Chapter Fifty-One: Blackmail Titan: Exile by Dann

Lyroo tore through the open field that connected the adjacent properties to the three farmland plots in the area. Though she was technically on Maris land, the back wood was often traveled on by members of the rural community as the Maris family was never overly strict on trespassing and the likes.

Cutting through the fields would cut about half an hour off her trek back to the city, but her furious and determined steps would likely deliver her to her destination much faster as well. Lyroo’s fists were balled, her long nails dug into the flesh of her palms, not that Lyroo even seemed to notice. Her nostrils flared and the soft creamy skin on her face was beet red, all the time she muttered to herself as her brain began to work out her next course of action.

She would have to turn her father in, which would not only crush her family legacy, but devastate her mother as well. All the hard work Lyroo had put into the HoS and advancing to where she was today would likely crumble and fall, all a result of what her father had done. Of course the real issue on her mind was the humans; all the innocent humans at Prenn Farms would be the real ones to suffer. A whole generation unable to be adopted because of her father’s foolish, monstrous and heartless actions.

Lyroo let out an indignant scream and kicked at the dirt under her feet. She couldn’t turn him in and risk all that, but if she didn’t…that would mean letting this injustice stand, and she couldn’t do that.

Shutting down operations wasn’t an option, she had spent her life building up the family business and while her father had done so with profit and greed at the forefront of his ambitions, Lyroo had done so with love and care. Lyroo enjoyed being with humans and raising them up, seeing them adopted to kind, loving homes was what drove her. Humans were small, innocent and needed to be protected. It was why she changed the focus of the HoS, it was why she implemented strict and consistent compliance standards each and every titan had to meet before adopting a human from the HoS, and it was why she was currently working to ban the sale of human beings in pet stores and from unlicensed merchant stands. Lyroo loved her work far too much to see the business go under. No, Lert would have to suffer, without the downfall of everything her family had worked towards for generations.

“Where are you off to in such a hurry?” A familiar voice caught Lyroo’s attention almost as sharply as the movement in her peripheral vision. Lyroo stopped and snapped her head over to meet with the image and voice. It was Aisell Maris.

“Home.” Lyroo yelled, not quite feeling like casual conversation, or pleasantries for that matter.

“That’s quite a long walk.” Aisell stepped out of the brush that marked the end of the forested area and the beginning of a long series of connected fields belonging to her family, and a few other smaller farms in the area.

“Then I guess I’d better keep walking, eh?” Lyroo barked, regretting her harshness but finding herself quite lost to her own anger.

“You should slow down; we don’t get a chance to talk very much anymore Lyroo.” Aisell had a creeping tone to her voice, and a satisfied grin oozed across her face.

“I don’t have time, ok?!” Lyroo barked as she picked up her pace, much to her ire however Aisell Maris kept pace.

“I really think you need to make time Lyroo.” Aisell’s tone went from cordial to flat and weighty in an instant, and she quickly stepped out in front of Lyroo, blocking her path.

A surge of anger swept through Lyroo and for a brief moment she pondered shoving Aisell out of her path. Not only was Lyroo not a violent person, but she was also not very sure she wanted to risk a confrontation with the woman who downed a Ler in open combat. So rather than act outside her restraints, Lyroo scowled and tried to sidestep Aisell, to no avail.

“No, I said you need to slow down Lyroo. You and I are going to have a little bit of a chat Lyroo Prenn and I don’t believe you’re in any condition to refuse such a generous offer.” Aisell’s voice grew ever more forceful while her expression left no room for negotiation. Aisell had her war face on.

“What are you even talking ab….” Lyroo’s words trailed off and she looked to Aisell with absolute shock. Lyroo didn’t need an explanation, the satisfied look on Aisell Maris’ face said more than enough.

“I thought you’d see things my way.” Aisell chirped smugly as she smiled from ear to ear; Aisell had the upper hand and she knew it. “Come,” Aisell put her arm around Lyroo and gripped the woman’s shoulder tightly in a forced side-hug, “walk with me Lyroo.”

Lyroo tried to wiggle out of Aisell’s hold, but was not permitted to do so. Aisell wasn’t hurting her, but she wasn’t exactly being gentle either. “What, are you going to steal my lunch money or something?” Lyroo mumbled, feeling vulnerable and more than a little intimidated.

“I’m bigger, I’m stronger, by your logic I’m in charge, right?” Aisell remarked as she let go of Lyroo, who keenly kept following Aisell despite this.

“How much did you hear?” Lyroo asked, regaining her composure.

“Everything.” Aisell spoke plainly.

“Do you make a habit of creeping around in the bush eavesdropping on other people!?” Lyroo spoke harshly.

“When people stomp through my land, sure.” Aisell replied, matching Lyroo’s hostile tone, only with much more control.

“Look, just tell me what you want, ok? I don’t have time for clever little games, alright?” Lyroo spoke through gritted teeth, though it was not overtly obvious, Lyroo was trying desperately not to lose herself to her emotions.

Aisell could easily pick up on Lyroo’s frustration, and wasn’t without compassion for what Lyroo had just overheard. But this was game time and Aisell Maris didn’t play to win anymore, she played for survival.

“Well?” Lyroo retorted, Aisell’s silence was disheartening. “Look, you can’t blackmail me, alright? I’ll not be bullied Aisell Maris!” Lyroo choked back tears and wiped her arm over her eyes furiously.

“Blackmail?” Aisell spoke with a sarcastic gasp. “Who ever said I was going to do that?” Aisell kept her eyes forward. Without maintaining eye contact she could rob Lyroo from seeing the cards she was playing. Aisell forced down a laugh, she didn’t need to know what Lert and Lyroo had been talking about, Lyroo was digging her own hole.

“Now you listen to me Aisell, I had no part in this! I am hearing things for the first time! Do you think I’d ever have allowed that to happen if I knew about it beforehand? Don’t you think if I had even the slightest bit of foreknowledge that I wouldn’t have been down there in the blink of an eye to save as many of those poor humans as I could!” Lyroo stopped walking, her voice was quivering now and her breathing was quickened.

Aisell kept silent.

“Look, what my father did was barbaric and disgusting! But if I turn him in, everything I worked for, everything my family has worked for, and all those innocent humans under the care of real caring people at Prenn Farm’s will all suffer!” Lyroo wiped tears from her cheek with her thumb. “Do you know what they’ll do Aisell? If my father is found guilty of a class 1 offence, the farm’s license will be revoked. A full audit will of all the farm’s resources, income and assets will then take place, it won’t be brief…it will be long and arduous.”

“I don’t see how that is any of my concern.” Replied Aisell, leading Lyroo into her snare.

“All farm assets will be frozen…and the humans…a whole generation of humans under the farm’s care…do you know what will happen to them?” Lyroo said pleadingly, desperation starting to show in her voice.

“Ideally? Or actually?” Aisell asked, though she did know the grim truth.

“HoS shelters can’t take the overflow, a whole generation of humans unadoptable, evidence Aisell…they’ll be evidence! Unceremoniously processed and ‘dealt with’ by Imperitor’s and Judicators. If you think what happened to your friend’s pet was bad, Aisell, wait until you see what happens when a farm is closed down because of a class 1 offence. Aisell….” Lyroo cut herself off, she bit her lip and turned away.

“I don’t imagine the board of directors at the HoS would be very comfortable having somebody spearheading their organization with connections to something so bloody. Just think of the negative publicity.” Aisell spoke up, feigning concern.

“Don’t you think I don’t know that?” Lyroo scowled for a moment and then sighed. “I worked hard, on my own. Everything I have today I had to work for, Aisell, I’m not taking a dive because of Lert Prenn’s barbaric human eating!” Lyroo could hardly bring herself to say it aloud, let alone stomach calling Lert Prenn Father.

Aisell’s lips twitched, she really had all the information she needed now. What she hadn’t picked up from Lert and Lyroo’s shouting match, she had managed to pry out of Lyroo. Turning to face Lyroo, Aisell folded her arms and shifted her weight. “You’re going to do me a favour, and then I’m going to tell you what’s going to happen next, do you understand me?”

Lyroo looked to Aisell alarmed and backed up a few steps. “Y…you can’t just blackmail me Aisell.” Lyroo wiped the last bit of moisture from her eyes and recomposed herself.

“Can’t I?” Aisell asked without a smile, a grin or even so much as a hint of whimsy.

“It’s against the law! I could take you down with me.” Lyroo tried to sound frank and rational; she knew intimidation would not work.

Aisell snorted and gave her head a shake. “Oh, can you now? But tell me, where will you drag me to? Hmmm? Lyroo, I’ve nothing to lose. The farm is failing, my best friend is gone and in a short time I’ll be looking for work and someplace to live. A few months in a correctional facility would give me some time to gather my thoughts. Nope, I have nowhere to go but up Lyroo.” Aisell’s tone became harsh and challenging. “You on the other hand…..”

Perhaps it was the pressure, the crushing weight of the news she had just begun to digest or the intimidation factor Aisell Maris brought to the equation, but the urge to fight was sapped from Lyroo. She looked down and away from Aisell and spoke softly. “What do I have to do?”

Aisell smiled simply and licked the front of her teeth; she loved it when things fell into her lap so neatly. It wasn’t even a struggle as much as a mercy killing to be honest, Lyroo hadn’t stood a chance.

“First, you are going to call upon a full, detailed inspection of Prenn Farm’s facilities. Somehow, and I’m sure it won’t be hard, you are going to find cause to suspend your fathers licence. I want him gone, and I don’t care where, anywhere but on my back door.” Aisell spoke fiercely, but with every bit of control the situation called for.

“Ok.” Lyroo found herself in easy agreement actually, removing her father and replacing him with somebody much more capable was her foremost priority.

“Second, in its current state of affairs, Prenn Farms is in no state for expansion. See to it that expansion plans are halted.” Aisell stated sharply.

“That won’t save your farm Aisell…we are not the ones foreclosing on your land.” Lyroo added, though void of passion.

“One less Terg at my door, all the better.” Aisell spoke quickly.

“Fine, is that all?” Lyroo asked, with a sigh.

Aisell broke out in hysterics for a moment and shook her head, wiping a stray tear from her brought there from her laughter. “Oh, heavens no woman, we haven’t even reached the meat of the matter yet!” Aisell exclaimed with amusement, she almost felt sorry for Lyroo now.

“Isn’t this enough?” Lyroo asked, desperately.

“You are going to finish your glory march home, or wherever you are going… pick up Master Sergeant Darren Avery and deliver him straight to Eyrn Fitzgerald’s door.” Aisell spoke, a thick feeling of displeasure in her voice.

“Aisell, I can’t just….”

“Then you are going to apologise to her for all the mean, nasty and wicked things you said to her…and never bother that woman or her friends ever again!” Aisell shouted over Lyroo’s protest.

“I can’t do that.” Lyroo insisted, meeting Aisell’s glare with a subservient one of her own.

“Excuse me? I don’t remember this being a suggestion Lyroo!” Aisell snapped, her tone harsh.

“You don’t understand, legally I can’t do that.” Lyroo insisted. “I could be charged, Darren would be taken away from her if anyone found out. She couldn’t register him or chip him. As soon as she tried he would be confiscated.”

“He shouldn’t ever have to be registered!” Aisell shouted.

“Ok, I know what you think, but listen…if he isn’t registered he can’t receive veterinary care, he can’t pass through customs, if he is ever lost she will have no way to locate him. Aisell I can’t just hand him over to her…it wouldn’t be safe.” Lyroo’s voice was earnest, as was the expression on her face.

“Make it happen Lyroo, I don’t care how.” Insisted Aisell forcefully.

“No!” Lyroo balled her fists and shouted back. “I don’t care if you expose me, I won’t just throw him into the wind to fend for himself! It wouldn’t be safe or legal.” Lyroo shook from the intensity of the moment.

Aisell eyed Lyroo long and hard before turning and walking a few steps back, she rested her head in her hand and let out a frustrated sigh. “He deserves to be with somebody who will treat him like a person, he deserves to be with his friends…not with you.” Aisell spat with bitter contempt.

“I won’t hand him over illegally.” Lyroo insisted. “I, at least, am taking care of him; with me, at least he is safe! Which is more than I can say for his state of affairs while under the care of Eyrn Fitzgerald and Bedra Tae!” Lyroo crossed her arms.

“Lyroo,” Aisell’s voice took on a more diplomatic tone now, “this is far too personal for you.” Aisell looked to Lyroo now, and approached.

Lyroo took a hesitant step back, but steadied herself.

“Darren isn’t safe with you. He never will be. Not after what you just learned. Every time you see him, you’ll think of your father. Can you honestly look me in the eye and tell me there will be no resentment? What of your father? Can you look me in the eye and tell me Darren is safe from Lert? He is too close to the heart of the matter, as long as Darren is with you he isn’t safe. Not anymore.” Aisell looked to Lyroo, now with deep concern expressed through her icy blue eyes.

Lyroo looked away.

“Please.” Aisell asked softly.

“I won’t surrender him illegally.” Lyroo repeated.

Aisell felt a sick feeling in her stomach; she forced the words out of her mouth painfully, with both a feeling of absolute certainty, and deep regret. “Then surrender him to me.”


    • zebra says:

      oh and on the topic of publishing id buy this series as is on amazon/kindle but i wont buy sanitized/self censored versions on principle

  1. Nostory says:

    Game of Thrones gets away with and Fifty Shades as well, both are best sellers but in terms of quality the contrast is huge. The smut here could still work if it contributes to the story.

  2. Nostory says:

    Decided to reread this before you update. Could definitely sell if it ever got published. However Titan and Physics will need some refining.

    • OpenHighHat says:

      I think all stories are going to get a once over anyway. Physics was still early days for me and I’ve learned a lot since then. If we were to ever try to get it published the smut would definitely be toned down. Though Game of Thrones get away with a lot.

      • Nitestarr says:

        You have a niche market within a niche market…But throw some vampires into the mix and a couple of vapid actors and now you will have a hit movie! Giants vs Vampires…..woooo can’t wait………

      • Ancient Relic says:

        Some thoughts on publishing:
        1) You’d definitely have to cut most sexual content when you’re selling to a non-macrophiliac crowd. Some exceptions: Naskia and Niall, and Rixie and Alex, when they’re the same size in the holosuite, and Naskia trapping Niall in her boobs in very early Physics. It establishes Niall’s character by showing that he won’t compromise his principles even when aroused.
        2) When you do rewrite, start with the things you’d like to change or add. Also remember that you have this writing group/book club to get suggestions from; I’d be happy to give you my ideas once Hybrid is done. After that, run it by a professional editor, and do a rewrite based on that. By the time you do all that, I think you’ll have a fine piece of literature on your hands.

    • Peggy says:

      That was what I kept telling my husband when I read it the first time… Hence my whining about the typos… Eminently publishable in main stream publishing… My husband said, don’t tell them, we don’t want to have to pay for it… Thank you for providing us with your creations, guys…

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