Chapter 19: Coming Home Titan: Sovereign by Johnny Scribe

“Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?”

Pierce sat on the edge of Daz’s desk and watched as she hefted the strap of her bag onto her shoulder. The dark haired titan turned to him with what was obviously a sardonic expression on her face. One which quite clearly gave Pierce the answer to his question.

“Okay, okay.” Pierce chuckled, throwing his hands up defensively. “I was just asking.”

“It’s not that I don’t want you around, Pierce.” Daz said with a sigh. “It’s, well, it’s difficult enough as it is just dealing with my sister. I don’t want you to get caught up in the middle of that. Plus… well, my sister’s attitude towards humans is not…” Her sentence trailed off and Daz bit her lip helplessly.

“No, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by that.” Pierce said with a shrug. “Living here… it’s been really easy to forget how I’m seen outside the walls of this house.”

Daz softly stroked his hair with her finger. “I know. But that’s why I think you should stay with Tylum. I don’t know how the Emperor and Empress feel about the subject of humans, but if nothing else you’ll have plenty of other people around who see you as a person.”

Pierce smiled contentedly. He wasn’t entirely certain just what to call whatever his and Daz’s relationship had turned into. He was really hesitant to claim that they were ‘dating’ now; but whatever it actually was, he and Daz were spending much more time together. That’s not to say that he wasn’t still hanging out with Tylum or Rhionne, (or any of the others, really,) but there was a clear difference in the time he spent with them and the time he was with Daz.

There was significantly more physical contact with Daz, for one.

“Besides, this is an opportunity for you to see the palace!” Daz continued, crossing the room to where her other bag was waiting. “Not many titans ever get the chance to see it, even. I’d hate for you to miss something like that on my account.”

Pierce shrugged. “It’s not exactly something on my bucket list anyway.”

Daz rolled her eyes and leaned down. She hesitated only for a second before planting a small kiss on the top of Pierce’s head.

“Look, just trust me on this.” She said with a small grin. “You’ll have a nice time at the palace with everybody, and I’ll see you after the break. You probably won’t even miss me that much.”

Now it was Pierce’s turn to give her the sardonic look.

Daz didn’t take the bait, though. She merely scooped Pierce into her hand, walked across the bedroom and dropped him by the slightly opened door.

“Now come on, let me finish packing in peace.” Daz said, though with a small grin on her face. “Go see what Tylum is up to, or something.”

Pierce looked up at the young titan with eyes narrowed in suspicion. But, after a moment, he shrugged and walked out the door. “All right Daz. I’ll leave you to it then. See you later, okay?”

“I Promise.”

After he left, Daz closed the door behind him with a weary sigh, grateful not to have to dodge any more questions she didn’t want to answer.


“All right is everybody here?” Rhionne looked around at the assembled group of her friends. Myona, with Shaar in her shirt pocket, was busily trying to elicit a laugh from Reevah, but not really having much luck with it. Fara was struggling to heft her bag into the cargo compartment of the shuttle. And Tylum was sitting in the rear passenger seat with Pierce, showing him pictures of the palatial architecture.

Well, that’s everybody. Rhionne thought evenly as she stepped forward to help Fara with her bag. Everybody who’s coming, anyway.

“Wait for me!”

Rhionne turned just in time to see a tall blonde haired streak thundering towards them from the doorway of their house. Aezhay was busily stuffing a few last minute articles of clothing into her pouch.

“Not that I’m not happy to have you along, Aezhay.” Rhionne said as she helped the taller woman stow her luggage. “But I thought you said you wouldn’t be able to make it?”

“Well, I was thinking about it last night and I figure I can spare a night or two. The real heavy lifting of the harvest hasn’t quite begun just yet and, well, how often does one get the chance to spend a night at the palace?”

“That’s fantastic.” Rhionne smiled as she shut the luggage compartment. “I’m glad to have you come too, for however long that ends up being.”

“Like I said, it probably won’t be any more than a day or two. I don’t think I could keep my guilty conscience at bay any longer than that.” Aezhay said with a grin.

The girls, and Pierce, clambered into the shuttle while Reevah hopped into the pilot’s chair. Everybody was afraid Myona would make a dash for the controls, but she was being distracted by Tylum’s book, much to the relief of everyone else.

“It’s too bad Daz couldn’t make it.” Fara said wistfully. “I’m sure she would have enjoyed seeing the palace as well.”

“I can understand having family obligations.” Rhionne replied with a shrug. “I know I have to deal with them often enough. It’s all part of being…” Her sentence cut off as the princess bit her lip.

“Part of what?” Myona asked curiously.

“Uh, part… part of a family…” Rhionne completed hastily. “I…I mean, Aezhay has to help her sisters with the harvest, right?”

“Don’t remind me just yet.” Aezhay grimaced guiltily. “I’ll still probably catch it from Lezah.”

“Sorry.” Rhionne grinned. “I’m sure everything will be fine, Zhay.”

“All right, is everybody loaded up and strapped in?” Reevah asked from the pilot’s chair, ending further conversation. “Good. Then let’s get going, r we’ll be late.”

“We wouldn’t want to keep an Emperor waiting.” Pierce muttered to himself.


Daz stood at the gates which lead onto the grounds of her childhood home. Previously belonging to her parents, Zakrov Manor had been taken over by her sister Vasha when the later had assumed primacy of the Zakrov clan, which had occurred shortly before her father had retired and her parents had moved to Grelau.

Vasha, of course, didn’t spend much time there either, what with their corporate headquarters being located on Grelau as well. Still, the manor was always ready for the family to use. One of the benefits of wealth.

Funnily enough, at the moment, the large mansion fell far more like a prison than a home, and Daz would have given anything to have been able to go with Rhionne and the others to visit the palace, even if the likelihood of someone recognizing Daz was fairly high.

Still, there was no use wishing for something that couldn’t be. With a sigh, Daz hoisted her bag up onto her shoulder and began the rather long trek up the walkway, through the grounds and to the main house.

She arrived at the entrance to her home several minutes later. She pushed open the door and threw her bags onto the floor of the entryway.

“Sister, dear!” An enthusiastic voice called out to her. “How absolutely marvelous to see you!” Vasha appeared at the top of the grand staircase directly in front of Daz. Inwardly, Daz cringed. She’d really been hoping she could have a few minutes more to prepare herself before being confronted by her sister.

However, there was no stopping Vasha as the elder Zakrov sister descended the staircase in a cloud of perfume and expensive fabric. Her heels clicked on the wood floor as she advanced on Daz before pulling her into a tight yet insincere embrace.

“It’s good to see you, too.” Daz muttered as Vasha released her.

“My dear, how was your trip?” Vasha asked, but continued before Daz could even hope to formulate a response. “I’m sure it was absolutely dreadful, dear. Why you insisted on traveling in Public class, I’ll never know, it’s as if you don’t seem to understand you’re made for finer things than that.”

“I didn’t mind it.” Daz muttered.

“Still, darling, there’s a certain amount of decorum one must uphold. Just think if someone had recognized you!” Vasha gasped, apparently scandalized by the very idea of someone seeing her sister associating with… common people.

Daz rolled her eyes.

“Although, I suppose that would be difficult given your current appearance. Just what have you done to your hair?”

“Look, Vasha,” Daz cut off her sister’s appraisal before it could gain any momentum. “Regardless of how I made it, it was a very long trip and I’d rather like to go get a shower in. So, if you don’t mind?”

“Of course darling, how silly of me!” Vasha smiled in a way that almost appeared congenial. “I’ll have your bags sent to your room.”

“Vasha, no that’s-” It was too late. Before Daz could voice her protest, a man in a crisp looking uniform had appeared as if by magic and whisked her bags up the stairs at a speed that seemed to approach the light barrier.

“There you are dear.” Vasha said airily, turning to walk towards the sitting room. “I’ll meet you soon for lunch, shall we say in an hour? I still have that bit of news that you and I need to discuss. We’ll see you then!”

And as fast as she arrived, Vasha vanished down the corridor, leaving a very irritated Daz in her wake.


The flight to Tuaut had been fairly uneventful, possibly because Myona had been allowed nowhere near the controls.

When they’d landed at the Palace, the group had waited only long enough to stow their belongings in their guest rooms before Rhionne had taken them on a tour of her home. She’d shown them everything; the gardens, the stables… even the lake.

Throughout it all, Rhionne had done her best to remain modest, but it was incredibly difficult when, well, one lived in a palace.

Still, her friends were just as gracious, and very appreciative of the beauty of her home.

Eventually, they came to the final stop on the tour, the throne room.

To say the Imperial throne room was big would be an exercise in understatement, at least from Pierce’s point of view. The floors were marble, or something analogous to it and the ceilings had to have been at least five hundred meters high. The room was bordered by floor to ceiling windows, and the fading light of the setting sun still managed to illuminate one side of the room, while the other was lit by wall sconces that Pierce suspected had replaced actual torches at some point in the Palace’s history.

Between every pair of windows hung a flag, which, as Rhionne pointed out to him, were each from an Imperial province or colony. The green and black banner of the Empire proper hung behind the thrones of the Emperor and Empress.

Though, of course, the thrones themselves were empty.

The only sound in the room was the girls’ footsteps as they entered, and the entire set up gave off an impression of intimidation. Which Pierce suspected was largely the point behind it.

“Wow…” Pierce heard Myona mutter quietly as she walked behind Tylum. “You really can’t tell how big it is from the pictures.”

Rhionne shrugged. “It is rather excessive. Some of my ancestors were a tad… bombastic. Truth be told, my parents don’t really spend a lot of time in here, and most of their day-to-day business is conducted in their much smaller offices. This place is mostly used for official functions and when my parents want to keep someone off guard.”

“Does that mean you’re trying to keep us off guard?” Aezhay teased.

“Possibly.” Rhionne replied with a grin. “Actually, this is just a good place to end the tour. The throne room tends to leave a lasting impression. Plus, you know, it’s in all the publicity photos.

There was a sudden concussive sound that echoed through the throne room. As one, the entire group turned towards the back of the room where the large double-doors that were behind the actual thrones opened with a loud groan.

From the doorway emerged two people, both clothed in fine garments. Pierce heard Tylum gasp and had only a split second to grab ahold of her hair for balance before she fell to her knees. As soon as he’d regained his bearings from the sudden drop in altitude, Pierce noticed that the rest of the girls, with the exception of Rhionne, had behaved likewise.

As they drew closer, Pierce was able to get a better look at the two of them. The man was tall, with dark skin and hair that was shaved close to his scalp and just barely showing a few hints of grey at the temples. The woman was near equal to her companion in height. Her skin was much paler and her hair fell past her shoulders in long, dark tresses, save for single small braid of hair that hung near her right temple, much the same as Rhionne’s did.

The pair of them strode forward, ignoring the kneeling onlookers for the moment while they greeted and embraced their oldest daughter.

After a few moments, the three of them broke away and the royal couple noticed- as if for the first time- the other people in the room.

“That is enough of that.” His Imperial Highness chuckled good naturedly. “In fact it is far more than enough. Please stand, friends of our daughter.”

With a muted sigh, Tylum rose back to her feet, causing Pierce to grab hold of her hair again.

“Mother, Father, allow me to introduce my friends.” Rhionne spoke to her parents as she pointed to each of them in turn. “Aezhay, Fara, Myona, Tylum, Shaar and Pierce.”

Pierce noticed a small twitch from the Emperor as Rhionne pointed to himself and Shaar, but neither he nor his wife seemed willing to comment on it. Instead, the Emperor’s smile widened.

“Welcome. Please, make yourselves at home while you are here. Our palace is at your disposal.” The Empress said, her voice low and pleasant.

“That you, your majesty.” Tylum replied.

“By the way, Rhionne…” Her father intoned. “Your brother is also going to be on leave from his tour of duty and I’m sure he would love to see you and meet your friends when he arrives tomorrow.”

“That’s fantastic!” Rhionne cried happily. “I haven’t seen him in ages.”

“Well, he should be returning tomorrow.” The Empress said softly. “However, in the meantime, I’m sure you and your friends are hungry. How about some supper?”


  1. gadgetmawombo says:

    Nice to see an update to this. Right now this is the only Titan story Im keeping up with for some reason, not sure why.

  2. faeriehunter says:

    Hey, Aezhay is coming after all! I wonder if she ever found out how monumental her change of mind turned out to be. Drugar only consented to Quendra’s plan to “rescue” Luke on the condition that not all three of of the Guardians were present; otherwise it’d be too risky. So if Aezhay had gone back to the farm a little earlier then Luke would not have been taken. It could even have changed what happened at the Feast of the Overseer.

    I’m wondering if supper in the Imperial Palace will involve a helping of Joyous Human for Pierce and Shaar. It’d be the kind of thing that was meant well but would be likely to anger Rhionne. Joyous Human is a popular human food, but actually of poor quality and presumably not very tasty. Essentially Rhionne’s titan friends would get a feast while her human friends would be given the equivalent of gruel.

    • Ancient Relic says:

      I predict that Rhionne is going to bring that up and maybe get them some Titan food, because at some point they have to change the views of Tiernan, Rajenlif and Antero.

    • Nitestarr says:

      Well they could always suggest that Pierce and Shaar down the human chow with a helpful serving of…..soda! While Pierce would automatically decline based on his previous experience, Shaar would shrug and then take a few gulps.. In a short while hilarity and hi-jinks would ensue (and it would be the last time the girls get invited to the palace for dinner)

      Wonder if the emperor would take them turg-hunting…….

  3. Locutus of Boar says:

    It is no wonder titans can’t get anything done with their government…their commoners having to genuflect to the emperor every time he walks into a room. Earth protocol would require the girls to curtsey when approaching to a distance around 20 feet (equivalent 3 units) from the sovereign and wait to be recognized. They would only kneel if actually in the act of pledging fealty or receiving as award, etc.

    The only exception might have been Daz, had she been there. As a member of one of the 79 families she would be the titan equivalent of nobility. Even in that case I suspect only Vasha, as family primate is actually obligated to kneel until recognized. Earth kings encouraged this behavior of kneeling nobility to reduce the chances of getting stabbed by a competitor. In Vasha’s case that would be a wise precaution.

    • Johnny Scribe says:

      Recall that we’re also dealing with a bunch of nineteen and twenty year olds who might not be completely versed on the proper ettiquette and erred on the side of caution. After all the emperor did say that it was “more than enough”

  4. Kusanagi says:

    *Still rides the good ship Dierce* Always good to see updates to this. I wonder what Vasha has planned for her sister, can’t be anything good.

  5. Nitestarr says:

    A twitch (or was it a twinge?) from the emperor…well I think that means he’s allergic to humans…


    Daz didn’t take the bait, though. She merely scooped Pierce into her hand, walked across the bedroom and dropped him by the slightly opened door.

    “Now come on, let me finish packing in peace.” Daz said, though with a small grin on her face. “Go see what Tylum is up to, or something.”


    This reminds me of shooing a cat out of a room…..”Shoo Pierce, go bother someone else theres some nice human chow on the counter downstairs” 🙂

    Thats not a nice way to treat your defacto boyfriend….

  6. Peggy says:

    It is exciting to see the imperial family as individual people and see them interact. Also cool to see the housemates interact. Poor Daz… We know Vasha has something up her sleeve, but not yet what it might be. Nice build up for the mystery denouement. Thinking about it is leaving me a little nervous for her. Yet I am confident that our protagonists can overcome whatever evil she has in store for her sister.

    I got a survey this week asking me to report on my experience reading your site… The only improvements I could think of to request was to step up the rate of postings, and to go back to a functional notification system. I saw this because I thought there might be a new post, and checked the site before going to bed… No notification, again. Good thing I can find them myself… ;-}

    Thank you for a new chapter. Good stuff, Maynard! ;-}

  7. sketch says:

    So timeline-wise we are right before Luke’s third kidnapping, and Eyrn’s arrival at Bedra’s. I’m glad Aezhay made the first part of the trip.

    Of course Tylum is way into the history of the palace. And again with the kneeling, at least Eyrn managed to get it right even if it was out of stubborness. Darren followed custom, but maybe in the future humans can get a pass, being so close to the ground already. Speaking of, I get the sense the emperor hasn’t had his conversion yet. This’ll be one hell of a dinner.

    Nice to see Daz and Pierce moving up a level in their relationship. But really, this story can’t reach that point in time matching the end of Arena fast enough. Whatever Vasha has in store for her sister can’t be good.

    • JohnnyScribe says:

      Actually, it’s tradition within the Empire that only Titans are required to bow/kneel before the Emperor/Empress. It just hasn’t come up much yet

      • Locutus of Boar says:

        Strictly speaking Tiernan IV is not even emperor of all the titans, though one of his chidren will have that title…

        The title was changed to “Emperor of Archavia and All Its Colonies; LerLur of the Ler; Lord of the Jotnar” after the Ler joined the Empire in the 17th Century AM; after the end of the Dunnermac War, the Emperor’s title was amended to “Emperor of Archavia and the Archavian Dominion and All Its Possessions, LerLur of the Ler, Lord of the Jotnar, Sovereign of the Dunnermacs.” The term “Defender of the Avartle” was further appended later that century.

        …but he does hold the chief executive title for all the member species on the empire.

        Assuming Earth joins the empire eventually he will add one more chief executive title, probably a created office of President of Earth, Secretary-General not being a proper executive title. But even then he will not be properly sovereign to any but the Titans and Dunnermac.

        • Ancient Relic says:

          They could do it the British Commonwealth way, with the Titan Emperor as King/Queen of Earth, and Earth proper ruled by Prime Ministers (and other terms would be equivalent to that).

          • TheSilentOne says:

            While the Emporer appears to have more control than say, the British Queen, it appears that most of the day to day decisions are controlled by the House and Senate. From what I cans see the Emporer has more of a role of a president, but “elected” by bloodline instead of by vote. As for who would rule earth, I suspect the current Emporer at least is smart enough to leave matters internal to Earth to the people of Earth, perhaps only jumping in if there’s a matter that concerns beyond our solar system.

            Then again, I may have missed something completely.

            TL;DR The Emporer is normally passive, but can rule on a matter if necessary.

        • Locutus of Boar says:

          The emperor’s actual power seems to most closely resemble that of the Emperor of Japan prior to 1947. That is to say he’s the symbolic head of state who reigns but does not rule He governs through influence, effectively powerless to initiate public action unless there is severe division in the government. In extraordinary circumstances however he could exercise latent power and intervene on behalf of the people.

        • synp says:

          “Secretary-General not being a proper executive title”

          Are you too young to remember a time when two of the three most powerful nations on earth were ruled by a secretary-general?

          Regardless, it’s been said multiple times that the emperor is a figurehead on par with the British queen. It’s fairly clear that “floor leader” is their version of prime minister, and that is where executive power lies.

          • Locutus of Boar says:

            Yes, but the communist misapplied the title intentionally to demean the office not wanting to have any title that even smelled of Czar of all the Russia’s or Emperor of China. A secretary-general is by definition the chief administrative officer. That is in theory even less authoritative position than a chief executive and would be embarrassing applied to a symbolic head of state. Neither truly applies to the emperor who is head of state of all national entities composing the titan empire and sovereign of some of those nation groups. The Floor Leader is the recognized head of government for all the empire.

            The Queen of England has/had a variety of different titles throughout the existing and former British Empire. Within Britain itself she was never actually an empress as the Brits would never willingly submit to any title other than Queen.

            When Earth joins the empire the United Nations of Earth will recognize in some way the emperor’s role as symbolic head of state though most certainly not sovereign and of course the current Floor Leader as head of government.

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