turned around at the gentle touch. The panic and formality in Loona’s expression changed in an instant, to that of relief, and mild annoyance. 

“Eyrn Fitzgerald! You almost…I mean I thought…couldn’t you at least…I mean when did you…my back was only turned for….” Loona sighed and lowered her head. 

“Hey Loona!” Eyrn smiled, and stood to greet her friend. “Good to see you too!”

“She’s on her way to Avalon to visit family.” Nonah repeated. 

“Family?” Loona questioned, but before she could correct herself, Nonah did. 

“Darren and Lysis, who else?” Nonah laughed. 

“Didn’t Alex tell you I was meeting him?” Eyrn asked, peeking down at Alex. 

“Oh, right…well I was about to.” Alex shrugged. 

“Well, it’s good to see you none the less.” Loona smiled, and hugged the smaller titan gently. “You’ve been busy I here. Jotnarherath, Great Ocean, Fribbulus Xax, Homeworld of the Avartle People, and Hive Prime of all places, I’m surprised to see you in a backwater system like this, honestly!” Loona held on to Eyrn’s shoulders as she pulled back from her hug. 

“Mighty Titan Traveler visits all places!” Eyrn spoke, in a tone she had picked up during her time with the Ler.  

“Mighty Titan Traveler? Is that what they called you?” Nonah chuckled from the table surface. 

“Actually, no…but I like it better than, diminutive titan woman!” Eyrn winced. 
Alex, Nonah and Loona all laughed, the tension had been replaced by a jovial sense of familiarity. 

“Hey, what about that soda you were getting us?” Alex said, eyeing Loona, who looked down with an amused expression. 

“Uh, no…not on my watch.” Loona said, as the look on Eyrn’s face expressed surprise at the momentary notion that Loona had promised the two a soda, given what its effect would have been. 

“Now that would have been a sight to walk in on,” replied Eyrn. 

“I keep saying, my blood is three parts Mountain Dew, and one part Monster, titan soda does nothing to me.” Alex insisted. 

Nonah shook her head, recalling perhaps some regrettable experience she could only half remember, thanks to the unique effects of titan soda. “I’ll pass, not after last time!”

“Last time?” Eyrn asked, inching closer to Nonah and lowering her chin to table height. “Is there a story? Tell me there’s a story! I love stories.” She said, insistant. 

“I don’t think….” Nonah began. 

“She defecated in my shoes…among other things,” Loona teased. 

Eyrn eyed Nonah, then giggled. 

“Phht, amateurs, the lot of you.” Alex waved a hand in dismissal. 

“Worst headache ever.” Nonah recalled, gripping her temples gently. 

“So, all finished traveling?” Loona said, turning to Eyrn. 

“Maybe, probably, I don’t know.” Eyrn shrugged. “My sponsors upheld their part of the deal, now I have to worry about my end. I’ve traveled, I’ve experienced everything the Empire has to offer, now I have to somehow cough out a book about it.” Eyrn winced. “Suppose it’s too late to tell them now, that I’ve never so much as written a short story, eh?”

Nonah’s attention was definitely piqued. “Cough out a book?”

Eyrn’s eyes fell to Nonah, and she nodded. “They want my life story, basically. But I wanted a little more experience before sitting down and scribbling it down. I wanted to know a bit more about where I came from and what I was, felt like a fair idea, so I was able to secure funding to travel. How cool is that, right?” Eyrn’s excitement faded. 

“Now you have to produce, eh?” Alex asked. 

Eyrn nodded. 

“If you want some help getting started, I’m happy to help.” Nonah said, in earnest. 

“Oh, that’s right, you’re really good with that sort of thing, eh?” Eyrn perked up. 

Nonah nodded, with no sign of humility. 

“She’s the best, no less.” Loona boasted. 

“Where are you staying these days?” Nonah asked. 

“Well, Bedra has a new roommate, couldn’t afford the place on her own. So I’m staying at the Maris farm for a few weeks, until I figure something up.” Eyrn answered. 

Loona’s eyes lit up, and a greedy smile nearly crept onto her face. “Oh…how are the Maris sisters these days?” she asked, her cheeks flush. 

Eyrn’s reply was a Cheshire grin and a shake of her head. “Oh, like you don’t know!”

“Alright,” Nonah said, bringing the groups attention back on task, “when you’re finished on Avalon, look me up. We’ll set some time apart, and I’ll help you condense your thoughts and come up with a place to start, m’kay?” Nonah said, insistent. 

Eyrn nodded, eagerly. “Wow, thanks Nonah! I really appreciate it.”

“And on our way home, I’ll be glad to answer any questions you have about my own harrowing adventures. I’ve been told they too are book-worthy.” Alex said, only partly in jest.


The authorities had arrived in record time, and had gathered along the Lions Gage wall anxiously awaiting orders from their superiors on what to do in response to the titan “aggressor”. In reality, she was the most awkward, humorous, and meek “attacker” they had ever met. But even the titan’s shy and timid personality, coupled with complete cooperation and impeccable manners, wasn’t enough to cool the city guards fears. The standard issue side-arm, mace, and riot batons didn’t nearly seem like enough to quell the titan’s wrath…in the event that any wrath appeared.

Stratichos Xanthopolous had been on scene as soon as possible, and approached the trespasser, seemingly without fear or trepidation. Lysis’s uniform was brilliant and spotless as she passed the gathering of city guards, and stood up atop the wall, meeting the titan at waist level. 

From a distance, it was clear the Stratichos was speaking, but it wasn’t until she motioned for the behemoth, and the giant responded by laying a hand along side the wall at Lysis feet, that the silent crowd let out a ripple of muttering and gasps. 

“I’m not particularly fond of heights you understand. I never have been.” Lysis began. “But this will send a good message, and that’s what we want right now.” Lysis’ tone was severe. She had been made aware that there would be an Imperial citizen and one imperial human company in the city limits, Tayas Mons would never permit even a human non-resident in without first contacting the proper authorities and making sure the visitor was safe, had up to date vaccinations, and was briefed on Avalonian law, but if there was going to be an Imperial citizen, of any species, she knew about it. Even if it was simply a hologram. 

This, was no holographic titan. 

Lysis eyed the soft white palm she stood in. Definitely not holographic. At least, not given the holos they had in the city.

“I’m sorry.” Kymie whispered, looking over and around at the un welcoming reception she had received.  “I just, I mean…I looked for someone who could help…and I couldn’t find anyone, I didn’t have a lead to work with, tracking software doesn’t work outside city limits, and everyone on the mountain was extremely unhelpful…I…um…panicked.” Kymie bit her bottom lip and frowned. 

Lysis listened, placidly and imperturbably, until the young titan was finished rambling. When Kymie finished, she arched her brow and swung a finger up before her face, like a tiny dagger, pointing at the accused viciously. “I personally walked you through guest protocol, you read, and understood everything that was expected of you. There was nothing you were unclear with, especially the number one, most important law on the books! You were in no way to approach, or enter the city without the use of holographic technology! ” Lysis took a moment to calm herself, to breathe. 

“I’m sorry!” Kymie squeaked. 

Lysis ran her hand over her face, and rubbed her eyes roughly. Darren was better at this, he would know what to say, he was better with them than she was. But he wasn’t here, so it had to be her. 

“I had to call the army off, the army, Kymie, do you realize that? They called the armed forces, and they very well would have come too!” Lysis shouted, the only thing stopping her from pacing, was the fact she was approximately 125 padi off solid ground. Rather, she clung unawares, to Kymie’s ring finger as she lectured the titan. Thankfully out of direct view of her underlings on the wall. 

“I was worried about Dhan, I wasn’t thinking, I didn’t know what else to do. I’m sorry…I….” Kymie looked right near tears, and more shaken up even than the folks on the wall. 

“You could have sought the proper authorities, filed a missing persons report, reported to any one of the information points I told you about…or even asked for me by name. Just about anything except going for a stroll down to the city!” Lysis snapped, but she was calming now, slowly. Kymie’s apologetic whimpering was more than enough to draw out sympathetic feelings in the Stratichos.

“I know, I know, I wasn’t thinking. I wasn’t going to enter the city, I was just hoping if I came close, he’d see me, and it would be easier to find me. I didn’t think I’d draw so much attention.” Kymie’s eyes spoke more than her words ever could. As she looked around at the growing crowd, it was clear she was just as surprised as anyone. 

Lysis sighed. “Well, he’s not here, what were you planning on doing next?” 

Kymie shrugged. “Ask around?” The guilty titan winced. 

Lysis attention fell to the faint sound of a man shouting her name from down on the top of the wall. Stratichos Xanthopolous motioned down to the wall, and gently, Kymie crouched down and let the little man timidly step on. Without warning, she stood again, causing both humans to fall to their knees, and each cling to the nearest digit for dear life. 

“Sorry!” Kymie grimaced. 

Eventually the two humans gathered some dignity, long enough for Lysis’ underling to explain why he was here, quietly, as only Lysis could hear.  “Ma’am, we’ve located the imperial guest. He has been detained by city guard branch 408 for assault, trespassing, and resisting arrest.” The man looked nervously at the titan who held them both, he definitely hoped the Stratichos would break the news to the titan. 

Lysis took a deep breath, and held it in for a moment. “God damn it.” She cursed, robbing her husband of his own signature curse. 

Kymie eyed the two humans with concern. They were whispering amongst themselves, then looking up to her, then back to one another, Lysis looked as displeased as before, which filled Kymie’s stomach with a sick, fluttering sensation. 

“What’s the plan boss?” The underling asked, rubbing the back of his neck, still keeping his tone low. 

Lysis sucked her lips in, she pondered her options for a moment, then looked to the crowd, the city guard at the gate, then up to the colossus above them, and exhaled. “Law is clear Captain…she has to be detained until a representative from Tayas Mons can personally escort her back al territory. 

The man looked to Stratichos Xanthopolous with wide eyed wonder. “Detained, Ma’am?” He whispered loudly. 

Lysis nodded. She had no choice, she had a precedent to set, eyes watching her. She couldn’t allow a titan, any titan, to breach their laws. She had to show the citizens, her guards, everyone, that titans were not above the law. Even apologetic titans. 

Stratichos Lysis Xanthopolous, was going to arrest Kymie Abaforad…she hoped. 


Darren stood on Hypostratichos  Tam’s shoulder, though the titan’s eyes were fixated on the human medic who was “treating” her wound. It didn’t hurt, not really, not in any way Rixie wasn’t used to. Oh, there had been a sting, and as the medic and his team worked (without the benefit of an anesthetic) she felt the occasional pinch, pull, and sharp sting. But compared to the exhaustive list of field injuries Rixie had suffered over her esteemed career, this was little more than a pin prick. 

Though her pride, that was another story entirely. 

“The call is yours Trix.” Darren said, peering down at the nervous medic and his team, who in turn were warily eyeing the Titan, every time she so much as twitched. 

“I’d like to talk to her at least. I mean, I’m not overly fond of being shot. I had come expecting injury but not like that.” Rixie watched the team work with fascination. Oh, she was completely capable of removing the projectile herself, if she could bind and treat a third degree burn, splint her own arm, and remove shrapnel from her leg, a tiny barbed iron splinter was no big deal. But the Avalonean medical team had all but demanded they treat her. It was the least they could do, given the time and energy Hypostratichos Tam had put in to helping them train. Having her shot, deliberately, left a sour taste in the teams mouths. 

“String her up by her heels?” Darren said, partially in jest. 

“Well, I figured eye for an eye right? Think I have a harpoon gun back home…” Rixie laughed. 

“Well, fair IS fair. Darren laughed. “Have to admit,” Darren grinned, “the recruits got you good.” Darren laughed.

He didn’t dwell on what she’d said. He didn’t for a moment doubt that Rixie actually DID own a harpoon gun. 

Rixie peered over to Darren with a look of defiance. “I didn’t do so bad myself!” Her eyes softened. “But yes, once they figured themselves out, they didn’t do too bad.” Rixie motioned off into the distance, where most of the recruits were camped, from her vantage she could see much farther than Darren. “I’d also like to meet the mastermind behind this victory. That was damn clever.”

“Adoni Raptis, I’m sure she’d love to meet you as well. I’ll have her sent over.”

“Even made sure the assailant was really down for the count, before her victory dance, clever cookie that one eh?” Rixie smirked, she couldn’t resist ribbing Darren, especially when he set himself up so well. 

Darren smiled a sour grimace and shook his head. “Keep rubbing it in, I beat you in the Charity Tour, and at the Emperor’s Nameday celebration.” 

“We tied the Nameday!” Rixie protested. 

“Bah, I played better, you got lucky!” Darren boasted. 

“A Tam is never lucky!”

Darren and Rixie bickered amounts themselves, so loudly that both had missed Myona’s approach, as well as her attempt to get either of their attention. 

“Hypostratichos, please stay still…you’re not making this easy.” The Sr. Medic shouted from Rixie Tam’s lap. 

“Yea, don’t make them hold you down Rixie!” Myona teased. 

“Actually, that might be a good idea.” The young medic shouted up, though only half serious. 

Though amused at the idea of Myona Baretta attempting to hold her down, Rixie huffed and shook her head. “Honestly, this is ridiculous, I can take care of this fast, watch…” Rixie reached down, and quickly pulled the barbed hook from her thigh, as easily as pulling a fish hook from her hand. 

“Here.” Rixie said, and handed the tiny harpoon to Myona. Her attention then returned to the medic team dotting over her small wound. “All done, can I go now?”

“Oh…is that…blood?” Myona asked, matter of fact. 

“Well, now look what you’ve done! It’s bleeding all over your leg Trix!” Darren barked. “Couldn’t just let them do their job?”

“I don’t…anyone else cold?” Myona said, her voice fluttery, as her eyes rolled back, the harpoon slipped from her palm, and she fainted. 


  1. Genguidanos says:

    I know someone who reacts that way to blood. Can’t imagine what it would be like for them if they were standing on Rixie’s leg at the time. Probably have a heart attack.

  2. sketch says:

    Going back to the questions from last time, we still don’t know who shot Rixie, but it was apparently out of malice.

    Oh thank goodness, it’s just Eyrn. I was hoping to see her in this story.

    Looks like Kymie isn’t leaving with Dhan after all, in fact leaving altogether is now out of the question. Poor girl is probably going to be in too many tears to even try to runaway now.

    • Dann says:

      You know, I had the culprit named in an earlier version of this chapter, but when I re wrote it(after being away from the story for so long…) I realize I left it out.

      But that’s fine, more of a surprise when I reveal. Mind you, if you’re clever, you can figure it out. 😀

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