Welcome to TheTitanEmpire.com! from JS, OHH, TD, and DX

Hello all, and welcome to TheTitanEmpire.com, the new main site for Titan Empire universe content. We hope you enjoy the site!


  1. KazumaR1 says:

    Well it seems mot of the regular reviewers from world have made it over but I kind of wish we could see how many reads each chapter was getting.

    • Dann says:

      The admins can see stats like that actually, the site does track hits and page views actually. I’m not sure if D.X is in the process of making that public or not. He is the gears behind the scenes on this site after all.

        • KazumaR1 says:

          2000? That’s more than I would have imagined. Nice to know the series has potential to grow beyond world. Maybe it will reach the level of the Felarya or Legacy universe.

  2. shrinkpet says:

    Random question (which I am not expecting to ever be covered in this series… ever.), but regarding human grooming (outside of vet check ups), how is hair growth maintained? Do they have humans trained as barbers?

    Again, not expecting a serious answer; “magic technology” will be a sufficient answer, just popped into my head whilst daydreaming


    • D.X. Machina says:

      That actually comes up in Nomad — the Titans have a grooming device that can be used on humans, allowing the Titans to cut their humans’ hair. It sounds preferable to shaving, frankly.

  3. shrinkpet says:

    Very happy and impressed that the series has moved into its own dedicated website, any chance you could add in a mailing list to alert when new chapters are released? 😛


  4. Ancient Relic says:

    The reply button will make things much more organized than the old system of posting a review in reply to a review that’s separated by five other reviews.

    • Dann says:

      Yes, I agree. Did you know you can also leave comments on each individual chapter on the novel section?

      • Ancient Relic says:

        Yes, I found those. Looks like everything is all sorted out…now you just need to update stories again and we’re off to the races.

    • Dann says:

      I would like to note, all the thanks to that goes to none other than D.X Machina who has slaved endlessly over this site. Ohh and him have worked hard getting the book ends looking nice. They both deserve to put their feet up and enjoy a nice cold beer for all their hard work!

  5. KazumaR1 says:

    Well let’s see how many people show up. Have you guys thought about how you’re going to advertise the stories without gts world?

    • Dann says:

      Well, as much word of mouth as we can, as well as D.X and J.S are still going to update the few remaining Titan Stories on GTS World there for a while. With every update they will post here and on world, with a detailed note in the authors notes explaining that there are X many days until all Titan Stories are pulled from GTS World.

      Hopefully by that time anyone who is paying attention will have migrated over here.

  6. faeriehunter says:

    So the Titan stories have their own site now. Cool. Now to see if I can get the hang of quoting using HTML tags.

    faeriehunter wrote:
    This is a test.

    • faeriehunter says:

      Well, that worked, but it looks the same as if I’d just typed the quotation marks myself.

      …Hey, check out my little picture! Uh… I’m actually not sure how this site knew that I’ve been using that picture to accompany the username “faeriehunter”.

      • faeriehunter says:

        Mystery solved. Turns out the picture is from the gravatar (globally recognized avatar) I once made and then forgot all about.

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