We’ll Keep Trying D.X. Machina

Hopefully, at some point, one of the new notification systems I’m trying will work. If so, you’ll get an email update. If not…you won’t. 😛


    • TheSilentOne says:

      Same, and yet no actual notifications on the recent chapters. I absolutely hate the ReadyGraph popups that appear from time to time, and this spam is just further insult. Can we get rid of that please?

  1. Nitestarr says:

    I love this story! Can’t wait for the updates… Oh..

    Did have intermittent problems loading the page last few days, but I always get the e-mail notifications

  2. peggy says:

    System number one seems to send some 90 minutes before the replacement does… I still generally just check the site, rather than counting on the announcement. But I appreciate getting a notice, regardless. I liked thinking i was able to check the actually posting time, but whatever… ;-}

  3. Soatari says:

    Like I mentioned in a comment in the last Contact update, I’ve switched to a RSS reader with a notification setting. I really liked the Subscribe2 system, but after looking it up it appears to be a known issue that it sometimes fails 1/3 or 1/2 way through sending out notifications.

  4. CoalWhite says:

    I actually never had a problem with the first system. Although I check this site multiple times a day anyway. I don’t check my email as often so subscription notices mean very little to me either way.

  5. TheSilentOne says:

    Both systems are working for me still. I’m wondering if there’s an issue with the host (hostgator.com) that is causing it to be filtered as spam or blocked to some people.

  6. Nostory says:

    Much appreciated. Since I subscribed to the new system I have gotten 2/3 of the updates that followed, which is 67% better than the previous system.

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