Izzy paced on the console in the linguistics lab, making the turn along the edge without even looking. She’d paced it off more than a few times; usually, when Lauryna was this busy, she’d leave her friend alone…well, okay, that was a lie, but Izzy would at least try to leave Lauryna alone. But they were docked at Tukikohta Sininentavas for the next few Titan days, and as Lauryna was trying to get ready for her Drazari proficiency exam, there wasn’t much for Izzy to do that was productive.
Lauryna looked down at the meandering human, and sighed. “I’m sorry if I’m boring you.”
“You aren’t boring me, Red. You just aren’t un-boring me. Not your fault. I tried to get Commander Tam to take me onto the station, but she doesn’t want to. Something about having to wash her hair. And Engine-Fixer’s back on Homeworld-of-the-People. But it’s okay, I’ll think of something.”
“I hope so,” Lauryna said. “I’ve got three days before the test, Iz. I mean, it’s no big deal. It’s just getting me to Linguist, First Class about five years ahead of schedule, a nice bump in pay, and an automatic promotion, but hey, if I don’t get it…well, I mean, no big deal, right?”
“I’m sorry!” Izzy groaned. “I’ll go.”
“Nah, you can stay. I like having you here. Just try to do less pacing, at least in my field of vision. I really don’t have time for any distractions right now.”
The buzzer buzzed.
Lauryna shook her head, but stood up. “Coming,” she said, automatically, walking to the door. She punched the button beside it, and suddenly lost her sense of balance.
Izzy studied the man who stood on the other side of it. Aside from his typical enormity, he was young and handsome, with a strong body and easy good looks. He was dark-skinned – at home, she’d think he was biracial, but that didn’t mean much out here. He wore the green tunic of the planetary defense corps, a single silver square designated him as a princeps. His hair was odd – sides shaved, top curly, and a long braid that hung down his back, one that announced that he was a Jotunn, which really wasn’t surprising, given that they were deep in Jotnarherath.
He smiled, and said to Lauryna, “Excuse me, I’m looking for Junior Crewmate Gwenn?”
Lauryna gaped for a second, then said, “I…I’m Junior Crewmate Gwenn. What can I do for you, Your Imperial Highness?”
That caused Izzy’s head to jerk up a bit; the young man on the other side of the door sighed, and chuckled ruefully; he was very used to this, unfortunately.
“My Imperial Wonderness isn’t asking for anything. Princeps Antero ColVanos,” he said, reaching out a hand; Lauryna took it tentatively, and grasped his wrist.
“Uh…hello, um…Princeps ColVanos. I’m sorry, that…you must know….”
“Yeah, I know,” he said. “My commanding officer finally got over trying to salute me last month, ma’am. But really, swear to Senedj, I’m just an officer four years out of the academy, and I had to take a year’s leave during that time, so really, it’s three. I mean, I just got my Linguist-2 rating. I’m a competent officer, I hope, but that’s it. And given that you’re senior linguist on this ship, you’re my superior officer.”
“Not at all,” Lauryna said, finally righting herself. “If you’re a linguist and a princeps, we’re…uh…well, we’re equals. That’s how I’d treat you if you were just some guy, right?”
“Equals is good,” Antero said. “I like equals.”
“I’m sorry, but His Royal Highness?”
Antero looked over at the station, and saw, much to his surprise, a human sitting on it, wearing the perfectly tailored miniature uniform of a Gyfjon officer. “I…is that a human?” he asked.
“Nope, Titan. Had a bad teleporter accident.”
“We don’t have teleporters, Iz,” Lauryna sighed.
“Now you tell me!”
Lauryna took a step back, and waved the princeps into the room. “Princeps ColVanos, my friend, Corporal Isabel Ibanez, United States Army; Izzy, His Imperial Highness Antero Vipunen ColVanos, Dauphin of Tannhauser.”
“Army?” Antero said, crossing the room and kneeling down closer to Izzy’s eye-level. It was a thoughtful gesture, and Izzy had to admit…the part of her that liked boys would have swooned a bit even if he hadn’t been a prince.
“Yeah…Army. It’s a long story. You’ve heard of Eyrn Fitzgerald?”
“The ‘Wild Girl,’ right. You…so you’re from Earth?”
“I am,” Izzy said.
“I had no idea there were more,” Antero said. “I knew about Darren Avery, of course, and there’s…anyhow, It’s a pleasure to meet you…is corporal your rank?”
“Yes, your highness,” Izzy said.
“Call me Antero. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Corporal Ibanez.” He looked thoughtful. “I hope you have enjoyed your stay in the Empire…and if you have not, and we both know why you may not have, let me know, because I will put on my crown if I need to in order to ensure that you do.”
Izzy was shocked by the directness of the young prince. “Call me Izzy, then, and I…Antero…Lauryna has been a good friend to me. A friend, not an owner. I know, if I leave this ship….”
Antero nodded. “It’s a shame. And the truly shameful thing is that a year ago? I wouldn’t have seen it as such. Ms. Gwenn, I knew you were a talented linguist. I’m glad to hear that you’re a good person, as well.”
Antero stood up, and Lauryna tilted her head just a bit. “I’m…how did you know I was a talented linguist? I mean…I’m not…well, I am…but….”
Antero laughed. “What you did with figuring out the inectoid smell code? That’s amazing stuff. My father…well, I shouldn’t relay that directly. Let’s just say that your name came up in the Dodecahedron quite a bit after that. And then to do what you did with the Tusola…your translators were really offline?”
“They were,” Lauryna said. “It was a bit dicey, until we figured out they just were pursuing a fugitive. We joined in the chase after that, it went pretty smoothly.”
Antero grinned. “One problem with being in the ground forces – not a lot of high-speed chases. At least not here by Sininentavas.”
“Which reminds me,” Lauryna said, “what brings you to the linguistics lab, Your…er, Princeps ColVanos?”
“Well, like I said, your reputation precedes you, and I’ve got a bit of a conundrum on my hands. Drazari code, think we’ve cracked it, but the computer is making hash of the translation, and my translation isn’t much better. I think we’re dealing with steganography, or it may just be my incompetence. Anyhow, can’t take it to the civvies on Sininentavas, it came in on a turquoise channel.”
Lauryna’s eyebrows shot up. “Turquoise? Really?”
“Really. Got it two days ago. I was ready to pass it along to Tuaut, but when I heard the Gyfjon happened to be in dock…anyhow, I was wondering if you’d be willing to help me with it.”
Lauryna would have said yes regardless, even with everything on her plate. But a turquoise channel Drazari steganograph brought to her by Prince Antero himself?
“I would be happy to, Princeps. Izzy, I’d bring you along,” she said, not looking back at her friend, “but turquoise channel is at the limits of my clearance. You gonna be okay?”
“I was bored before, I’ll still be bored,” Izzy said, evenly. “Have fun with your codebreaking. Nice to meet you, Antero.”
“Lovely to meet you, Izzy. The linguistics lab on the station isn’t far,” Antero said, leading Lauryna out the door. “It’s just –”
The conversation cut off as the door closed, and Izzy shook her head. This was good for Lauryna. The Emperor’s kid knew who she was! He sought her out personally! Clearly, Lauryna had to go with.
That said…Izzy would be lying if she said she didn’t feel a pang as the two left. Not annoyance with a friend who ditched her, or annoyance at being left behind by the Titans again. No, it was something else. A feeling she couldn’t identify.
Well, she could identify it just fine – or she could have, had she wanted to.
* * *
Lauryna pored over the transcript, while she listened to the transmission through the headset.
“Very odd,” she said, as much to herself as to Antero.
He knew better than to comment; he was a linguist, too. He sat back while Lauryna made her way to the end of the transmission, making notes all the way.
“It’s almost Drazari, but not quite,” Lauryna said.
“I’m glad I’m not crazy,” Antero chuckled.
“No, you aren’t. It’s…I can see why you’re stumped. The dental ejectives seem backward, almost…and that’s a weird pseudoapicolabial, isn’t it?”
“I’d think it was a speech impediment, but it’s inconsistent,” Antero said. “They get it right two sentences later.”
“Right,” Lauryna said. She leaned back a bit. “I’m going to need to think on this for a bit.”
“I know the feeling. Have you had dinner?”
“Not yet. I’m in the middle of studying for my Drazari-One certification, I’ve been terrible about eating.”
Antero facepalmed. “Oh, Hadia, when is it? You’re in dock – probably before you leave, right?”
Lauryna laughed. “Yes, but don’t worry about it. Duty first, right?”
“Yes, well, I don’t want to have you miss a promotion because I can’t figure things out,” Antero said.
“Seriously,” Lauryna said, “this is more important than a promotion, even if it’s just an ad for Ovaltine.”
Lauryna chuckled. “Teleplay Izzy showed me, from Earth. About a boy who wants a gun for a Christmas present. It’s set in Earth’s past, when they had only audio broadcasts for long-distance entertainment; one of the shows is for children, and the boy…I’m sorry, I’m rambling.”
“No, no,” Antero said with a smile, keying codes in at his station. “By the way, have you had Jotnar cuisine before? If not, I can order you something spicier.”
“No, that’s fine,” Lauryna said. “I should try the local fare.”
Antero finished, and turned back with a smile. “So what about the boy?”
“Each show ends with a simple substitution cipher, with numbers representing letters. The boy got the cipher key delivered to him, but discovered the cipher was just an advertisement for the drink he had to buy to get the cipher key – and he’d only bought the drink to get the cipher key, he didn’t like the drink. He was disappointed, to say the least.”
Antero chuckled. “This is an Earth teleplay?”
“It is. Someone hacked the data stream from Dark Sentinel, got all sorts of Earth media. You wouldn’t believe…you know, they’ve got space opera? Shows about them exploring the galaxy. They’re usually the heroes, of course.”
“Well, obviously,” Antero said. “We were always the heroes in our pre-warp stories.”
“But it’s not bad. Izzy was showing me one called Star Trek – they at least had the idea that there’d be other species, and members of other species ended up senior officers. Humans – they aren’t assuming that humans are the only species, or the dominant one. They’re hoping to be one of a group of us.” Lauryna sighed. “Emperor’s…I mean, gorram, they’re going to be disappointed when they see what we’re doing to them.”
“First, thank you for not swearing on my father’s anatomy. I don’t mind it that much, but my sisters positively hate it,” Antero said with a smile. “Second…you think they’ll make it to us?”
Lauryna nodded. “I’ve talked to Sgt. Avery a few times, and Eyrn Fitzgerald, of course. He’s met a professor….”
“Niall Freeman,” Antero said.
“Right. Dr. Freeman can handle all the physics behind warp drive. If he can handle it, there are other humans who can handle it. Which means it’s not a question of whether they figure it out, but how long it takes them. Dr. Freeman thinks it will be about thirty or forty years. He would know better than I would.”
Antero nodded. “And when they build and fly their own warp ships – they’re going to fly straight in to people who think they’re pets.”
“Hopefully. If they don’t head for Hive Space,” Lauryna grimaced.
Antero sighed. “Lauryna, do you ever think we’re the idiots?”
“Most days,” Lauryna said.
“Agreed,” Antero said, as the door chimed. He got up, and brought back two trays from the autocart; they ate for a little bit. Lauryna found the food somewhat bland, but not bad all in all.
“So Antero, you never told me why you had the change of heart of humans. Was it watching the Avery case?”
“No, though that solidified it,” Antero said, twirling a noodle. “My sister, Rhionne…she has a friend who is a human. A young artist from a place called…Conoday, I think – that’s not quite right, but it’s close. At first, I thought my sister had lost her mind, but I’ve met him. My whole family has. And…well, once you’re made to listen to them, really listen to them, as people, not as pets….”
Antero trailed off for a moment, and sighed. “They’re no more or less than us, or any other class one sentient creature. You know, for a species that thinks we’re protecting everyone…we sure have a horrible record of protecting everyone.”
Lauryna nodded. “They’re so tiny…you think, well, they have to be helpless. But they so aren’t. Izzy has adapted to a world dozens of times too big for her. It’s not easy for her. Sometimes, she needs my help – but there are people who have injuries that can’t be easily treated, who end up unable to walk without an exoskeleton. They may need help sometimes, to transfer in and out of it, but they’re still people. And frankly, they can adapt to our world – it’s us who can’t adapt to theirs.”
Antero looked thoughtful. “Rhionne would have my father reinstate the autocracy and declare humans our equals by fiat. There are days I don’t think she’s wrong.”
“She is – but only because Titans wouldn’t accept it. We’ve gotta convince people. I have no idea how. Hopefully, your family does.”
Antero smiled. “My sister is very persuasive, Crewmate. My father will act as he always does – quietly, behind the scenes, subtly. But believe me…he’s acting.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” Lauryna said, turning back to the tablet. “Izzy deserves so much better.”
“So does Pierce,” Antero said. “So do they all.”
* * *
“About time,” Izzy grumbled, as Lauryna entered their suite. Izzy was so bored that she was working on a side project – cataloguing Earth music. It wasn’t her forte, but she knew enough to put hip hop into hip hop and rock into rock, and that was enough for the moment. She’d actually paused to let one of the songs she was cataloguing play itself out while she leaned back, eyes closed.
“Oh, this is amazing! I love this one!” Lauryna said, switching over to English to match the song. “From the heart, it’s the start, it’s a work of art/To revolutionize, make a change, nothin’s strange/People, people, we’re all the same/No we’re not the same, ‘cause we don’t know the game….”
“If he wasn’t alive, Chuck D would be spinning in his grave,” Izzy sighed.
“Why? Was I saying it wrong?”
Izzy sat up. “Naw, just…I don’t know, white giantess rapping along to a song about how white people can’t understand what it’s like to not be white in America…I dunno, it seems a bit off.”
“Well, I understand that bit. It’s just remarkable poetry,” Lauryna said. “Very clever, the way he moves from the well-meaning ‘we’re all the same’ to note that the people who are oppressed are still oppressed. And then the simple and straightforward call to fight against that.” Lauryna sighed. “Yes, I suppose you’re right…a little strange for me to be reciting it.”
“Well, it’s mainly because you don’t have flow,” Izzy said with a half-smile. “So how’s Prince Charming?”
“He’s very nice,” Lauryna said. “And very smart.”
“And very handsome,” Izzy said.
“I suppose,” Lauryna said, tapping on her pad. “Did you get something to eat?”
“You’ve been gone 28 hours, Red. I’ve gotten something to eat three times.”
Lauryna sighed. “Just…it’s a tough one, Izzy. I wish I could discuss it with you.”
“Eh, it’s okay. Gives you more time to hang with his worshipfulness.”
“He really isn’t like that at all,” Lauyrna said. “I expected him to be arrogant and entitled, but he’s just very calm and straightforward.”
“Asked politely, did he?” Izzy said.
“Hm? About what?” Lauryna said, scrolling through the pad.
“Nothing. Never mind,” Izzy said. She waited a beat, before she said, “So you going on another date with him?”
Lauryna paused. It took her a moment to manage to spit out a simple, “Huh?”
“Well? You were gone a long time. You can’t have worked the whole time,” Izzy said, focusing her attention on the screen in front of her, where she was busily tagging “Fight the Power” as a protest song.
“Well…no, but it wasn’t a date. For Hadia’s sake, Iz, we spent most of the time working and talking, and that’s it. I mean, it’s not like Prince Antero would want to date me anyhow.”
“Why not?” Izzy said, keeping her focus on the screen. “You’re pretty, you’re smart, you’re…you’re you. Of course he’d be interested. Most people would be.”
Lauryna looked at the back of Izzy’s head, trying to read her. “That’s nice of you to say, Iz, but even if he was….”
“Oh, don’t tell me you’d turn down a chance to be Empress. People don’t do that. Especially not…..”
Lauryna waited a moment after Izzy trailed off to say, “Especially not what?”
“Nothing. It’s stupid and ridiculous. Red….” Izzy took a deep breath, and another. Finally, she forced herself to turn around. “If he is interested, Red….”
“Even if he is, Izzy, I’m not. Really. I’m happy where I am. I don’t want to be an Empress. Maybe a Navarchos someday,” she laughed. “Just to have the chance to give Commander Tam an order.”
Izzy smiled. “Now that would be fun,” she said, and yawned. “Sorry, Red, I know you just got back, but it’s bedtime for me, you know.”
“Well, get some sleep then,” Lauryna said. “I’ll go work on this problem, and do some studying. And Iz, I’m sorry this is so dull for you. I’ll make it up to you at some point.”
“I know you will,” Izzy said, pulling off her boots. “’Sokay. Go work!” she said, with a smile.
Izzy waited for Lauryna to leave before she let out the breath she’d been holding in. It was ridiculous and stupid. Not that Antero might be interested in Lauryna, or Lauryna in him, but that Lauryna would ever be….
Izzy shook her head. Pointless even to finish the thought.
* * *
Lauryna brought her fist down on the console. She needed to focus, damn it. She had to get through this translation if she wanted to study, and she wasn’t going to get through the translation if she couldn’t get her mind on track.
But she was having trouble getting her mind off of what Izzy had said.
Not the part about Antero wanting to date her. Because she had told Izzy the truth – she had no interest in dating Prince Antero. She didn’t want to be a Princess; she never had. She liked her life, she liked her job, she liked her friends – even if she was attracted to Antero (well, above the baseline level that one almost had to be if one had any interest in boys), she wouldn’t have moved on it. And if he asked her out – and he wasn’t going to – she would turn him down. She didn’t question that.
No, it was the way Izzy had reacted. If Lauryna didn’t know better, she’d have thought Izzy was almost…jealous.
Probably, Izzy was jealous of Lauryna. That made sense; Lauryna going off with the prince while Izzy was stuck doing work. A reminder for her friend that she wasn’t going to be welcomed into Titan society no matter how valuable and important Izzy truly was. Sure, that had to be it. Because the alternative….
…was just Lauryna projecting. Had to be. She wanted to believe that the jealousy was of Antero, but….
Lauryna sighed. If Izzy had been another Titan, she would have done it already. Long ago. Maybe been shot down, but she would have asked. But Izzy….
Lauryna had taken so much from Izzy. She had cost her a chance at a normal life. A life where she would be viewed not as a curiosity or a pet, but as a competent soldier, a professional – a good and decent person, who could love whomever she wanted.
If she put Izzy in a position where she had to say no…it would be too much. Lauryna would find a way to get beyond it, she would, she’d have to. But Izzy couldn’t be sure of that. And Izzy depended on her for so much, so could she really do anything but say yes?
Lauryna loved Izzy. She knew that. It had crept up slowly until it suffused her entire spirit. But she loved Izzy enough that she could not bear to make Izzy decide. Lauryna would live with a no. But she would be cursed if Izzy said yes to her out of obligation, or worse, out of fear.
She hoped Izzy would someday feel the same way, that Izzy would make the first move…because Izzy would have to. Lauryna couldn’t. It would be one betrayal too many. She would just have to wait, and if she had to wait forever…she would.
She sighed, and turned back to the transcription. These “mispronunciations” had to be the key. But their distribution didn’t yield anything interesting. Simple counting gave a pattern of 13, 1, 3, 21, 1, 5, 34, 2, 8….
That looked familiar.
Those numbers…they were all part of the Garym sequence – 0, 1, 1, 3, 5, 8, 13…the pattern was clear. They’d mixed them up, but omitting zero, it was the seventh, first, fourth, eighth, second, fifth….
Lauryna grabbed her pad, and began rearranging the sentences. Drazari was a confusing language – words changed meaning depending on their position. Move the words around, and the semantics can change entirely. Her eyebrows shot up as she moved the pieces around.
This wasn’t clear, not entirely. But it gave her a hint. She stood up, straightened her tunic, and activated her commlink.
“Gwenn to ColVanos via Tukikohta Sinninentavas,” she said, giving it a few moments before she got her reply.
“ColVanos. Crewmate, do you have something?”
“I think so, Princeps,” Lauryna said. “I think so.”
* * *
“You’re right,” Antero said, after looking it over. “This is the right order.”
“Still doesn’t mean anything,” Lauryna said.
“It’s not supposed to. Not to us. To someone of a higher rank, though…Crewmate, have you ever heard of Selevak Base?”
Lauryna’s eyes went a bit wide. “Of course I haven’t, Princeps, and neither have you, because obviously, it doesn’t exist.”
“Obviously. So obviously that the Drazari don’t have a code name for it for their own use that I happen to know because Admiral Abaementos got a bit loose-lipped at dinner with my father once. D’khohk’L’nT.”
“’The Unreal,’” Lauryna said. “It’s in here three times. This is a warning that the Drazari might be getting close to identifying the system Selevak Base would be in, if it existed, which of course, it doesn’t.”
“Exactly. At this point, Crewmate, I’d say we’d better get it to the station commander.”
“Agreed,” Antero said.
Twelve minutes later, Lauryna was standing in the office of Induperator Taer Jahkot. Captain Bass was already there, discussing something or other; he’d remained there as Jahkot read through the message.
“You feel certain of this, Princeps?” he said, after a good long while.
“I do,” Antero said.
“Good work,” Jahkot said.
“I could not have done it without Crewmate Gwenn’s assistance. Indeed, she was the one who cracked the basic cipher.”
“Hmm. Well, good work to both of you. I have to contact Navarchos Abaementos; you two, I want you to know that whatever you may think this message refers to, it doesn’t exist.”
“Of course not,” Lauryna said.
“It’s just a rumor, we all know that,” Antero added.
“Right. Well, like I said – well done. Captain, anything else to add on the earlier discussion?”
“No, Induperator,” Aerti said with a smile. “Thank you for your input.”
“Thank you for yours,” Jahkot said. “Excuse me, please.”
Aerti got up as Jahkot left the office at double-time. “Well, seems like you’ve had some entertainment, Crewmate,” he said to Lauryna.
“Aye, sir. Glad I could help.”
“As am I. Princeps ColVanos, glad you came and found Crewmate Gwenn. I’ve found that’s often a good idea,” Aerti said, shaking the Prince’s wrist.
“Thank you, Captain Bass. And it’s nice to meet you. Your sister…she’s the one dating Dr. Freeman, if I’m not mistaken?”
Aerti appeared briefly non-plussed. “Well…yes, Princeps. She is.”
Antero nodded. “Both of them are quite brave, I think. And I understand that you’re treating Corporal Ibanez as more than a mere pet?”
Aerti nodded. “Princeps…she has earned that,” he said, warily.
Antero smiled, and reached his hand out again. “Captain, putting on my other hat for just a moment…I cannot officially say all I would like to say. But if you or your family are ever put in jeopardy over the way you treat humans…contact me. I will be glad to be of assistance.”
Aerti smiled, and shook Antero’s wrist again. “I will try not to have to, your highness. Especially as Niall is rather convinced he can manage through anything. But I will not forget the offer.”
“Given Dr. Freeman’s success so far, he is probably right,” Antero said. “Good luck to you all.”
“And to you. Now, Crewmate Gwenn – I believe you have to study, do you not?”
“Aye, sir,” Lauryna said.
“Princeps ColVanos,” Aerti said, “I wonder if I may ask your assistance, now that you’ve waylaid a member of my crew for a time?”
“Of course, captain. What can I do?”
“Well, knowing Corporal Ibanez as I do, I doubt she’s going to want to give Crewmate Gwenn twenty free hours to cram. I’m wondering if you might be willing to show her around the station?”
Antero smiled. “Best assignment I’ve had in weeks, sir. Assuming it’s okay with Crewmate Gwenn.”
Lauryna looked over at Antero, and shook her head. A day hanging out with the prince, just sight-seeing. She was a bit jealous, she had to admit.
“It’s not up to me, sir,” Lauryna said. “It’s up to Izzy.”
“Well said,” Aerti said with a nod. “So go check with her.”
* * *
Izzy had to admit, she was enjoying herself.
Antero had taken her to a nice restaurant for lunch, and she’d found the Jotnar fare to be surprisingly familiar. Oh, the flavors were slightly different, but the cuisine itself reminded her very much of the Finnish-inspired food of Sault Ste. Marie.
She was literally working her way through a sweet roll that was a dead ringer for pulla, when she paused to look up at the ceiling. They were under a canopy of stars, with Sininentavas high in the sky.
“Hard to believe I’m 1300 light years from home sometimes,” she said. “And hard to believe I’m not farther.”
“I know it must be difficult,” Antero said. “There is no way to get you home?”
“Brass are afraid of breaching the restriction zone one too many times. Lauryna offered to steal a shuttle one time, when we were in the Sol Earth system, but….”
She sighed. “I don’t know, your highness. Antero. I miss it, sometimes. Sometimes, I miss it a lot. But I can’t imagine going back home and sitting on one rock for the rest of my life, knowing all this is going on out there…knowing I have friends I’ll never get to see again. I do on Earth, too, I suppose, but….”
“You care for Crewmate Gwenn very much,” Antero said. It was not a question.
“Lauryna’s the best friend I’ve ever had,” Izzy said. “Can’t imagine going home and never seeing her again, not once, not ever.”
“Have you told her?”
“That she’s my friend? Sure,” Izzy said, breaking off a piece of dough.
“Have you told her the rest?”
Izzy paused, and looked over her shoulder. She sighed. She thought about arguing, but…he knew. “No, and I’m not gonna. It wouldn’t work. Wouldn’t be fair to her. She deserves…well, more than me.”
“I doubt that very much,” Antero said, sipping a Jotnar tea. “I’ve known you a very short time, Izzy, but I think Crewmate Gwenn would be quite lucky to have you.”
“I don’t know how it works. How we’d…I don’t know…I mean, there are a couple. Captain Bass’s sister and Dr. Freeman, Alex and Rixie, but….”
Antero sighed. “I believe you underestimate yourself, Izzy. And her. Some day, I hope, you will reconsider.”
Izzy looked out over the Titans, more than a few of whom stopped to look back at the young prince sitting in the café. She was having lunch with a prince, and her mind was on Lauryna. It was always on Lauryna.
She wondered if Antero could be right, then shook her head. No. No. That was silly.
Izzy knew that Lauryna still felt guilty, always would feel guilty. She didn’t want Lauryna to say yes out of pity. Didn’t want her to accept Izzy out of guilt. She deserved better.
Red could do so much better, she was sure of it. And she felt for her – she loved her – so much that she didn’t want her friend to settle, not ever. She wanted Lauryna to be happy as she could be.
“Well, your highness, I don’t know. But it’s nice of you to say,” Izzy said.
“It is the truth. Now,” Antero said, checking the chronometer, “I promised to have you back by the end of Crewmate Gwenn’s test. Shall we?”
Izzy dusted herself off, and stepped off the plate. She smiled up at the prince. “Sure,” she said. “Let’s go.”
* * *
“Will you settle down Red? Whatever happened, it’s fine.”
“Why did Commander Tam have to send the test off for ‘verification,’ Iz? I didn’t cheat.”
“She didn’t say you did, Red.”
“And I know, some of that can’t be machine-scored, but enough of it should be able to be that she could give me a hint….”
“And keep you from stewing? You know Commander Tam wouldn’t pass up a chance to make you worry.”
“Why would she do that?”
“Because it’s funny!” Izzy said, hopping from her perch on Lauryna’s nightstand, to the bed, to the floor, and walking over to the terminal Lauryna was sitting at. “Gorram, Red, when are you gonna believe in yourself? You keep solving people’s impossible problems for them, you think you can’t take a test right?”
Lauryna chuckled. “I did feel good about it.”
“See? Guarantee you did fine. And if you didn’t, you’ll retake it and pass it then. Sheesh, Lauryna. You’re fine.”
Lauryna picked her friend up from her feet, and set her on the console. “You’re right, Iz. What would I do without you?”
“I shudder to think.”
The door buzzed.
“Come in,” Lauryna called; she popped out of her seat and to attention. “Commander Tam,” Lauryna said.
“Ms. Gwenn. Corporal Ibanez,” Lemm said, nodding to Izzy. “I wanted to verify your score, as it was unusual; I’ve confirmed this with Tuaut, though, and they assured me it is correct. A proficiency score of seventy-five was required to pass, your score,” Lemm said, pausing for effect, “was one hundred six.”
Lauryna blinked. “Ma’am…that…the test tops out at one hundred.”
“Indeed, hence my confusion. But you gave some variant translations that are considered better than perfect. I’m not sure how, exactly….”
“Drazari is a very weird language, ma’am,” Lauryna said. “It’s possible, but I’d have to have done that on every question to get to 106.”
“That’s right,” Lemm said. “You would. The highest score ever received before was 104. Navarchos Xenol told me he would like to congratulate you on surpassing his record.”
“Navarchos…the head of linguistics at the Academy?”
“The same. He told me that if you are interested, there may be a faculty position opening up.”
Lauryna’s eyes opened wide, and she coughed slightly. “Ma’am…that’s….”
“Unfortunately, I told him we need you on the Gyfjon. We’re not giving you up that easily, Ms. Gwenn,” Lemm said, handing Lauryna a box. “Congratulations, Junior Crewmate First Class. Your next rotation begins in two hours.”
Lauryna took the box, and returned Commander Tam’s salute. “Thank you, ma’am. And…thank you for telling him that. It saved me the trouble.”
“You are quite welcome,” Lemm said, and she almost – almost – smiled. “Two hours, Ms. Gwenn.”
“Yes, ma’am. Thank you,” she said, as Lemm departed.
Lauryna looked back at Izzy, who was beaming with pride. “Wow, Red! That’s like a bear hug from almost anyone else!”
Lauryna opened up the box, and looked at the two brass squares inside. “It is,” she said. “Thanks, Iz,” she added.
“For what?”
“For believing in me. Always.”
Izzy smiled. “Red, you’re easy to believe in,” she said. She wanted to say something more, and so did Lauryna. But the time wasn’t right. And maybe it never would be.
But they were friends. And that was a damn sight better than nothing.
I have a question for you D.X. Machina: Do you have ties to Finland or do you have some finnish friend or something?
Because I am finnish and some of the names you used caught my eye; “Tukikohta Sininentavas” and “Antero” are clearly finnish words
Tukikohta = Base, station or stronghold
Sininentavas is missing “i”, but meaning is very clear: Sininen = Blue, Taivas = Sky.
So the place is called Base or Station Bluesky. (Bluesky is not really a compound in finnish either, but makes a nice name either way)
And Antero is very typical name for finnish man, my fathers second name is Antero.
You and others writers are doing amazing work in here, thank You and keep doing it
I do not, other than the Scandinavian cultural osmosis that comes from living in Minnesota. But the base of the Jotnar language is Sami, so there will definitely be crossover with Finnish. Finnish and Sami are somewhat orphan languages that we’ve never quite fit into Proto-Indo-European, and so the conceit is that the Jotnar landed in Scandinavia and influenced the language there, while Latin and Greek are more influenced by Archavian.
Probably we’ve overthought this, and by we, I mean I.
At any rate, thanks for the compliment! And I’m glad the borrowed Finnish/Sami isn’t *too* far off!
Thank You for taking the time and effort to answer.
As I have read Titanempire -stories, I have been admiring the way You and other writers make up the names for characters and places, borrowing words from other languages is indeed a very good way to do it.
Also reading in English is a good way for me to learn more about english, I dare to say that my vocabulary and understanding has improved greatly since I started reading The Titan Empire on March 2015. But now I have only Pursuit and half of the short stories and vignettes to read, what I am going to read when I’m done with these?
Please write more, faster!
They’re writing, but they tend to get busy with their lives. There’s still a fair amount left, though – Sovereign, The One Who Lived, The Announcement, Pursuit and The Debate aren’t done yet, and then there’s all of Hybrid.
I think that Rhionne introducing Pierce to the entire royal family implies that they’re VERY good friends by the time of this story. Perhaps more. We already know that Pierce is crushing on her big time and he feels guilty when he has sex with other Titans.
Okay, those pictures show them wearing 25th century Starfleet uniforms. Play Star Trek Online?
Does Izzy know that many Titans have relationships with many partners of both sexes? When they have shore leave, they should probably visit some of the other Titan/Human couples. It might convince them to give a relationship a chance.
Silly girls… When you love somebody, you are supposed to be straight with them. They are so stuck on the guilt around their association, they are not thinking things through. I agree, maybe Antero can help them figure it out.
It seems the imperial family is taking good leadership positions on equal rights. Hooray! even if the emperor insists on restricting himself to background manipulation, he is powerful and well-connected enough to teach by example and persuade the citizenry toward moral reason.
And hooray for lauryna overscoring so impressively on the test. She will go far in her career with performance like that, which she continues to exhibit. Oh, yeah!
We all know Izzy is stubborn. Whatever made her decide against the retroviral treatment was written in stone. No talking her out of it. She will work around it. ;-}
And I forgot so say thank you for the steady posting. You are spoiling me, and I love it. Thank you. I will check again tomorrow… ;-}
Forgot *to* say. Stupid autocorrect. I have complained about that before, but it got me again…
Izzy and Lauryna are stuck with each other. Lauryna by guilt, Izzy by necessity. Starting anything romantic with that is dangerous, because even if they go for it, relationships end all the time. And they they’re still stuck with each other and it gets awkward.
This is one reason why office romances are frowned upon.
Add to that the possible gay panic. Yes, I get it’s not an issue in the Titan world, but it is on Earth. Even today. Almost every gay or bi person has a sad “crushing on a straight friend” story. They range from tragic to merely sad.
“Antero looked thoughtful. “Rhionne would have my father reinstate the autocracy and declare humans our equals by fiat. There are days I don’t think she’s wrong.” ”
Rhionne’s absolutely right her father should reinstate the dictatorship and make decrees. Its only right. …the way it should be…
“I know it must be difficult,” Antero said. “There is no way to get you home?”
So is it illegal to allow Earth humans to even visit occasionally, or is it technically legal but the military wants to keep the Restricted Zone restricted?
Also, as someone who is very nerdy in such matters, I’m a bit impressed that you know enough linguistics to say dental ejective and combine apical with labial.
Otherwise, good chapter. Gives some development of both Izzy and Lauryna’s relationship and the royal family.
Nobody goes to or from earth without military approval and humans are generally considered less than nobody. Of course the exclusion zone got moved out in the 20+ years since Exile to beyond Jupiter orbit but the original logic behind the zone and one of the real reasons why humans will ultimately earn class 1 status was well summarized by Lauryna the day she met Izzy:
“The Red Zone begins here….” Lauryna pointed to the asteroid belt which contained the inner and outer solar system. “Any ship that attempts to enter past THIS point without authorization is officially in criminal violation of the Terran Conservation act.” Lauryna spoke with excitement, she knew her stuff and was clearly proud of that.
“Why are we being conserved?” Izzy asked bluntly.
“Well for many reasons!” Lauryna set the pad down close to Izzy and leaned in forward, resting her chin on her crossed arms. “See, humanity is one of the only species in the known galaxy that can inhabit earth type planets.” Lauryna was about to go on, but was cut off.
“What do you mean?” Izzy asked, trying to keep up.
“High gravity planet normally found within a star’s inner ring…there are a bunch of specific requirements but I won’t get into that…” Lauryna smiled.
The Terran Conservation Act exists to preserve Earth. As part of this, the Empire takes great pains to hide its existence so as not to contaminate human culture, to the point that the military is allowed to use lethal force against anyone trespassing in the Restricted Zone. If abducted humans were allowed to visit Earth (or even send a farewell message to their loved ones) the Empire’s existence would be immediately exposed. Moreover, if they were allowed to actually visit (and why just visit, why not let them stay on Earth then?) there’d be no telling what information about the Empire they’d expose just from memory. Hell, one of them might even manage to smuggle a data device along. The contamination would be enormous. There is no way that any official is going to give permission for that.
Rats, it’s another romance deadlock. Understandable, but it really sucks seeing Izzy and Lauryna frustrated like this. Hopefully somebody can play matchmaker, because otherwise it’s going to take something really dramatic to get them to confess.
And good to see that Antero has been convinced of human value as well. I’d expected it after seeing how passionate Rhionne was about the subject in Titan: Background Chatter, but now we have confirmation.
You know, I grow tired of hearing the “they’re so small, they would be helpless without us” argument. Aside from the counterarguments Tapp already had in Titan: Exile I’d also like to ask any titan going “they’re so small” the following:
If tomorrow all titans were somehow irreversibly shrunken to human size, would it be the end of the Empire? Or would the titans manage to adapt after the initial turmoil? They’d adapt you say? Well then, looks like being tiny doesn’t automatically result in being helpless.
Well Antero played matchmaker on one side already, perhaps he should head on over to Lauryna next.
By the way, what’s the story with the kid and the cipher and the radio ? That might be obvious to an American audience but I didn’t get the reference.
Pretty sure that’s a ‘A Christmas Story’ don’t remember the Ovaltine bit, but that’s the first thing that comes to mind when someone says movie about a kid who wants a gun for christmas.
It was a Christmas Story. The radio show was Little Orphan Annie and I think the scene is right after the dad gets the leg lamp. The kid locks himself with his decoder ring in the bathroom to solve it: “Remember to drink more Olvaltine.”
It’s from “A Christmas Story.”
Didn’t know that story, thanks.
I’m so glad Pierce finally gets mentioned by name. The way he stopped at the “…” earlier I beginning to wonder if either Pierce was dead or if he ha knocked Rhionne up. And while Antero is glad to see Lauryna is a good person, I’m glad to see that he is as well.
Lauryna and Izzy, about where Alex and Rixie were in earlier Pandemic. At least I know now Izzy likes the ladies as well. Lauryna was obvious, and despite Contact, the idea that they remained very close friends despite one being in love romantically with the other didn’t seem out of the question.
Love the royals, they’re good people. Nice to see one of them actually say Pierce’s name, pretty much since Background chatter they would always say “Imagine if it was…” and then trail off. :p
Izzy and Lauryna’s relationship is pretty similar to Alex and Rixie’s during Pandemic, hopefully it won’t take something as dramatic as a life or death situation to get them to confess. Of course the scary thing is what if the reason Izzy never got the LE was she confessed far later in life? Hope that’s not the case.
Even if they confessed to each other later in life, that wouldn’t explain why Izzy still doesn’t take the LE by Contact. Very strange…
Good to know the future Emperor is as good a man as his father.
Izzy won’t take LE for the same reason she won’t tell Lauryna her feelings. As for why she won’t return to Earth, it’s likely due to a lack of a 125′ redhead straight man:
“I…is that a human?” he asked.
“Nope, Titan. Had a bad teleporter accident.”
“We don’t have teleporters, Iz,” Lauryna sighed.
“Now you tell me!”
In Contact, doesn’t Lauryna call Izzy “my love” ? That would suggest they are a couple at that time, and she still doesn’t get the LE. Why ?
They do love each other and Izzy knows Lauryna will never abandon her as long as Izzy lives so Izzy willingly sacrifices her own future to free Lauryna. Izzy & Lauryna is reminiscent of O’Henry’s Gift of the Magi.
Izzy sacrifices her own future to “free” Lauryna? Seems rather unlikely to me. I think Lauryna would see through such a scheme and quickly convince Izzy that she enriches Lauryna’s life rather than drag it down.
I find it much more likely that Izzy refuses the retrovirus treatment because she believes that by replacing some of her human DNA with titan DNA she will cease being truly human, instead becoming something that humans were not meant to be.
Is there any indication that Izzy feels that way about the LE ?
Not really. All we know is that Izzy “won’t even consider the retroviral treatment” despite Lauryna apparently preferring otherwise.
It’s like Rixie and Alex all over again; Too afraid to tell each other how they feel.
Also, nice to see that Pierce has made such an impressive impression on the royal family. We now know that the emperor, empress, Rhionne, and Antero view humans as equals. I wonder how the rest of the royal family feels.