Chapter Thirty-One: And the Time’s Comin’ Near Titan: Contact by D.X. Machina

If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, what am I?”

–Hillel the Elder

It took a good five minutes before any of the people on Titan Station could find their voice.

Xú, alone among her crew, was not crying. Not because she did not feel for the woman in the arena, but because she was too busy thinking over the ramifications of what that woman had just done.

Xú felt none of the anger that Felltree had expressed, though she knew even a week ago, she would have been screaming with rage, demanding blood in revenge for Luke, though she did not know him and never would.

She saw, though, what she had seen when Aertimus Bass had ordered his station destroyed rather than kill her crew. She saw what she’d seen in the way Niall and Naskia looked at each other, or for that matter, Ted and Tigoni. She saw it in the way that Sorcha Freeman and Alesia Nonahsdottir bickered like sisters, the way Darren called Eyrn a twat, even in a diplomatic setting, with no fear that she would deliver anything worse than a cutting remark – indeed, with rather the expectation that she’d rise to the occasion.

She’d seen it in Felltree, yes – she had no doubt that this Luke was her best friend, that she would return to her home and comfort his wife and children, and that they would accept that comfort the way one does from close friends – she had no doubt that this woman saw her human friends as her full equals, and that they had no doubt that she did.

But that was not what Xú focused on. No, what she focused on was the crowd, for they had embraced her. Oh, she knew not everyone in the crowd had, that many people beyond that arena might not have. But there were enough. The Titans willing to view humans as equals were not merely in this room. They lived throughout the Empire.

She made a mental note to tell Eyrn that she would go with her to the meeting where she told Earth’s leaders about humans being pets. She needed to be there to say that yes, she had seen enough. This would change. It was happening already. They would need time, but given time, they could fix this. And when they objected, she would remind them that no species with the history of the human race has any business criticizing others for treating humans as second-class creatures.

The silence was finally broken by Darren, who said, softly, “Damn hell, Obi-wan. That…aw, hell,” he mumbled, rubbing his eyes, too heartbroken for his friend to even think about the wider picture.

Rixie looked at Darren pointedly. “She’s Felltree?”

“Yeah,” Eyrn said. “She is.”

They didn’t say who she was; a professional Tol-Bot player never would, much less a Grand Tournament champion.

“That kid taught me Tol-Bot, you know,” Darren said, wiping away the tears.

“You learned Tol-bot from Felltree?” Rixie gasped. “You never told me!”

“Well, Obi-wan wasn’t Felltree yet. I mean, she was, but she wasn’t, y’know, ‘Felltree.’ Just a girl playing in her back yard, and kicking my ass all over it. Always appreciated that. She never held back on me. I was a rookie, but she didn’t hold back. I did better at chess, but she was damn good at that, too.”

He was quiet again, rubbed his eyes. “Met Luke, too. Later, not the first time I went out to visit. They ended up coming to our wedding. Didn’t see him a lot, but always liked him. Good guy. Lysis got on well with Quendra. Damn it,” Darren said. Lysis walked over and hugged him.

He rubbed his eyes. “Well, damn. Skywalker got a helluva sendoff,” he said, raising his glass. “To Luke Palmer,” he said. “May his soul find its way home.” And as the room echoed his toast, he downed his drink in one shot.

* * *

“Well,” Taylin said, bitterly. “That’ll do it for my fascination with Felltree.”

“Huh?” Nanta said, as her husband got up.

“Lecturing everyone about having pet humans. Look at everything you’ve done for Sassy and Joqie! How much time and money have you put into helping them!”

“Well, it’s not about that,” Nanta said, rubbing her eyes. She didn’t agree with Felltree either, but knowing how deep her grief would be if she lost either of her pets, she was in a more forgiving mood.

“Oh, I know that! You love them. I love them too! But that’s it – they’re part of our family, not locked in a drawer somewhere! ‘Humans on their masters’ tables.’ Bah!”

Taylin walked out to the kitchen to grab a soda, and Nanta sat up and stretched, and looked at her tiny pets. She noticed they had their backs to her, and were talking in hushed tones.

“Kiddos? What’s wrong?” she said. “Taylin’s not mad at you.”

“I know,” Joqtan said, sharply. Sassa gave him a soft whack on the arm, and a withering look; Nanta and Taylin had earned better than that.

“Sassy, it’s okay,” Nanta said. “Joqtan, what’s wrong? Don’t worry,” she said, softly. “I won’t be upset.”

Joqtan took a deep breath. “Sassa and I want a baby.”

“Oh, Joqtan, we’ve been over that,” Nanta said, gently. “It’s a lot of work, and I don’t have time….”

“We could take care of it!” Joqtan shouted, and Nanta drew in a breath; she couldn’t remember Joqtan ever shouting at her. Even at his worst, he’d just been quiet, withdrawn. Sassa had yelled, but that was years ago, when she was barely grown up.

Nanta tried to keep an even keel. That had been a very emotional speech, and it was bound to push some buttons. “Joqtan, you’re too little. Tay and I would have to help you.”

“We’re not stupid!” Joqtan shouted; he was enraged now. Sassa tried to calm him, but he was done being calm about this. They had asked and asked and asked. He was done asking. “We lived in a house with a drunk man who wouldn’t feed us, wouldn’t give us water. We found food. We found water. It wasn’t easy. It was awful. When he found me in the cupboard….”

He was silent a good moment, before he continued. “We didn’t die, Nanta,” he said, more quietly. “We stayed alive, until he was taken to jail for fighting. We did enough to make it to the shelter. We tried to get out of the house. If we could’ve gotten out….”

“You would’ve died, Joqie!” Nanta said, horrified at the thought. “A shaar would’ve gotten you, or….”

“We’d be able to have a baby if we wanted it!” Joqtan shouted. “We’d have a choice!”

“Why you ungrateful little….” Taylin said, coming out of the kitchen, eyes blazing. “After all Nan’s done for you, how dare….

He stopped short; Joqtan had stepped between Sassa and Taylin and covered himself reflexively, preparing to ward off the blow his mind told him must be coming.

“Oh, buddy…no,” Taylin said, softly, horrified at the reaction he’d triggered. “No, I’d never hurt you. Ever. I…I’m sorry. I just get a bit protective of Nan,” he said, immediately realizing how hollow that must sound, given what Joqtan was willing to do to protect Sassa.

31Nanta got down off the couch, and sat down on the floor, feet tucked under her, closer to the table; Taylin walked slowly and cautiously to the adjacent side.

Joqtun straightened, gave Tay a slight smile, turned to Nan, and said, quietly, “I’m sorry.”

Sassa hugged him tightly, and let him cry for a moment. Taylin kneeled down, and appeared ready to say something, but Nanta caught his eye and shook her head.

“You have been good masters,” Joqtan said finally. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t…I should thank you for what I have. What Sassa has. We know you love us,” he murmured, and sat down, heavily. “We do. And I…I shouldn’t….”

Joqtan trailed off, unable to finish through his sobs.

“I’m sorry for Joqtan,” Sassa said, as he buried his face in his hands. “We…we want a child. We know by when I’m six, that’s hard, and I’m five now….” Sassa said, wringing her hands. “But it’s up to you. And you have been nice, both of you,” she said, turning to Taylin. “We love you too. We just….”

She stopped herself. “No. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

Nanta studied her two pets, as if she’d never seen them before. She saw the worry lines on Joqtan’s face, now, lines she’d never noticed. Saw the way Sassa tried to console him, the way he held her hand, the shame written on his face for yelling at the woman who had taken them in and loved them. She could see Sassa holding back what she wanted to say, see the grief on her face as she faced up to the fact that she would not be allowed to have a child. And worse, saw the resignation that followed, the acceptance of it.

“You don’t have to be sorry,” Nanta said, finally.

“Nan – ”

“They don’t, Tay.”

“You’ve been like their mother.”

“And how would you feel if your mother was feeding us contraceptives and telling us we could never have kids?” Nanta said, evenly.

“But that’s different,” Taylin said.

“Is it?”

Taylin paused. He said nothing, because he honestly wasn’t sure.

Carefully, Nanta stroked Joqtan’s back, then Sassa’s. “You want this very much, don’t you?”

Joqtan’s head shot up. “Yes. Yes! Very much! But we won’t…not if you….”

Nanta smiled softly. “It should never have been our decision to make,” she said. “I…you’re going to have to work more,” she said. “You can’t just be my pets. I mean it when I say Tay and I can’t be responsible for your baby.”

“We will be,” Sassa said, suddenly full of life. “We…we’ll do anything tell us to. Anything.”

Nanta thought back to what Felltree had said, just – could it only have been ten minutes ago? It felt like forever.

Tay looked over at his wife; Nanta looked back, and shrugged, slightly. He smiled at her, and nodded.

“We’ll…we’ll talk more in the morning,” Tay said. “We’ll all figure out an arrangement that works.”

“But I’ll call the vet tomorrow,” Nan added, “and make an appointment to take out the contraceptive implants. Okay?”

Sassa was crying, joyfully. She hugged Joqtan – no, Nanta thought, she hugged her husband – for a good long while. And then she ran across the table and leapt for Nanta, who caught her and held her to her breast.

“Th…thank you,” she sobbed into the Titan.

“Oh, Sassy,” Nanta cried. “I’m so sorry. I hope….”

Sassa kissed her mistress on the chest. “Don’t be sorry! You’ve been too good to us,” she said, quietly. “We love you so much.”

“I know you do. I love you too. We’re gonna listen better, okay?”

Sassa didn’t reply, just nuzzled into Nanta softly. She didn’t know how to explain what had just happened, and didn’t need to. As for Nanta, she had no idea what this meant, and didn’t care. All she knew was that this felt right. Whatever direction it took them all, this felt right.

* * *

Aisell composed herself, finally, and began to trudge back to her dressing room, when she stopped, cold.

The Executioner was standing in the hallway, patiently. His usual, brutal persona was gone; even in his mask and robes, it was clear that he was calm, almost gentle. She looked into the eyes which peeked through the skull-mask; she could see they were red with tears.

“I…” he started, paused, and continued. “I was going to congratulate you on the best-played Tol-Bot match I have ever been witness to, the most amazing thing I’ve seen a champion do. But…then you did something far more amazing than that,” he said, offering his hand.

He looked down the hall; it was empty, as was customary. Nodding, he pulled off his mask. “My name is Taron,” the handsome, kindly man said, turning back to her. “I…two of the most important people in the universe to me are humans. They….”

“Wait,” Aisell sniffled. “Wait a second – Taron Dande? From Avalon?”

“Uh…yes. I…have we met?”

Stepping back, she pulled off her mask. Taron laughed.

“Aisell Maris? I haven’t seen you since Darren and Lysis’s last baby shower!” Taron said, grinning, and pulling her into a hug. “Small Empire.”

“It is,” Aisell said. “And how are Nick, and Sophia, and Brinn, and Zara, and Manto, and Joseph, and…well, the whole gang?”

“A whole gang,” Taron said with a smile. “And you know then exactly why I’m so grateful to you. What you did, for Luke, for Darren, for the Tribe, for my family – I can’t ever thank you enough. And I cannot tell you how sorry I am for your loss. Now that I know who you are, I know who he was for sure, and…well, I met Luke a couple times. I know what a good person he was.”

Aisell sniffed back a tear. “Thanks,” she said, quietly. “He was. I’ll…I….”

Taron smiled gently. “I want you to know,” he said, “that The Executioner will say nothing tonight, for tonight is your night, and he wants nothing to distract from what you said about Luke, or your win. But tomorrow, or the next day – very soon, when you think it appropriate – he will announce that he supports you, and like you, he will play no further matches until his friends and family are free to watch him in the arena, like any other citizen of the Emprire may.”

Aisell couldn’t even find words anymore. She pulled her erstwhile opponent and newly-minted ally into another bear hug. “Thank you, Taron,” she said, finally.

“I’m sorry about the match,” she added, sheepishly. “I didn’t mean to do that, I was just….”

“…brilliant,” Taron said, with a wry smile. “Absolutely brilliant. You kicked me all over the arena. I’d be embarrassed, but I don’t think I played that badly. Pretty sure Iron Maiden would have gone down in straight rounds tonight.”

“I…you almost won by forfeit,” she said. “I almost went home, to say goodbye.”

“I’m glad you didn’t,” Taron said, gesturing down the hall. “Being on the losing side of this one was an honor. And what you started…well – listen to the crowd.”

Aisell had barely processed the noise; the whole world was background to her grief. But she realized as Taron drew her attention to it that the noise level had not dropped. It had risen. The entire arena was shaking, even here in its depths.

She cocked her head, just a little. They were no longer chanting her name. What they were chanting broke through her grief, just for a moment.

“IT. IS. NOT. RIGHT! IT. IS. NOT. RIGHT! IT. IS. NOT. RIGHT!” the crowd thundered, stomping and chanting, not letting up for a moment, not breaking, not flagging or faltering. They chanted it in honor of their champion and her fallen friend – and the humans they had gotten to know over the past decades, so like themselves – and the humans who’d flown from Earth to Titan Station – and more than anything, for those living in terrariums, in cages, on their masters’ tables, owned, property, robbed of their chance to live their lives as they would.

Aisell wiped the tears away, and then stood up straight, fitting her mask back on. “The honor was mine,” she said to Taron. “You fought well.”

“As did you, champion,” he said. “And as you continue to.”

* * *

Pryvani walked confidently down the corridors of Titan Station. She drew the usual second glances and stares as she passed, but after three decades in the public eye, that was merely background noise at this point. She felt each step as she drew closer to the suite she had rented for herself and Zhan. The aforementioned person was in his customary spot in the hollow of her clavicle, and she felt his weight keenly.

She wondered, with him being that close to her, if he could sense the tightening of her throat or the way her heart seemed to skip every third beat.

Still, she was a past master at keeping her composure, of being certain that nothing of her true emotions ever showed on her face. It was a skill which she was putting to good use at that moment.

Arriving at the entrance to her suite, she placed the access card against the doorjamb, and the door to the room slid open to admit her.

She stepped into the room, strolled to the bed, and carefully took Zhan in her hand and placed him on the mattress. Then, she lowered herself to her knees next to him.

And then, Pryvani Tarsuss finally allowed her mask to slip.

It started slow, a slight trembling of her lips and a single tear. But then, as she looked into the concerned expression on her husband’s face as he realized what was happening… the dam burst completely.

“Oh… Zhan!” She gasped desperately, concealing her face on her folded arms, her body wracked with sobs as a torrent of emotion washed down her face and soaked the bedspread. “Zhan… I…”

He was next to her in a flash, gently rubbing her wrist and whispering comfortingly in her ear. “It’s okay, love. Everything is okay, I’m still here…” His heart ached to see his wife like this, but at the same time he recognized what a privilege it was to be the sole person that got to see all the way to her core. The only one to truly know the real Pryvani Tarsuss.

“Oh gods, Zhan.” Pryvani raised her head to look at him, tears still flowing from her sapphire colored eyes. “I… I can’t believe how close things came…how close I was to…to losing you forever. If you had died I don’t…I don’t know….”

“Pryvani…” Zhan whispered, lovingly placing a kiss on her knuckles. “I know. The only thing that frightened me more than never seeing your face again, was the thought of you having to raise Lysis and Darren’s kids all by yourself.”

Pryvani chuckled weakly.

“Now that’s not fair. Here I am trying to have a good cry and you go and make me laugh.”

“Sorry.” Zhan muttered, with a small grin on his face. “I’m an awful husband.”

“Horrible.” Pryvani agreed, burying her face in her arms again. “Terrible, rotten, abysmal even. And I swear if you go and leave me like that I will kill you myself.”

Zhan leaned forward to press his lips against Pryvani’s. “Duly noted.”

She smiled and her gaze softened. She gently scooped him into her hand and pressed him against her cheek. “I can’t tell you how relieved I am that you’re safe, my darling.” She whispered, blinking back more tears.

“I’m very glad to be safe as well.” Zhan joked.

After a moment more of holding him like that Pryvani- somewhat reluctantly- lowered him back to the bed.

“You know…” Zhan said, scratching the back of his head. “When… when it looked like we were all going to die I….”

“What dear?” Pryvani asked, lowering her gaze to him.

“I made a farewell message for you and the children. I… I think you should watch it.”

“Oh.…” Pryvani’s eyes widened. “I don’t know if I can take watching your last will and testament with you sitting right here.”

Zhan chuckled mirthlessly. “Easier than watching it without me sitting here. It’ll be okay, and I said some things I think you, and eventually the children, will want to hear.”

“All right.” Pryvani sighed. “If you insist.”

Zhan tapped a few keys on his pad, and a holographic image of himself was projected on the bed in front of them.

Pryvani could tell from the image how worn out Zhan had been by that point. Not that she could blame him, of course. He’d been dealing with lack of sleep and his own impending doom. There was no way anybody could fault him for not looking his best.

“My dear family.” The projection spoke in a hushed voice that was bordering on being ‘hoarse.’ It’s entirely possible that I will not be able to make it home from this adventure. Nobody’s luck can last forever, and I know I’ve tempted fate often enough.

“I am fortunate, I suppose, that I have been granted the time to record this final message to you all. That I have a chance to tell you all how much I love you. There are many who have been in my position that never have the option. There are some, here even, who won’t.

“First, to my children. I want to tell you, unequivocally, how much I love you, and how much I regret not being there to see you grow into the amazing people I know you have the potential to be. There are tough times ahead for all of you. You represent something this world hasn’t seen, and that can scare people. Be strong. Hold your heads high and know that your mother and I love you. And that we’re proud of you.

“Odin… As the oldest, the heaviest burden will fall on your shoulders. It’ll be up to you, more than your brother and sister, to carry on your mother’s legacy. To finish what she has started. It won’t be easy, but you’re up to the challenge, I know it. And you won’t be alone. There will be allies, Odin, you just have to know where to look.

“Oh.” The hologram grinned and chuckled softly. “And, watch your step around Manto. Don’t underestimate her, she may be sweet, but inside beats the heart of the Avalonian Guard and we don’t back down from a challenge. You might find yourself wrestling a tornado, son, but I think you’ll find it worth the trouble.”

“Pelleas.” Zhan swallowed and cleared his throat. “Son, of all my children, you remind me the most of me. Maybe that’s why we seem to butt heads a lot, and sometimes maybe it seemed like I was being unfair to you. Heck, maybe I was being unfair to you. I want you to understand that I only pushed you because I saw so much potential in you, and I wanted you to realize it. But, I don’t love you any less than your brother or your sister. I’m so, so proud of you, Pel, and I’m heartbroken that I won’t be there to see that potential realized. Go out there and give ‘em hell, kid.

“And my daughter Khalikory. Khali… my beautiful little girl. You have so much of your mother in you, and there is no higher praise that I can give someone. Just when I think I have you all figured out, that I’ve seen all there is to you, you surprise me by showing me something new. Sweetheart, I won’t be there to do all the things that daddies are supposed to do for their girls. But, don’t worry; you have your brothers to look out for you. And you should look out for them too. You’re going to do amazing things, Khali. I know you will, because you’re my daughter.

“Thyllia.” The image of Zhan smirked and shook his head ruefully. “I’ll admit, you scared the hell out of me when I first met you. Here I was just getting used to the idea of being with your sister, and suddenly there’s a giant five year old involved. I was nineteen and knew nothing of kids. Let alone kids that could pick me up with one hand.

“But you were the sweetest, gentlest little giant a person could ask for. Where you got that, I don’t know, because it certainly wasn’t from your mother. Your father must have been an amazing man. Thyllia I’m so grateful to have been a part of your life, and I’m sorry to be leaving it so abruptly. There is one thing I want to tell you though. That thing we discussed? I want you to go for it. I don’t think it’s too late, and if it is, at least you’ll know.

The hologram fell silent for several seconds.

“I did that in case you wanted to watch this part in private.” The real Zhan said with a smirk.

Pryvani smiled and wiped a tear from her eye. “You really are terrible.”

“My darling wife.” Another cough. “I don’t….There aren’t any words in any language to express the deep love that I feel every minute of every day. You are the most amazing person in this universe and I can’t fathom how you’ve managed to accomplish all that you have in your life. Or why, out of all the billions of possible choices you could have had, you chose to spend it with me. But for that I am eternally awed and humbled.

“I want you to know that I regret nothing in my life. Even the most painful moments, most of which came from my own foolishness, because each choice that I made was a stepping stone that led me to you. And you, my goddess, my wife, have made every single one of those choices worth any price. You have given me so much. You’ve given me a purpose, three beautiful children, and all the love a man could ask for. I might not be long for this world, Pryvani, but if there is an afterlife, I suspect it will be no different than the one I’ve already lived.

Zhan took a deep breath before continuing. “My love, there is one thing that I want you to promise me. I want you to promise me that if….If you should happen to find someone who makes you happy, someone to love and care for you the way I’ve always tried to… if you should find someone like that….I don’t want you to let that slip away. I want you to be happy, dear, and if you find someone who can do that for you, who can love you… You have my blessing. Don’t let my memory become an anchor around your neck, Pryvani. Don’t be sad at my death; be glad that you gave me the most wonderful life a person could ask for.

The hologram wiped away a tear. “I should… My time is almost over, Pryvani. I…I love you, more than life itself.” The hologram reached up, as if to turn the recorder off, but then hesitated.

“Oh, there is one more thing you can do for me, my love. Consider it a final request. …If you should ever happen to come across Ziah Solis, do me the favor of kicking him in the testicles. Do it hard enough that he spits them out, and wear that one pair of shoes… you know, the really pointy heels.”

Zhan grinned. “Goodbye Pryvani, goodbye family. I…I love you all.”

The hologram clicked off.

“Well…” Zhan said with a sigh as he reclined on Pryvani’s thigh. “There it is, my last will and testament.”

“I’m going to miss you darling.” Pryvani said affectionately, caressing her husband softly.

“Yes. I know. I’ll be a tough act to follow.” Zhan chuckled. “But I’m sure you’ll manage.”

“Well.” Pryvani sighed. “Perhaps I’ll join Brinn and everybody in their marriage. It would be the most convenient, them already living with me and all.”

“A sound plan.” Zhan agreed. He felt Pryvani’s hand work its way underneath his body and he was scooped into her palm. Her hand rose like an elevator underneath him and he soon found himself pressed against her lips, which molded around him.

“No.” Pryvani sighed. “I think I’d rather keep you.”

“And I’m grateful for that.” Zhan smiled. “Even if I will never understand it.”

* * *

Several hours later, in a condominium in Tuaut, Loona’s pad chimed. The person on the other end was returning a message she’d left – one that had been laced with no shortage of sarcasm.

She answered. “Hello,” she said, quietly. “I am sorry, Aisell. Before I say anything else, I want you to know that I feel awful about Luke, and I know how much that has to hurt.”

“I know you do,” the woman on the other end of the line said. She sounded like she’d been wrung out and left to dry; Aisell’s emotions were raw enough without this. But then, Aisell had to admit, Loona had a point.

“How’s Quendra doing?”

“Like you’d expect. Heartbroken, and fighting not to show it. I can’t even begin….”

“You give her my love when you talk to her,” Loona said. “Her husband was a good man.”

There was silence for a bit, before Loona launched into it.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Loona asked. “Did you think I would tell someone? I’m a deputy minority whip. I’m on the defense committee. I know state secrets! I would have kept this quiet.”

“I know that,” Aisell said.

“Twenty-one years. Twenty-one years since we hooked up in Niall’s holosuite. Twenty-one years we’ve been seeing each other, off and on – and about twenty Grand Tributes where I nattered on about Felltree, and invited you to stay to watch the tourney, and you came up with terrible excuses and I didn’t pry, because we don’t pry. That’s part of the deal. But Aisell…I’ve told you things about myself that only Nonah knows. I thought….”

“Loona, I’m sorry,” Aisell said. “I really am. I realized about twenty minutes after the end of the tourney that I’d just outed myself to more than a few people…but of all of them, the one I knew would be hurt most was you. I just…with Luke dying, and dying so close to being able to see his home….”

Loona sighed. “I know. It’s okay, it is. But….”

“No, it isn’t,” AIsell said. “I was selfish. I just…I wanted….Loona, Felltree is popular and rich, and if she wanders out in public tomorrow, she’ll be able to find someone to hook up with. It will take her all of fifteen, twenty minutes to do so, even at her age.”

Loona paused. She had been just about to feel bad about this. “This is supposed to make me feel better?”

“No…Loona, I just…you care about me. Aisell Maris. You care about me, not Felltree. I mean, I know, you’re a fan of hers, but…she’s a character I play. She isn’t me. And I just…I know it’s selfish, but I liked that you liked me for who I was, not what I was.”

Loona couldn’t keep it together any longer. She began to chuckle, then laugh.

“Did…was that funny?” Aisell asked.

“No…it’s just….” Loona sighed, and chuckled a bit more. “Aisell, do you really think I didn’t know?”

There was silence on the other end of the line, and then Aisell began to laugh too. “Oh, gorram. For how long?”

“Oh, roughly 20 years. You may be wearing a mask, but your eyes…I’m pretty familiar with them, you know. And the costume you wear, and especially the one you wore back then…well, I’m familiar with other parts of you too, you know.”

Aisell sighed, and chuckled. “Well. So…you were just messing with me?”

“Yup, and I think that’s fair. I think Luke would be disappointed if I’d passed up on that opportunity.”

“He would,” Aisell said. “No question about it. Why didn’t you ever tell me you’d figured it out?”

“Tol-Bot player’s code! ’A player may reveal themselves to those friends they pick, when they pick them. But only when they are ready.’ I’d never tell you I knew without you telling me. It’s the way of the sport. I figured if you didn’t tell me, you hadn’t told a lot of folks.”

“There are a couple players….”

“Darren, obviously, and Eyrn.”

“Yup, and a couple more, and obviously the folks at Bellona, but otherwise, it’s my sisters, Quendra, Luke, Gae, Yamma, and now, you. And everyone else who figured it out, I suppose. But those are the only ones I’ve told.”

“Well, fair enough,” Loona said. “Just…Aisell, if you have any other deep, dark secrets, you can tell me, okay? I tell you everything I’m not prohibited by law from telling you. And I mean this, even if the secret is that you killed someone, I’ll still love you. May suggest you turn yourself in, but still.”

“I haven’t killed anyone, but I do have one Class One offense I haven’t told you about. I got Darren back from Lyroo by blackmailing her.”

Loona paused for a second, then burst into laughter. “Wow…okay, that’s…the statute of limitations is over on that, so that’s a story I want to hear when you come by next week.”

“Next week?”

“Yes, next week,” Loona said. “After the funeral, you’re going to head up here. Felltree made quite a splash, but you’re going to need help with strategy. I know, Gae and Yamma will help – they’re great assets – but my majordomo is about the best person in the Empire to talk to about leveraging political activity. And the good news is that you’re well-known as a friend of mine, so you can sneak in to town without arousing suspicion. Of course, that means you’ll have to let Ammer know; good news is that he won’t care.”

Aisell laughed out loud. “He’s probably the sane one. And for the record, Loona, I’m not the only friend of yours who hasn’t told you about their Tol-Bot career. The one I know…I’ll let them know they should. I can’t, of course…..”

“Of course,” Loona said. “Just don’t tell me Vanser is the Executioner. I don’t think I could take that.”

Aisell laughed. “No, it isn’t Vanser. But…you do know him. So do I, though I didn’t know it until right after the final. You’re not the only one just finding out that friends are players.”

“Well, as long as you’re not the only one who’s hiding it. Aisell…I am damn proud of you, you know. Not for the win, either, or the record. What you did took incredible guts. And I am amazed at how lucky I am to be your friend.”

Aisell was at a loss for words. She leaned against the tablet, and said, “I do love you, Loona.”

“I love you. Give my best to the family, and give my condolences to Quendra, and I promise, when you come to visit, I’ll limit myself to only asking about one final. Promise.”

Aisell laughed. “Believe it or not,” she said, “that would be less talking about Tol-Bot than you usually do. And Loona?”


“Thanks for not…thanks for forgiving me. Knowing you…it had to bother you.”

“It did when I figured it out, but I’m over it. I mean…like I was ever going to dump you,” Loona said. “Even if I was serious about being mad, one look in those eyes and I’d be putty. I never stood a chance. You aren’t getting rid of me.”

“And it’s not just because now you’re dating Felltree?”

“Nah,” Loona said. “Dating Felltree? That’s ridiculous. Like anyone would believe I was dating the greatest Tol-Bot player in history.”

“You always said that Felltree was tied with Iron Maiden. Frankly, second isn’t bad.”

“Nah. The fact that Felltree is Aisell Maris puts her over the top. And there’s nobody that Iron Maiden could end up being – not Pryvani, not Rixie, not Naskia, not Nonah in stilts – that would ever change that.”


  1. Njord says:

    “…no species with the history of the human race has any business criticizing others for treating humans as second-class creatures.”

    Is that how it works? You did bad things to each other, so don’t whine when bad things on a cosmically greater scale are done to even more of you?

    I wonder about some of those other last wills and testaments. And just who else in our circle of Titans just happens to secretly be a Tol-Bot master.

    • faeriehunter says:

      I agree that not having had clean hands in the past doesn’t mean that you should keep silent when others perpetrate injustices in the present. That having been said, I think Mùlán just had a poor choice of words for what she was really thinking (as is often the case for one’s initial, unspoken thoughts). What Mùlán was getting at is that once Eyrn explains that the Empire for the most part treats humans as pets and that it’ll take time before they’re given the rights they deserve, Mùlán will respond to world leaders insisting that humans be immediately emancipated by pointing at human history, which shows that it’s simply impossible to overcome the resistance to emancipation in just a few days.

    • JohnnyScribe says:

      i will say there is at least one established character who played in the 2102 tournament who hasnt been revealed yet

  2. Nitestarr says:

    So I dig how Loona knows Luke but how does Taron know the Tribe? I would think access to them would be tightly controlled..That in itself would be another story

    • soatari says:

      Aisell, Luke and Quendra came to Darren’s wedding, and some of his baby showers. Taron was also at those events.

      • Nitestarr says:

        But did Taron actually visit the Tribe? I would think (and hope) that the Marises tightly control that access

          • NightEye says:

            Basic security ? The last people to “visit” the Tribe were the goons from TETH.
            Isn’t that what Lezah is saying to the (handsome) vet ? He’ll be allowed to visit when Lezah thinks he’s alright.

          • Ponczek says:

            But it may also mean, that Lezah would simply ask if he may come, and that just may be the case.

          • Nitestarr says:

            The Tribe has placed their trust in the Marises. Not only with their business agreement but also in their protection. Thats why. Remember, Aisell made an enemy with Lyroo and Prenn ranches is not far away. The freakies at TETH know about the tribe as do HOS. TETH also might make another run at the Tribe to ‘prove their point’…Also Quendra and co are raiding said ranches for humans which I imagine is not going to please the owner…

          • Soatari says:

            They are not raiding the ranch. You’ve completely misinterpreted a line from the epilogue.

  3. faeriehunter says:

    So Taron is The Executioner. Heh, didn’t see that one coming. This means he was a top ten Tol-Bot player as far back as 2102.

    And Loona knew about Felltree all along. Well, that one is not really surprising. Like Loona said, Felltree’s disguise wasn’t all that good at hiding Aisell’s identity from those who know her. By the way, wouldn’t her voice be recognizable? Or does the Felltree costume include a voice changer of some sort?

    Anyway, it’s good to see Felltree’s efforts already bearing some fruit. Question is, with all the recent talk about humans and their status in the Empire, what will the response of those opposed to increased human rights be?

    • synp says:

      “Question is, with all the recent talk about humans and their status in the Empire, what will the response of those opposed to increased human rights be?”

      * Get some local laws that say you have to be 10 m tall to vote.
      * Get some local laws that say you’re allowed to discriminate as long as it’s tied to religion or some life philosophy.
      * Get some human to dictate a blog saying how being owned and cared for is the best thing for all humans
      * Release some humans, wait for them to be killed by shaars, tell everyone “told you so”

        • Locutus of Boar says:

          Anything goes in the struggle to stay in power and keep others from power and that should be a major story element in what’s left of Contact and the start of Hybrid but the long term question will be what makes a titan a titan and a human a human as the lines continue to get blurred.

          Ultimately what you are may be a matter of convenience based on whatever environment you choose to live in and not what planet your ancestors hail from. When that day comes there will still be those who seek to accumulate power and withhold power…they’ll just use measures other than genetics as the barrier.

        • Nitestarr says:

          Yes Solis was right!!! Holy cow we can’t have those…….those……..those……..things infect our society, our pure, pristine, conflict-free society…..

  4. nergal says:

    I’m adoring these endings, but we’ve yet to see anything of the one person I want to see most. I desperately want to see Lyroo’s reaction to all of this. To finding out that Humans are now in space and have contact the Titan Empire.

    • Locutus of Boar says:

      Statement from the Office of the President, Human Owners Society: “42 year old Tol-Bot jocks that wear masks, use assumed names, and dress like Big Bird are not qualified to own humans.”

      Response of Six Time Grand Tribute champion “Feltree”: “Yup, that’s the point Lyroo. Nobody is qualified to own a human, especially a certain 48 year old busy-body with nothing better to do.”

    • Per Angusta Ad Augusta says:

      I’m hoping as they wrap up Contact we get introduced to a good villain (besides the random acts of cruelty by some Titans and a general grrr society as a whole is bad grr). So far its been Syon, not deep at all, just self-interested power hungry and cruel without any clear reason, just is, and Solis, also not well developed, a self aggrandizing supposed patriot who seems to delight in his cruelty and there just wasn’t much to go on as to his thought process, background, etc. Really just a blunt instrument to create the conflict in the story and move the plot along. Khalin too I guess but again, blunt instrument of cruelty, no depth. Lyroo sorta kinda?

      I’m hoping for a good villain/antagonist on one side or the other (or both) who the readers get to know better and who we can empathize with, but who we still oppose at the end of the day. Someone who can get in the heads of our protagonists and mess with them, cause doubt and disruption in the currently pretty unified ranks. One who can represent an ideological or methodological opponent that causes the real conflict, between and within the main characters. Villains make a story, but its best when we as the audience aren’t entirely sure they should be the villains. Hybrid looks primed for that to happen and I’m hoping it does!

      • Njord says:

        Took the words right out of my mouth. Villain-free stories can work fine, but if you’re going to have them, don’t take half measures. Even if they’re energetically wicked, give them some real motivation, some real punch.

  5. Genguidanos says:

    You know, I kinda think I’d like to see Luke’s shelter in the floor of the cantina preserved as an historic site. “On this spot in 2013 Luke Palmer of Earth survived on Titan Station for 397 days. May his unwavering fight for life, freedom, and home serve as inspiration to every Human, Titan, and all sentient beings that pass through this station.”

  6. Storysmith says:

    Taron… you Guys really got me there. And seeing everyone’s favorite goddess lose her mask(in the company of her one true love of course)…..perfect

  7. Kusanagi says:

    Sometimes it’s easy to forget not everyone knows everyone else’s secrets. Rixie only putting that Aisell was felltree when she mentioned Luke, and Aisell not knowing who Iron Maiden is. Taron though, wow that was a surprise, that tournament we were joking about in the comments is shaping up nicely! Their little circle of friends combines for 16 grand tribute titles….supposing no one else comes out as a player that is…

    Loona knowing all along was great, just because Tolbot Loona is nuts doesn’t mean she loses her sharpness and yeah Felltree always did show a lot of skin.

    While I would still love a background chatter the whole scene with the couples was fantastic. Such a personal issue that really nails home what Aisell’s talking about.

    Side note: I really hope Hybrid explores a lot of the kids, every little tidbit makes me interested in knowing more. Just what was Thyllia was pursuing, and Odin and Manto heh guess it’s not surprising the kids started hooking up with each other.

  8. sketch says:

    Holy shit, Taron is the Executioner!

    Was Nonah on stilts one of the reader guesses for Iron Maiden? I can’t remember. They should get all four champions into a meeting with Ammer, and Loona, to talk strategy. If they can leverage the wave right now, the more Tays and Nans they create across the empire, the easier the transition for humans will eventually be. But speaking of the more immediate, I’m thinking it’s time for Xu and some of the crew to go around with Eyrn and a few of the others and see about the pet humans and owners on the station right now. Maybe send Tig and Sorsha to the Pet shop, least chance of trouble from them.

    Also, Yes Thyllia, what ever it is, go for it.

  9. Peggy says:

    Super work, here! Hooray! What a great chapter! Taron, no shit!?! Hehehehe… Good stuff, Maynard, indeed! Chuckles and tears. And new babies, too! ;-}

  10. smoki1020 says:

    What the hell Taron as Tolbot player! Does everybody play the game?!!! the good thing the human rights movement has gotten a huge boost. Great scenes with Sassa, jotqan their former master, Zhan and the wife!

  11. Soatari says:

    Nan, at the end of their scene there, reminded me a bit of when, in Physics, Loona realized she was happier with Nonah as a friend than she ever was with her as a pet. I get the feeling Tay and Nan will come to the same conclusion soon enough.

  12. CoalWhite says:

    I quite literally gasped and squealed aloud when Taron revealed himself. I was not expecting that at all. This was an amazingly well written chapter.

    The scene with Taylin, Nanta, Joq and Sassa made me look twice at my dog, whom I’ve had fixed. How much have we put into looking at the true intelligence of the animals around us? Oh sure, we all know dolphins and orcas are highly emotionally developed and even have names for each other. But how deep have we gone into this thought? Or the animals we have domesticated as pets?

    So job well done in this chapter! I laughed at the last line. It’s now one of my favorite Loona-lines. And the image of Nonah in stilts cracks me up. I just love it. And now I want to see Loona’s reaction to finding out about Marionette and Iron Maiden!

    • Locutus of Boar says:

      Hmmm, I suspect Loona is still playing with Aisell about Iron Maiden’s identify as much as she feigned ignorance of Feltree up till now.

      For that matter Rixie acting surprised to Darren about Feltree may also have been just an act. Competitors as fierce as Feltree and Iron Maiden know the opponents’ style like reading fingerprints. Feltree beat Iron Maiden in the 2118 Tourney of Champions and there is no way Rixie didn’t know one of the very few competitors to ever defeat her.

      Can’t wait till Eyrn and Darren and Mulan get to Earth and they get back to work.

        • Locutus of Boar says:

          Contact wouldn’t be complete without at least a cameo by Lyroo. Barring a sneak attack by The Hive or Solis teaming up with Pryvani’s mom and breaking out of the imperial dungeon it may be that poor ole’Lyroo is the most intimidating antagonist available. 😉

      • Kusanagi says:

        Yeah, assuming she’s still president of the HOS she pretty much has to address it. First contact, future legislation pending, and one of the biggest celebrities in the empire coming out for human rights in front of billions. Lyroo’s going to have to be on serious damage control.

  13. Ancient Relic says:

    Another beautiful chapter, in every scene, plus the last sentence had me laughing. And Taron is a high ranked Tolbot player? I did not see that one coming.

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